
FOREIGN AND GENERAL Operetta Pauline As cooling as plunge Try this Banana Sherbet MUSICAL JOTTINGS (BY TO BE STAGED AT THE LABOCA CLUBHOUSE News of the music world was whenever available not from the substistuted for Music Jottings Chicago Association alone, but from The Brown and Red Troupe under last week, and, despite the fact that any other foreign Association of rethe direction of Mr. Brown the article was written by a foreign putable standing. the well known Choir master of the er, the nature of it was quite similar Speaking of Negro Spirituals any Panama Baptist Church will stage to music happenings in this counutry. constant reader of important musical the Operetta Pauline at the Laboca Although the me facilities for ac Articles will observe that in the Clubhouse on Thursday next 14th quiring much distinction are not as present age, they take a great place Instant.
prevalent here as in other places, in classical programes both in the At present, the troupe is under yet, it does not require any stretch United States and other places; here going rehearsals for the occasion and of imagination to discover that the on the Isthmus they have been retickets are now on sale. Those who aims and objects of many of our peatedly used with great success.
have had the opportunity of seeing leading musicians here on the Isth. insomuch that they are becoming and hearing this operetta, can well mus are the same as those in other more and morein demand. This fact speak of it as being of a very high places where greater opportunities will be demonstrated in the next standar, and others who have not, for sealing the heights in the art are future when a large body of vocalists can avail themselves the opportunity boundless.
in this city will show their ability to of enjoying an evening of real en What impressed me very much sing them effectively.
tertainment for a small sum. The Chicago More will be said in this connecDon fail to see it, it will be well in the article was worth your time and money, Musical Association and how much tion as soon as further information can be accomplished by getting to comes to hand think it will be well worth while ST. LUCIAN SOCIETY TO gether for a single cause or purpose; UNFURL BANNER surely, it is rather encouraging to to take the trouble to recure one of read and digest such interesting the magazines. The Negro MusiA special meeting of the St. Lucian foreign musical literature: those cian of which the article spoke.
Sceiety will take place at 00 who are ahead or even others who It might be a good opportunity if its tomorrow in the Panama Capital are just dabblers in the art always not too late to start a permanent Hall, when, in addition to the transac read such articles with a great deal music library.
tion of business, a new banner will of pleasure. Aspiring musicians be unfurled.
have something to look forward to The committee in charge of this when reading such interesting arHouse Rent Receipt Byoks in Spanarrangement is doing everything to tieles.
make the occasion as pleasant and.
There will be others of a similar ish and English for sale at the interesting as they possibly can 80 nature appearing from time to time Workman Printery.
that an enjoyable evening will be spent.
ELICIOUS tempting frozen desserts made Here the Recipe!
Peel and scrape six thoroughly ripe bananas. Throw away the scraped part. Mash the bananas and press them through a coarse sieve Mix in thoroughly cups cups Charles and stir all well together.
half hour to chill and then place in freezer. Use a freezing mixture of one part salt to six parts of ice.
richer and smoother. They have that butter creamy flavor that is so much appreciated.
St. Charles Evaporated Milk is always uniform in quality, more than twice as rich as ordinary milk and at the same time easier to digest.
Just keep a few tins handy, and you will have a supply of pure, clean milk at all times available, ready, convenient and economical.
Don forget to save your St. Charles labels for extra value in the form of premiums given out by NESTLÉ S, Box 803 Panama City or Box 300 Colon of which es su porated Milk and a cup of orange boli in ice box for HARVEST FESTIVAL POSTPONED EVAPORATE ST. CHARLES ST. CHARLES MILK There Cream in every Drop Owing to the illnes of the Rev Wade, the Harvest Festival Services in connection with the Panama Wesleyan Church are postponed and will take place on Sunday and Monday December 8th and 9th.
Members and friends are asked to be guided accordingly. Buy With Confidence Exide TRY MIRAMAR SALAD OIL FOR FRYING For sale at all leading Crocers Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
Panama 65. PHONES. Colon 84 Where starting and lighting officiency in concerned, you can travel blicholy on with out fear of trouble if your battery is an EXIDB Dame known THE LONG LIFE to motoring millione.
BATTERY Derfor PANAZONB GARAGE COMPANY, Panama City Exide THB BLOGTRIC STORAGI BATTERY COMPANY, Philadelphie, were BOX 649 ANCON, NEURALGINA Cirilo Sandford Small DENTIST MASONIC TEMPLE Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm. 30 to 30 pm Sundays, by Special Appoinment Masonic Temple lith St, O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL PuONE: OFFICE 1664 Attorney at Law OFFICE: 153 CENTRAL AVE.
PHONE 183 British Owned NEW FORESTRS COURT Railway System TO BE DEDICATED SUNDAY, 17TH. INST Passes To The Canadian National held at the new Corinthian Temple The first public function to be at number 45 Calidonia Road, will MONTREAL, Quebec, October 14. be the joint dedication of that beauti. Formerly owned by British in. ful Lodge hall, by Courts Mizpah terests the railway linies of the number 9198 and Paradise number Atlantic, Quebec and Western and 9292, ancient Order of Foresters on the Quebec Oriental, from Malapedia Sunday Nov. 17th, at P. to the to Gaspe, have been added to the usages of Ancient Forestry.
Atlantic region of the Canadian NaMych enthusiasm is being evinced tional Railways. Negotiations for by Foresters in general and those of their purchase instituted by Colon in particular who have securSir Henry Thornton, Chairman and ed a special train to convey their President of the Canadian National company numbering around 500 to system, during his visit to Great the Capital to attend the ceremony.
Britain last year.
This line of They will arrive at 1:30 and railway serves a virgin hunting and will be met by the committee on fishing territory and large commer arrangements. From the station cial fisheries and lumber industries they will be escorted to De Lesseps Park from whence the processing of Foresters will march to the New Corinthian Temple at No. 45 Calidonia Road. This procession will not be accompanied by any music and it is the concensus of opinion (Continued from page that the march will be orderly and put all men their mettle. It quiet throughout.
would have other and most fax On arrival at the New Hall, the reaching results, because it would immense gathering will immediately give women a free right of choice proceed with the ceremony of dedica.
and this would mean finer children tion. Following the dedication, both mentally and physically, for choice, social program will be ren.
to woman will deliberately choose an dered.
inferior man when she can get the Owing to the delay caused by late best.
comers, all are requested to be on Sooner or later some solution of time.
the odd women problem will have to be found, not only for the sake of the innumerable women who Drink Salade Tes the best for under present condition are conthe Tropla demned to an incomplete and loveless existence, but also because the nation BUY FROM THE WORKMAN needs healthy children who will be ADVERTISERS AND GET intelligently reared: VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. Why Women Marry Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
NEURALGINA Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children NEURALGINA on Dr. Fairweather PHYSICIAN Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart For sale both Wholesale and Retail HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO No. K STREET PANAMA CITY 000000 00000060. oooo AT THB AMERICAN PHARMACY JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Advertise In the Workman Panama.


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