
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOV. 16 1929, INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS JAMAICA In Bold Bid For Liberty the road, were shifting their position Summons Concern who had made preparations to leave presence of a large number of mem. appealed the case Pearls eyes closed.
caveat Better Still TRINIDAD British Guiana May Sue University For Drawing It good to keep your record sound West Indians Banned first Woman Colour Line And not to tread forbidden ground, And live unspotted from the world: Prisoner Risked His Life In Venezuela Barrister Salem, Ore. Nov. Mr. and Mrs. But helping those of weaker will Charles Maxwell, parents of Miss To do the same is better still.
Maxine Maxwell, 19 years of age, ac. It good to travel life rough road JAMAICA, Nov. 14. During the PASSAGES REFUSED IN MISS IRIS DE FREIT. complished vocalist and university. And take your own appointed load, hearing of the last case in the Half His Honour commented very briefTRINIDAD WELCOMED sophomore, have brought charges And, looking not to left or right, way Tree Court yesterday and while ly on the serious nature of the of against the officials of University of Keep plodding on from mom to night; Port of Spain, Thursday.
rain was steadily falling, a prisoner fence nd passed sentence of 12 Miss Iris de Freitas, L, Oregon for refusing their daughter, But helping eripples up the hill, made a bid for liberty which might months hard labour on each charge situation little short of a pani: barrister at law, who was recently under any conditions. a room in the And carrying theirs, is better still.
well have cost him his life.
the sentences to run concurrently.
was created in Port of Spain to day admitted to practise her profession exclusive Susan Campbell Hall girle It good to earn your daily bread The man, Sidney Hall, was sitting The eight other charges pending when it became known that shipping in the colony, made her first appeardormitory on account of her color, And see your loved ones duly fed, on a bench on the verandah of the against Fielding were not discussed Indians as passengers for Venezuela. His Honour Justice Savary her to bach with another girl of our And not a single duty shirk; offices were refusing to accept West ance in the Supreme Court before and further attempting to persuade to live a life of honest work, second story of the building and as at the proceedings.
the policemen who were sitting near Persons who were all ready to in a civil matter recently when she Race in a small house adjoinning the But empty, aching hearts to fill leave by first opportunity and those was welcomed by His Honour in the college campus. The Maxwells have to him backs turned With peace and joy is better still.
to Gov. IL over the week end and had already bers of the legal profession and the Patterson of Oregon.
so as to escape getting wet by the ing Liberty Hall obtained their passports and other general public. Cooper.
rain, Hall jumped from his seat over Miss Maxwell states that the col necessary papers, were non plussed the low railing of the verandah and His Honour said: Before we begin lege girls had invited her to a pajama dropped into the road fully 20 feet Yesterday Mests Cargill, Cargill because the shipping agents refused House Rent Receipt Books In Spanbelow.
and Dunn filed a summons in the to sell them tickets and the Consular the business of the court, think it is party as well as other college Ha.
inh and English for sale at the The man was incapable of moving Supreme Court on behalf of Elias authorities had not put any restrie only right, gentlemen, that should loween frolics, indicating that there offer a welcome to Miss de Freitas. was no prejudice on the part of her Workman Printery.
after his leap and the police ran Alexander calling upon Uriah Alex. tions on visaing their papers.
This is her first appearance in this white schoolmates.
ander Leopold down the steps and lifted him back Grant, Brewster No Official Information Court and perhaps what is even more Karl Onthank, secretary of the to the verandah. Water thrown on Alexander Lincoln Forbes, and Wil. In view of this importance of this historical is that this is the first university, declares that a housing Graceful And ford Emanuel Wilson to show cause matter a representative of the TRI time British Guiana has had the shortage at the university actuated Hall head apparently failed to revive him. Froth came from his mouth why the caveat lodged by the latter NIDAD GUARDIAN called on the honour of having lady barrister his denial; that he had no thought of Unusual Jewelry while his body kept quivering in a who are mid to be the trustees of Venezuela Consul General in Trinidad appearing in Court. More than that at his office in the afternoon and enrace prejudice in his methods, and peculiar manner. After about 20 premises 76 King Street, known as Miss de Freitas has given me my pointed to the fact that two young minutes had elapsed his body became Liberty Hall, should not be removed quired whether it was true that West men of our Race students at the uni.
quiet and to all appearances he The Court recently made an order Ir. dians would not in future be first opportunity of having the pleasure of listening to a lady bar. versity were living in the young seemed normal but he still kept his for the sale of Liberty Hall on behalf allowed to land in Venezuela.
rister. am quite sure that from men dormitory along with hundreds of the plaintiff in the matter of Mr. Noguera Moreno, the Dr. Edwards for Marke vs. the Universal Negro Im Consul told our representative that what have seen in the papers of of white students.
her career, both academic and at the Tower St. Andrew, was sent for and provement Association: and the pre he had no official information to the Bar, she will rise to the heights of and Mrs. Charles Maxwell, Gov.
Following a conference with Mr.
on his arrival he declared that wall mises were put up at public auction effect. If and when any official in her profession in spite of the fact Patterson announced that an investiand sold to Elias Alexander. The formation from Venezuela affecting that she will have a competitors in gation of the charges would be made was fully conscious and that he received no very serious injuries. There latter has entered into an arrange the West Indians came it would be this colony a large number of men. by the state board of higher educa were no broken bones.
ment to sell the premises to Mr. published.
We take a great deal of wish you every success tion, which alone has jurisdiction over pride in having our stock of At the present time he said, all the The accused was awaiting trial of Altamont Dolphy and the Replying, Miss de Freitas said: such university affairs.
larceny. It is alleged that he went lodged by the former owners forbids information he had, were the Immimay it please Your Honour, thank jewelry represent all that is into a Chinaman shop at No. anyone dealing with the premises, gration laws of his countryy, which not only newest and best, Ashby Road, Whitfield Pen, on TuesThe summons will come on for were already well known in Trinidad, you very much for your welcome.
day of this week at about mid day hearing in Chambers on Thursday and under which many West Indiane. It is with a certain amount of dites BUY FROM THE WORKMAN but that also is different dence that enter this field of work ADVERTISERS AND GET from the common run. Every and while the shopkeeper was in his next before the Chief Justice. had already travelled to Venezuela. because everybody knows that the VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. jewel loving woman should At the Shipping Offices.
little room, Hall jumped over the visit our store and revel in counter and was in the act of pulling Passenger Gets At the shipping offices, however number of barristers here is very the situation was quite different large and this is the first time a not able to keep a secret, still we the glorious display of Jewout the till with money when the They were all refusing to issue tick woman is going to appear in this will be able to tell whether the woelry and Precious Stones: Chinaman returned; Indignant the accused ets to natives for travel to Vene particular profession in this country. man in future will make good barwent back over the counter and ran We are not supposed to be considered risters. Of course, am no criterion.
away, but he was caught and arrest Not Allowed to Land Fruits zuela.
a very able sex because, in the first thank you very much, Your Honour.
ed by District Constable Francis.
At the Horn Line Agent office, Brought From New York the TRINIDAD GUARDIAN repres. place, it is considered that we are. Daily Argbay.
122 Central Ave.
entative was told that they were only End of Post Office JAMAICA, Nov. Shortly after issuing tickets to Europeans.
the United Fruit Co steamer, Santa Sensation At the office of the agents of the Marta, had landed her passengers French Mail Line, Mr. Leotaud, from New York yesterday morning the manager told our representative The final curtain, with regard to one of the young clerks attached to that his office had received instructhe recent sensational defalcation in the Collector General Office who tions from their agency in Caracas the Parcel Post Branch of the General are known on the waterfront as advising them not to sell tickets to Post Office, was rung down on Tues. Baggage Inspectors had the neces coloured people and they had cabled day motning, when Arthur Field sity to ask a lady who had just land back to have that message explained.
INCORPORATED 1869 ing ex clerk in charge of the branch, ed to take care not to contravene Apart from that they had no other pleaded gullty to two charges of mal certain laws relating to the bringing information.
Head Office: Montreal, Canada ing false entries in an account book, of fruits etc. into the island from depriving the Government of 240.
The position was the same at the America and other prohibited areas.
office of the Royal Netherlands Mr. Sandford, Acting Crown The fact is the lady was seen to land Steamship Co. and the TRINIDAD PANAMA Solicitor, appeared for the prosecu with a few apples and oranges and GUARDIAN has been reliably inCOLON Santa Ana Plaza tion, and Mr. Manley, instruct the young gentleman politely inform formed that until the shipping agents Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets ed by Mr. MacMillan for the ac ed her that under the Law she had to receive definite instructions from cused.
dispose of the fruit on the pier or his Venezuela they will cease issuing Mr. Sandford briefly outlined the duty would be to seize and destroy tickets to West Indians to go there.
facts of the case which were that them. In a word that it was not is the months of June and August, lawful for any such articles to be ples and oranges and destroyed them.
Fielding incorrectly added up the introduced into the island except cer The lady husband thereupon attacktotal receipts in the account book. tain conditions were complied with. ed the Clerk with words.
With 900 Branches throughout the world, including Mr. Manley, on behalf of the pris The lady who is the wife of a well Later an orficer of the Customs oner, told His Honour of his 26 known gentleman who recently took Senior to the Baggage Inspector who the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank years of good work in the Civil Ser up residence in Jamaica, became in.
was present on the pier when the inis in a position to render the best possible service.
vice of the Colony and explained that dignant over the request made by the cident took place visited the office of it was only as a result of an ex young Civil Servant, and in a fit of the lady husband, presumably to rdinary chain of circumstances anger is said to have used words that seek redress for the insult complainAntigua Dominica that he had been charged with the did not become her. Then the Bag. ed of byy his Junior. But the Montserrat offences before the Court. gage Inspector took charge of the ap Senior received a very warm reBahamas Grenade St. Kitts ception 50 warm indeed that he Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia followed the old saying discretion British Honduras Trinidad (2)
USE is the better part of valour, and retired.
Guadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
More will probably be heard of this matter.
Workman General Banking Business Transacted.
Panama 65 PHONES. Colon 84 Printery FULLER The Royal Bank of Canada Total Assets in Excess of 950, 000, 000. 00 Martinique MIRAMAR


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