
PAGB AIS THE WORKMAN, NOV, 1920 FOREIGN AND GENERAL IGNORANCE MAY BE BLISS but it is expensive not to know that NESTLE MILK IS THE BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES REASON DICTATES AND SCIENCE APPROVES THE USE OE NESTLE MILK He spends foolishly who buys just tin of Milk INSIST ON HAVING NESTLE vares Pearls someNEWS IN BRIEF WISE JAPANESE ADDITIONAL WEST INDIAN NEWS BIOLOGIST The Ancient Order of Foresters Tragic Death of THE TOURIST TRADE Discovers that Negro can be on the Pacific side of the Isthmus are Overseer: Kill By making arrangements to Changed to White entertain Mr. Ernest Digby, Special Repabout 500 of their brethren from Fall From Horse resentative of The Halifax Chron Cable despatches received from the Atlantic side on Sunday 17th icle and The Halifax Daily Star, Proz. when the dedication of their New York on the 23rd. inst. state during an address at the British FALMOUTH, Oct. 12. tragie Guiana Chamber of Commerce said that Dr. Ysaburo Noguchi, Japanese new court will take place.
biologist who recently returned from death occurred here last Friday afin part: An ecursion train from the Atlantic a trip to Brazil announced that afternoon when Mr. Raymond TaTalking about visitors, you came side will be run for the purpose and ter an extensive study of racial vares, overseer of Holland Pen, in others who care to use the opportu characteristsics it is possible for one this parish, was thrown from his up against a rather difficult propos nity for visiting the Capital are retc have an infant as desired. horse and killed.
tion. The Cunard Line this year is sending the largest number of boats quested to do so.
By menas of the use of ultra violet Mr. Tavares, as usual, rode to they have ever sent down on a cruise rays and by the increasing or town on Friday to obtain money to the West Indies. They are sendNever offer cold water to anyone decreasing of the glandular with which to pay the labourers, ing 13 boats each vessels packed to when hard stuff is requested, the Doctor Nogu and was returning home at about tours consequence may be serious. last activities says its capacityy, on wonderful According to the statedown to the West Indies. They are ing example was shown during this chi the growth of a child can be o clock.
week in the case of Calixo Macias, hastened or retarded, and that the ment of a little boy who it seems no coming down here am sorry to was the only eye witness to the ocsay, because you will not know what 34 year old Panamanian painter size of the body in width as well as who presented an unknown beggar in height can be regulated. This currence, the horse started to gal to do with them if they come. You with a glass of water when he asked characteristics of the human being. lop very fast, and it became appar have not the hotel accomodation Dr. Noguchi declares that after ent that it was fast getting out of the natural beauties of British him for a drink.
studying, with permission of the the control of the rider, with the reGuiana are quite a distance away The painter had the misfortune of government, the inhabitants of the sult that he was violently thrown from Georgetown. am not saying having the glass thrown in his face Brazilian jungle, he is now prepared off, receiving very severe injuries you have not. pretty sights in Georgewith the result that he got his upper by means of electrical nutrition to on the head. This took place a town. It requires some system of lip severely out.
change a negro or a Japanese into a chain or two from the Black Bridge. adequate transportation facilities for In connection with the excursion Caucasian. He declares that racial The boy who was proceeding to these people. Remember that one of train to be run by the Barbados characteristics are the results of the Falmouth, immediately communi these boats will carry somewhere in Progressive Society of Colon from combination of glandular secretions cated the news to Mrs. Tavares, the the neighbourhood of twelve to fitthat city to Panama on Nov. 26th, and physical environment.
wife of the deceased, who happened teen hundred first class passengers.
an interesting cricket match is also to have been in Falmouth, and she, It does not require a big stress of being arranged for that day between Graceful And along with Mr. Ogilvie, were imagination to know that it would the Pickwicks and the Enst early on the scene to find Mr. Ta be a very difficult matter to dispose End to be played at the La Unusual Jewelry apparently unconscious and of these people here.
Boca Grounds.
suffering intense pain. He was at Another difficulty is the question Already, the Pickwicks are practisonce conveyed to the public general of bringing these boats within ing hard to meet their oppenents and hospital, where despite the medical reasonable distance of the wharf an exciting cricketica) battle is sure aid rendered to him, he succumbed here. They cannot come over the to take place between these two in a very short space of time.
bar here and the passengers would The funeral took place yesterday have to be brought in tenders which teams.
afternoon the representative gather would necessitate feeding in town.
According to a telegraphic coming may be regarded as a token of do not know what would happen to munication received on Thursday the esteem and respect in which he the Park Hotel it 1, 500 people were last, Juan Bautista, a Chiriqui far.
was held We take a great deal of suddenly dumped in there at breakmer and his 18 year old son lost pride in having our stock of fast time. It would cause their lives while attempting to cross jewelry represent that is Householders are thing of sensation. What we river in the Chorcha region not only newest and best, It was during the rainy season but that also is different Warned Against propose to do is that these boats will visit Barbados, Trinidad, St. Lucia when, rivers in these parts are exed from the common run. Every City Sharpers and then go to Porto Rico and dif.
ingly dangerous to cros.
jewel loving woman should ferent places winding up at Jamaica Their bodies were recovered some visit our store and revel in and Cuba. In Jamaica of course, time after the occurenee.
Householders are warned to be on they can accomodate any number of the glorious display of Jewthe lookout for a city sharper who passengers. In Barbados and Trin.
BUY FROM THE WORKMAN elry and Precious Stones.
is going about offering to put one idad we can find adequate accomodaADVERTISERS AND GET in the position of winning large sums tion. In St. Lucia there may be a of money by means of the drop pan small party of them going to the VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY.
122 Central Ave. game. On Saturday morning last, hotel but the majorty would feed on this man went to the residence of a beard.
well known gentleman in St. Andrew New Daily Chronicle, and after giving a preliminary story TRY not bearing on the mission which took him there, led the lady of the Land Settlement in house to believe that he was well British Guiana known to her husband, for whom SALAD OIL he had always done favours.
He then unfolded a tale often FOR FRYING DEMERARA, Sept. 26 Rapid told before by others like himself, progress is being made in the erecclaiming that he was in the confi tion of the cottages relating to the dence of a Chinaman, who ran a Government Land Settlement drop pan concern, and that he scheme aback of Pln Bush Lot. The knew what number was in the pan. cottages carry dimensions of 20x10 Panama 65. PHONES. Colon 84 If the lady could get a message feet each and over thirty have aldown to her husband to send up ready been erected.
some money he would be obliged, Preparations are also being made (and so would her husband be) other for stretching a road from aback of wise he would have to lose the op the estate (Bush Lot) to Pln. Riehportunity of winning a few pounds. mond, a distance of several miles The lady had no change in the home, in connection with the scheme.
but calling her servant handed her The road will pass through Pln THE TAILOR a pound to get some change at the Anna Regina and Henrietta and is grocers, nearby and hand the crook expected to be so constructed as to a few shilling, supposédly on be withstand heavy vehicular traffic, 15 STREET WEST half of her husband. On the way Several heaps of burnt earth have HOUSE NO. to the grocer s, the servant allowed aiready been prepared for use on herself to be outdone by the man the work which will be carried out who got away the from her, and under the supervision of the Pubhe has not been seen since.
lic Works Department.
On the husband getting home, and The road will, among other pur.
was told of what had occurred he poses, greatly facilitate travelling was not a bit surprised. It is evi from the estates mentioned to the dent that this is a new form of at steamer stellings and other places tack by the rogues for the Christon the Essequebo Coast PHYSICIAN mas season, and housewives should at leat be very cautions in receiv. GET YOUR ing messengers, from members of HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO their family who are at work or Job Printing No. K STREET away from home.
DONB AT THE PANAMA CITY Drink Salada Tes the best for Workman the Tropica Printery Buy With Confidence Exide FULLER Where starting and lighting efficiency is concerned, you can travel blithely on with out fear of trouble if your battery is an EXIDB Dame known THE LONG LIFE to motoring millions BATTERY Diatribers for me PANAZONB GARAGB COMPANY, Panama City THB ELECTRIC STORAGE BATTERY COMPANY, Philadelphia, Exide RYO MIRAMAR For sale at all leading Crocers Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
NEURALGINA ARTURO PERIGAULT Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
NEURALGINA Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children NEURALGINA Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart Dr. Fairweather For sale both Wholesale and Retail AT THE AMERICAN PHARMACY OD JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Panama.


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