
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, NOV. 1920 ana INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS ST. VINCENT JAMAICA BARBADOS Self Government In and a cargo and was that TRINIDAD Not in favour with Proposed St. Vincent Joins Legislative May Chorus for West Adopt Effective West Indian Air Service Indian Federation Measure The telegrams of Monday last in suppose he was addressing if he formed us that at a meeting of five hoped that this bombast could carry Trinidad Editor Claims Line will not be thousand Grenadians Captain Cipri conviction? We are not, like the The following editorial comment To Suppress Highway ani, the Trinidad Labour Leader Jamaica Gleaner, among the number Worth a Penny of Subsidy from Colony appears in St. Vincent Investigator Robbery made one of his usual fiery and im of those who think the Federation passioned appeals to West Indians to of the West Indies a mistake. We The following editorial appeared in cost is to be approximately as two of Saturday September 7, 1929, un JAMAICA. With the revival of demand federation and self govern do not; and great though the difthe Port of Spain Gazette of Septem shillings is to a penny? How few der the caption The Making of the highway robbery scare, the ment of the Imperial Government. He ficulties may be which lie in its ber 24:of our Trinidad merchants have so New West Indies.
The evident anxiety scarcely veil frequently the need for extra rapid The advance made by the people Gleaner has good reason to believe is reported to have said that he had path the coming of federation will ed, in fact, of the West India Com correspondence with Canada as to of the West Indies during the less that at the Autumn session of the no doubt that His Majesty Govern not be indefinitely postponed. We in its more mittee Circular that pressure should make it probable that they would than one hundred years that have Legislative Council prompt and ef. ment would grant the West Indies cannot concelve how be brought to bear upon the Home pay two shillings to get a letter up elapsed since the country beceme feetive measures will be urged by sell government provided the demand guarded perhaps we should say, inwas made unaimously or backed formed moments the Gleaner and Colonial Govern ments to grant in days instead of paying a penny the land of the free is positively various legislators to cope with the a subsidy to the proposed British to have it delivered in 14 days? striking. No other people through situation, and to prevent a repeti by. substantial majority of the should so far have lost sight of the people.
essential differences in the functions Atlantic Airways line to the West Very few, we fancy! And the num out the history of the world has tion of the reign of terror which Surely this is admirable fooling of a federal and of island GoverIndies, must be our excuse for re ber of ordinary private letters that made such rapid strides in progress prevailed between December He was speaking, it is true, to a ments in a Federated West Indies.
turning once more to a question on would require to be sent would be as the West Indians, and to day they January last yar.
Yesterday afternoon represencrowd of naturally enthusiastic per lus arguments on the impossibility of which, perhaps, some may think we infinitely smaller. As a mail op look back upon a very creditable tative of the have already stated in categorically pertunity, the usefulness of the air past Gleaner had a consons who in spite of their acquaint Jamaica or a Jamaica Governor ever comparison of West Indiansversation with a prominent gentle lative councils might reasonably be eral system, of inferiority to their ance with members of colonial legis agreeing to a position, under a Feddefinite terms all be As daid with regard to the West Indian route, it is obvious that it can never with the people of sovereign states man who has to do with the sup. excused from waxing joyous end present dignity are fallacious, not to point of view, According to the have any real importance. And for reveals the fact that in every as pression of crime, and this was what complacent when this visitor from a say puerile. We conceive however Circular of the 22nd August, the the conveyance of passengers, we peet of civilised life the British West he told the pressman. neighbouring colony had come to that there British service proposed would be: suggest that its usefulness will be Indies occupy a respectable position. cannot understand why the po help them in their campaign for (a) from Port of Spain to Barba always limited to the few well to do in the business sphere the colonies lice do not take steps to prevent the IS ONLY ONE ASPECT greater self rule. But what half wit in which in the immediate or even dos, Demerara and Venezuela; men who ought to be made to pay can boast of shrewd, competent men. issuing of a driver license to habl ted morons did the gallant Captain the mediate future any scheme of (b)from Port of Spain to Jamaica, out of their own pockets, and not to In Religion West Indies show them tual criminals. There are hun demand contributions from the earselves just worthy as any other na dreds of motor cears, taxis and moFederation comes within the range (c) from Jamaica via the Bahamas nings of the poor working class tionals and our Churches are organ tor trucks in the island, and yet no party applying for a license, and in of practical polities. That aspect is and Bermuda to Canada.
taxpayyers to enable any company ised and run as well as anywhere in effective steps have ever been taken case of an applicant whose career purely the economie. Uniformity of sirways service the civilized world. Educationally to see that the drivers of these moThe company questionable, the Collector postal and telegraph services, a unito maintain an which has been well feel proud of our formed to establish these services whereby they can enjoy the luxury we can tor vehicles are people of reputable should have full discretion to refuse form coinage, uniform customs diaof the soil are character.
the license. ties and in a different sphere some calculates that they require a sub 01 personal necessity of a days trip achievements; sons sidy of 80, 000 per annum for how to Canada. There is absolutely no found filling every position for What is your suggestion for a The interviewed went on to make standardisation of primary education long is carefully left unsaid and benefit to the West indies or at any which only education can fit a man.
remedy? asked the newspaperman the startling statment that there in the West Indies with an inter Well, replied the interviewed are a number of motor vehicle change of educational officials, that they are, fondly, as we hope, waiting rate to Trinidad to arise from any in polities the conduct of all af.
he will be proposed air service to Canada, and fairs in connection with elections, see no reason why any Collector drivers of very questionable charae is to say teachers, throughout the isfor an assurance our legisla of Taxes should issue a license to forthcoming, one half from the Im seeing that an American Company orderly procedure in ter, and until the Government took lands these are among the most obperial Government, and the rest from and a French Company are now tum tures, saneness in the public discusany individual who has been consome definite steps to control the vious means of bringing the West pleziel is one on the West Indies bling over eacch other to get the sicn of matters affecting the welfare victed three or more times for lar. ramifications of men of questionable Indies more closely together withof the colonies are the outstanding vehicles ceny. In my opinion. think that character driving motor It is unnecessary here to recapitulate mere gracious permission of our out precipitating a reaction into even l that has been said as to the us.
Government to establish features and who can deny that every applicant for a driver license the bandit scare would periodically more intercolonial jealousy and ar.
fulness, and importance of an ocean LANDING STATIONS HERE, these conditions locally are far in ad should produce a certificate both arise.
mour proper than exist at present airways service in general. It is for which they are prepared to pay vance of those to be found in places from the Inspector of Police in the Yesterday afternoon repre. To hope for more within the present recognised as a valuable aid to busi handsomely in the shape of spending like Panama, Brazil, etc. whose Gov. perish in which he has resided and sentative of the Gleaner lernt that generation is to deceive onesell and there is enough of either or both to with facilities, we really cannot see garded with respect and carry out who is the Registrar of Habitual impressed with the matter that he who, blisfully unconscious of the and passenger traffic when money freely to provide themselves ernments notwithstanding, are re the Detective Inspector in Kingston a prominent elected member was so to bring disillusion to the thousands justify its establishment. But we why there should be all this indecent to the full the sovereign rights of Criminals. The Collector of Taxes has decided to bring up the whole Colonial Office and of its might think there can be no two opinions effort at endeavouring to stampede free nations. Even inside the Bri in this way would be able to have matter at the coming autumn ses think that a demand for its synony.
as to the utter and the Colonial Government into grant tish Commonwealth of Nations we first hand information as the sion of the Legislative Council. Continued on Page 7)
ABSOLUTE USELESSNESS ing 15, 000 share of the proposed have example as in the Union of of the proposed line or for that subsidy to the British company.
South Africa, of a lower level conmatter, or any other line to Tri. There is a good deal of pretence as duet in Legislature than is to be obnidad, though possibly it may be to the possibility of Colonial Governserved in West Indian Assemblies.
beneficial to the smaller northernments losing sight to the paramount All the above conditions establish islands that they should possess the importance of British interests in for West Indians strong claim for means of rapid and frequent mail the air being conserved, and of their the right to manage their own af and passenger communication with perhaps giving rights to foreigners. fairs and there is no power on earth Trinidad. Seriously regarded, and But it cannot seriously be pretended to check the movement which is dispassionately considered, without that if we ever do anything at all now gaining headway in the direcINCORPORATED 1869 ccnsideration for the monetary pre in the matter, it will be under duress tion of securing for the British fits which the security of a handsome from home; we West Indies the status of a self govare certainly not Head Office: Montreal, Canada state subsidy may ensure, we would going to be allowed to do as we like ering state within the British Comask the promoters of ocean airways or as we think best for ourselves in monwealth of Nations. The earlier services to Trinidad to state in terms the matter; and the appeal to the this is achieved the better for the what are the benefits to accrue to Colonial Government is thus nothing now disunited colonies. Obviously PANAMA COLON Trinidad from such a venture. At the first requirement is unity of more or less than an appeal to the Santa Ana Plaza present we have an unneccessarily Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets heavily subsidised mail service by Home Government to force us to do spirit among the people throughout the colonies. Once this is achieved the sea provided by the boats of the as the West India Committee wishes way on to victory becomes easier un to in the interests of a Canadian Canadian line, which takes all our to tread. The slogan for the moveTotal Assets in Excess of 950, 000, 000. 00 ecrrespondence to Canada, and bringa project. We trust that it will be ment should be: Federate the us all that we require from Canada very carefully borne in mind by all minds of the people and to this we in a period of 14 days each way. on whom falls the responsibility for fervently direct the attention of Assuming that the airways route any action in this connection, that leaders in all the colonies.
would do the trip in half that time, no such air service is going to be With 900 Branches throughout the world, including stopping at all the islands, worth a single penny of subsidy from here, but allowing all comers to the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank WHAT BENEEFIT WILL ACCRUE Trinidad; and that, on the contrary, enjoy an equal welcome, and regardto us, and what likelihood is there of we should remain free air port. ing any payments they make us in is in a position to render the best possible service, our availing ourselves of such open to the airships of the world, the shape of money spent here for slight aceleration of time when the paying none anything for coming airdromes, ect. as a very trifling consideration for the privileges they Antigua Dominica Monteermat enjoy in coming here.
Bahamas Grenada St. Kitts Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia TRY Sailor Pays British Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique MIRAMAR for His Folly Guadeloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
SALAD OIL Trinidad Guardian Correspondent.
San Fernando, Tuesday, For Mayonaise or Dressing While roaming about the town here HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST yesterday afternoon, Harold HendThe Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co. rickson, an American milor from PAID ON DEPOSITS aboard the Papoose which is Panama 65. PHONES. Colon 84 loading oil at Pointe a Pierre seized macaw which was perched in a General Banking Business Transacted.
tailor shop at Mucurapo Street, Advertise in the Workman (Continued page to The Royal Bank of Canada

    SpainWorking Class

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