
RACE ROUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOV. 16 1972 APPLIED EDUCATION EDITORIAL COMMENT UNITY OF PURPOSE THE WORKMAN. 60 and his work have not been understood by many of those The Promised Article on the Catun to whose service and interest both have been dedicated all these years!
Division of the Not understood! we move about assunder, The principles of the Universal headed and carried on by ordinary Published on Saturday Ly WALROND, at the office No 72 Our path grows wider as the seasons creep Negro Improvement Association is intellects, and when through their CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, Along the years; the only solution of the occidental. lack, we find the principles of the Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon We marvel, and we wonder, why life is life, Negroes. There can hardly be found Association distorted and twisted in RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION And then we fall asleep, a sane Negro, who is willing to con such a fanatical manner, the Honor ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
Not Understood!
demn the principles of this Orgam able Marcus Garvey, or the AssociaSIX MONTHS. 20 ization; they may condemn practices tion should not be condemned, but THREE.
Not Understdod! we gather false impressions and certain rules and so on, but the rather, the more intelligent, and ONE MONTH. 20 and hug them closer as the years go by: principles are taken as a practical honest should blame themselves.
Till virtues often seem to us transgressions, solution of the Negroes.
The Gatun Division Number 16 in The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium or our rights JUNIUS And thus men fall, and live, and die, The Divisions, through which the located in one of the best localities Not Understood!
principles are to be taught and ex. in the Republic of Panama. Gatun THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOV. 16 1929.
plained to the mass of people, have is really one large family. Bearing Not Understood! Poor souls with stunted vision never done justice to the Honorable a few tattlers, and mischief makers, ALTRUISM PERSONIFIED Oft measure giants by their narrow guage: Mareus, or rather, a large percen. and these are found in every corner The poisoned shafts of falsehood and derision tage of the divisions have failed to of the world) Gatun is an ideal Are oft impelled gainst those who mould the age, Altruism is defined to be The Principle of Living carry out intelligently, the desire place for the promulgation of the Not Understood!
of the Honorable Marcus Garvey.
doctrine of the Universal Negre and Acting for the Interest of Others. He who lives thus is an altruist, or believer in Altruism, and therefore, Oh God! that men would see a little clearer The most ordinary people are al Improvement Association.
he lives an altruistic life.
ways the sponsers of movements of But, until the officers are willing Or judge less harshly where this kind Reformative movements to invite men and women of the And what better life could one live than that of an They cannot see!
Altruist? The thing is a principle a fundamental Oh God! that men would draw a little nearer have always been condemned, at village who are in a position to help truth It is a law or doctrine from which other laws and To one another!
first, by the Intellectuals, and those intellectually, socially, and morally doctrines are derived It is an original faculty of the They be nearer Thee, in power, and being something ap. and also willing to adopt suggestions mind a settled rule of action. To the Altruist, this And Understood. pealing to the mass of people, they from those persons, who from, an principle is dedicated by a perpetual commandment have always been in the lead. intellectual and moral stand point which emanates from a maxim that is somewhat latent Yes, men have not understood this good man nor The Universal Negro Improvement are in a position to offer helpful but always present, as doth an aphorism.
his work, because themselves they have not understood! Association find the same condition suggestions; the Divisions is From time immemorial this principle has permeated existing to day, as it did five hun. doomed to remain in obscurity, much the minds of altruistic men, and History is replete with dred years ago, as far as hampering to the regret of the Honorable Mar.
the names of such, as benefactors of humanity. Saint and trying to suppress a reformative cus Garvey. President General of Alban, the first Christian Martyr of Great Britain; movement is concerned. Therefore the Organization.
Otto Bismark, creator of German Unity; Simon Bolivar, Consideration For Others when we find most of the divisions (By Yeoman)
Liberator of Bolivia; John Bunyan, English Divine and Those who are busy in the really important waysi those author of Pilgrim Progress; Cristopher Columbus, com Discoverer of America; Confucius, Chinese Philosopher; whose occupations are with the things that matter; those who Frederick Douglas, Negro Orator and Journalist; have won and kept positions, friends and reputations worthy of Dr. Leo Pink William Wilberforce, English Philanthropist and Stateswinning and keeping, are the very ones who are most courteous, man; John Wycliffe, English Ecclesiastical Reformer; most obliging, most anxious to go out of their way to show kindall these were altruistic persons. Coming down to our nesses to others.
Surgeon Dentist own day and time, we must not omit Ramsay Mac Those who are grabbing at life with both hands, irrespecDonald, Premier of all England; Herbert Hoover, Presi tive of intrinsic values of the things captured; those who are 23 Central Avenue Panama City.
dent of the United States of America; and Marcus absorbed in foolish pleasures, unworthy ambitions and occupaPhone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, Garvey, Negro Philosopher and Reformer. These have tions of no moment to any beyond themselves, and to themselves stood boldly out before the world, and have sounded in only the narrower sense; those whose efforts are all for selfProfessional Services in all Branches of Dental Works aloud the timbrels of Universal Peace, and Universal those and those alone, be they of the working class, or of the Good Will, and some have earnestly striven for social smartest of a smart social set, are those that imply that there Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointmen amity and Racial Regeneration. Their names will is no time for the finer bearing which comes of thoughtful con00000cc 000000000 go down in History as Altruists of the present age, and sideration of others.
benefactors of the nineteenth Century.
They are far removed from culture. Every man for himBut right here on this little Isthmus is yet another self, the devil take the hindmost, can never be our maxim, though Altruist. He is not heralded by. glamor ONLY WEEKS TO trumpets, many, by example and environment, seem to have taken it for nor is he surrounded by Peers and Lords in Marshal their own. The considerate take their stand against selfish rush array. He is not of Kingly birth nor Royal progeny; and struggle. Good manners are on side of humanity. To but only a man, small of stature, puny of brawn, of struggle for place, to trample over the finer, the less skilled, the CHRISTMAS genuine character and puissant mentality. humble more lowly, to take without return, those were the ethics of the West Indian worker for the Panama Canal. He founded primitive man.
the Panama Canal West Indian Employees Association, Social intercourse alone cannot cultivate good manners. You can have Electricity Installed in your home now so of which he has been President for the past six years Mere book learning can leave one absolutely rude and awkward.
continuously. We speak of Samuel Horatio Whyte, Cleverness can be a twoedged knife in one hands. All that that your home will be Brighter than last Year native of Jamaica, Isle of Springs. This little man has makes for good manners lies in these words; Although speak been a tower of strength to the industrial and economic with tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, am be RATES FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATION FEE LIGHTING welfare of his West Indian fellowmen. He has the come as sounding brass. Brass! That is a good word on which IRONING (WOODEN BUILDINGS)
unique distinction of being founder and President of to end, for bad manners are indeed of brass, the expression of Room 60 Down with Payments of 00 the solitary organization which has Government Re natures brazen and unyielding in their attitudes toward the rights Rooms cognition in this part of the world. Through this or of others. The Echo. 60 Dow. n, with Payments of 00 ganization, he has unceasingly represented to the powers Rooms 60 Down, with Payments of 25 that be, the needs, aspirations, and ambitions of the Rooms 5, 40 Down, with Payments of 50 silver workers on the Canal. He has sought and has HEARD UNDER THE ALMOND Rooms 60 Down, with Payments of 50 cbtained in many instances reciprocal amity and Official RATES SLIGHTLY HIGHER IN CONCRETE BUILDINGS equity. With commendable boldness, intrepid courage, TREE and skillful intelligibleness he has prosecuted the SPECIAL RATES FOR LARGE INSTALLATIONS work to which the organization has been dedicated, Life certainly may be, and ought Yes hurled an overalled younguntil now, it has been rightly said by no less an In to be, bright, interesting, and happy; ster although like to look on the Ask for Details of our Residence FREE LAMP BULBS WITH ternational personage than Patrick Hurley, Assistant and, according to the Italian proverb pictures of the Panama Tribune Combination Rate for Secretary of War of the United States of America that, If all cannot live on the Piazza, EVERY INSTALLATION still like to read the Workman Lighting Ironing. Whyte has accredited himself in the able every one may feel the sun. for real honest to goodness news.
manner in which he has presented the case of the silver voice from upstairs shouted the Room 40 Kilowatts 00 Cia Panamena de employees before me.
with additional current at This is a high compliment, and we think it has been ment among America Negroes oc tered.
The first Back to Africa move lottery number, and the group seatcents per Kilowatt hour Fuerza y Luz u earned, and therefore, deserving. We congratulate curred in 1816, when 28 Negroes THE CHEAPEST RATE Mr. Whyte, his faithful and devoted Officers, and the established themselves on the west British Guianese Asso.
IN PANAMA AT YOUR Panama Colon Organization as a whole, for this high and merited atSERVICE tainment.
coast of Africa.
Some persons might argue that this high compliOn that beautiful November night ment availeth naught, as we have heard those of critical The first soldiers of the Ameri Saturday the 16th, 1929, the British minds often say in like cases. This, as it always was, can Army to be decorated for brav Guianese Association, will convene is a mistake, for certainly, the establishment of a feeling or in France TRY were two Negroes, their monthly meeting at the historic of amity between the silver employees and the Govern Henry Johnson and Needham Rob Hall; 10th and Street at 30 ment for whom they work is a GREAT ACCOMPLISH orte.
MIRAMAR Lest we forget, be also warned that MENT, especially if we take into account the various the Nomination and Election of Of SALAD OIL and many embarrassments by which the silver em The Workman is certainly carry ficers for the ensuing term, apployees are surrounded, and which render the establishing the best news of this village, proaches swiftly, therefore your Truly a Miracle oil, for table ment of amity so difficult.
spoke a short dark and handsome presence is required to fix the date so substantial foundation has been laid. Now let man, he entered the basement of as to meet every emergency.
and kitchen them build upon this foundation, and if they fall not by the Silver club house, where a group The Aetg Pres: will delineate on ON SALE AT ALL FIRST CLASS GROCERS the wayside (which we hope not. they shali in due time of about men were discussing all his regime, while President receive the reward of their labors.
The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
the know ologies of the world, in Rollocks will deliberate on the econoTruly, S: Whyte has accredited himself as a cloding, girlology, womanology, and mic status of the association.
Panama 65. PHONES man, a working man, an Altruist. And yet, this man news paperology. Colon 84

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