
PAGE SEVEN STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 FLYNCH Valetor Presssing Machine Jack Johnson Gives Inside Story Eulogy to a New Negro Medical of His Private Life and Loves Departed Brother Students Jack Johnson, the onee famous pu thing was rank framewp, inspired By Our Atlantic Side Representative 586 Graduated from College DurObituary To Departed Friend gulistic heavy weight champion of by bitterness and racial animosity ing Last Five Years and Brother the world has been writing the and jealousy. Even the charges were (New York and Barbados papers story of his life, which is being pub founded on a law that was not oper please copy. Washington, 586 Negro lished by instalments in the Pittsburgative, but despite all this was son medical students have been graduat. AND So Teacher Howell is gone to his ed from the following medical col.
tenced to a year and one day in long rest leges during the past five years: The following which is the Sia Leavenworth In his passing there has passed Howard University, 255; Meharry Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages teenth instalment gives a most Perhaps invited all of this dicas with kin a sum of integrity to real Medical College, 220; Boston Univergraphie feature of the inside storyter by flying in the face of the unfriendships, fearlessness in exampli sity, 8; Chicago Medical Evangelists, Summary of Contents: of his private life and loves, and written law that colored man shall fication of that maniless so lacking 1: Columbia University, 1; Harvard History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years should make interesting reading.
not marry white woman. How in men and a training and education University, 6; Indiana University, 4; Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, My enemies have never neglected eier, say in all sineerity that the not commonly proven among the Long Island College, Hospital, 1; to place me in an unfavorable light white women who have honored me majority of our men today. Loyola University, 1; Northwest Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, before the world. Sly hints and sugby marrying me have been treated friend to the friendless and dis. University, 11; Ohio State, 5; Rush Magnificent Records of the 1923 Toui, gestive stories have been circulated, far better, far more kindly and lov. tressed though not being able to Medical College, 16; Syracuse Uni Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua and racial prejudices have been in ingly, with far more respect than convincce the casual acquaintance versity, 1; Temple, 6; Tufts, 3; UniPlayers voked to stir up passions and anger thousands of white women who are brother Howell you have preceded versity of Buffalo, 2; University of Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and against me. When there was the married to white men.
those of us to follow to awake when California, 2; University of Michigan, Interesting slightest foundation for such re. The white girls who have married all in the death state will hear the 9; University of Vermont, 1; Woports, they have been exaggerated me have loved me, and have loved call of Jesus and shall come forth. men Medical College of PennsylvaPrice 50cts.
beyond all proportion, but whenever and respected them. My only experi Amen.
nia, 3; Western Reserve, 1; Dalhousie have done things of a worthy na ences with girls of my own color were University, 6; McGill University, 7; ture, it has been played down. disastrdus, one deserting me when had committed what seemed like Queen University, 1; University of Secure yours now there will be a great rush will discuss these things, not be was struggling to become a champ a heinous crime to some persons. Montreal, Unversity of Toronto, for them.
cause am thin skinned and not be ion fighter, and the other running loved her and she loved me, but it Negro medical students have enrolCopies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN cause am offering a defense, be away with a friend had invited to wasn so simple as all that, as led in thirty Medical Schools, among which are the finest in the United Panama cause need no defenso, but simply share our home. The first was Mary found out. We were stared at on to make people understand that Jack Austin, a playmate of wine in Gal. the streets, newspapers printed flamStates and Canada.
Johnson is not the person he has been veston. Tex. the second was Clara ing stories. Yet there was no home Of the 2, 644 Negro students who painted.
Kern, a colored girl from Phil. life as ideal as ours, no bonds of have been enrolled, 586 have receivWhen was charged with violat. adelphia, who ran away with William affection and respect welded so clean.
ed medical degrees, 475 of whom ing the Mann act, the charge, was a Bryant, a trainer for the Cornelius ly and deeply. It was the persecuwere graduated from the medical coltrumped up charge completely with Vanderbilt meing stable, after họd tion to which we were subjected, leges at Howard University and Meout foundation, and the accusing invited him to live at my home.
combined with the shoek of her fa. harry 111 graduated from other mewitness was a irl who had lived with As a boy, had played with white ther death, that led my first white dical schools in the United States Custom Tailor me as my common law wife, who boys, enten at their homes, slept wife to commit suicide. She was a and Canada had travelled with me to San Fran with them and run errands for their brave, courageous soul and her loycisco for the Stanloy Ketchel fight mothers. had wheeled the baby ality to me was superb. Her tragic HAVE YOUR CLOTHES and who had been treated with the carriages in which their baby sisters ending was one of the worst blows Brilliant Cricket PRESSED BY utmost respect, consideration and took their xiring. had taken ever struck at me.
genrosity by me.
their sisters parts and protected LEEDS, August 22. ConJust, how great was the scope of stantine, the West Indian and NelHer name was Belle Schreiber, a them as they grew older from corher tolerance is best revealed when son cricketer, has been in the limegirl of German parentago from Mil ner loafers insults.
tell you of this experience. Olara light again. In a match between waukee, and she was hunted down So, when married Miss Ettie Kerr, the colored girl who had run Whitkirk eleven and Croft by government officers and persuad. Duryen, white girl. in Pittsburgh away with my friend, had been dis cliffe Benefit Pund, the noted crickteam, in aid of the Herbert SutJUST ARRIVED od to testify against me. The whole in 1909, did sº with no thought that covered by my lawyers in the prison ster delighted a crowd of well over at Toms Niver, charged with 3, 000 people by brilliant all round NO. CALIDONIA the murder of her brother. My play white wife went daily to that prison Bowling for Whitkirk, he took five to comfort her, and it was die who wickets for 45 runs, two of them in succession. Going in to bat, and suggested that set her up, upon profiting by an escape from an lbw.
her parole, in a small hotel which appeal he soon settled down to Miss Korr still runs.
a fire works display. His first 50 When was about to marry Miss runs were scored in 27 minutes, and FOR Lucille Cameron, a Minnesota girl, he had knocked up 65 in just un der half an hour before falling to.
few years later, her mother sped to brilliant catch in the long field.
Chicago to break off the engagement. Fifty two of Constantine runs In the World Pocket Understanding the mother distress were obtained by boundary hits two and brought her to her daughter. s and ten s.
and high in the World He hit one ball into the adjoining Lucille, told her, your mother cemetery, while his were made Lateem.
wished to talk to you. Whatever she by brilliant strokes all round the has to say to you will be for your wicket.
see own good. Remember that she means Constantine had a great reception more to you than any other person on retiring MISTELI. THE JEWELER The match was left drawn owing and that when all others have desert. to rain, but after Constantine disALL KINDS OF JEWELRY ed you, your mother will be loyal missal, fully three quarters of the Whatever she wishes you to do will crowd left the ground.
be for your own welfare.
No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave. made no attempt to see the girl CONSTANTINE, THE GREAT again, but when she persisted that FLOPS IN Panama, she loved me, her mother swore out an abduction warrant against me. From the Negre World. which was dismissed in court. Miss Constantine, the colored Cameron begged me to marry her cricketer, that has been playing proand did. loved her and for 12 fessionally in England, with a white years we lived happily. She was at English team, and who has had a the scene of some of my greatest tri good deal of publicity in recent days umphs and until the day she secured has been in the city since last FriPOPULAR CIVILIAN AND UNIFORM a divorce from me, she lived figura day. He was tendered a monster tively and literally as a queen. She banquet at the Renaissance Casino TAILORS CATHEDRAL PLAZA was a brave, honest, lovely wom by the Trinidad Cricket Club, for an, and will always think back with whom he has been playing since his House 77 Room pride to the fact that made her stay here. The first game was stag23rd Street Chorrillo and see the finest Assortment of sincerely happy.
ed last Saturday against the Cosmopolitan League. Quite a number of fans turned out to see Mr. Canstantine in action against this team. He of every description also the Finest DENTIST HOWELL put up some wonderful bowling and fielding, and when he went to bat everybody expected to see him put Selection of House No. 912 La Boca up a good score, as press notices had Canal Zone told them how quickly he scored and MODERN TAILOR that is England by his House 40 JUST RECEIVED OPPOSITE RESTAURANT had defeated team. But against our local boys he was bowled out, PHONE 1941. BALBOA after scoring two runs. Then 3rd November Street on Sunday he went with his team to Guachapali Panama City Come in and Inspect the Stock Specialises in all Branches of Brooklyn to meet an Brooklyn Dentistry Against this team he showed wonbefore Purchasing Elsewhere derful bowling and fielding, also when the time came for him to bat ALL WORK GUARANTEED everybody thought he would make Most everyybody that attended was glitters is not gold. He may have BRANCH STORE RESIDENCE588 up for the previous day. Well, he been a big shot in Old London, but in proved another disappointment, and disgusted with his failure to put up New York he was only a little fire125 Central Avenue Drink Salada Tea the best for was caught in the slip, after scoring good defense with the wood, which cracker. You can call it bad brakes the Tropios four runs. Ain that awful? only proves that everything that if you like. BUT YOMEGA WATCHES to give Making Good Clothes Cleaning Clothes Good REID QUALITY GUARANTEED CALL AT THE Panama Hardware Benjamin Barnett Son LOCKS GEO. BISHOP ARTIZAN TOOLS own score


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