
PAGE PIVE MATTERS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN MUSICAL JOTTINGS on on TOO MANY THRILLS Harvest Thanksgiving ETHIOPIA AND BUILDING ON THE NILE Services at St. Peter By WISE (BY We all want our children to be suffer.
Church, La Boca It is presume quite an easy policy to put such answer in print.
The Workman is pleased to anhappy, to enjoy their lives at every If would be better for the younger matter for anyone to have something am wrong, am subject to cor booklet Ethiopia and Building on nounce that the recently advertised nuoment.
generation if their pleasures and The members of St. Peter Church, to my at any time and under all rection, but with careful training the River Nile by Mr. Moulton, But and it is big but many amusements were less of the thrill. La Boca, are doing all in their circumstances, but, there is another people taste for music and other parents spoil their children lives bying nature.
power that the Harvest Thanksgiv side to this story. Is it always pos things can be changed to a great is now off the Press.
making them too happy. There is Routine ing Services slated for this Sunday sible to be able to have something extent.
This booklet, filled with a synsuch a thing as too much happiness The best recipe of all for a child may eclipse those of past years. interesting to say? It naturally thetie dissertation on ancient devel.
Jazz can be and should be elimi opments on the River Nile, is worth which has the same effect on the happiness and well being to make Special music has been imported should be, as suppose it is the first rated to what extent, am not able little mind as too much ice cream him live according to an established for the occasion, and the large thought of anyone writing for the to say, but, the possibility and prob workers, who have the vision of while being read, by all of our social on the body.
mixed Choir is practicing hard te public.
ability of it would certainly be a Children generally do not know Up early every morning, and out give the musical part of the services It is not possible under any circum boon to our community. The music Ethiopia Redeemed and her glories when to put the brakes on. They after having a glass of milk for exer real color.
stance to interest everybody, but of yesterday will always have enjoy themselves and go on enjoying cise.
An inspiring feature of the 10. 45 there should be something in every The booklet can be had at (Mr.
a strong nold upon the world; Brouno Book Store) opposite De themselves till they are utterly ex Back to breakfast, out to play or service will be a Corporate Com story which should appeal to certain Handel oratorios Beethoven Lesseps hausted.
morning school Elevenses to help munion of the Senior and Junior individuals. Just as it is in Litera. sonatos, Park the Pacifle Bach works and side, and the As an occasional process this doe the morning along.
Atlantic members who have been confirmed ture why some folks like Shake Schumann compositions for chil vide at the Jewelry Store of Mr.
no harm, but the modern tendency is Lunch and then two hours rest for by the Rt. Rev. Jas. Craik Morris speare, some Milton, some Longfel. dren will out live many modern comto give children never ending pro every child below afternoon school D. at St. Peter since he became low, some Wordsworth etc. so it is positions. While many modern com. Streets, on Bolivar Avenue. Robinson, between 11th 12th cession of thrills.
Bishop of the Canal Zone.
in Music some like Handel, some posers have given to the world some Highly Strung Early to bed in the evening after It is the first time that such a Bach, some Ruebenstein some Men. lofty musical ideas (not forgetting orgânization has ceased to function.
Children love excitements and a quiet half hour to soothe the ex Corporate Communion has been delssohn and others Beethoven.
thrills just as much as their elders cited little minds. Taylor. the musical spirit It is with an appreciative spirit of arranged, and it is hoped that the In this jazz age, it is very diffi of the old composers always remains the good work of this Society that and have seen parents who ought Very few parties, but cheerful attendance will be large.
cult to get the modernist to ap with us. Nothing can change this hereby make mention of this.
to know better throwing small chil companionship with other chi dren The Bishop will be the Celebrant preciate dren into he air and catching them his own age.
anything like classienl fact which is a privilege mankind is and Preacher at this service, and all musie; it might be posible, but is enjoying to the present day.
If there could be anyone in One again just because the youngsters Follow these ideas and your child our tried friends in the community very hard putting it over. If the midst with the necessary qualifieaseemed to be enjoying the fun.
Not long ago, The Isthmian Music tions and desirous of taking up such will be healthy and happy. He ll arcos ally invited to share his question were to be asked and the al Association under the director.
We want our children to have a not be either highly strung or blesí.
a work, his or her time would more abla mes age and blessing.
answer frankly given why some ship of Prof. Harry was work than be compensated for in the effort gay time, and in our anxiety to WISE. The Flower Service at 30 folks prefer jazz to other musie, ing towards a noble end, but for am suggesting that someone try amuse them we often overstep the sromises to be attractive and im it would not be the best journalistic reasons unknown to the public, this. it.
limits of wisdom and prudence: we Prospective Division pre tsive. This service is practically may, by continued excitement of a the service of the young people of child mind, make it nervy, or as of the of the Parish, who will, with glowing 80 many fond parents say highly Panama hearts, present their gifts of flowers strung.
and fruits, together with their Difficult Problem Every schoolmaster and schoolmisThe harvest festival of the Pro special envelopes containing their tress has their own views of highly spective Division of the A. Offerings, The Rev. Chaplain Ernest Wood, strung children. They are very dif. of Panama will take place at their D. will be the preacher. 25th Street Calidonia) toficult problems. Some of them can hall not concentrate for any length of morrow beginning with a service for Parents, guardians, and friends, are time on a given subject, and seldom the children at 00 The gen specially invited to hear the impresmake the progress they should. eral meeting will take place at 00 sive theologian.
Others get so excited with perpetual when several well known ar The closing service will begin at parties and pleasures that they get tists will contribute to the program. 30 This is going to be a little sleep at night.
The public is cordially invited. whale of a service. The pulpit will Children are taken long journeys The meeting on Sunday last was be occupied by the Very Rev. Halsey in the car or train; in the latter they very successful and was presided Werlein, Jr. Ph. Dean of St.
Luke Cathedral Ancon, and it goes ate often a worry, not only to par over by Dr. Barton. There was ents, but to the rest of the passen much criticism over the communica without saying that he will be at his best.
gers, but generally the latter are sym tion which was read from the parent Following the presentation of pathetic, and put up with the nuis body on this occacsion, but the Preance a tired child can become.
sident settled the misunderstanding the Offerings, there will be a color.
Children, too, may often be seen very amicably.
ful procession through the Aisle of with their parents at the pictures the Church, follownig which the The Event There were also many valuable Deum Laudamus will be chanted by long after the hour they should be contributions to this evening prothe Choir and congregation as a in bed. An occasional late night gram which was brought to a close Chombo Gordo may not seriously hurt a child, but with the singing of the National right fitting climax. To the public a most cordial invitation is extended.
it continued the child is bound to Anthem of the CUP RACE Discriminating Against Employing Men of COCOCHA HONEY DEW LAGRIMITA Forty BIG RACING PROGRAM AT JUAN FRANCO TRACK TOMORROW Sunday November 17, 1929 Feature Chiquilla Cartagena TUNNEY FOR NEAT and QUICK JOB PRINTING DON MISS IT ADMISSION. Including Program. 25c GIVE US CALL AND BE CONVINCED THAT DRY CLEANING PHONE 250 COLON we do only the best at Reasonable Prices TROTT The Cleaner STEAM PRESSING PHONE453 PANAMA 16 STREET PANAMA DYEING; We Dye To Live TRIAL ONCE WILL BRING YOU ALWAYS nation wide survey was undertaken a few months ago to determine how widespread was the tendency to discriminate against employing men over the age of for.
ty five or fifty. An effort is being made to trace the situation to workmen compensation and group in.
surance. The premiums of such insurance are based upon the age of those insured. It is evident to one who can think at all that there is not fruch common sense back of this non employing practice. No one is really able to render efficent service in business until maturity of mind and perfection of practice combine This is found in more workers over the age of forty than in those of a lesser age and experience. The man of forty five or fifty may not have the Smap of the youthful business man, but he has a more mature judgement, based upon knowledge and experience, that is oftimes more reliable. It is not physical strength or endurance that counts in the business world, but mental facilities and the knowledge of how to put the ideas to work. man of forty to fifty is in his prime, mentally and physically, and better equipped, when in good health, to render efficient service than most younger men. The light of truth, 3333 The Workman Printery 00 72 Carlos Mendoza Street 72 (NEAR BALBOA BREWERY)
Mrs. Ada Stevens Fashionable Dressmaker and Williner House No. 13. Street San Miguel USE MIRAMAR SALAD OIL FOR BAKING Sold at your nearest Grocer The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
Panama 65. PHONES. Colon 84 Telephone 454 PANAMA Box 1102 ANCON


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