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PRICE CENTS MARCUS GARVEY Elected to Corporation Council By Overwhelming KING GEORGE OF COLON M DELEGATE Harlem, Nite Life Majority of Votes Amusement Centro 17 ENGLAND AGAIN IN SOCIAL LIFE TO CONVENTION DOING GOOD WORK vit places Visits Places and Attends Meetings At Division 877 Theatre Show ENENT WITHOUT PRECEDENT IN Inspiring And Converting PARK FIFTH AVENUE FOI KS Recent cable disppatches from same show.
HISTORY OF JAMAICA London convey the information that TO COLORED SHOWS After a storm there comes a calm His Majesty, King George of England Harlem has AN ANSWER GIVEN Mareus Cavey, journalist, Leader attained pre emin The Nest, Small Pardaise, Barrons, is rapidly improving health wise. After several months of antagonism, of the People, Political Party, The election of the Negro Leader und is now on the road to complete wrangling, revengeful animosity and ence in the past few years as an Spider Webb, Saratoga, Ward President General of the Universal is indeed a unique answer is ihose recovery from the severe illness jealousies from within, as well as amusement center. It nightlife Swance and Catagona.
malicious prop rando from Negro Improvement Association who thought his imprisonment would which affected him some time ago now surpasses that of Broadway it.
With a population of 250, 000, the and African Communities League aiter or destroy the hold he has on hout the Division, a sudden calm has self.
The French press a few day ago, From midnight until after majority of whom are frequenters come. The storm centered around (August 1929) of the World, now the people and proves one again the caused no end of excitement through President Cyril Thomas, who Nubian mirth and hilarity.
dawn it is a seething cauldron of of night resarts, the actual number serving a sentence of three months strength of the People, Po itical out the British Dominions by broadNever of colored cabarets, of lower ranks withstood the onslaughts of evil has it been more popular.
as first class misdemeanant in the Party. The ovenwhelming victory casting the death of the King. This machinations, determined to advance exceeds 500, according to records in St. Catherine Distliet Prison, was serured by Marcus Garvey last night erroneous report was One sees as many limousines from the 32nd police precinct, which immediately the Association and uphold the prin Park and Upper Fifth avenue parked station in the past year has had the elected last night to represent the is an indication of the successful counteracted by London dispatches ciples that alone shall save the Negro outside its sizzling cafes, speaks, second greatest booking for crime in No. Urban Ward in the Council of termination of the campaign io have which strongly stated that the King against the suicidal vituperations of night clubs and spiritual seances as the history of New York.
the Kingston and St. Andrw Corpo him elected as representative in the was safe and sound at Buckingham ill advisvers.
in any other high grade white locale This number is topped by statisWhen the Division decided to comprescedent in the political history of This campaign will advance with Yesterday the report arrived that mission their President to the Conin the country, ties on apartment speakeasies, called the world.
greater force from today, under the the King took his first shot at vention of August 1929, they seemed rectly responsible for Harlem pres. is an average of two such joints for brand of entertainment is di buffet flats by the negroes. There The election was the result of dieretion of Councillor Coleman London social life by attending to have been inspired. He went forth ent distinction. It has crashed the every apartment building in the resignation of Mr. Harrison, Beecher, musical comedy entitled Rose with the spirit of truthfulness and limelight and seems due to remain black belt.
who was subsequuently offered the THE RESULTS.
Marie. The sudience delighted at bore the missives of the Division at When it comes to pep, pulchritude, post of Superintendent of the Corpo At the conclusion of the counting Some of the buffet flats are the sight of the King, cheered voci the shrine of the sublime Convention, punch and presentation, the Harlem called Whist Clubs Democratic ration May Pen Cometery.
last night, the Returning Officer. Mr. ferously. He was accompanied by and has returned to lift the banner places have Broadway night clubs Headquarters and Parlor Socials.
OP WORLD WIDE INTEREST. Cathcart announced the the Princess Royal, the Duke and of enthusiansm for the advancement distanced.
An event of wide interest, the results as follows: Mareus Garvel, Duchess of York, and her Majesty of the cause.
Admission is two bits, and same for election of the Negro Leader has been 321 votes; Bailey 102 votes, a Celebrities in all walks of life a drink.
the Queen.
cabled around the world by local major ty for Marcus Garvey of 219 Having implanted in the souls of make the Harlem joints every Five out of every seven cigar correspondents of the Associated votes.
This was his first theatre ap. bis adherents the emblem of an inde night. You ll likely see a Lady stores, lunchrooms and beauty Press, the London Times. the Excitement ran fever high up to the pearance since his recent illness. and fatigable real whose pratical resulte Mountbatten on the ringvide of the parlors in Harlem are speake, sellAssociated Negro Press, the United minute the results were announced, was the third time he had seen the (Continued on Page 8)
Cotton club, a David Belasco at an ing gin.
Press and the crusader News Ser and cheering was kept up outside the other and a diplomat in the next. More chop suey joints in Harlem vice. In avery corner of the hall by the thousands who had In view of Harlem rise as a than any other district of similar playground after dark, a few of the size in the country. Two and three civilized world, newspaper, readers gathered, as usual, to be minutely are reading of the history making informed of the returns from the more absorbing points of merit, de to a block on every main road, Food merit and interest are apropos: is scaled very low and no enterevent this morning, and wondering: ballot boxes. Every cheer was a cheer It has 11 class white trade night tainment in but few of them.
what manner of man is this that his for Garvey: every clap was a clap Unfurling Of American, British And clubs! Cotton clubs, Connie Inn, spirit goes out of prison and so move for the People Political Party. Continued on page 4)
around his people. The Blackman)
Panamanian Flag Bay High Officials.
Impressive Armistice Services Tomorrow At La Boca ost. Peter by the Sea, La Twenty Chinese Coming With False Documets Is Garvey Eligible for Seat in Corporation Council Next Four Days sible.
Boca the flags Mrs. Mulcare, the Rector will honor the millions who suffered wife, will render a solo entitle Hear and died in the late war, by utilizing us. Father. after which Dean Armistice Sunday (tomorrow) to Werlein will deliver a short address.
interpret the Kelloge Pact as ex The flags have been donated by pressing the Christian ideal for world the following gentlemen: Messrs Doubts Expressed as Legal brotherhood and peace. Maduro, Morrice (British)
Due On Maru At Balboa The Churches are in principle Cardoze, Anderson, Opinion Sought committed to world peace. They Malo, Panamanian. Palmer constitute the greatest available George, Alexander, Estwick, JAMAICA, Nov. Opinion Suppose Garvey was convicted The beginning of next week, that sure of new frauds. He also opines force for creating world pearce, with. Minds, Hibbert, and Daisley still seems to be divided as to of treason against the King of whether Mr. Marcus Garvey is Bulgaria that could hardly previd to say within four or five days that there is some doubt as to the out which the establishment of the (American. the Japanese steamer, authenticity of eitht others of these kingdom of God upon Earth is impos After the address, the Choir will eligible for a seat on the Council ent him from sitting in the Rakuyo Maru will arrive at the documents.
sing Handel Halleluia and the of the Kingston and St. Andrew Council in Jamaica. Surpose port of Balboa carrying among its he was convicted of a felony in of the fifty chinese now due, 30 At 80 tomorrow, an im and give the Blessing.
Section 15, Sub :ection of America, under British and Ja passengers, fifty chinese due to land of them carry new permits, 12 carry pressive Flag Service will be held special Collection will be taken in Panam.
old permits, four of them are Pan. at the above named Church, when up in ad of a new bell tower. The the Corporation Law says: maica jurisprudence such a felAs is the custom, the documents amanian born, and the four others the American, the British, and the publie is most cordially invited. person shall be disqualified any is only a misdemeanour he relating to the from being elected and from could hardly be prevented from entry of these chinese have been received by the are coming as substitute employees Panamanian flngs will be unfurled for vorious ttrms.
by Governor Harry Burges. Major DR. NATHAN ROWE being an elected Councillor if he sitting and so why should he be Foreign Office. This time however Brathwaithe Wallis, and the Don. LAID TO REST hrs been convicted of any trea((Continued on Page 8)
they were examined personally by The present case has given rise Gabriel Duque, respectively.
son or felony or any offence Sub Secretary of foreign affairs, to the speculation that with every After the flags have been unfurled Hundreds Pay Last Tribute involving dishonesty.
DR. CARRINGTON Dr. Ricardo Morales, with the re voyage of the Japanese steamers in they will be dedicated by the Very To Beloved Physician In view of that sub section RETURNS sult that he has discovered that the Maru line, there must be around Reverend Hasley Werlein, Jr. Oh some people are inclined to think twenty of these documents are utter ten or twenty Chinese who enter by representing the Rt. Rev. Jas After extended vacation in The mortal remains of Dr. Nathan that in view of the conviction ly false, thus leading to the disclo fraudulent means.
Crnik Morris, Bishop of the Rowe were interred in the Mount of Marcus Garvey in America he Europe, the United States and Bar.
Canal Zone, a seat, but bados (his homeland) attorney Chinese Legation Opines that 60 Hope Cemetery on Monday evening is not entitled to As cach flag is being unfurled, the last at 4, 80 clock.
there are others who say that Carrington returned to the Isthmus National Anthen of the country re Quite a large gathering of friends he is perfectly well able to sit, on Wednesday last on the Ca.
presented by the flag will be played and sympathisers, both from Panama for in America he was committ tare and states that he had a meet Colonel Jonyor Lino, Chinese mitted by him to the Foreign office by the famous Bombero Band of and Colon were present at the burial ed for an offence which is not enjoyable time.
minister to Panama yesterday issued the total Chinese residing in the Panama City. This Band, compris rites, which were performed by the ineluded in the Laws of Jamaica He seems greatly benefitted by the statement that around 60 chinese Republic of Panama numbered 4377 ing thirty two members, very kindly Rev. Cousins of Colon Wesley SOLICITOR VIEW change and will very soon get into have entered Panamanian territory These were registered at the Lega accepted the invitation of the Rector Church.
harness. This Journal takes the It was argued thus to a recenty through fraudulent means. gistered to take part in the ceremony. It was hoped that the burial could Gleaner representative yesterday opportunity of welcoming him back According to a document sub(Continued on Page to the Isthmus, Immediately after the dedication of (Continued on Page by a wellknown solicitors an Chinese Have Entered Fraudulently


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