p. 8


114 Mayara.
DANIEL MILLER Garvey Election to Women Night at PASSES TO THE GREAT BEYOND Division 877 (Continued from Page 6)
The death of Daniel Miller occurred leave for the purpose (laughter. THE LADIES WILL Ladies and Geil of egoism and nourished at Gorgas Hospital Thursday night He did not like to see complications CONTROL TOMORROW attempt at this time to revive from by ignorance.
The Panama Jockey Club has at about 12. 40 Deceased was of the kind arising, and he was slumber the column of VIBRATIONS.
arranged another good Race Program a native of St. Thomas Barbados he thinking that if there was no law On Sunday night, 17th, instant, the You will recall that several weeks came to the Isthmus during the early whereby Mr. Garvey was bound to entire proceedings shall rest in the As might be stepping too hard for the entertaimnment of the race ago a column was started under that on the toes of guilty ones. will lay loving public who journey out to the construction days, was employed for be sworn in at the Council Chamber hands, and under the management of the women of Division No. 877 caption. Our first victims were The off, temporarily. The fact of the Juan Franco hypodrome of a Sunday a long while by the receiving and he would move that the Mayor ap.
Literary societies and what they matter is that have not anything afternoon. The card contains seven forwarding agency of the Panama point some one to swear in Mr. Gar of Colon, and that is to be known as have not done since their inaguraWOMEN NIGHT in the history of to leave for my off springs, In case events, all of them interesting. Here Railroad: recently he had not been vey at the place where he was con in the best of health and the Hog. fined. hear, hear, from the crowd the Division.
tion. should be cut short by an assassin. it goes:pital, doctor decided that it was best in the gallery. But if the law was The Object of Women Night is the class in which place the aceusfor him to be under their immediate so cumbersome that they could not ostensibly to afford the FAIR SEX After that our most attractive 1ST RACE od.
care and so he remaimed until the do that, then it appeared that nothing an opportunity for developing the name was taken over by an erstwhile furlongs time of his saw fit to give this title to a sport death. Miller seemed could be done.
same character and stamina to carry column which he tried to write, along have been following with much to have made quite a number of Ramona 110 Were there any laws on the sub on business. This is a means of with a sport page. Pardon me, interest the apparent ambition of friends among the staff of the insti ject that the Mayor could read to initiating them into the social and Annie Laurie 95 did not mean to be too personal, but Mocho Hunt to excel San Collymore May.
tion and your correspondent takes the Council? Councillor Dillon ask political affairs of life and handling 123 there should be a law against pla in this opportunity to inform that staff ed.
singing contest. admire Bubbling Water fore pratically monopolized by men.
that Miller has always expressed his garism.
Mocho ambition and optimism. His Palo Loco The Town Clerk said section 84 of The women have given promise, and 100 gratitude to the staff, high and low, the Corporation Law provided that some have pratically demonstrated, is a never say die spirit.
He was an active member of Colon person elected to corporate that it afforded the And while at it, might say that 2ND RACE same oppor Division No. 18 up to office shall not, until he has made tunities as are held by men, they word plagarism is defined by a As an interested on looker advise furlongs the time he was admitted to the and subscribed in the form set forth shall acquit themselves with satisvery explicit writer 115 the circus business Trigo theft. Another writer who special and then challenge Collymore for an Mayara.
institution, the body leaves today on in the third scheddle to this law, act faction. Women ability 110 to od the 12. 15 train at the request of the in such office except in administer constructive work in the successful izes in calling a spade a spade says exhibition 108 Intimo.
Contortions in accommembers of that division for inter ing that declaration.
it is Literary piracy. Of course Zapo 110 carrying on of an orgagnization, has ment at the Mt. Hope cemetery.
We are not trying to link Nathaniel panied by an admirable desire to Laughing Water 119 Continued in Next Issue been much underrated. The opposite Barbadog and Demerara papers name with that pesky word or with sing in the face of distress. Is there Don Simon 103 sex has not fully appreciated woplease copy any of its symonyms, and hope the a second to this motion? What have Prince Dines men potential resourcefullness in well meaning gent will take the darn you to say Mocho? Forgive me, 3RD RACE the executive lines, and their un meant to ask, What have you to sing thing in the right manner. furlongs (Continued from Page limited scope and talent to do good.
Mocho. Don Simon 100 mistice week end as the most suit. They are no handicapped as the men COPA FORESTER 108 Cococha 110 able time. The British Legion took are with time. They are Frank, There are a few boys in this town But after all, why be hard on Rippling Water 125 and quite a few also on the Atlantic Mocho? He really has confidence in Honey Dew 112 up the idea and discoevered about persistent, self reliant, with a native side who delight in making a regular himself. And even if he has too Tunney 110 COLON LABORER 400 holders of the award, who at confidence and implicit faithfulness Lagrimita.
laughing hyena, or maybe jackass of much he well eventually get some122 (Continued from Page 1)
which in itself cannot but attract Many came from overseas to at success.
themselves in the way they carry where you know where mean!
act, they were released by Judge tend the dinner, while in one case on. refer to the ones who verbally 4TH RACE Mrs. Hawkins, the Lady President Arouemena. furlongs the British Legion bought a suit and and through other means extol their of the Division, in whose hands the Which reminds me of the sailor who Chombo Gordo Rodriguez assured the Judge that paid the fare of William Radeliffe entire affair rests, has marshalled a capabilities and accomplishments to 112 he knew the man who committed their associates the majority of mounted a jack ass, turned his back Chiquillo.
110 Act and the matter is now in the a Liverpool docker, who otherwise group of the most conseientious wowould not have been present. Gen men, who will entertain, educate and whom are mental abortions. The to its head and grabbed the tail in Workman. 21 hands of the Police Authorities.
eral Reginald Hart, who won the inspire their colleagues, and the worst of the matter is that some of both hands. He was never seen after Cartagena 118 their brass piping has reached the that, but then he was riding along CHURCH NOTIXES FOR THE in the Afghan war of 1879, was general public. Among the contricolumn of the newspapers, and no rough and dangerous trails. But the 5TH RACE TWENTYFIFTH SUNDAY probably the oldest guest.
butors will be Miss Wniifred sopraone seem interested enough to favor fault was not with the ass, for the furlongs AFTER TRINITY The dinner was held in the royal nos of the choir of the Congregathese weaklings with some sound sailor thought he could steer the Kitty Gill 124 St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca gallery of the Houses of Parliament tional Church, considered as Jamaiadvice or immediate curtailment of animal as he did a ship.
115 Choral Gelebration of the Holy and the menu, which was prepared ca foremost church Choirs.
their clumsy anties which is wrapped PROGRAMME Which ends my attacks for the day. Marcela 107 Communion, 5, a. The Rector by parliamentary cooks, was entirely Bolsheviki Processional Hymn. Member109 (Tours Communion Service) British. Even the wines were exclusively empire products.
ship Railroad Employee Man Accused as Drug Holy Baptism, 7, a.
The Prince expressly asked that Ritualistie Ceremonies. Chap6TH RACE Matins, Holy Eucharist and Ser. Continued from Page Continued from Page lin furlongs mon, 10. 45, a. Celebrant and the occasion should be informal, and Anthem Choir upon the man and forced him to also associated with Delgado in the Excuse Me 105 Preacher the Bishop (Tours Com. the invitations that were issued Adress. Mrs. Hawins stated lounge suits. He and Lord release his grip on the train, rolling traffic as he has not presented any Pauline 112 munion Service wwill also be sung Jellicoe, president of the Legion, Vocal Solo. Miss Gooden him away from the danger. reason for denouncing the cartman. Ocurrencia 128 at this service.
were the only non holders of the Adress. Mis Authurs The trained muscles that Riley The case has been placed before Flower Service, 30, Prea6. Duett Mrs. Hawkins and acquired in his younger days as a the 6th. Circuit Judge, and an in.
7th RACE cher, The Rev. Chaplain Ernest decoration present. Both wore lounge suits.
Mr. Mc. Donald boxer stood him in good stead in vestigation is being made to deter6 furlongs Wood, Adress Mrs. Seott this instance, otherwise, both of them mine whether or not others are im. Zapo 114 Choral Evensong and Sermon Violin Solo. Thomas might have rolled under the wheels plicated in the case.
108 30, Preacher The Very Chinese Vice Cousul Adress.
Mrs Waterman of the moving train.
Rev. Halsey Werlein, Jr. Ph. Continued from Page 1)
10. Anthem Choir Members and friends should at.
AI Brown Retursing Within a few weeks, Dr. Ly Chee 11. Adress. Miss Anderson tend all the services in large number 12. Vocal Solo (Contiued from Page 1)
On Monday afternoon at o clock Cheong, LL. will arrive on the 13. Adress. Mrs. Wright ASK FOR New York. He was determined to there will be a sale of frits veget Isthmus to represent his country as 14. Closing remarks. President make a name for himself in the fight ables, and other harvest gifts, in the Charge Affaires. Dr. Cheong has been in the Diplomatic Service Church yard.
world. He was un heralded for for the past twenty years, and is Secretary of War years, but he kept on, leading a Mulcare, Rector.
graduate of the University of Paris.
straight up right live. He followed St. Bartholomew Las Casoadas He will come direct from Nanking strictly all training rules, thus keep Simon s, Gambon the capital where he held the posi(Continued from Page 1)
ing himself in excellent condition At the above named Missions the tion of chiet Proctor for all China.
Secretary Good is suffering terribly Finally his chance came, and he Sold at all First Class Grocers will be Matins, with address, Church The present Charge Affaires and lapses off occasionally into emerged from the elimination tour.
School, and Confirmation Class Col. Jonyor Liao, will probably state of semi consciousnello.
The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
nament, the champion of the world.
meetings. The Lay Roaders will gn to the United States where he will It is thought that Mr. Good The young man deserves all thats officiate.
enter some university to finish his robust physique has kept him alive Pa nama 65 coming to him, and lets all join PHONS. Colon 84 SO Mulcare, education in order to be of greater up to this time, as his case is one heartily in welcoming him royally.
Priest in Charge service to his country.
that would kill the average man.


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