
AGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, NOV. 1929 APPLIED EDUCATION EDITORIAL COMMENT UNITY OF PURPOSE kel 20. 60 Dr. Leo Pink was nothing wrong in the conduct of this group of the big difficulty lies in the fact that some of us fail We Think We Know Our Business THE TRUTH WILL OUT THE WORKMAN We were queried during the week as to why we did The race is not for the swift, Workman. it dwindle, and dwinnot interview Colonel Hurley on behalf of West Indians not the battle for the wrong, but he dled and even died for a brief while Published on Saturday Ly WALROND, at the office No 72 in Panama, being the olders: West Indian newspaper on that endureth to the end.
But Mr. Walrond did not surrender, CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, the Isthmus. We parried the reply to this very per The history off Mr. Walrond and he stuck the hardship of those days, tinent question as best we could, pointing out that in The Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon Workman bear out this he willed to continue the fight, he RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION the first place we did not think West Indians unemployed truth to the very letter. Around believed one day he must succeed 40 Cy.
by the Panama Canal came under the category of CoONE YEAR.
the closing years of the Panama and so he kept the Workman going, SIX MONTHS lonel Hurley investigations; Secondly that those West Canal construction, and even a few on, and on and on, THREE.
Indians who were employed by the Panama Canal and years of its official opening. The To day The Editorials of the Panama Railroad already had representation in the Workman was the outstanding and Workman and its several articles ONE MONTH. 20 Panama Canal West Indians Employees Association in fact the orly West Indian paper, on the along with its The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS same as the the white American employees had repre Mr. Waldron and his paper was in readiness to reprint interesting News sentation by the Metal Trades Council and that Colonel the Heyday of their success. But of Marcus Garvey and the THE WORKMAN, NOV. 1929 Hurley program had already included hearings for something happened, the Universal have given the lie to the rumor both these recognised bodies and thirdly that even if Negro Improvement Association that was set afloat years ago.
BICOTRY INTOLERANCE we had the exalted idea of interviewing the Colonel his was begining to awaken the Negro The Workman has been born anew, to his surrounding conditions; its If one is an intolerant adherent of some particular published agenda disclosed no interview for pressmen.
teachings pulsated through the veins ments of the communityy and of modit has adopted itself to the require.
creed, system, or party, or, if affected with narrow of Negroes the world over, and they mindedness which makes him base and offensive, such ern journalism; for this, Mr. Waldbegan to think of their ancestors.
a one is said to be a bigot. Self Appointed Pilot ron should be commended. We For the first time in the history of If he is affected by a blind and obstinate attachthe West Indian domiciled on the sincerely hope that the Workman ment to a creed, system, or party and becomes as a Isthmus, they acted clanishly. of to day shall continue to the cause result of such blinded attachment offensively intolerant towards those who hold other or contrary views, he is By request we reproduce the following editorial wild rumor was set affot, whether of the West Indian Negroes of Panama and will be as fearless and which appeared on the West Indian page of the Star there were facts to subjugated by bigotry.
support the Herald of Wednesday last and which editorial we have rumor or it was Any man who comes under this category of persons mere mischief, courageous in its editorials, as it is consequently bound to exhibit intolerance, and if he been impressed fell like a nasmethhammar on a ten am not in a position to say: but was in its struggle to survive.
Waldron was painted as a dangerous We hail the Workman in Colon does not divest himself, or if someone does not divest penny nail in rebuking a would be pilot who attempted him of this odious disqualification, he himself naturally this week to take hold of the helm of the ship of West enemy to Marcus Garvey and the and will ever give it our support se becomes intolerable.
Indian affairs and came night foundering the craft. UN. Slowly but surely this long as it continues to fight for the news convinced the followers of the things that are just and true.
Recently, we have been hearing of a most glaring DONT ROCK THE BOAT and they boy cotted the Cyril Thomas.
instance of this bigotry and of its offspring intolerace One of the things some of our people seem never to as was exhibited by Mr. Evans of Balboa, As be able to understand is the necessity of trimming and sistant Superintendent of the Mechanical Division, a settling the boat in which we are sailing to the goal of Government Employee of the Panama Canal, in an economic and industrial aspirations. That we have a executive position. It has been alleged (and we have no good and just cause is a question that has long passed reason to doubt the allegation) that a group of Silver the stage of preliminary argumentation; that we are Employees under his jurisdiction obtained the permisin danger of ruining this cause is only too patent to sion of one of Mr. Evans subordinates to interview those of us who know the proportions of the craft in Surgeon Dentist him. They laid before him in respectful language cer which we have embarked, and the danger of the seas tain matters in connection with their pay, and requestover which we are moving. 23 Central Avenue Panama City. view, Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, Employees. This is theusual procedure everywhere.
to fit in and settle ourselves in positions in which we Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works People who are already in receipt of a sufficiency of may keep things even and in proper balance. Some of remuneration frequently do the same thing and to say us, apparently, can help being restless and fidgety, Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment the least, those who are admitedly underpaid have shuffling from one side to the next. We do not all quite understand the importance of holding our respec0000000000 greater necessity to request an inccrease to their pay, 0000000000000000 providing they do so in a decent and respectable manner tive positions in order that affairs may move on as we are informed, and as we believe this group did.
But what was the up shot? We learn that Mr.
The weather is not always clear and calm. When Evans resented this approach and replied by descending it gets rough and boisterous and our little craft begins to the use of gutter language, wherewith he insulted to heave with the billows, rocking the boat is the surest these men. The statement is, that Mr. Evans told way of capsizing it and making everything perishthem you came here barefooted. You are getting plans, charts, et al. Just when we yield to an unguided sufficient and better pay than you got before you came impulse to attempt to stretch after things that are CHRISTMAS here or words to that effect. Whereupon he dismissed quite beyond our reach, and well within the range of them from the conference without. granting their reother off the company, that is the moment that a crisis quest.
is created and all labor becomes lost.
You can have Electricity Installed in your home now so Now, we are putting it very mildly when we say All of us should try and study the situation of our that conduct of this kind, coming from a Government economic and industrial affairs with the express view that your home will be Brighter than last Year employee in an executive position is outrageous. It of arriving at an understanding to the exact part RATES FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATION FEE LIGHTING certainly demonstrates what is known as official big each can play with the greatest measure of success.
otry. It falsifies to the world the dignity and prestige Captain, mate, boatswain and tar are all necessary in of governmental United States. It is bound to embar1 Room 60 Down with Payments of 00 the crew personel but each must stand to his station in rass the Superintendent of the Mechanical Division who the little dingy. Rooms 60 Dow. n, with Payments of 00 is Mr. Evans superior in office, and we have not the Rooms If the mate tries to grab the rudder out of the cap4. 60 Down, with Payments of 25 slightest doubt, in gentlemanliness also. Mr. Evans has tain hand, and the boatswain to act as mate and sailor Rooms done what no Governor of the Canal who are the per5, 40 Down, with Payments of 50 at the same time, these untimely movements will only Rooms sonal representatives of the President of the United 60 Down, with Payments of 50 have the effect of causing a list which might end in the States have ever dreamt of doing. All these Governors, RATES SLIGHTLY HIGHER IN CONCRETE BUILDINGS from first to present, have always replied to Silver boat being swamped. Some of us, somehow, succeed in SPECIAL RATES FOR LARGE INSTALLATIONS Employees and everyone else in polite and respectable persuading ourselves that we can do things better than language, and in language which upholds the dignity of anyone else. In fact, there are those of us who believe their office, and that of the Government which they that important situations can only be handled by ourAsk for Details of our Residence FREE LAMP BULBS WITH had the honor to represent. They have never been base in selves, and in this belief we become previous and make Combination Rate for EVERY INSTALLATION conduct, nor offensive in language as Mr. Evans who is premature and awkward gestures that make us look Lighting Ironing only a minor official has now done.
ridiculous and clumsy, and bring disaster to the whole Mr. Evans has exemplified the conduct of a South community. Room 40 Kilowatts 00 Cia Panamena de Carolina town official who was said to have lost his It is obvious, but, lamentable that there are those with additional current at head when he denounced a perfectly proper request amongst us who keep moving out of position and medcents per Kilowatt hour Fuerza y Luz made upon him by representatives of the American Feddling in affairs not properly pertaining to their line, or THE CHEAPEST RATE eration of Labor as being impertinent and threaten within their power to effectively discharge. This prigIN PANAMA Panama AT YOUR SERVICE Colon ing. Mr. Evans evidently felt the same way about gish and impetuous attitude, so frequently evident, is this perfectly legitimate request which was made by one of the greatest set backs in the working out of our a group of silver employees. This, we declare, is wrong treasured program.
procedure. It is rotten, and Mr. Evans is not alone in We fail, because we rock the boat and get capsized.
this line of reprehensible conduct in dealing with silver Some of us are a little too meddlesome, and we do more employees. From what we have been continually hear harm than good by our misdirected activity. If we are ing, it is a procedure adopted by a great number of indeed solicitous about the welfare of the community; TRY gold employees towards silver employees, and which is if we are in earnest in our aspirations; if we really want fast being established as a policy. Happily, it is not to reach the shore, please don rock the boat!
MIRAMAR the policy of the Government of the Zone; but in general, it is that of gold employees whose hearts are bitter SALAD OIL with racial antipathy towards silver employees. The silver employees should observe this attitude. Thev BOX 149 ANCOR, J. Small Truly a Miracle oil, for table should not fail to see that such conduct as this, so rabidDENTIST ly exhibited by MB Evans and the like of him from time Cirilo Sandford MASONIC TEMPLE to time, is surely reintroducing a regime of the dark Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm ON SALE AT ALL FIRST CLASS GROCERS and dismal past when pogroms and inquisitions devas Attorney at Law. 30 to 30 pm tated mankind of the poor and humble classes, and when Sundays, by Special Appoinment The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
Masonic Temple ilth St, the tyrant of oppression kept his feet upon the necks of O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL Panama 65. PHONES. Colon 84 the oppressed.


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