
PAGE SEVEN nestes for the prosecution, including ARABS GET LIFE TERM For Taking Part in Recent Riots the British Superintendent of Police Aerial Train to fly 120 Miles an Hour STILL ON SALE Being Built in Great West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923. AND :A Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Summary of Contents: History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, Photographs of the Teans and 16 Individua Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
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JUST ARRIVED Cafferata, that they saw and heard Sleik Taleb addressing mobs and inciting them to massacre, the deJERUSALEM, Oct. 23. Ten Arabs being the chief instigator of the fendant on the stand absolutely dewere sentenced to life imprisonment Hebron massacre, was the testimony nied all statements made by previto day by the Courts at Jaffa for given this afternoon when the de ous witnesses. He contradicted Car Britain participating in the recent disorders fnedant took the stand, Sixty six ferata statement that the latter in which many Jews were killed. Jews were killed and many more had seen him address mobs and wounded in the Arab attacks inserted he never had led or addressLONDON, Oct. 21. With the idea LONDON, October 25. Rugby Hebron and as this trial is the first ed crowds in all his life.
of vastly increasing the speed of Wireless. The Commission of in in connection with the recent atAs a matter of fact he said when passenger transport between big quiry into the recent disorders in tacks, the case is attracting the he raw stones being thrown at Jews cities, there is being constructed near Palestine opened yesterday in Jerusa greatest interest, everyone being on Friday afternoon, August 28 he Glasgow an experimental overhead lem under the chairmanship of Sir curious to know what defence is of went to the police and told them to railway on which cars driyen by Walter Shaw.
be protect the Jews. The police how airplane type propellers will The Palestine Government, Arabs significant feature to day was ever, knew nothing of such a report suspended from a monorail.
and Jews were represented by their the cubstitution of a new prosecutol they assert. Admitting he knew that The new system, called the George counsels. Sir Walter shaw who said for the one who had been acting dur a student at the rabbinical college Bennie railplane, is the invention of it was desirable that the first meeting the previous two days. The new had been killed Friday afternoon, the a Glasgow man and is designed to ing should be held in public express prosecutor, like the one he succeedSheik said he attached no import carry passengers 120 miles an hour ed the hope that the greatest assisted, is an Arab and resembles his pre ance to that incident and did not overhead. The monorail is being constructed over the Northeastern ance would be given to the commis. decessor in the paucity of questions expect anything serious to happen.
sion from all sides.
put to witnesses, thereby rendering Despite the assertions of witnesses Railway Company track at MilnThe object of the inquiry which is necessary for the Court itself to for the prosecution that they heard gavie, near Glasgow.
was not judicial was to ascertain the him read a telegram from Jerusalem cigar shaped carriage driven by examine the witnesses to clarify amtruth and to restore confidence on biguous statements.
that hundreds of Moslems had been two airplane propellers, fore and which the future of Palestine de the prosecutor, after putting a few nied having had any knowledge on Beardmore Company. The coach is To day when killed by Jews there, the Sheik de aft, is being built by the William pended.
questions to the defendant on crossthat Friday afternoon that any trou designed to carry fifty passengers examination stated he had finished ble was going on in Jerusalem. He and quantity of light freight.
TRIAL OF MARAKA the Court began questioning and consaid it was not until Saturday mor(By JOSEPH LEVY, in the New tinued for more than an hour.
ing that he learned of it from police York Times. CONTRADICTS OTHER reports.
sensational feature in the trial of Despite testimony given in the last Hearing this statement Judge De Steik Taleb Maraka, charged with two days by nearly a dozen wit Freitas said. Harm Outweighs Good a Thousandfold refuse to believe that you as a member of the Arab Executive Com Prohibition is the most dammable mittee did not know what was going thing ever introduced into the States, ASK FOR on in Jerusalem.
The harm caused outweighs the good Saturday morning when the masthousandfold, said Archdeacon MIRAMAR sacre occurred the defendant enter Joseph Dodshon, president of the ed a coffee shop at about a.
he asserted and remained there until United States, before leaving here Church Temperance Society of the 9, 30 when someone came in and infor New York recently in the formed him there was trouble in Leviathan.
Sold at all First Class Grocers the town he However. He did not leave the coffee shop until 11. 30, he The Archdeacon declared that he said.
wanted to warn England against the When asked by the Judge why, it system of local option, which, he Panama 65. PHONES. Colon 84 he was such a good friend of the said, was the insidious means that Jews, seeking to protect them should had been used to introduce Prohibition into the States. The American they try to invent such stories about Church Temperance Society had a him, the defendant failed to reply. record of absolute opposition to He also failed to explain a question Prohibtion, and a vote taken among asked by the Court as to why in SUB view of his consideration for the showed three to one against.
the clergy of the Episcopal Church Jews, he did not go out Saturday Upon my return am going to ad morning and try to pacify the Arab vocate strongly legislation permitting crowds. He could assign no reason but repeated his story of how friend the sale of light wines and beers, he ly he was with the Jews. He stated added. In England you are selling that he refused to believe that re your gaols; under Prohibition we are spectable Moslems in Hebron were building new ones. In the States In the World Pocket es pable of committing such atroci. drunkenness is increasing; in Engand high in the World ties.
land it is decreasing. The cases of Latoom.
ARABS AT NABLUS EMBITTERED rioting which have taken place in Assistant Director of Education American prisons this summer have Farrel who is stationed at Nablus been caused by overcrowding, which MISTELI. THE JEWELER a purely Arab town, when he to day can be traced directly to Prohibi. tion.
asked pupils at the government ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY school there why they were absent QUALITY QUARANTEED yesterday they replid that they too had participated in the general Arab strikes. It is alleged that on hearing this Mr. Farrel spanked several boys As down the street youngster ran, who immediately ran home crying to Although the path seemed wide, To day saw a grey old man their parents.
Who smiled and stepped aside.
In less than half an hour all shops in Nablus were closed in protest.
Large crowds of Arabs held a pro. Bo strange his action seemed to me, turned to him and said: test demonstration in the streets matching to the government offices Why did you step aside, that he which they are said to have threatSo young might run ahead?
ened to attack but were immediately CATHEDRAL PLAZA For you dispersed by British troops. As a the youngster should have stayed, result there is tension in that city And followed in your track.
and the bitter feeling against the and see the finest Assortment of The old man answered: m afraid government is greater than ever should have held him back.
The authorities are taking preenutions against any uprising. Time was that was young and bold ESCAPES FROM JAIL.
And swiftly could run, JERUSALEM, Oct. 17 The alleged But now m slow of foot and old ringleader of the attack on Safed, And all my work is done.
Selection of awaiting trial for murder last night escaped from jail, it was learned To notions of the past m tied, here to night, ve lived my little day.
And now d rather step aside JUST RECEIVED Than block a youngster way.
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