p. 8


ESTABLISHEDS The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCT. 12, 1929. P R S The Famous St. Leger Stakes Won by Trigo Witnessed by Princess Mary and Lord Lascelles Races! Races! Races!
Exciting Race Program at Juan Franco Tomorrow AT JUAN FRANCO TRACK Tomorrow Afternoon SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13 1929 EXCITING RACES. as.
Copi. Chiquilla. Bomba Cantones. Kitty Gill First Race Starts at p.
Including Program. 25c track followers to ascribe Trigo Colored American Great Negro Tenor KINGSTON DIVISION usual Sunday afternoon fans England to most interesting and exciting race meet is scheduled for tomorrow London, England, Sept. 11. Trigonane until 1978. The Derby and the afternoon offering at Juan Franco won the famous St. Leger Stakes at Oaks were established in 1779. The program of seven races in which Doncaster today and thereby added race is named after its founder, Colthirty two horses ar listed to take to his laurels gained in the Epsomonel st. Luger, who raised a sweepspart is include in the seven events, Derby earlier in the year and comtake of 25 guineas from six subcribThe great feature of the afternoon pleting a double that seldom is ers, each of whom entered a horse.
sports will be a mile race featuring achieved. In fact this has not been Trigo, by repeating his sensational such fast ones as Copi, Chiquilla won since Lord Woolavington Cor victory at Epsom when he was rated Bomba, Kitty Gil and Cantones onach took both the Derby and the as an outsider, established himself Each horse in this combination has St. Leger in 1926 much to the year old of the season.
demonstrated some class and there is delight of the American visitors who Despite his winning of the Derby FEATURE EVENT surely going to be some tough job heavily backed him. there were many who regarded him picking the winner among this Trigo today neored his victory by as almost a second rater. In the bet.
a bare neck over Bosworth, owned ting last might he ranked third.
Then there is another event of six by Lord Derby: Horus, Sir Laurance Lord Astor filly, Pennycomequick and half furlongs in which such Phillip entrant and aleven other and Lieut. Col. Birkin Hotweed, fleeters as Marcela, Cartagena, So. year olds.
winner of the French Grand Prix cia and others will meet. This event Berry who rode Trigo gained his standing at shorter odds. The fact ADMISSION is also expected to be a puzzle for the first classic victory. Thus Irish sucthat the track on Derby Day, was fans.
cess was achieved all around for wet and that Kopi, one of the faOn a whole, the program is strikhorse jockey and owner, the latter vourites, fell, throwing some of the ingly interesting and must surely at William Barnett, a corn merchant contenders into confusion, led many tract a much greater crwd than the of Belfast, all are frish. Bernett has who only one other horse in training in Derby triumph to luck.
frequent the breezy pony track. Previous to Lord Wqolavington U. Continued from Page Here goes the shappy program. Continued from Page Trigo brought a fortune to Miss success, Mr. Fairie Gay Crusader ington, Chicago and Boston in addi1ST, RACE FURLONGS May Anderson of Mitcheldean, Glou and Lady James Douglas Gains plan, the commission will begin its In Big Mass Meeting Colombia 126 cestershire. She bought a ticket in borough in 1917 and 1918, respectwork with the next two or three tion to his regular concerts in these cities.
To Morrow Palo Loco.
120 the Royal Calcutta Turf Club St. ively, performed the unusual font of months.
It is authoritatively known that This success may be measured as Annie Laurie.
110 Leger sweepstake last June, with winning the triple crown the Two impressively from an artistic as from The and can is anxious Thousand Guineas, the Derby and the the administration Darien.
100 money she won by backing Trigo in a numerical standpoint. The Roland never die. Special communication the come the Epsom Derby and drew Trigo. St. Leger. Those were war years name a colored man on 2ND RACE FURLONGS Hayes whom the publics of America from the President General, the Hon.
First prize in the sweep is about however, when racing was not at its mittee.
118 and Europe know is a quiet, simple Marcus Garvey to His Excellency the best and the three classics were run 816, 000. She refused to sell any The commission which will be mannered figure, deeply engrossed in Governor of Jamaica praying for his Rippling Water.
118 share in the ticket, although offered at Newsmarket.
composed of three members, will be his art. His programs are chosen release to be signed will be read at Infimo.
118 2, 800 for a portion of it.
PAPYRUS RACES RECALLED appointed by the Liberian govern not for facile effort, but for the love the big mass meeting on Sunday Zapo.
116 PRINCESS MARY ATTENDS Sol Joel Pommern, in 1916, was ment, and will contain in addition to 112 Doncaster, Eng. Sept. 11. Prin. another war time winner of the triple the American member named by the of the best there is in the song lit next when members and well wish Trigo.
erature of the world. group of ers are cordially invited.
106 ceas Mary, Lord Lascelles and other crown. Prior to the war years the State Department, a member proThis announcement was made by Don Simon.
100 prominent persons in British society last repeater to win the St. Leger posed by the League of Nations and spirituals is included as an essential Rubbling Water the Local Representatives of the 90 part of every program. He sings were present as guests of Lord Lonswas Major Eustace Loder filly Liberian with fine perception of the inner Panama Division of the Organization 3RD RACE MILE.
dale, famous British sportman and Pretty PoPlly, which carried off the The work of the committee in beauties of these songs an utter which took place at their Hall on Copi.
126 racing enthusiast, when William One Thousand Guineas, the Oaks cludes a through and exhaustive in mastery of language and style, a Sunday last. The meeting WAS Chiquilla Barnett horse Trigo, which romp and the St. Leger. 112 ed away with the famous Epsom vestigation into the charges of the voice of an indescribable sweetness presided over by Dr. Barton Bomba.
100 Trigo is by Blandford out of Atha existence of shocking conditions of and a degree of control which is un the acting chairman. The religious Derby, captured the St. Leger Stakes. si. As a year old Trigo establish forced labor and alleged slavery, matched in the singing of today.
portion of the Programme was per. Kitti Gil.
at this fashionable North country ed an excellent reputation in Ire which were recently disclosed by formed by Mr. Phillips who after Cantones.
9C race meet to day. The stakes is worth land, where he was bred. His suc Thomas Faulkner, now visiting CHAPTER 14 TO HOLD wards gave a very stirring address 4TH RACE FURLONGS 12, 000.
cess on English tracks recalls the in this country from Monrovia.
BALL for the occasion.
La Nena.
The St. Leger stakes, fifth and career of Papyrus, the famous Irish 126 It is believed that three or four Among some of the other items of last of the season Excuse Me British turf colt which won the Derby in 1928 118 months will be required to hear eviThe much talked of ball which the evening were a vocal solo by Pauline 110 classies is open to year olds, both and was subsequently beaten in the dence of witnesses and determine is to take place to night under the Miss Brereton, the reading of the colts and filies. Coming as it does great international match race at. 100 at the end of the season when many Belmont Park by the American colt the part played in the situation by auspices of chapter 14 at their hall President, General message by the Don Florentino.
5TH RACE FURLONGS of the year olds have established Zev.
the Liberians and affix responsibili. and for which the Royal flush Or acting Secretary Mr. Greely address by Mr. McKenie Coeddha.
themselves in fame it is regarded as 120 chestra) will furnish the music) pro and an Strange to say the Irish owners of mises to be quite an unusual af. The principle address of the evening Tunney 120 one of the best tests of horse flesh both these famous colts are reported was delivered by the acting See La Loma.
116 fair.
on the racing calendar. The Doncasto have been in moderate circum Delightful Program 110 The committee in charge which is retary who made mention of the un. Lagrimit.
ter St. Leger course in one mile six stances. Trigo two victories this easiness of the members with respect Honey Dew.
114 comprised of Messrs Phillips, to the imprisonment of the Presifurlongs and 132 yards long. For season are each worth more than racing purposes it is considered 12, 000 to his owner. Continued on Page Brathwaite. Mrs. Louise Thomp 6TH RACE FURLONGS dent General superior to Epsom, where the classic woman. also Madam de Weeks who son, Amilia Josephs, and Mrs. ElfriThe meeting was brought to Kitty Gin 126 Derby and Oaks are run.
thrills one with her nightingale like da Ifin, is leaving no stone unturned close with the singing of the Hymn. Bolshevik.
ETHIOPIA AND BUILDING 122 Lord Astor Pennycomequick, fasoprano voice; the damsel, Miss so that the entertainment may reach The day thou gavest Lord is ended. Marcela.
118 voured in the prerace betting, and (Continued from page Regist with a guitar duet accompani the required mark.
114 Mrs. Glorney Posterity were among Moulton, its trenchant author, saysed by Mr. Gallimore, damsel Mies The programme will be augmented The affair promises to be very Cartagena 114 the eleven unplaced horses. Penny the Booklet will give in synthetie Blackett another elocutionary treat by a special Menu and the price interesting when such capable men Socia.
100 comequiek won the Epsom Oaks this form some of the reasons why Ethio and Mr. Geo. Abbott with a flute is within the reach of all. Doors will as Thrope, Joe Layne, Price, Brown TTH RACE FURLONGS season. The betting was to pians in their day were the might solo.
Lynton will represent Silver City, against Trigo, to against Bos iest people on earth, and why if These are only a few of the items 118 CRICKET and the famous Reid, Clarke, Peters Infimo.
worth and 25 to against Horus. Ethiopians now abroad would realise mentioned, but to do justice to your An interesting game of cricket will MeDonald and Roberts with 116 IS OLDEST BRITISH CLASSIC and live their true self as a people self on this occasion, come and see be played by the Silver City ele will represent Colon.
112 The 96. Loger is the oldest of the they should be restored to a much Come and see and hear and judge ven and a combined Colon eleven Scores of thrills will be in store Mayara.
112 five classics. It was established in more glorious sphere than their an for yourself, you will never forget at the Mount Hope Ball Park to for circket enthusiasts who attend Laughing Water 110 1776, though it did not receive its cient place.
the dime paid.
Don Simon the game.
morrow evening 100 other Zapa.


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