
PAGE THREE Interesting Jottings Sugar Conference Called in Trinidad (By ELIJAH HUNTER)
LA MASCOTA HEADQUARTERS FOR ENGLISH TWEEDS AND FLANNELS ALSO THE FINEST SELECTION STETSON HATS AND Friends and countrymen: It is no jackass. The fellow so called fun to grind out these jottings week objected saying that the caller was by week. The idea is to give those a fool for calling him a jackass when who like to read little funny say. He knew very well that every jackan ings a few smiles, especially the has a tail. The other one retorted young persons whose minds are that this other fellow was the third light for the most part, and who tailless jackass he had encountered desire to read fiction, smart stories during the past month, and that there jokes, frivolities and the like. Some seemed to have been a pretty good of their heads are light too, and in distribution of them because he enorder to keep them from becoming countered one in Balboa, the other disgusted with walking the straight in Panama, and the third in Colon.
and serious path, a little frivolity Well, said the fellow, always heard is not out of place. Young people that every jackass is kicker cannot be expected to be as serious especially when he is jammed as you minded as their elders, although it hrve now jammed me, and in order is observed that many elders are as, to give you the satisfaction of my or more light minded than the aver agreement with you, must show age youngster, for what reason, you that am a cannot tell. It is a strange thing by doing a complete jackass little kicking. Vap!
It cannot be properly understood. Vap. one on the mouth, the other It seems unnatural. Some people in the stomach. There you are charge it to white rum, others to said he, from to day, you will always dreams, and still others to illiteracy. remember that am a jackass, but don know which is right; but guess you ll abstain from jamming whichever it is, it is, and that me. Perhaps too, you will remember that.
the old saying that, Ef you wan to jam jackass, you mus tek a long notice in the papers that going tirk, and tan fara. barefoot has become a crime. Some new variety of persons have of my countrymen were made to made their appearance in the place.
understand that the other day. They say this because have heard it have been remimded of the very dark said this week that variety is stain they had put on their characcalled squirrel persons Lordie!
ters by having gone barefooted this name sounded so strenge to me back in their native land, and that they have been indelibly stained that had to ask for some explanathat then, now, and for all time. am tion. They explained to me nos impressed (at least favorably) Squirrel persons means all those with this kind of monkey business persons who jump from place to place and from thing to thing, and poke but you see, friends and countrytheir notes everywhere without purmen, on the stage of life there is a diversity of actors. The entertain pose and without reason. was satisment would have no variety if this fied. concur. Although they are not was not so. advise you therefore really a new variety, they are surely to have a good laugh and let it pass, becoming borish of late in this unwhile you bear in mind that every fortunate community. The thing to circus has a clown!
do with them is to set traps and catch them up and keep them as Two fellows had quarrel the pets. That what they do with other day. One called the other a squirrels!
PACKARD SHOES TO SELECT FROM Packard SHOE special mee te of the Couneil of the Chamber of Commerce of Barbados was held recently to consider a le! ter from the Trinidad Chamber in connection with the Conference which is to be held in Trinidad next month preparatory to the visit of the Sugar Commission from England.
The President Mr. Jason Jones, stated that he hnd instructed the Clerk to write the Trinidad Chamber enquiring 1) What subjects is it proposed to discuss. 2) When will the Conference be held? and (3) What other islands will be sending delegates?
In reply, the Secretary the Trinidad Chamber wrote to that the Conference would be held on the 23rd, 24th and 25th September.
The Barbados delegates could leave Barbados by the Lady Hawkins on the 17th September and return by the same steamer on the 25th, arriving back in Barbados on the 27th, CF approximately, one week before the arrival in Barbados of Lord Olivier, who has accepted the appointment of Commissioner by the Secretary of State for the Colonies and will be leaving England towards the end of September In addition to Barbadon and Trinidad, the Colonies of Jamaica, British Guiana, Antigua and St. Kitts have been invited to send delegates, and it is our hope that a fully representative meeting of the West Indian sugar interests will be possible in view of the urgent necessity of putting before the Commissioner concerted policy. The only subject to discuss will be sugar, its economie position in the West Indies, ita production costs, its marketing probems and the present crisis in the The Council appointed Mr. Jason Jones as their representative at the Conferencce and instructed the Clerk to write the Agricultural Society requesting them to appoint planter delegate.
LA MASCOTA MULLER Prop 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 JOB. PRINTING Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY Letter to the Editor CITIZENSHIP DOMICILE Drink Salada Ten the best for the Troplan Have You Tried Chivers. Chivers Jams and Old English Marmalade are world famous the mains.
Sir: Please allow space for con tions of domicile as to residence or intention. Domicile follows tinuation of the following: constraint, when the legal constraint supported by evidence of the birth the is removed, as when a person in the or naturalization of the applicant Rules of domicile continued. D) changed conditions, and is establishSave in the case of the reversion to ed as a fact whenever its essential charged and thereby resumes his Military or Naval service is dis This now brings to a close a subject the domicile of origin, presently to conditions are perffected or complied freedom of choice in respect to movewhich is of importance to all readers be explained, domicile once acquired within the place of residence.
ment, residence, and oceupation, of this journal, and which. It is is presumed to continue until it is The rules of domicile are of im.
hoped conveyed the information PASSPORTS: It has shown to have been changed. Where portance because they largely de that the citizenship of an individual, West Indians who have lived in been seen intended. There are today many such a change of domicile is alleged termine that status of an individual when drawn in question in a foreign foreign parts for many years not the burden of proving it rests upon at international law. They are apthe person making the allegation. plied by the courts of all civilized evidence of allegiance. This evid they the status of Domiciles, nor country, is proved by documentary as property owners, neither have To constitute the new domicile, two states, in the decision of cases aris.
ence is contained in papssports, and citizens, but yet they consider themthings are indispensable. first, re ing in private international law; and as a passport or certificate of origin selves as being part of the nation in sidence in the new locality; and sec they become specially important in may be defined as a written instru the country they reside, without so ond, the intention to remain there the time of war, since by them the ment issued by the authority of the declaring in any The change cannot be made except character of an individual as an state for the identification and promanner their inare alike enemy or neutral is fixed and deter tection of its citizens when travelling correct this wrong, and as a means tention in the proper namer. To Faeto Et Animo; both necessary. Either without the other mined.
abroad, and containing; first, a ceris insufficient. Mere absence from Kinds of domicile: Three kinds tificate of citizenship of the bearer to an end, this subject was written a fixed home, however long continued, so that those who here tofore erred cf domicile are recognized by law: or holder; and second, formal per may now consider their status and cannot work the change, there must Domicile of orign This condi mission for such citizen to leave the act accordingly. It is the desire of be the Animust to change the prior tion coincides with citizenship by state of his allegiance. They are domicile for another. Until the new birth and has already been described. issued under such regulations and follow this Journal in all its activit.
writer that our community one is acquired, the old one reIf another domicile is acquired, and restrictions as the state may see ies, for herein do appear subjects of subsequently lost, the domicile of fit to impose, and bear, as a rule the (E) Domicile is always presum origin is said to revert.
a healthy nature, Literature, Educascal of the state under whose auth ticnal and otherwise, subjects, not ed, when once the essential condi2. Domicile of choice. This is ority they have been issued. When the mere outcome of a display of tions of residence and intention have the civil status that is acquired by lewfully issued they constitute evi Literary skill, but with a view of been fulfilled by an individual, and an individual as a consequence of dence of identity and nationality giving out information conducive to when the facts of such residence residence in a place other than that when a question of citizenship arises higher morals, lofty principles, and have been established by competent of his birth, with the intention in a country other than that of the ar aim to establish in the minds of testimony, a court is bound to draw remaining.
the inference, that the intention is individual who produces them. They our people those things which are Domicile by operation of lawto acquire domicile. This follows are obtained upon application duly the inherent rights of all free peofrom the rule that every individunl This status results when a dependent made in behalf of the individual ples.
person passes under the control of desiring them, such application being is presumed to have a domicile. It a legal superior. Such is the case his residence in a particular place has been such in point of character marriage, or a child at adoption, or with the domicile of a woman at duration, and intention as to conform to the conditions already stated, when an illegitimate child is legitiTRY matized in accordance with the law that place, becomes his domicile if he is a mere sojourner in a foreign of the place where such legitimata tion occurs.
The domicile of depcountry, the place of his birth concountry to be his domicile. oed operation of law, may change when persons, SALAD OIL of (F) As domicile may be freely the condition of dependency is terchosen, so may it be relinquished minated; The domicile of the wife, For Mayonaise or Dressing or changed, at the will of the indiv for example, may be changed after idual. To effect such a change, it the death of her husband, as may The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
is only necessary for him to fulfill that of an infant upon attaining his Panama 65. PHONES. Colon 84 In another place the legal condi majority; or that of a person under 00000 FOR SALE AT Antonio Fong Co.
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