
PAGE FIVÁ THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOV. 23 1929 MATTERS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN Fror ит Th nti ndee vith xeit ath Gent Will eft hos Personality Do You Know Wedding Bells Pleasant Caller The Regisration of Or the Ohse hand, the fresar taken by the Executive Body attest Counts THAT:in general poor persons who are On Sunday the 17th instant, at the pleasant caller at these offices (Continued from page 4)
obliged to make disbursements FRAGRANCE St. Peter Church La Boca, amidst yesterday evening was Mr. James Estate be obliged to register anew which, owing to their narrow peThe best cleaner for tarnished sil the beautiful decoration of the Alexander clerk in the Compañinonch your and pay the corresponding cuniary conditions assume a differ ver is precipitated whitening and church, it being Harvest Sunday) Puerza de Luz, who has just re taxat on, or could it also establish ent position to what it seems at a at 30 there were joined in It is in her more intimate surround anamonin? It is quite a simple mat. Holy Matrimony, hane. More richards turned from a three months vacation that merchandise imported by for glanee; and not only this, but admit.
eigners should be charged double ting the inconveniences in which ings and possessious that women ter to precipitate the whitening of St. Carthrene, Jamaica and Miss in the good old Jimmie state: taxation than what is paid by these foreigners are placed they will most truly shows her tastes and yourself. Tie it in a piece of murlin Mabel Owen of Gamboa, daughter that his vacation was all too short Panamanian importers?
live in continual anxiety, for at any temperament.
and suspend it inside a jug one of Mr. and Mrs. Owen.
for him to do justice to the many We have treated the question large moment, new trxes or the augmentaIt was the most spacious wedding courtesies extended him. He says Her bedroom is usually indicative knitting needle or skewer.
ly in regard to the constitutional. tion of these now existing will be held in St. Peter during this year of these to even the verlest amateur Pour boiling water through it until Leaning on the arm of her father he feels much benefitted from his and legality, of the provision made, thus making it impossible for the water reaches up to the bag paychologist that are put in force by the Execs them to reside in this country.
the bride entered the church. during trip and indeed he looks it.
tive Body to the disadvantage of a In view of all said, with the greatAnd the really fastidious woman Leave overnight, then pour off the which time, Miss Barnes played a considerable amount of inhabitants est respect, and esteem to the exalt.
continues this expression of her per water very carefully and spread the wedding march) wearing a gown of of the Republie of Panama, but we ed position which Your Excellncy sonality even inside her bureau sediment at the bottom of the jug canton crepe, trimmed with chanti organ. Two recitations by the Misses want to insist upon the economical occupy, we ask as an act of Justice lly lace and thenestone; her sister Delfin and Dorothy Brown, a clar and moral part of this subject which and of national generosity, you may drawers, where her lingerie, her paper to dry.
Miss Buelah Owen as her brid maid inet solo by Mr. Gray, and a we hardly stated at the beginning of condescend to abolish any Decree This can be used dampened with and the Misses Parchment and churus by Mr. Rock Pupils. Messrs this memorial.
gloves, her handkerchiefs, and all of which imposes the fulfilment of roher belongings are laid away in water, but for very dirty silver moi Nelson as her flower girls. Jeffers and Morgan save. Foreigners resident in the country quirements, which may cause anxiety The ceremony was performed by two very sachets, scented with her favourite ten with a little dilute amonia. appropriate addressess as long as they are lawabiding there to foreigners resident in the Republic well received by the good silver cleaner that cleans and the Rev. Muleare, in his usual which were in no reason why they should be con of Panama, when such requirement perfume.
polishes at the same time can be impressive manner.
audience. Aftr the singing of the sidered as dangerous elements, and and obligations are not demanded of What these sachets are is again a After the ceremony, the wedding Hymn Africa Awaken, Mr.
411 precipitated made as follows: more subjected to punishable doing. Panamanian citizens.
matter of personal preference.
party motored to Gamboa 17 miles Flemming gave another address on than the sons of the soil, that it may Panama. Nov. 5, 1929.
whitening, ozs, shredded yellow where an elaborate reception awaited the merits of the organization, after bi necesary for them to be submit (Sgd. Your Own Sacheta Nightengale, Chrairman: soap, gill ammonia, pints boil. elaborate reception awaited the many which the chairman brought the ted to a special identification, on Harris, Vice Chairman: The lingerie shops have exquisite ing water, two pennyworth jewellers the many frends who attended the function to a close with the singing stating their domicile which leaves Williams, Secretary: Babington ones, made in different sizes, scents wedding which testified to the high of the National Anthem of the rogue.
an impression that they are equal Simons, Treasurer: Rursel and colours, but to own complete to persons who are Mix whitening smoothly with half esteem in which both the bride and LA.
spuspected of Phillips, Walter set of these is often too costly for a pint of boiling water; boil up soap community.
bridegrom are held in their resptetive crime.
Headley the average purse.
in remainder of water. Add other Those present at the church were Mrs. Ada Stevens Nothing is easier to make, however ingredients to soap, and stir until Mr. Owen, father of the bride fortunately for the girl of limited smooth. Store in a bottle and shake Miss Owen, sister, the Misses Fashionable ASK FOR Parchment and Nelson, Mr means, and there is no reason why well before using N. Brown. Best man) Mr. and her bureau and dessing table draw.
Mrs. Mapp. Mr. and Mrs. SandiDressmaker ers should not be as dainty as those ford, Mr. and Mrs. Parchment, Miss of her more afflinent friends.
When carpets have been putaway Wilkinson. Ming, Parchment and Milliner Single Flower for little time, it is no unusual the Messrs. King, Warner Williams Parchment, and Mr. House No. 13. Street Pirst of all, she will find it a great thing to find that moths have at Cohall from Gamboa, Mrs, Thomp.
economy if aho buys sacbet powder tacked them, in spite of all our San Miguel son, Mrs. Eves, Miss Myere Sold at all First Class Grocers in bulk. Most of the more popular care.
Miss Small, Mr. Box, Mr.
To kill the moth grubs thorough. Rohb. Mr. and Mrs. Charles, Mim scents are also in this form and can The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
be purchased at perfume depart ly, wet a piece of thin material and Linton, the Misses Jennings, and BUY FROM THE WORKMAN Bennett from Panama ments of any of the larger shope or place it over the part that has been Mr. 24.
ADVERTISERS AND GET Papama 65 PHONES. Colon 84 The Misses Muriel and Violet EdVALUE FOR YOUR MONEY chemista. straight, single flower attacked. Then iron over the cloth wards and Mr. Gittens and odour is the best second cholce after with a hot iron until the material is nons from Colon. Mr. Me her own perfume. verbena, rose, dry. The boiling steam will satu Carthy from La Boca, Also Mr. and violet, or lilae, for example. rate the carpet and kill all the moth Mrs. Tawes and Mrs. Thome from Colon.
Or, if she feels that she must have grubs or ears.
Then darn the Mr. Ms Carthy was the toast her particular perfume all through parts that have master at the reception, The goodwill her clothes, then let her adopt the been eaten away with wools to match extended by way of addresses were French expedient of pertuming at the carpet. If this is carskMy done many which speaks in high praise of flannel and laying them in among it will be difficult to tell that the of both the bride and bridegroom.
her things.
carpet has been attacked by moths. At the home were many friends, among whom were Mrs. Nelson Mrs.
Wilkinson and Mrs.
Cohall and others.
At 6, 80 the bride and bride No. 59 24th Street Chorrillo proom motored back to Chorrillo, Panama, where they have taken up residence. The roodwishes of all Surgeon Dentist friends are extended to Mr. and Mrs.
Richards for a long and happy union, The bride received many valuable 23 Central Avenue Panama City. and useful presents from her many friends.
Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works Protective Dvivision Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointmen I, D0000000 0000000 MIRAMAR SALAD OIL THE CHORRILLO TRADING SYNDICATE Dr. Leo Pink OFFER BARGAINS IN Photo Albums Scrap Albums HOLDS SUCCESSFUL HARVEST FESTIVAL ONLY WEEKS TO ALSO CHRISTMAS You can havo Electricity lastalled in your home now so that your home will be Brighter than last Year a Dandy line of Cheap Goods too numerous to mention Perfect West Indian Commisary Cold Storage Butter, Milk, Eggs. Etc. Etc.
RATES FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATION FEE LIGHTING IRONING (WOODEN BUILDINGS) Room 60 Down with Payments of 00 Rooms 60 Dow. n, with Payments of 00 Rooms 60 Down, with Payments of 25 Rooms 40 Down, with Payments of 50 Rooms 60 Down, with Payments of 50 RATES SLIGHTLY HIGHER IN CONCRETE BUILDINGS SPECIAL RATES FOR LARGE INSTALLATIONS Members of the Prospective Division of this Organization are hereby requested to overlook the statement made in connection with the communication received from the parent body which was published in last week issue of this periodical to read, thus: There was much erit.
icism over the communication and same was settled by Dr. Bar.
ton. This publication appeared on account of misunderstood information.
It is hoped that this explanation will be suffieient to cover the error.
The Harvest Festival held on Sunday last under the auspices of the Prospective Division of the LA. of Panama was a huge success The audience which was composed of Enthusiastic members and their friends, had the opportunity of listening to a well rendered musical program.
The evening proceedings were conducted by Dr. Barton Pres.
iden of the Organization, who afterwards turned over the Literary portion of the program to Secretary Greely who acted as chairman Among the outstanding items of the evening. were, saxaphone solo by Mrs. Thomas (accompanied by her son, master Thomas) on the Give a call and be convinced Ask for Detalls of our Residonco FREE LAMP BULBS WITH Combination Rate for EVERY INSTALLATION Lighting Ironing Room 40 Kilowatts 00 Cia Panamena de with additional current at cents per Kilowatt hour Fuerza y Luz THE CHEAPEST RATE AT YOOR Panama IN PANAMA Colon SERVICE DRY CLEANING TROTT The Cleaner STEAM PRESSING PHONE 250 COLON PHONE453 PANAMA 15 STREET PANAMA DYEING We Dye To Live 3333333


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