
AGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOV. 1929. WEST INDIAN INTERESTING NEWS IRBADOS In General Political Unrest West Indies British Guiana JAMAICA TRINIDAD The Height of Seeking Extension of Trinidad Shoemakers Celebrate Optimism Governor Term Patronal Festival ADDRESSED BY MAJOR College, sat for the Guiana Scholar session of the Legislative Council Establishment of Shoe Factory in Island Advocated Recently in British Guiana, Mr.
The Gleaner states it has good H. Prendas, a student of Queen reasons to believe that at the coming Political Activity In Barbados the ship, the highest competitive exam, From Just Jotting by the Editor waite is safe and that the right will in the Colony. Before the results resolution will be introduced by one The Trinidad Guardian of the he asked. In 1925 there were imf The Barbados Advocate, October be between Mr. Jones and Mr. Reece. came through from England Mr. of the elected members asking the 29th ult. published the following ported locally 23, 570 dozen pairs of The reason for Mr. Brathwaite Prendas left home for England to Imperial Government to extend the from its San Fernando Correspon those articles at a cost of 68, 000, There is a great political ferment security is not difficult to discover study for the medical profession on term of office of Sir Edward Stubbe dent: about one third of which represented the parish of Saint Michael and For, in spite of his shortcomings. the strength of his winning the as Governor of Jamaica, Shoemakers from all over the is. labour.
ndeed throughout the island, and and there are not a few his political Scholarship. In his own words to a The Kingston St. Andrew Cor land came together here to day for VENEZUELA EXAMPLE with the elections drawing mear the career has been consistent and he London newspaper:poration and several of the Parochial their patronal festival and held the Venezuela was producing in her xcitement and interest will increase has followed definite and clearly am Ivan Prendas of ather than wane. As far as the marked out policy. He at least has Boards have already taken a step biggest and the best celebration factories all the footwear for her Georgetown, British Guiana. General Election is concerned there never paltered with the power given am an optimist, and also want in this direction and it has met with of Crispin Day, known to local three million people, he said, and it craftsmen.
promise of three sharp and deci to him nor betrayed a single trust; should not be thought impossible for to be a medical student.
the general approval of the commu.
Led by acolytes and crossbearer Trinidad to do the same with her ive contests, and it is possible that and the public, which is ready to have come to England to nity.
the celebrants went in procession population which was only one tenth here may be two or three more forgive mistakes, is not likely to study medicine but it all depends Yesterday afternoon there was a from King Wharf for 10 o clock of that.
In St. Michael there is a certainty forgive the inconsistencies and wob on the result of an examination meeting of the committee of the Mass at the Church where Fr.
PRACTICAL HOPE a three cornered contest, and who bling which mark the career of polit for which sat at Queen Kingston and St. Andrew Corpora: John Drayne reveiwed the lives of vill head the poll and who will be icians with more personal ambition College, Georgetown. did not tion appointed to prepare a memorial St. Cripnin and his brother Crispian find echo in something practical he hope these annual meetings will eft out are questions on which the than desire for the public welfare think it necessary to wait at to the Secretary of State for the with emphasis on their Christian host experienced concluded; something which will en canvassers and This will be the acid test of the home for the result, because Colonies asking for the extension of exertions.
able you to maintain yourselves and Jolitical agents are unwilling to ven coming election. Has the candifeel sure have won the scholar the term of office of the Governor FACTORY VISION ure, even a guess. Mr. Reece date a policy in conformity with the ship which will allow me to con The members present were: your dependents in a far better way.
His Returning in proession to the Boat as brought into the political arena wishes of the electorates and can we tinue my medical studies at a Worship the Mayor, the Hon. George House, the craftsmen met the Mayor, the metropolitan constituency the trust him to carry it out? are the London Hospital training col. Seymour Seymour, Councillors Mr. Wharton, who pointed them Fatality on Cricket rigour and determination of youth two questions which every elector lege. Simpson, and Dillon, to the vision of a Trinidad shoe facField and his tactics have surprised and must ask himself. attach little At the moment am a little It is understood that a draft memtory, supplying all Trinidad delisconcerted the old men who have value to promises which are as lightamazed at London. Everything orial was prepared and it will be mands in footwear, run and owned by The Trinidad Guardian of the Joasted for so long that they con lv given as they are easily forgotten.
is so noister than anticipated considered at a special meeting of Trinidad shoemakers and even pro 29th ult, says: Heart failure followrolled politics in St. Michael The majority of electors are, be. and people are hurrying in all the Council which has been sumviding employment for some of their ing a blow above the heart from a lieve, waiting to hear a declaration JOLT.
directions, but know shall be moned for Tuesday afternoon next.
brethren in the craft elsewhere in the cricket ball, was found to have been of policy from the candidates, and Their influence received a severe until the candidates place their views happy here.
West Indies the cause of the death of Ernest olt during the early campaigns of before them, they will come to no Fortunately a few days ago a cable Following a big banquet in the Corneal, as inmate of the Belmont Mr. Brathwaite and the polit. decision. We are in fact coming to from England to the authorities in afternoon at the Boat House, the Orphanage. The inquest was held cal temper of voters has changed real politics at last.
British Guiana announced that Mr DENTIST HOWELL festivities closed there with a dance today with the Acting Assistant Prendas had won the Scholarship Sven more greatly since then. Un in the evening City Magistrate sitting as Coroner.
portrolled expenditure will heardly His optimism was justified. It de AM WITH YOU House No. 912 La Boca Dr. McLean, said he vail now to secure the seat and the Inter Colonial served to be. Mr. Prendas besides am with you in this movement, examined the dead body at the morandidates will have to put their having had brilliant career at Canal Zone the Mayor told the celebrant, and tuary and found the brain, liver Sdịcies before the electors if they Good Will Queen College. is rated a violinist congratulate you. hope your com lungs, and spleen were congested.
Iesire to win their votes. Neither o exceptional promise.
OPPOSITE RESTAURANT ing together might result in some The incident occurred on October Mr. Jones nor Mr. Brathwaite Barbados at a meeting of the PHONE 1941. BALBOA thing to improve the financial and 16, Corneal was umpiring a cricket eels secure, but menace social conditions of shoemakers in match at the Orphanage and one of House of Assembly, Mr. Walter Barristers Specialises in all Branches of Trinidad.
Mr. Jones position is ob Reece presented the report of a the inmates hit the ball which struck Solicitors yiously greater. He will, however Select Committee appointed to conDentistry Why not establish in Trinidad a him over the heart. He held his fight with the advantage of a strong sider a letter from the Hon. Harcourt ALL WORK GUARANTEED factory that will be able to produce chest in pain, cried out, collapsed brganization behind him. It has long Malcolm, Speaker of the Bahamas by Solicitors of the Colony, says the movement is at present on foot all the boots, shoes and slippers re shortly afterwards, and died within RESIDENCE538 that what for con House of Assembly, inviting the Daily Chronicle, of British Guiana, Seen known quired for the people in this island? five minutes.
renience may be called the Conser Speaker of the House of Assembly to petition the Judges of the rative Party (though the connection sa loose one) maintains an organi. of Barbados (Sir Frederick Clarke) Supreme Court with a view to get tation for the regular registration to attend the coming celebration of ting Section of the Legal Practicertain events of importance in the tioners Ordinance amended so as to ind canvassing of voters.
history of that Colony.
prevent Barristers from practising WARNING The House, says the Advocate, as Solicitors as obtains at the preMr. Herbert Emtage is still the hief political agent this party thereupon passed a Resolution that sent time. It is being pointed out can act as INCORPORATED 1869 but Mr. Jones has found it neces. His Honour the Speaker be requested that whereas Barristers lary to supplement the regular or to convey to the House of Assembly Solicitors in cases of conveyancing.
ganization. Accordingly other can of the Bahamas, through the Hon. etc. Solicitors can only practise as Head Office: Montreal, Canada rassers have been called to direct Harcourt Malcolm, their Speaker, an general practitioners within a very he political campaign for Mr. Jones, expression of the appreciation of the limited scale. In England, Solicitors doubt, however, whether either Mr. House of the invitation extended to can appear before the County Courts PANAMA COLON Emtage or anyone else will be an Mr. Speaker to be present at the cele in actions involving up to 150, but in British Guiana their scope is Santa Ana Plana Sffective substitute for Mr. Jones bration of the Tercentenary of the Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets In fact Mr. Jones will have to emu First Royal Grant of the Islands by limited to 240 (850) only. Solici.
late the zeal of Mr. Thorne, who, King Charles to Sir Robert Heath, tors are also forbidden to appear as Criminal Assizes in when his seat in St. Thomas was his Attorney General, and the Bicen counsel British Guiana and therefore, it is threatened, made nightly visitations tenary of the firet meeting of the to the electors. The electors, if General Assembly, and the hearty felt that greater protection should be sense the prevailing feeling rightly congratulations of the House on the given them.
will have little for gentlemen occurrence of the centenaries of With 900 Branches throughout the world, including them and leave them to the persuas in the history of that colony.
the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank ions of paid agents. It is a warnCelebrates Anniversary is in a position to render the best possible service.
ing to which Mr. Jones, if he be wise, will pay heed.
BUY FROM THE WORKMAN St. Vincent, October 14th.
CANDIDATES AND POLITICS ADVERTISERS AND GET Ninetieth anniversary of the foundAntigua Dominica Montserrat My own opinion is that Mr. Brath VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY ing of the Church of Scotland was Bahamas Grenada celebrated yesterday by a very large St. Kitts gathering. The congregation met Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia a: Victoria Park and marched to the British Honduras Trinidad (2)
USE Martinique Church headed by the Kingstown orchestra The procession was nearly Guadeloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
one milelong. The service commenced p. and was conducted SALAD OIL by Rev. McPhail. Two tablets were unveiled, one to the late AlexHIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST FOR BAKING ander Porter, native of Scotland and Sold at your nearest Grocer Elder of the Church, who endowed PAID ON DEPOSITS it with, tive thousand pounds on conThe Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co. sideration that the Minister be a Scotsman, the other to Miss Francess Panama 65. PHONES. Colon 84 Spence, devoted member of the Church The Royal Bank of Canada at Total Assets in Excess of 950, 000, 000. 00 use politicans who shun contact with events so interesting and important ST. VINCENT MIRAMAR General Banking Business Transacted.


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