
as THE CHORRILLO TRADING SYNDICATE own reOFFER BARGAINS IN BUSINESS GIRLS NEWS OF THE MRS. LEARY knew nothing, but she was glad to ACTIVITIES OF THE ST. LICIAN acknowledge the kindness that had SOCIETY OF PANAMA MUSIC WORLD CONSTANTINE been shown to her and her husband SOME MAXIMS The above named Society will hold and to express her appreciation of it IN ENGLAND By MAUDE ROBERTS GEORGE all. We on our part can say that a general meeting at the Panama By FOR we are sorry our brief association Capi al Ha at 22nd Street Guachs.
After asking an apology for the Women to day have Dora in the Nelson Leader with our popular pro. and his wife pali, on the evening of November equal sense of trust and respect in all the non appearance of this week Musi: writes: The Liberal Women As chance with men in business.
Is drawing to a temporary close, and 6th, instead of Monday Novemby people she deals with. She should im cal Jottings. Our readers are ask sociation is to be congratulated on 4th the scheduled date of meeting we shall look forward with eager The commercial world has no press on her empployer by her worw, ed to accept the following interest. its enterprise in securing the services anticipation to next year, when they it being Holiday.
time nor does it trouble to discuss that never, never would she let him ing Musical article: of Mrs. Constantine in open return accompanied by their little On Sunday November 1ph, there sex inferiority, down. The success of the girl who ing their garden party on Saturday doughter Gloria.
All it asks is some one able to per follows all these The Chicago Musie association enwill be a special meeting, at which maxims is an the banner of the Society, designed form the necessary duties.
tertained in honor of the delegates We have seen and been delighted example to all other business woand executed by West Indian The woman who does not get on in with Mr. Constantine prowess a.
to the who recently reArtist, Mr. David Page of Grenads, men. She has proved that Hard turned from Fort Worth, Texas. The a cricketer and have heard his in.
business is she who works like an work and originality pay.
be unveiled with appropriate benutiful and spacious parlors of teresting lectures on the West In ORDER BOOKS will avtomatom, with one eye on the clock Consiantine we ceremonies.
and the other on the pay envelope at Polo college were the scene of the dies; but of Mrs.
Milk Mousse All members are requested to at.
reception and they were crowded to have seen and heard very little in. SECRETARY the end of the week. pint milk y cup sugar tend, if possible in order to set oft tablespoon gelatino Few grains salt overflowing with representative eiti. deed, so that we were all the bette: AND the function with the desired bril The girl who makes the successful zens and prominent Chicago musi. pleased to see and hear her on Sa2 teaspoons vanilla. ance.
business woman is she who thinks cians. Mrs, Antoinette Cone Thomp. turday. Those of us who have met Scald half the milk with the sugar kins was mistress of ceremonies.
TREASURER about her work and dreams and plans her personally have found her char.
and gelatine. When gelatine is dismingly natural and unaffected, unasETUDE CLUB TO MEET: fer it in her off hours.
FOR FRIENDLY SOCIETY solved remove from fire and add cold and many of the leading musicians of keenly interested in all around her.
The program was most attractive suming and somewhat shy, but She brings creative genius to bear The regular meeting of the Etude milk. Strain cool. Add salt and the city appeared, giving music of ON SALE on her work. She keeps always before Club will take place tonight at 7:30 when members are requested her, her own single minded aim, help vanilla. Before it stiffens put into a charm. The musicians were Henri Her opening speech though At the Workman her employer to the utmost. To double boiler or low quart measure.
etta Douglas, violinist: Alexander lengthy that was hardly to be exto turn out at the preseribed hour and assist in the transaction of achieve this aim, several qualities Surround with crushed ice and a lit.
tle salt and beat for 10 to 15 minutes Purks, tenor; Goldie Guy Martin Peetes was a pleasant and happy Printery business.
are necessary. First, the business or until it will hold its shape. Put in pianist; Dr. Emmett Ashe, baritone; one. Of polities, she confessed, she girl must be punctual. She must be Mme. Clara Jackson Hutchimson, 80tidy and smart, particularly in office refrigerator drawer or pack in equal prano; Marie Brooks, pianist, with parts ice and salt for hours. Serve hours, Miss Madeline Gowle, decompanist with crushed fruit or any ice cream She must display common sense also Neota McCurdy Dyett.
and the ability to think clearly.
The address of welcome was made Without freezing, this mixture She must employ order and method by the president, Mrs. Marthe a substitute for in her work. Muddled tiles, and may be used Mitehell, who told of a musical regiscareless typing are an endless source whipped cream ter being compiled by William disturbance in an office.
Robinson, publicity chairman, and Tar Stains.
Tar stains can be removed successalso gave a calendar oft events of the The business girl should always be cheerful. smile at the right me fully from light coloured garments it association. Others who gave short attended to at once. Remove as much talks were Wesley Jones, national No. 59 24th Street Chorrillo ment helps things along wonderfully as possible of the tar with the blunt president: Mrs. Maudelle Bousfield, She should be able to act on her edge of a knife, then cover the marks principal of Keith school and one of initiative when occasion quires. She should be willing to thickly with salty fat, such as salt the founders of the association; Atty, Sophia Boaz Pitts, representing the rive extm help when a rush of work butter, home rendered lard, or gooseMaude Roberts demands it, without sulking. She hours, than scrape it oft and wash Fisk club, and should use fact in her dealings both the grease. Let this stay on for George. stirring talk was made by Rev. Robert Mosby of the Indiana with her employer and fellow em some stains in benzine. Give them a ployees. Rudeness and bluntness do thorough soaking, and it they are Ave. church, on behalf of the not oil the office wheels!
very bad a little dry washing powder ministers of the city. Response by James Mundy, director of the can be used with the benzine.
Mundy Brooks choras and nationally She should develop the inestim.
It is best to wash the whole gar known conductor. Mrs. Mitchell able gift of handling people. This ment it possible; if not, rinse out then introduced the officers of the gift helps ber employer and saves the part that has been treated in Chicago Music mociation: James much friction. She should let people clear, warm water, and iron with a Benson, vicepresident: Mrs. Mary feel that she has personality. cool iron while still damp, with Johnson, secretary George Hutchplasant and charming, yet decided piece of muslin between the iron and son, treasurer, and the members character will take business girl the garment to absorb the moisture of the board of directors and ad.
and prevent a water mark forming visory board.
round the damp pateh.
The contest at the Auditorium Above all, she should inspire a theater Wednesday and Thursday is of great interest to us as Maeme Moon, contralto, who sang se sueto mention cessfully in the opera performance of the Gunn School of Music, has been entered in the contest. She also had the opportunity to sing at Ravinia during the summer. The contest is being held for the purpose of selecting three students to receive scholar.
Etc. Etc.
ships for study in Milan for one year and Germany for the second year.
Willa Hamilton, dramatic reader, graduate of the scholl of expresGIVE US CALL AND sion of the Chiengo Musical college, has written a prize play which will BE CONVINCED THAT be given under the auspices of the Oet. 28, at the Binga Ar cade. More will be heard of this event, which will be for the budget fund of the branch. We congratulate Mrs. Hamilton upon her success.
DRY CLEANING PHONE 250 COLON The Negro Musician, a magazine published by the Texas Music asso STEAM TRE SING PHONE453 PANAMA ciation, carried a convention issue, BJ STREET which most commendable.
DYEING: PANAMA We Dye To Live TRIAL ONCE WILL Among other valuable reading and BRING YOU ALWAYS pictures way a story briefly told by our own Marion Anderson, contralto, of Philadelphia. She touches the high spots of her ceareer and it is most interesting. Miss Anderson will be heard in Chicago in NoASK FOR vember, which will be ber first appearance here since 1919, when she Mrs. Ada Steves was awarded the first scholarship 72 Carlos Mendoza Street 72 of the Every one who SALAD OIL has a music library should have a (NEAR BALBOA BREWERY)
Dressmaker Sold at all First Class Grocers copy of his issue of the magazine and should subscribe to it.
and Williner The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
Telephone 454 Box 1102 Panama 65. PHONES House No. 13. Street Colon 84 House Rent Receipt Books to SpanPANAMA ANCON inh and Hogtied for sale at the San Miguel Wort Printery.
Advertise in the Workman It will Pay Photo Albums Scrap Albums ALSO a Dandy line of Cheap Goods too numerous FOR NEAT and QUICK Perfect West Indian Commisary JOB PRINTING Cold Storage Butter, Milk, Eggs.
Give a call and be convinced we do only the best at Reasonable Prices TROTT The Cleaner WAS The Workman Printery MIRAMAR Fashionable


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