
PAGE SEX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOV. 23 1929 FOREIGN AND GENERAL Bright Harvest Festival at St. Peter Church Al Brown Bantam La Boca Last Sunday Weight Champion of the World EVAPORATE Barbadian Held For Stabbing ST. CHARLE There CREAM in every drop THEN a bottle of milk stands for a while, the to the top. Pour this out, and you have practically nothing left but water.
Cow milk is made up of 1245 milk solids (but.
terfat milk sugar, proteins and mineral salts) and 87 water. In making St. Charles Evaporated Milk, 61 of the water is removed, leaving all the milk solids in the trated product, which is therefore more than twice as rich as ordinary milk.
By a special process the butterfat is broken up into very small particles so that the cream does not rise. There cream in every drop. Use St.
Charles Evaporated Milk for all cooking and drinking purposes. Recipe book sent free on request.
NESTLE S, Box 803 Panama City or. Box 300 Colon concen Francisco William, 17 year old bar tender of Colon is now being held for trial before the 3rd Municipal Court for stabbing Ed.
ward Clark, 44 year old barbadian eash this month who was employed at the Cristobal docks at the time of the occurrence From information gathered, the act was committed with. inch dagger which inflicted wound on Clark back and another on the right side of his Beck during a brawl which took place between 18th and 14th Streets at Kyran Fletcher bar.
Clark who was in company with Archibald Williams, was attacked by crowd inside the saloon when knives and stones were freely used and he happened to be the victim of this most dastardly attack.
He is now a patient at the Colon Hospital, where, according to be DIrector Dr. Peralta Ortega, he will be incapacitated for about 10 days The Dr. also stated that he had a very narrow escape of losing his life, adding that he must have twisted his body or the knife would have pierced his lungs and caused hemorr.
age, but his case is not by any means hopeless.
was a ST. CHARLES MILK Last Sunday the interior of St. had been accomplished at St. Peter Peter Church, La Boca, looked like since 1919, and said it was a great GIVEN BIG RECEPTION UPON a variety field. Up to 11. 30 pleasure to him to share the joy of HIS RETURN TO THE ISTHMUS Saturday, members and friends were harvest with Rector and congregabusy decorating the walls of the tion.
Panama is not behind hand when Church with their beautiful gifts of Despite the downpour of rain at it comes to giving honour to the sons flowers, fruits, and vegetables of the Flower Service was at of her soil, regardless of creed or various kinds, given in reckless pro tended by large numbers of members color. This fact was ably demon digality.
and friends. Following the presen. strated on Tuesday evening last when At 15, a. Sunday the inspir. tation of flowers, fruits, and special Al Brown Negro Bantam weight ing hymn. Come, ye thankful peo offerings in envelopes by the Sunday campion of the world was enthusiasple, come, was announced by the School children, the Rev. Chaplain tically greeted (on his arrival from Rector, and sung with much inspira Ernest Wood, New York) at the Panama Railroad Station, having come over from prenched a most appropriate sermon tional feeling by Choir and congrebased on the Nineteenth Psalm.
Colon on the 15 train.
gation, following which was a choral The night service, commencing at The young champion was met by celebration of the Holy Communion. 30, o clock, attended by a contingent of the Boys Scouts of Scores of communicants received the Rector officiating.
over four hundred people. The Very which he is a member, a delegation from the Talleres Escuelas girls Rev. Halsey Werlein, Jr. Ph.
At this service the Office of the school, the school of arts and Crafts o: St. Luke Cathedral, Ancon, was Holy Communion, set to music in the preacher, who rose to the acca with their band. the national band. the Key of F, comprising the Kyrie sion and preached a the bands of the boys orphanage and never to beGloria Tibi, Laus Christe, Credo forgotten sermon from the fire department and members of the words Sursum Corda and Sanctus, Benedic Render unto God thanksgiving.
different sporting Associations, tus qui venit, Agnus Dei, and Gloria After the presentation of the offerThese various organisations mar.
in excelsis, by Berthold Tours, was ings, the Te deum was chanted by ched in procession, headed by the used to great advantage Republican Band which accompanied Choir and congregation, following the champion through Central Ave.
The second service began at 10. 45 which Dean Werlein offered the clos a. and was purely Eucharistic ing prayers and gave the Blessing.
to the Municipality where he was Tours Setting was tendered a warm welcome by memagain used at Two anthems Lord, how mani bers of the Municipal Council during this service. The Rt. Rev. Jas, Craikfold, and Praise to God, were the playing of the Panama National Morris, Bishop of the Canal rendered at the services by the Choir Anthem. He was then escorted by Zone, was the celebrant and preacher with marked efficiency.
the Municipal reception committee the Rector serving in the capacity Remembering as he did that there tn the city Corporation where he was of Deacon. In his usually forcecould and would have been no Har tendered another welcome by coun.
ful and impressive style, the Bishop vost Festival at St. Peter on the cilman Dr. Rodolpho Aree.
delivered an evangel that will not date specified without their unselfish The young champion here expressonly be remembered for many a o orperation and warm patronaged himself in spanish as being greatday, but will bear fruit to the honor the Rector after making his announce ly surprised at the honour conferred and glory of God.
ments, heartily thanked every one upon him and then toasted to the Before announcing his text, the who had in any way helped to make prosperity of Panama. Later in the Bishop requested all those whom he the Harvest Home a real success evening, a buffet supper was arranghad cpnfirmed at St. Peter to stand and once more through this medium ed for him at the Hotel Italiano by and scores responded all over the begs them to accept his heartfelt members of the Sports Writers Assacred edifice. The Bishop then ex gratitude for their highly appreci sociation and at which many of his pressed his thankfulness for what ated support.
friends and colleagues attended.
The program for Wednesday included a reception at the Presidencia by President Arosemena and a banquet at the Hotel Colombia.
On Thursday night 21st instant MODERN TAILOR the young boxer was presented with a beautiful belt by the Mayor of House 40 Panama Abel De La Lastra. Upon presentation of this well merited 3rd November Street prize, the Mayor described Brown Guachapali Panama City as the greatest battler Panama had ever seen. The champion in response said that altho he was recognised by the boxing commission as the world Bantam weight Champion, he TRY did not feel himself as much till he had received the belt.
There Cream in every Drop Clifford Scott Passes on Buy With Exide Confidence Where starting and lighting efficiency in concerned, you can travel blichely on with out fear of trouble if your battery is in EXIDEA name known THE LONG LIFE to motoring millions BATTERY Distributors for Men PANAZONE GARAGE COMPANY, Panama City THE ELECTRIC STORAGE BATTERY COMPANY, Philadelphia, The death of Clifford Scott, native of Woodbrook, Port of spain, Trinidad ecured on Thursday the 14th inst at 30 in the evening at the Gorgas Hospital.
Deceased came to the Isthmus during the construction days and was always during that time employed by the Government. He was associated with many branches of sport and in consequence, made for himself a wide circle of friends, He was a member of the Sojourner Friendly Society of this city.
His mortal remains were taken from the Edith Cavell hall to the Herrera Cemetry at 00 Yesterday when a large cortege followed the bier to its last resting place.
Exide GEO. BISHOP Shu Wills and Chato to Meet IN FISTIC RING DECEMBER 15 NEURALGINA MIRAMARTOTT Dixie White Passes Away other any SALAD OIL FOR FRYING For sale at all leading Crocers Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
PHONES. Colon 84 Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
NEURALGINA Panama 65 Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children NEURALGINA Promoter Fernandez of Colon has announced that preparations are being completed for the fight program that will be offered in the Bull Ring on December 15, when Young Harry Wills will Meet Kid Chato in a twelve rounder. special train will be run on that day, bringing the thousands of fans from Colon who desire to see the bout. This train will also bring fans desirious of seeing the baseball game that will be played the same evening between nine from the Atlantic and one at Panama team at the national stadium. This game will be the opening game of the Panama national league base.
ball season for 1929 80.
The preliminaries for the fight have not been chosen as yet, but this will be done very soon. Mr. Fer.
nandez says that he will select the best fighters available.
Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart 10. BOX 649 ANCON, The death of Dixie White, young tailor, of 16th street west, of this city a native of British Guiana and an American citizen by naturalization, occurred on Wednesday last at the Gorgas Hospital.
White was admitted to that institution about two month ago suffering from swollen glands and in spite DENTIST of all medical skill and attention of MASONIC TEMPLE the staff, he succumbed to the maOffice Hours:8, am to 12 pm lady. Communication with regard. 30 to 30 PM Sundays, by Special Appoinment to the deceased citizenship is now Masonic Temple lith St, being investigated, after which, funP. O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL PHONE: OFFICE 1664 eral arrangements will be made. He leaves a mother and brother in British Guiana to mourn their loss. Small Chrilo Sandford Attorney at Law For sale both Wholesale and Retail OFFICE: 153 CENTRAL AVE.
PHONE 183 AT THE AMERICAN PHARMACY JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor British Consulate Notice BASEBALL Panama.
Dr. Fairweather PHYSICIAN The British Vice Consul at Panama city would like to know of the whereabouts of Richard Roseman, a native of Trinidad, British West Indies, who is said to have worked on the docks as watchman HAS REMOVED HIS, OFFICE TO No. K STREET PANAMA CITY It is gratifying to report that the local Baseball season will be re opened during the coming month when a very interesting evening is being arranged by members of the Insti.
tute and other leading teams.
As opportunity offers detailed reports of activities in connection therewith will appear in these colDrink Salada Tes the best for the Tropica Advertise In the Workman umns.


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