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ESTABLISHED 1929 The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOV. 9, 1929. P R S Harlem Night Life Chinese Legation Colon Delegates Well Known Medico HORSERACING AT JUAN Is Garvey Eligible Returns To Panama FRANCO TRACK SUNDAY 114 105 (Continued from Page 1)
are evidently materializable, inm(Continued from Page Continued from page 4)
We are pleased to welcome back ing replaced gold teeth for class. Continued from Page mense blessings are being showered, prevented from sitting if he has Even negros with good eyesight wear to Panama Dr. Fitzosbert Anderson tion, as against the former unsatisfactory been convicted of an offence in who left here a few years ago to Two mile races them.
wili be the big volving dishonesty in America Supposing that some conditions and retrogressive sentiof these reside in Bocas del Toro, who has attraction at the popular Hipodrome when there is no provision for Leading Paper have entered legally, but have failed ments which obtained.
again returned to Panama where he it Juan Franco track tomorrow after the trial of a similar offence in Amsterdam News, weekly.
to register through ignorance or President Thomas has contacted intends to resume practise, and soon, when the imported cracks The Vanity Fair is the Tatler.
Jamaica negligence, the number of chinese such imponderable relations from his to that end has acquired apartments the track and the best native bred TAKING THE OATH. The John Rockefeller of Har residing here is not more than 4600 associations in Convention that he is at Muller Building Calidonia where throroughbreds will be seen in two he intends opening up offices in a distinct races to prove which is the The next question being dis. lem is Watt Terry, real estate, owner This number with the amount that kept posted on matters of importance, and is thereby so authoritatively adfew days time.
most doughtyy hoofer.
cussed yesterday in the city Next richest is Jack Nail, a broker. entered in 1929 brings the total numOnly one negro with Rolls ber around that which has been revised and instructed, that he is in We heartily welcome back the Last Sunday Management scored was the position with regard Col. Liao goes on to say: Sup every way a reliable standard bearer Doctor and forecast for him an exa bid success and the fans were loud to the oath, and whether it Gar Royce, Lyle, of Miller and Lyle.
Richest woman is Lelia Walker, posing that some of these legal doefor his followers tensive practise as heretofore. in their praise of the classy program vey did not take the oath at the been signed by the In view of the foregone, the meetpulled off. This has no doubt lent meeting on. Monday his seat who inherited the fortune of Madamuments have Walker, discoverer of the kink authentic signature of those who ings ofthe Division are well attended, an impetus to all concerned in gething would be declared vacant.
up the following program which it Section 54 of the Corporation straightener.
worked in the Foreign office, only enthusiastic. and promise every day to be more inspiring. On Sunday is felt sure will in no way fall below Law says: Dr. Godfrey Nurse owns the only for graft and fraud which they have THE COLORED FILM Minerva. person elected to corporate last Sunday offering, in interest: deliberately practiced, this Legation night November 10th, there will be a monster Mass Meeting for the HALLELUJAH 1ST RACE office shall not until he has Most popular high brow writer is of the opinion that these docupurpose of arousing greater interest furlongs made and subscribed before the to the colored people is Mencken. ments, even without value, do not in the PEOPLE POLITICAL Ends Successful Season On 100 Town Clerk the declaration in the literati of Harlem wild about exceed sixty, or onethird of the Colombia PARTY of Jamaica, in particular to Broadway chinese emmigrants who have enter118 the form set out in the third Menk.
impress the enemies of the Associat120 schedule of this Law, act in such Not one butler in all of Harlem ed since 1927 to 1929.
ion with the sincerity, of purpose New York, Oct. 25. The much disBubbing Water 95 office, except in administering but numerous chauffeurs for color. These irregularities cannot be which has buoyed the President and Annie Lauri cussed Hallelujah that had its 122 the declaration, ed men of wealth, May.
remedied unless there is full coopera his faithful veterans. Verily we may premier here in New York city Aug.
Part of Section 39 of the Law Harlem has about 20 picture tion between the foreign ministry sing; 20 and playing the Embasy theater, reads houses, one burlesque two vaude and this office. The requisites down Broadway, ever since, closed 2ND RACE Truth crushed to earth shall rise If a person elected to corpo. and one legit theatre, West End pprescribed in article 23 of Law numSaturday after finishing nine success. furlongs again; 118 rate office is absent from three stock.
ber of 1928 ought not to be followed ful weeks at this popular Broadway Trigo.
consecutive ordinary meetings Negros are said to control real strictly by your office (mensing The eternal year of God are her s; cinema palace. Ir will be remembered Infimo.
of the council without leave of estate in New York worth 50, 000. Panam foreign office) and this But error wounded, writhes in pain, that this. Metro Goldwyn Mayer Don Smion 110 110 the Council or refuses or neglects 900.
Legation. For it is my belief that And dies amidst her worshippers.
production opened at the same time Mayara By Salome Anderson)
112 to take and subscribe the oath The folks up there, who live all the enforcing of this article is the in Hariem at the Lafayette theater Zapo.
of office herein before prescribe for today and know no tomorrow only means of adjusting the confus.
and after being attacked by many Laughing Water.
ed the shall thereopon inmmedi nre drawing the whites closer to ing situation surrounding Chinese races, and the betterment of econoas a story to belittle our Race, only ately become disqualified and he them, more through their ability as immigratio. In solving this matter mical situations between the nations, lasted three weeks. The downtown 3RD RACE shall cease to hold office.
performers than any other means. the road will be paved towards the Park from whence the procession of audience, which was mostly white, Mile (Variety)
on theother hand, called Hallelujah, Bomba NO TIME LIMIT realization of the equality of the tween the nations.
112 one of the best films ever presented Chambo Gordo 118 It was pointed out to a Gleanin New York. King Vidor, Hallelu Chiquilla.
118 er reporter that there was no jah had its western premier last Cartagena.
108 time limit given as to how long week at the Fox palace in Los Ange Kitty Gill.
100 after election the oath was to les, Cal.
105 be taken, and further it was not stated where the oath was to 4TH RACE be taken, whether before a meetDR. NATHAN ROWE furlongs ing of the Council or where 126 But it was also pointed out that (Continued from Page 1)
if an elected member allowed Excuse Me.
122 be postponed until the return of his Don Florentino 100 three meetings to pass without brother, who is the captain of a taking the oath of office he caostwise vessels, but owing to an might be deemed to be absent 5TH RACE extended trip, he was greatly delaywithout leave and the seab d:1 Mile ed and it was decided that the best Cococha clared vacant.
100 plan would be to bury the Doctor Tunney But in the case of anyone 108 without further delay.
unable to attend through cir Honey Dew 106 The death of Dr. Rowe came as a Trigo.
90 cumstances over which he had distinct shock to the public. He was Don Simon no control the position would be 95 beloved by all, and many were the Lagrimita.
122 met by the member writing to sincere regrets exprssed at his passthe Council and asking for leave ing. It is safe to say that his meof absence.
6TH RACE mory will linger long in the minds furlong It is learned that Mr. Garvey of all who knew him.
Kitty Gin 122 has written asking for leave of Bomba ani absence.
126 Chombo Gordo Kitty Gill USE ON Marcela 112 Royal Eagle 90 Golondrina Cantones 90 Cantones 112 SALAD OIL 7TH RACE FOR BAKING de SD yoga. furlongs Sold at your nearest Grocer Rippling Water 118 122 Zapo 120 122 Panama 65. PHONES. Colon 84 Palo Loco 90 Bubbling Water BIG RACING PROGRAM Pauline.
AT JUAN FRANCO TRACK TOMORROW Sunday November 10, 1929 Feature Event Cartagena MIRAMAR Chiquilla Intimo The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
DON MISS IT ADMISSION. Including Program. 25c Mayara.


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