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TINE STATION Understand to be Submitted to Assault and Battery of Panaman Deste chat Executive DOCTOR PREDICTS Secretary Cabinet For Consideration invesgate escape or cnmese.
velective not Proved END OF CLEMENCEAU Tesuruay morning ur. Ricardo In connection with that vexed personal dignity the foreigners who Morales, Acting roreign Minister (by our correspondent) homeward walk. Mr. Arosemena question, the registration of aliens must submit to it.
1or Panama dispatcheda nole LO and the paying of five dollars for It was just belore day break, on hotly protested the separation, and The painful impression which the the Execuuve Secretary of the Canal certificate therewith, which latter is steps taken have caused on the spirit TIGER OF FRANCE IS Zone, stating the fact that two days morning OL September 17, with a more theatening attitude, he the cause of much greivance especialy of those foreigners in defense of ago the while three West Indians. Egbert ordered the three men to enter the VICTIM OF ACUTE among the poore class of West In whom this Committe sepaks has movquarantine Statino in Lawson, Jamaican; Waiter Maughn room, although, they explained that dians here who are unable to pay ed us to silicit from COLIC.
persons ac.
un explainable These and Samuel Hinds; natives of Bar they were not room mates.
same, we publish below the full text quainted with Panamanian logislachinese were among those awaiting bados were standing in 14th. street, their ship that will carry them to of a With the ugly revolver shaking memorial forwarded to the tion an opinion upon the legality of when Panamanian detective, ar. in our faces, and our growing fear Cheir various destinations, President of the Republic, by the such measures; for we are cognizant Dr. Degennes, attending physician West India Committee in this city, that a Republican Government over of Georges Clemenceau, the French Secretary to begin an investegation suspicious ur. Morales asked the Executive Harmodio Arosemena, thinking them of a repetition of the incident that body functioning under the aus which Your Excellency ppresides characters, approached happened some years ago in New pices of the British Legation here, would not take in bad faith a recla Paris, that the aged Tiger will ones.
war premier, announced yesterday in in order to find out the responsible and ordered them to move away and Cristobal with a police and a native for pprotecting and advising West mation based on the law and presentgo to their homes. The West Indian of Barbados, we decided to hold Mr.
Indians The Memorial follows: ed in a respectful form to which this not survive his grave illness for Our readers are well aware of the trio, feeling that they are peaceful Arosemena and take Your Excellency, Memorial is foreign.
twenty four hours.
AWAY the fact that these mentiond Chinese The President of the Republic. The Decree, the cause of this Me Ail hopes have been abandoned for were detected by Panaman Police and law abiding citizens, mildly revolver, to avoid serious trouble and Most Excellent Sir. We the morial or the Decree 141 of July, his life, and the nation is silently men in the establishment of Hi Sing protested against this curt order, during the attempt every body exundersigned who form a Commit. 1929, such as has been modified by awaiting the end. Yesterday he had Tason, near the public market. They but agreed to leave the spot at their changed blows; but we had no tee organized with the object of the Deeree 163 of August 27, of the same were thrown in jail.
leisure. Mr. Arosemena, however his bedside his Sister, valet defending the general interests of the year, makes compulsory the declaraTason has been condemmed by the with his experience of detective work, thought of hurting Mr. Arosemena subjects of His Britannic Majesty tion of domicile of foreigners, and chauffeur, and little grandson. He Secretary of Foreign Affairs realizes the end is near, and has reto especially in Colon, and the recent explained these men before the judge of the Artilles and British Guiana at the same time compels them to serve ope month in jail, while the robberies, decided to see these men as a reason for taking away the deapply to Your Excellency with due incur in expenses which demands the quested that no official pomp and other chinese are sntenced to a fine home any how, he pulled his revolver tective revolver.
respect, calling your attention to the inscription in the Civil Registry and ceremony attend his funeral.
of 500. 00 each.
the imposition of a heavy fine to any After the excitement, and the following: During the course of the night he It was learnt late last evening that and in a threatening manner ordered The Isthmus of Panama which the alloted time.
one who may fail to comply within was the victim of am acute attack on the intervention of the Chinese to their homes. They all squabble to get away the revolver the men were arrested and taken forms now the Republic of its name has been at all times, owing to its cording to what is seen after careful pains since his attack.
Decree 141 has as its object, ac of colic, and has been suffering great Mininster Tason hadrgained his started off homeward bound.
liberty. member of the trio who was before Judge Bertoncini of the Colon geographic position, and by the reflection of it, to obtain the fulfilnot living far from the scene, was Night Court, where they were sen.
disposition of its sons, an open home ment of Decree No. 122 of 1916, notthe first to reach his home, while the tenced to serve sixty days in fail for to all men from all parts of the withstanding that the latter does DEDICATION OF INTERESTING SERMON other two were about to continue the (Continued on Page 8)
Universe who have come here seek not, nor could make ing a centre where they could carry the declaration of abode, as long as compulsory CORINTHIAN TEMPLE AT DIVISION 877 on their activities and where, while it refers to legal dispositions which they have been low abiding have could neither make it compulsory or found always the protection of the the Article 12 of Law 44 of 1912, tó CEREMONY PERFORM. MISS ARTHURS constituted authority and have won Articles and of Law 32 of 1914 ED BEFORE IMMENSE the sympathy of this generous coun and the provisions of the Civil Code.
THRONG try that considera hospitality one of this legal provisions with which Ou Lunday night November 24th.
its most beautiful traditions. But, the Decree No. 122 of 926 would like Division by will have The Sends Sharp An immense fraternal crowd was Excellent Sir, it happens that recent to agree that treat of reviving, now Tamous MONSTER MASS MEET ly, the Executive Body has taken steps results. on hand last Sunday to witness the Letter to Attorney General with which by making compulsory INGS, when the sincere, the couraThat the Law 44 of 1912 does not joint dedication of the New Corin.
the declaration of the domicile of refer to anything but Civil Registra thian temple, the new lodge hall of geous, and the honest men and woNEW YORK, Nov. reportgang or camp bosses far less se foreigners have established a for tion in the Republic and Article 12 Ancient Foresters in Panama.
men of the Negro Race shall adres: reaching the National Association for verely than would Negro prisoners.
Pro mality, which, not only is burdensome states: the large gathering, the Advancement of Colored People May we further point out that from pecuniary standpoint, but in The manifestations which for: ceedings were carried out under the in the past Negroes were easily from Georgia that 200 Negro pris convietleasing to private cema certain sense deprives of their (Continued on Page 4)
auspices of Court Mizpah 9198 and swerved by the twenty five cents Court Paradise 9292.
oners the federal prison at panies by even of the most orators, who took advantage of the Among the vast audience were emotional weakness of the less in Atlanta are to be hired out to the backword states in America has around three hundred Atlantic side telligent and unsuspecting.
State of Georgia to do road work been abolished because of the ter The delegates who had secured the service platiorms of the IA. were the has brought a sharp letter from the rible evils connected with that sysof a special train to bring them to to William De Witt This association feels very most accessible. And even to day the Capital. On arrival here, they although the game is not so easily Mitchell, United States attorney gen positively that whether the practice were taken to Roosevelt park by the played, yet there are a few men and eral, protesting against such action. in legal or not the federal govern.
The report states that the leas ment should under no circumstances Samples Sent pose.
of GARVEYITIES but are DIBOLI. ing is contemplated in order to recommence such a practice as this.
the prison At P. the lieve overcrowding in If the report is true which has come vast assemblage CAL INCARNATIONS instead.
to us from very reliable sources that The Jamaica Mail of the 16th inst. mining in Jamaica. He is accom slowlywended their The mayority of the followers of Walter White, acting secretary of panied by a mining engineer who is Roosevelt park to the Temple on Marcus Garvey have learnt their the in his letter these 200 Negro federal prisoners Capt. Daniel Gully, operating in St. Mary. It appears Workman. 14 lessons. When to the attorney general, says in part: are to be hired out to the State of We are Middleton, a property in Portland that important developments will Calidonia Road where a very im stand on a Platform to day, writing to inquire if Georgia, we respectfully and strong.
ly request that such orders as may is in Jamaica in the interest of cop. shortly be witnessed in St. Mary pressive ceremony marked the dedi he must deliver the goods from the this report is true. If it is true, have been issued to this effect be per mining in several centres of the Portland, and possibly, Clarendon. cation. The Dedicating officers were: soul, to try otherwise, will prove a may we most vigorously protest immediately cancelled.
island against such a discriminatory pracSamples of copper deposits which Bros. Conway, failure, and possible exposure lengthy letter from Head Quar tice. We should like to inquire Cedar Hurst is one property upon Capt. Gully took with him to New Alfred Rouget, Augier PLEASED TO which copper was discovered twenty York some months ago, have been Herald. Alexander, Chaplain; ters will be read for the benefit of why it is that only Negro prison those doubting toms, who is in the ers are to be leased. If such leasGREET years ago. The ore gives a maxi found to contain 28 per Sam Rugless, Earth. Smith cent of mum yield of 19 per cent of copper copper; one particular specimen also Corn. Chas. St. Hilaire, Water. Flowers and Grass. Merritt same catgory yof the proverbial ing is legal it would be far wiser Rolling stone gathers no moss. in our opinion, to lease out only We were exceedingly pleased to The mineral rights of the property contained 14 ozs, of gold and two Officers performing the ceremonial Meeting will begin at 25 all white federal prisoners inasmuch meet and greet Mr. Cambridge remain in the hands of Mr. Francis. per cent silver. The Nichols Copper were: Bros. Alfred Rouget, are cordially invited. St. Gabriel as race prejudice in the State of the veteran real estate merchamt of Capt. Gully has interested parties in Company of America, is very much Bachelor, Lodge Hall. 6th Street, Hudson Georgia would make them suffer at Colon who has just returned from America in the prospects of copper (Continued on Page Continued on Page Lane, Salome Anderson. the hands of state officials and road (Continued on Page 8)
12 Protesting Lease of OCCUPY THE PULIN EL Negro Prisoners one of its in some tem, Copper Mining at Jamaica May Begin Soon Company Satisfied with committee appointed for that pur women who go about under the guise way from Says: owner a man or woman


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