
PAGE SEX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOV. 16 1929, FOREIGN AND GENERAL IGNORANCE MAY BE BLISS Garvey Election To The Corporation Council but it is expensive not to know that GARVEY Election to Corporation Council MONUMENTAL VICTORY FOR THE triumph on the 30th. of October, PEOPLE POLITICAL PARTY He Scores 321 Votes Against 102 For Opponent NESTLE MILK IS THE BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES REASON DICTATES AND SCIENCE APPROVES THE USE OE NESTLE MILK He spends foolishly who buys just A tin of Milk INSIST ON HAVING NESTLE 2 must be the happy issue with the remaining three Patricians of the people civie reconstruction.
An imposing feature of the event was the happy veledictory of Mr. Knox, the First Vice PresidentGeneral, on his departure to the To day the Honorable Mareus seat as Municipal Councilman; for Unitd States, and the inspiring Garvey is the duly elected member if the majority had followed Bailey arrival of the Rev. Grover Ford of for the Corporation Council, for example, the winner could not have Missisippi, Chancellor of the Or.
the Parish of St. Andrew, in Jamaica, succeeded. This is causing the ganization. Mr. Knox presence having de eated his opponent by a Gothamitic politicians much unens during these trying times was a majority vote of 219.
ness, and the stern reality of changing magicals source of stimulation and The gentleman who suffered such conditions is forcing them with encouragement, and in all probability erushing blows among the consternation and apprehension into wielded an overmastering influence a jumbled corner of the civic arena. in moulding and solidifying the Warmest of those who pledged This is the second faithful assistance to Mr. Garvey, in venture of the psychological tenacity of the people his tight for the Equality franchise People Political Party. Mr. Cole concerned in the grand movement, in Jamaica, Mr. Bailey had proman Beecher starred an astonishing both in the ranks of the Universal success in the first instance. The Negro Improvement Association and mised every support to Mr. Garvey Honorable Marcus Garvey placed in political circles. We anticipate and pretended to be his valiant aid in the political campaign, but no out of sight of his constituencies, that the Reverend Grover Ford shall sooner had the latter unfortunately which was sufficient to shatter all cement the ranks and add laurels to fallen a victim to the improvident and terminantly turn the tide against ment in Jamaica, socially, politically faith in his most ardent supporters, the touchstone of Negro advancecircumstances which have led to his him, comes out with 821 votes and otherwise, incarceration, than the stab WAS against 102 of the treacherous conIt is with exclusive pride and satishurled to lay this leader hors de testant. This is a revolutionary faction that insert the following combat, and pratically usurp a posle movement in suffrage evolution in impressive excerpt from a letter of tion that had been well formed for Jamaica, and the first fruits of that personal interest, but which is of Mr. Garvey, and fostered by the peo civic renaissance which the Colonial unbounded wealth of inspiration to ple Political Party. In Mr. Garvey wsakness due to his confinement, his electors shall universally evince for all faithful adherents of our noble their politico social advancement.
Organization: herculean struggle, morally and poli.
With the Honorable Garvey there Fancy, the Chief won in the Byetically, shines forth with a glamour is which must dazzle friend and foe the formidable Quadrupliente election for the seat in the Corporaalike.
Constituency comprising Coleman tion Council. The votes were 321 Beecher, who had already crossed to 102 for the opponent. The elecThe People Political Party has the Line of Differentiation. Waison, tion was almost like the First of again demonstrated its sterling po. Heron, and Charles Johnson: These August affair. And then after the teney, and claims the highest respect the People Political Party shall in voting was concluded, Mr. Knox gave of all parties. It is a memorable due time place in the seats of the a farewell speech; Rev. Ford, in his conquest when we consider that the local legislature to opening address, and other speakers wield the des triumphant candidate is held in leash, made the occasion colorful. We and that this situation is an ostensi tinies of their country. What was motored to Spanish Town in a proble influence to deter those who sym Mr. Beecher success some, months cession of about 20 cars accompanied pathized with him in his run for the past, and has been Mr. Garvey by our Band leading; we drove around the prison where the Chief is, times. The Band plaayed God TRY Bless Our President solemnly, and you may imagine how thrilling it was to see and hear such a demonstration in the mid night calm. The SALAD OIL next day when we heard from him he was really pleased. He was fast FOR FRYING asleep and awakened by the strains of God Bless Our President It was something wonderful.
In conclusion may We not ask: Shall our people let go the strong Panama 65. PHONES. Colon 84 grip which they have made in this wise? Shall they fail to harmonize and bear the burden and heat of the day, that more glowing triumphs should fall from their grasp Nay let us exhort: Hold fast that which thou hast, that no man take thy Small BOX 149 MACON, crown.
DENTIST (By Cyril. Thomas)
Cirilo Sandford MASONIC TEMPLE Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm Attorney at LAW. 30 pm to 30 pm Babadian Society Activities Sundays, by Special Appoinment Masonic Temple lith St, OFFICE: 153 CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 183 In connection with the excursion O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL train to be run PHONE: OFFICE 1664 by the Colon Branch of the Barbados Society on Thursday 28th Instant, a grand outing to San Francisco is also being arranged for that date when busses will take the excursionists from the Station to the San Francisco Beach to enjoy the day outing The Royal Flush Orchestra will PHYSICIAN furnish music for the occasion.
Buy With Exide Confidence (Continued from Page forth in the 3rd schedule of the Cor.
poration Law. With very best wishes for Munici.
pal progress, Your humble colleague. 8gd. MARCUS GARVEY, Member Council.
ANOTHER LETTER The second letter from Mr. Garvey was dated November 4, and was addressed to the Mayor, and Councillors. In that letter which reads as follows, Mr. Garvey styled himself as Your Humber Colleague. Owing to my confinement am unable to attend the regular sessions of the Corporation for the time being am, therefore, asking you to grant me leave of absence for two and a half months from the 4th instant.
Feeling sure that you will do this, and wishing you abundant suecen.
Alderman Penso asked it any legal opinion had been got from the solicitor to the Corporation on the matter.
The Mayor said no, Alderman Penso it might not be right for him as a layman to give an opinion on a legal matter as the one before them, but it seemed to him that a person who was elected to the Council of the Corporation was not a member until he was sworn in, and therefore, Mr. Garvey required no leave of absence. And the law did not state any stipulated time within which the person should take his seat, and he was not debarred from taking his seat when he made his ap.
pearanee. But, in the meantime, he would like to hear the opinion of their solicitor, and he would move that the matter be referred to the solicitor.
Mr. Beecher: What will be done in the meantime?
The Mayor: do not think you can do better than what has been proposed. So far as the application from Mr. Garvey for leave of absence is concerned, the COUNCIL IS NOT EMPOWERED to grant him any leave, because he has not yet taken the oath, and until he takes the oath he cannot make any declaration.
Mr. Dillon: believe that no member is a member until he has been swom in.
The Mayor: Reis Councillor, but he cannot act in any way until he is sworn in.
Mr. Dillon said the position that arose was this: If what the Mayor had stated was correct, and there was no definite time given as to when the oath should be taken, it appeared to him that when any Councillor was elected, he could keep away from the meetings of the Council indefinitely, and his ward would still be unrepresented so long as he was not sworn in. That seemed to be the argument, but he wanted to ask this question: Was there any place assigned for the swearing in of the member to take place? Was it to be done in the Council Chamber? The Mayor: It should be done wherever an ordinary meeting of the Council is held Mr. Dillon said if it was the law that the swearing in should take place in the Council Chamber at an ordinary meeting, that made the position. very untenable one. Mr.
Garvey was unable to attend at the Council Chamber unless he got leave from the place where he was, and he (Mr. Dillon) did not know if the Governor would grant Mr. Garvey. Continued on Page 8)
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