
THE WORKMAN, NOV. 1929 PAGE SEVEN BARBADOS TRINIDAD Negro Progress Convention at Self Government. Sailor Pays British Guiana Dr. Snelson Dilivers Stirring Address STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 AND mance FLYNCH MIRAMAR Valetor Presssing Machine (Co. tinued from Page Continued from page mous with the realization of sell and broke oft both its legs. He government.
Even the Barbados held the bird by the legs and rapidly House of Assembly, we may remind By a Correspont growing flowers. Of great interest our readers that so uirily and with swung it round until both legs snapAs the invited guest of the Negro miles along the coast to protect the innocence sometimes protests against like that bird, he mid.
was the sea wall which extends for xo indignant an affection of injured ped and were left attached to the body by thin strips of skin. don Progress Convention of British Gui land from the ravages of the ocean. the interferencee of the Colonial ana Dr. Snelson left Barbados TuesHe was arrested by Inspector. A Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages day July 23 primarily to deliver the Outside Georgetown there are hun Office knows how impotent it really Forde whose duty it is to prevent Convention Oration on August 1sh dreds of villages divided by canals is to change, to any appreciable excruelty to animals.
Summary of Contents: 1929 at Georgetown.
Dr. Snelson had the privilege of tent the present state of things.
SELF GOVERNMENT Cruelty Admitted The voyage gave Dr. Snelson an attending the 1929 village ChairHistory of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Coming before Mr. Cazabon Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, opportunuity to visit St. Vincent, mans Conferenece. This is an annual will come in time, but is Captain CiGrenada and Trinidad, and to meet a seasion and has been in operation priani so deluded as to imagine that in the Police Court morning Hen Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, namber of important citizens in each for 28 years. Village Chairman the West Indies as a whole are ripe treated the bird. He was fined 15 drickson admitted that he had illMagnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, island. The Vegetable Season was occupies a position somewhat similar for self Government in his sensePhotographs of the Teams and 16 Individua en and there was a wealth of those to that of the mayor of an Amer detached from the Colonial Office?
and ordered to pay 410 8s. 4d, comPlayers Kundath fruits of the field upon which West ican city. The president of the His introduction on another occasion Khan, and fee for the Veterinary pensation, to its owner Váluable, lastructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and Indians depend for their food. The Conference was Mr. Aaron Britton of a reference to the European Surgeon, Dr.
Dottin. The Interesting money crops hower, sugar, rice and and the Governor Sir Gordon Gugt the diamond industry have suffered isberg was represented by Hon exile shows how far beside the mark amounts were all paid.
Price 50cts.
much in recent years. Wood Conservator of Forests. is his hope of a unified West Indies Dr. Dottin says the bird will Dr. Snelson arrived in Georgetown The Conferencce discussed a wide ruled autonomously by West Indians have to be destroyed.
of non European birth. His declara TRINIDAD JUDGES on July 26th and was met by Hon range of subjects, Education, roads Secure yours now there will be a great rush tion that an Imperial Government, Fredericks Barrister at Government loans, labourer rates etc.
for them, Law Dr. Nichols and they showed themselves fully Conservative, Liberal or Labour will Copies may be bad from the office of the WORKMAN Messrs Straughn and capable of dealing with their impor, moped to in demand which die Fondy Trinidad Judges Panama Hannibalwill be unanimous or backed Complain Negro Progress Convention, Dr. the business session and delivered by a substantial majority is equaliy citizenship Talbot of the Church took the oration to fantastic. We wonder whether he Dr. Snelsen over to the an audience of thousands. He then had British Guiana in mind when COURT NEEDS MORE where he was entertained enjoyed the hospitality of prominent he made this fatuous utteranece.
during BOOKS his tay. The visitor citizens of Berbice and a resolution The cause of Federation of the was charmed with the many hand recommending him for Bishop was West Indies which for the sake of some buildings and the luxuriantly enthusiastically passed. He then the material and economie prosperity Port of Spain, Tuesday.
of these islands we hope to see, An omission to furnish the Judges Custom Tailor successful will not be helped by these of the Supreme Court with a copy mischievous outpourings of hot air USE of the fifth volume of the Laws of which one could afford to ignore Trinidad was subject of comment HAVE YOUR CI. OTHES were it not for the fact that, to the Colonial Office and to the House the Weekly Guardian of the 5th ulto.
in the Court of Appeal to day mys PRESSED BY SALAD OIL of Commons who ultimately declare our destinies, they may appear ed the view that he thought the JudgThe Acting Chief Justice expressFOR BAKING to be considered opinions of what the telegrams ironically describe as es were sufficienty important peoSold at your nearest Grocer representative of the thinking popu. ple to have copy of the fifth volJUST ARRIVED lation of the West Indies.
ume, but up to now he had not been The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
supplied with one.
Possible ersig Panama 65 PHONES. Colon 84 motored back to Georgetown sevenNO. CALIDONIA The comment was made during the ty miles after one of the proudest hearing of the appeal matter of An.
days of his life.
On Monday July 29th Dr. Snelson gard and Rohitt against a decision of the Magistrate of Caroni.
was given a publie reception at the The Acting Solicitor General in Town Hall under the auspices of the the course of his argument referred FOR Negro Progress Convention. At the Court to a quotation from volleast 1500 persons of both sexes ume of the Laws of the Colony.
crowded the spacious hall. He de. The Chief Justice told the Solicitlivered a stirring racial address in or General that he could not follow and which he urged his audience to con him because he did not have a copy tinue in their effofrts to improve of the volume. In the World Pooket themselfves and thereby to uplift the Mr. Perez offered to pass his copy and high in the World race.
to the Bench.
see Latoom.
Hon Frederiek presided and The Chief Justice remarked that among those present were Hon whoever was responsible for it did REID Webber Editor of the New not think it fit to send a copy of the Daily Chronicle, Dr. Nichols, fifth volume to the Judges. Per MISTELI. THE JEWELER Hon Seeram, Revs Talbot, sonally he thought the Judges of the No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY ane, Grant and Colony were sufficiently important QUALITY QUARANTEED Fraser and Rev Andrews Good to have the fifth volume the Laws Panama, will missionary from India.
of the Colony sent to them.
The great event came off on August 1st the 91st anniversary of Freedom in British Guiana and the were present and Dr. Snelson chose West Indies, and the 5th anniversary World Negro of the Negro Convention of British as his subject The his Ideals and Guiana. Over six thousand people Achievements.
The speech under big headlines POPULAR CIVILIAN AND UNIFORM was featured in all the papers of the Colony and there was a genTAILORS Kirton eral appreciation of the masterly manner in which he dealt with his House 77 CATHEDRAL PLAZA Room subject.
23rd Street Chorrillo Modern Tailor The Women Meeting in the afternoon was addressed by Mrs.
and see the finest Assortment of No 57 Garvey and Mr. Sam Manning. Dr.
Calldonia Road Snelson addressed the Juvenile Session at which over a thousand childof every description also the Finest ren were present. Subsequentaddresses were delivered at various Selection of centres all over British Guiana. He DENTIST HOWELL also preached at St. Peter A.
MODERN TAILOR Church on Sunday July 28th and House 40 House No. 912 La Boca again on August 4th.
3rd November Street JUST RECEIVED Canal Zone Citizens of British Guiana of all classes united to make Dr. Snelson Guachapali Panama City say pleasan Mr. Eytle and Mr.
OPPOSITE RESTAURANT and Mrs. Edward Lassy gave him a Come in and Inspect the Stock PHONE 1941. BALBOA Sea Party on the yacht Lady Glen, and he was also entertained by Specialises to all Branches of by Mr. and Mrs. Eytle at their home Gcorgetown Hon. Perey Wight also of the most wonderful kindliness and Snelson and Dr. Fred Wills a Government entertained the good feeling and Dr. Snelson took Dentistry BRANCH STORE Medical Officer, Mr. and Mrs. Jaun officials of the Negro Progress Con away with him many happy memories of his trip as well as the most lavish doo Mr. Hazlewood, Mr. and vention at his home.
125 Central Avenue ALL WORK GUARANTEED Mrs. Collins, Rev and Mrs. The tour of British Guiana was testimonials to his eloquence and RESIDENC2588 Talbot. His Worship the Major of brought to a close in an atmospherre worth.
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