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PRICE CENTS COLOURED PREJUDICE STIRS ENGLAND Labor Member for Parliament DR. NATHAN ROWE DIES Africa Had Civilization Condemns London Hotels 17. 000 Years Ago AT PANAMA HOSPITAL Was Old Timer on Isthmus Friends Grieve Passing Colored People Built Temples Says Color Prejudice Not in Ac ALBERT FALLS GETS We deeply regret to announce the cordance with Best Principles YEAR JAIL SENTENCE death of Dr. Nathan Rowe, Phụ.
While Savages Roamed over sician and Surgeon of Colon, who Europe of British Traditions And Fined 10, 000 For passed away on Wednesday morning Accepting Bribe last at 6:40 in the Panama Hospital. CAPETOWN, Over 7, 000 mining people. They were not war.
London, Eng Oct. On the London, emphasized the fact that Dr. Rowe had been in ill health years ago when wild animals and like, since enemies never threatened heels of the furore created by Robert prejudice is growing here. The ALBERT FALL for the past year, but being of a naked savages roamed over Europe them. Some 150 years ago, the last Abbott, editor and publisher of great influx of white Americans has Albert Fall, formerly secretary robust physique he continued to and America, a flourishing civiliza oi them disappeared, but legends of The Chiengo Defender, in his fight been given as one of the chief reaof the interior for the United States practice his profession without the tion of colored people existed in their greatness still exist.
against intolerance and racial preju sions for the growing discrimination in Harding cabinet was sentenced thoughtthat the disease had been Zimbabwe, East Africa.
The principal buildings of this civdice, when he was in London in in this city, and has started official yesterday in Washington to one year making more ravages on his consti This is the view of Professor Leo ilization were temples. They could August, came the disclosure Tuesday London to investigating conditions imprisonment and 1, 000, 000. 00 fine tution. little over two months Frobenius, Harvard explorer and not possibly have been fortresses, for that Paul Robeson, internationally with a view to wiping out these prac. for accepting bribe of 1, 000. 00 from ago he was compelled to seek medi: archeologist, now at work in South they were of easy access on all sidos.
known singer and actor, had been tices.
Edward Doheny eight years ago.
cal aid at the Panama Hospital, and Africa.
These ancient colored people had refused admittance to the dining hall James Marley, Labor member Motion for a new trial was denied was confined to that institution for The result of his swwwy of ihe Zim a remarkable knowledge of geology; and grill room of a leading hotel of parliament, one of the first per by Judge Hitz, two stated that in a period of six weeks. He rallied abwe ruins and the civilization confor, though there were seemingly recently sons to condemn London hotels for view of Fall age and infirmity he and seemed on the road to recovery nected with them was published re only three places in the country The Robeson situation was reveal refusing service and entertainment would give him only the minimun and rturned to Colon where he resu cently in the Cape Argus, news. where minerals were to be found, ed in a letter by the actor, a to Editor and Mrs. Abbott, is now penalty. The maximun in such a med practice, in spite of the warning paper.
they discovered them and sank graduate and all American football Prof. Frobeniu neclared that a beautifully constructed shafts.
player from Rutgers, where he also heading the investigation into the case would be three years imprison of the Doctors to take thing easy.
Two weeks ago he was compelled great race lived in de area extend Robeson case. He addressed the ment and 300, 000. 00 fine.
In one of these old workings, he won the Phi Betta Kappa key, and meeting of the Quaker society at te return to the Panama Hospital ing from Lake Nyasa to Basutoland found a shaft forty five feet deep, law graduate from Columbia univer, which Mr. Robeson letter was read RAMSAY MAC DONALD connected with the medical profes. life, and the people worshipped the depth for about ninety five feet.
where the Doctors used every skill Religion dominated their national proceeding horizontally from that sity in New York, to the Society of and pledged himself to follow the Friends, a Quaker association, in AGAIN IN ENGLAND sion to save his life.
moon and stars and possessed a This passage was three feet wide which he told of his humiliation situation on through to its conclusion Several other organizations of imDr. Rowe was a native of Jamaica wonderful knowledge of astronomy and one and a half feet high. How at the hotel towhich he had been portance in London have interested Greeted and Cheered By and lived on the isthmus for many moulding their lives on the stars people managed to work there, or invited by a party of white friends Venus year In his letter, Robeson related his. themselves in the case and have of.
Huge Crowd At Dock years, first in Bocas del Toro where their corresponding how they obtained light and ventilahe did a flourishing business. After with the Sirius year of the Egyp tion is not known.
experience, explaining that, in his fered their support to Mr. Marley ir tians.
Cable advises received here yester. which he came to Panama, and being certain type of bronze called three years in London, this was the his fight Color prejudice is not in Eventually the fabric on which nickel bronze was found in only certirst time that he had faced the color accordance with the best principles day report that Ramsey MacDonald a competent pharmacist, opened a this empire was based, collapsed, and tain parts of Africa, said Prof, Frobbar in the same manner that he had of British traditions, one prominent head of the new labor government drug store which he operated sucthousands were expelled from the enius. It was found nowhere else in experienced in his own country, person declared, and we intend to of England landed in Liverpool on cessfully for many years at Colon.
the Morning of November aboard He left for the United States some empire, many fleeing northwards, and the world, and articles and objecte Foollowing, as it did, so closely wipe it out, in spite of the desires of a course in to this day, according to the prowhich have been discovered in Egypt on the trail of the incident in which white Americans who come here. the liner Duchess of York. He had years ago and took Howard University. fessor, relics of this civilization are and Samaria which had belonged to Mr. Abbott figured, the barring of there must be color prejudices, let it been absent from the home country medicine at old civilizations were found to con hotels to Robeson, acclaimed as one remain in America where it appare nearly one month, during which time on graduating he returned to the to be found in Africa, He declared that they were a he visited the United States and Isthmus, and after taking the local (Continued on Page of the most popular persons in ently was born.
Canada. His main mission was that Medical Board examination, was adof conferring with President Hoovermitted to practice his profession a regards to a closer understanding He settled down in the city of between England and the United Colon where he developed an extenStates. sive clientele during the past five The Premier was met at the docks years, by the Earl of Derby and the Lord Dr. Rowe, was well known in Pan. Refuses to Answer Questions Until He Boys Will not be Allowed from the Mayor of Liverpool, as a huge crowd ana where he had many friends looked on and cheered his appear. being of an affable and genial disKnows His Accuser Institution Without a Permit ance. special train took Mac. position, and his passing will be as Donald and his daughter to London greatly felt here as in Colon by the The future of the COLON BOYS at 8:45 host of friends who had come to Nelson Rounsevell, director of the INSTITUTE under the directorship NEW HEALTH OFFICER he was greeted at the Euston On his arrival in London at 12:45 appreciate his sterling qualities. Panama American was called before SUDDEN DEATH OF of Comander Watson promise He leaves, a wife Mrs. Leonora the district alcalde of Panama yestermuch for the wayward youths of BRUCE SENHOUSE FOR PANAMA Station by an immense crowd, num. Rowe, two sons Victor and Kenneth day morning in order to be asked bering several thousands, who gave the former is in the States studying certain questions with regards to this City. Mr. Watson Illness has hima tremendeous ovation. Most medicine a brother, Captain Lester The Guachapali Distriet around Yesterday morning found the City proven a blessing in that he has of the Cabinet members were at the Rowe, at present on the Isthmus editorials published in the Panama 22nd Street was thrown into a state had the opportunity of working out of Panama with a new Health of certain reforms, that will not only ficer. The same is Dr. Haral station and joined in welcoming and a mother and sisters at Jamaica, American yesterday entitled Po of excitement yesterday morning at him. mourn their loss.
litics and Judiciary and signed by about 30 o clock by the sudden benefit the boys of the institute, son, chief quarantine officer, who but the boys and parents of the city succeeded Dr. Henry Goldthwaite, ing street where he prsided over fraternal organizations at Colon and tion.
He proceeded at once to 10 Down Dr. Rowe was connected to many NR. and the one entitled Presecu death of Bruce Senhouse a tailor who resided in that District.
in general.
recentlyy removed by Sec y of War According to information given to The financial problem of the Insti: Hurley. Dr. Long has takken cabinet meting. After this he will was medical adviser for quite a Before answering any of the a representative of this journal tute has always been one of Mr. Dr. Haralson place as Quarantine go to chequers on a week end holiday. number.
His mortal remains are at pre questions asked, Mr. Rounsevell Senhouse was seen as usual at about Watson head aches he has had to put into effect, methods that were It is understood that Dr. Haralson Bishop Morris to Preach at sent in the Ancon Laboratory where asked that the alcalde explain the 80 a. when he was on his way St. Peter Church it is embalmed awaiting the arrival nature of the charges against him to a restaurant to take tea.
not directly his liking, but, for the will discharge his new duties only We are advised to state that the of his Brother Capptain Rowe who sake of keeping the boys from temporarily as a new health officer Rt. Rev. James Craik Morris is expected at and also the name of his accuser, in Having completed his mission, he any minute, after hunger, and assisting to keep the will be appointed soon by the Surplained of havng bad feelings; the building of the Institute in a liveable geon General of the United States. Bishop of the Canal Zone will be which it will be taken over to Colon compliance with certain sections of returned to his home where he comthe preacher at the Evensong service for interment at Mount Hope Ceme the Panamanian laws.
assistance of Rouse (a nearby condition, he accepted very many On assuming his new duties Dr. at St. Peter Church La Boca to tery.
offers that necessitated the pros Haralson visited the Secretary of The alcalde made known to Mr. resident) was summoned, and seeing morrow night.
IN The entire community of Colon ence of the boys on the streets of Agriculture and Public Works Don and a large number of West Indians Rounsevell the fact that he, asal the condition of his friend, he hastened to call Dr. Fairweather, Colon, selling newspapers, and Luis Filipe Clement. After this he son did a person great work in assiting and Panamanians at Panama (Mrs. calde could question any similar activities. But since the had a conference with Dr. Garcia Dr. Siler Panama Canal Health of Rowe being Panamanian) join in under his jurisdiction with regards who rendered medical aid but Sen gentleman Illness, a new floodgate de Paredes Panama herith doctor. ficer in the recent Small pox epide sympathy with the bereaved.
to the making of any investegations house pessed away, shortly after the (Continued on Page It will be recalled that Dr. Haral mic that ravaged Panama.
he may desire to make. Continued on Page 8)
Colon Boys Institute to Adopt Great Reforms Rounsenvell Again Called Before The Alcalde


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