p. 8


ܘܠܐ P R S Colon, Boys Institute HORSERACING AT JUAN Africa had FRANCO TRACK SUNDAY of a on Annie Laurie BIG RACING PROGRAM Socin.
Panama Division Sudden Death of Schmeling Plans Rest Contined from Page Continued from Page Continued from Page BERLIN. Max Schmeling who has tain the same ingredients and were of assistance has been opened to the Dr arrival, the body was taken to not had any chance to rest since his made of this nickel bronze.
Hundreds of members and well institute. Kind hearts, and interest the Ancon Morgue for a post mortem returun from the United States, will Frobenius thinks that civilization wishers the Panama Division ed brains and pockets have found arrangements will be made.
dimppear for several weeks from of the Universal Negro Im What a race program for the 3rd! originated from the East Indians who their way to his bedside; the result provement Association, Senhouse was a native of the is. Berlin and only his mother and and what a signed a wow its going to be! emigrated to East Africa and settled is, that the Institute has adopted a land of Barbados and hailed from closest friends will know his where These there.
atouts somewwhere in Thuringia.
were exclamatioris heard new program. Two of the items of petition at the Big Mass Meeting the parish of St. James, he belonged a around this city during the past few Questioned concerning any anatothe new programme are: Inmates which was held at the Local Liberty But he has his trunks packed readays as mical relation between present races to several loages, among them being dy to one wanderd hither and of the Institute shall not be permit Hall 25 Street Calidonia on Sunday start at any moment for the Loyal Progress, Order thither. And We respond; indeed in Central and South East Africa of America, of which he speaks with Exelsior No. the and the Indians, Prof. Frobenius said ted to go on the streets, unless a last to be presented to the Governor it some program, all things consihighest esteem. The boxer 2444, the order of ancient Sheperds praises the manner dered. But oh boy that big Classic that it is not likely that any investi pass is issued, permitting the boy of Jamaica, praying for the release English mechanics of the great Leader.
to visit his relatives, or causes of in which the isn that a puzzle to pick the win. gution on these lines will yield valusimilar nature. Several gentle The meeting was presided over by and the Edith Cavell and Sojourners police regulated traffic, which he atable results ner? Well the lueky guy who spots men, and ladies, are asked to visit Dr. Barton President, After 2444, the order of ancient Shepherds tributes chiefly to well disciplined the first horse of that race should The East Indians who settled a the Institute at various priods for the religious part of the program Senhouse is survived by a brother public.
surely rake in a fat wad in that pari mong Africans would within a few the purpose of giving lectures to the was concluded, several well known in the United States and three chi:Baseball appears to Schmeling to mutuel. For all the classic hoofers hundred years conform in appear.
ance and structure to the Africans Boys, each an authority on their speakers addressed the large gather dren here to mourn their loss.
be the game of games and he reare in that event and you can bet ing.
grets that he does not play it himyour hat there is sure going be some and would lose their orignal char respective subject.
At a later date, the complete prorupute will contribute to the pro self, but promise to learn during his swift betting on each horse.
acteristics gramme will be published. Mr. DIVISION 17 TO gramme.
next stay 2, 500 Years Ahead But, the program as a whole looks Watson has struuggled with the HOLD MUSICALE An effort is being made to make Researchces of our institute, said work of the Institute for nine years In regard to his suspension by the classy and every body, who is any.
the evening as successful as possible. New York Boxing Commission, body, will surely be there. So let the professor, have given proof that within this period he has suffered Members of division 17 of the Lovers of good music are invited to Sehmeling admits that formally the go. Nuf sed iron and iron manufacturing was in malicious attacks from all sides; but have decided to hold their make it possible to spend the even commission is right, but that Buelow Here goes the full program:existence in Central Afrien for 2, 500 never the less, he has always been Musicale which was postponed from ing with the artistes. The price of could settle the matter if he really years before it arrived in Europe. assisted by those good men and 1ST RACE FURLONGS The source of the high civilizations women, whose mission last month, on Sunday 17th Instant admission will be within the reach wanted to. Ho declared he would earth Ramona.
120 in Babylonia and in Egypt, the pronever forsake Manager Jacobs seems to be To help the poor, care at 30 when several artistes of of all.
Bubbling Water 116 fessor declared, is found in South the sick, and rescue the orphan.
May 126 Africa.
100 Although Mr. Watson admits that Colombia 110 the bulk of his support comes from SPIRIT OF NEGRO Palo Loco the Panaman and American sections. 116 NATIONALISM yet, the West Indian community has 2ND RACE FURLONGS awakened to the good the Institute 126 has done, and is beginning to give La Nena 110 Invoked at Monster Mass financial assistance; this is done Royal Eagle 100 Meeting and Installation through the fraternal channels Ocurrencis 126 although small, and from a few of monster Mass Meeting and these lodges, Mr. Watson in speaking 3RD RACE ONE MILE Installation that invoked the dormant of his friends, not only his friends SRD NOVEMBER CLASSIC spirit of Negro Nationalsim was the but friends of the Institute and the Copia 126 result of last sunday night affair orphan boys, gives the loftiest place Cantonés 105 under the auspices of Division num to Governor Galindo, Mayor De Chiquilla.
110 ber 877. Paredes, Capt. Kidd Balboa, Sr Chombo Gordo 118 Hundreds crowded the St. Gabriel Dario Melendez, and several others.
100 Lodge Hall an hour, or more, beKitty Gill 100 fore the meeing was commenced, Mr. and recitations that evoked ap112 St. Claire Gill acting as Chaplin plauses from the vast assemblage.
Billy Dennis 118 opened the meeting with the ritualitie The Installation was, at this june4TH RACE FURLONGS requirements of the Association.
ture, performed by Mr. Laurie of Honey Dew 110 This ended, the president Mr Gatun, who acted his part creditCococha.
115 Cyril. Thomas, in his opening reably.
120 marks emphasized the lost the divi.
Mr. Thomas, in his PresiTunney 108sion has suffered through the death dential address, electrified his hearof Mrs. Eliza Graham, late 3rd 5TH RĄCE FURLONGS ers, for twenty minutes, his voice vice president of the division. He INDEPENDENCE CLASSIC rang out with the message of truth ΤΑ spoke of the deceased activities in Don Florentino. 110 the Association and her loyalty to ing, and drank the inspiring address.
as the assemblage sat, as if dreamSORT OS Excuse Me El Médico 100 Mr. Lawson, gave a brilliant Mr. St. Claire Gill and Mr. Rhodes 122 address, in which he urged the people also spoke, and did much to wards La Loma 105 to live for the cause afric, and the success of the evening.
Cartagena Miss JN 114 think of the great task a head.
Refreshments were freely served Mrs. Waterman, Messrs Mr. after which the meeting was brought 6TH RACE FURLONGS Cantones 090 Resolute Donald and Morrison, also Masters, to a close.
122 120 Quinton, Thompson redered solos Salome Anderson.
Kitty Gin Bomba 108 Bolsheviki 120 USE Chombo Gordo 95 Golondrina Cantonés.
116 Marcela.
112 Cartagena.
FOR BAKING 112 Sold at your nearest Grocer Laughing Water 110 112 Rippling Water 118 25c 115 Zapo.
Panama 65. PHONES. Colon 84 Don Simon 115 AT JUAN FRANCO TRACK TOMORROW Sunday November November 3, 1929 Bomba.
Feature Event 3rd. November Classic 124 the cause.
OF ONE MILE FEATURING: too Copi Kitty Gill av Pauline go Chiquilla Socis.
100 Billy Dennis The Biggest Program of the Year MIRAMAR Trigo DON MISS IT ADMISSION. Including Program Mayara The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.


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