
INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS BARBADOS TRINIDAD Three Persons Martinique May Be in Pearls JAMAICA The Case of a Dread Seaman Attack on Bishop Barnes and Hall of Fame Many months ago the story was Dean Inge Suggested the e column the killed by Lightning Deserted Due Pelee maies Mail, of an English lady who discovered at the death of her husPORT OF SPAIN, Nov. For Island Distinguished band that he had been previously 6TH COMPANY VILLAGE Evacuation of the Island of MarSons FATALITY ROMAN CATHOLIC OUTBURST married to a Jamaican lady who is still alive.
tinique may be necessary, it was reMr. Rudolph de Cordova, writes The poor deluded soul gave ex Trinidad Guardian Correspondent vealed by authorities today when activity of Mt. Pelee was renewed Ignorant Men from London under date October 8, pression to her grief in a thrilling Savana Grande, Tuesday.
to the Gleaner as follows.
story containing details of her in the neighborhood of towns of Three persons have been killed and Precheur, Mourne Rouge, and St. remarkable attack on the Rev. The recent death of Sir Maunde husband duplicity, which story was one seriously injured by lightning Pierre which were absolutely desertW. Inge, Dean of St. Paul and The excuse is given that the moment Thompson is my reason for address reproduced by us from an English at 6th Company Village, nine miles newspaper, ed.
Dr. Barners, Bishop of Birmingham coloured patrons are permitted, there ing you.
from Princes Town, South Trinidad. Few people in the island to day lost his life when his ship went down The husband was a seaman who was made at the National Roman is an end to any chance of obtaining The killed are: The governor is still enforcing Catholic Congress held at Cexton white. There is need, it will be seen, are probably aware protective measures. Danger wamthat this dis BHAGMANIA, 28.
Hall Westminster, on September 14. for in the Bristol Channel, and a claim earest consideration of the tinguished man who was Director ings have been issued for the past was accordingly made by the second RATTAN, her son, The congress is part of the centen problem. For as the coloured people and Principal Librarian of the Bri.
two weeks.
ary celebrations of Roman Catholic o Barbados begin to acquire self. tish Museum from 1888 to 1909, was tion Act. It was while the legal adwife under the Seamen CompensaTORRIGGIA RAVELLO, 35.
Mt. Pelee erupted seven minutes Revello son, Alexander, was seri late last night and was accompanied emancipation in England.
respect they will refuse to be content born in 1840 in Jamaica the son of visers of the woman were urging the ously injured and is now in the Father Owen Dudley, addressing with less than they are able to pay former Custos of Clarendon and latter claim to compensation that Princes Town Hospital.
by subterranean tumblings. Althe Council for International Rela for. If people of all colours cannot his wife was likewise a daughter of the true state of affairs became The Story though it belehed fire, ashes, smoke tions said: live and move and have their being Jamaica.
known. That there existed another and weam, no serious damage has We are receiving converts from in harmony side by side then there It has occurred to me that just. and in fact the only lawfulwife only eye witness of the tragedy, was 8, 000 persons have evacuated the The story told by Dookanee, the been reported thus far. More than almost all denominations and sects is something wrong with our three as in England, we have the Nationin Jamaica and that consequently the that there was a flash of lightning As people raalise that Protestantism hundred years of British rule. In al Gallery in which hangs portraits English lady had no lawful claim followed by a peal of thunder. She menaced region.
is dying they must instinctively turn to compensation. The Jamaican lady to the ever growing Roman Catholic any case we do not want the Monster o! the Empire distinguished men thereupon persecuted her came from a room where she had claim Race Hatred to raise its hydra head and as America has a Hall of Fame through a well known solicitor Church been lighting a fire into the front Graceful And FROM SECT TO INSECT in Barbados. For one thing, the for a similar purpose, so Jamaica Kingston, who has been able to prove room intending to close the door Unusual Jewelry The Church of England, the country is too small, and for another might have a place where her sons that she was the lawful widow of the when one of the women fell on her.
national Church is fast becoming a when once these passions are let and daughters who have won renown deceased; but it remains to be proved She was dazed and on recovering farce. Numerically we have just as loose there is no knowing where they at home or abroad may be remem that the wife was dependent on her aw the bodies of four helpless permuch right to be the national Church. will end. bered and their careers act as an husband and that he supported her sons lying on the floor.
of The Church of England will incentive to the younger members within a period of six months After the Medical Officer of the soon change to a sect, and even of the community to go and do like his death.
district had viewed the bodies they wise.
possibly to an insect.
Island Scholarship The shipping authorities, through were handed over to relatives for Another distinguished Jamaican whom the claim has to be paid, have burial.
Fe ther Dudley described Deans Inge For 1929 and Bishop Barnes as very ignorwhose name should certainly find a suggested that the claimant should The house in which this tragedy place.
visit England personally in order to ant men.
Won By Young Springer IN SUCH VALHALLA fully satisfy them of her bona fides occurred was occupied by Bhagmania We take a great deal of They are ignorant of the first but the amount of compensation doer and her son, and the woman Ravello, pride in having our stock of things they, as professing Christians, is the late Dr. Sidney Martin who not exceed 800 and the expense that with her son went inside to shelter jewelry represent all that is The Barbados Scholarship for 1929 achieved a distinguished position as should know, he said They are a trip to England would involved does from a heavy downpour of rain.
a consulting physician in London not encourage the lady to take such not only newest and best, ignorant of theology and the Chris has been won by a son of the late Mr. coconut tree overhanging the but that also is different tion religion. Springer, master of was Physician to University College course. Her solicitor has in turn house was also struck by lightning from the common run. Every These men are modernists, and the Combermere School and the Hospital and Professor of Clinical writte nto the authorities in England and destroyed.
jewel loving woman should modernism isode of the greatest pioneer of Scouting in Barbados. It Medicine at University College. suggesting that the evidence required visit our store and revel in enemies of Roman Catholicism.
is a source of gratification to the have no doubt that many Ja. be taken on commission here and ins, resided up to a short time ago the glorious display of Jew These men blinding multi many friends of the late Mr. Spring maicans who have gone to America sent to England; and the parties con in lower St. Andrew, and in the moth. elry and Precious Stones.
tudes to the revelation of Christ, er. He was one of the noblest souls and other parts of the world would cerned are anxiously awaiting a reer of a grown up girl, whose father, blinding them with their moder that ever lived. To his sister too ply.
be equally worthy of recognition in the deceased seamen, had lived in The widow, a Mrs. Rebecca Jenk. maica for several years.
Miss Springer the Head mistress of this way, for the records go back122 Central Ave.
the Carrington Village Girl Schoolwards as far as was desired.
Let Us Take Heed the success of her nephew must be recall a bust of Dr. Fiddes in a fount of great joy. She has taken Central Park, commemorating the The Advocate of recent date refer: care of the three fatherless children pbysician, who made so great a rered to a very distressing social mani and lavished upon them all the devo putation in the Kingston of his day There is no need in my opinion festation in Barbados. It is becom tion of a welf sacrificing nature.
why such scheme should fail ing increasingly evident that someThere could be no more fitting thing will have to be done to prevent encouragement for her labours.
through the fact that a marble or bronze memorial is too costly a work INCORPORATED 1860 a development of real hatred in the relations between people of defferent SCIENCE TEACHING of art for the island to afford. portrait in oils is all that is necesHead Office: shades of colour in Barbados. It is not quite well enough understood The Report of the Examiners has sary, as in the National Portrait What the divisions and discrimina been pounced upon by a section of Gallery. This can be obtained for a tions of the past are becoming more the Press to afford a criticism of relatively small sum if the artist is PANAMA COLON and more intolerable as they always Santa Ana Plana Corner Ilth and Bolivar Streets were unjustifiable. There are quite our efforts to restore to the Colony judiciounly chosen. Even a fine phoa number of people who do not the one time excellence of its Science tograph could be made to wrve the purpose of such memorial as realise the extent of the Jim Crowlsm Teaching. Some charitable remarks have indicated.
which exists in Barbados, and it is of the Examiners that a lad showed Total Assets in Excess of 950, 000, 000. 00 generally left for visitors to the sufficient promise to deserve as Mr. Rudolph de Cordova, selon of Colony to express their surprise and sistance to an English University a well known Jamaica family, left indignation at such conditions in a British Colony. What the Advocate while another would certainly bene the island many years ago, and has said about Barber Shops was quite fit by education at an English Uni resided for a long time in England.
With 900 Branches throughout the world, including true. There is no really creditable versity and yet another would He first took up a stage career but the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank shop in the colony in which a dark probably be a likely candidate for for some years now has been a con skinned woman can be sure of atten. a College Exhibition have been seiz tributor of articles and stories to is in a position to render the best possible service.
tion and the incident of a fortnighted upon to prove that all these pupils well known English and American ago in which a coloured lady on a would win Exhibitions at Oxford or periodicals, including the Strand Antigua Dominion visit to the colony was told roughly Cambridge. Such an impudent sneer Motor in two shops in McGregor Street to and other magazines.
at the intelligence of the reading Bahamas Grenada St. Kitts try another place is really dis public of Barbados is unprecedented.
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