
THOUGHTLESS SELFISHNESS THE WORKMAN We, all of us, detest selfishness in other people. Continued from Page 1)
But in regard to selfishness, we should remember there Published on Saturday Ly WALROND, at the office No 72 eigners may make to acquire do Oetober, 1917, and those of Law 32 are two very different kinds; and while some of us are micile in any part of the territory 1914, by the Administrative Code, CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, so unfortunate, perhaps, as not to be imbued with that of the Republic, will not be any other which came in force November 16, Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon most detestable kind of selfishness which wilfully and than that they be registered although 1918. None of these laws which reRATES OF SUBSCRIPTION intentionally offends or injures others to avoid trouble they might have resided in the Rep. place the preceding, establish as ublie before.
ONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
or obtain pleasure ourselves, yet there is a thoughtless compulsory the registration of aliens SIX MONTHS.
selfishness that inconsiderately offeonds or injures It is to be noted that the Decree residing in the Republic.
No. 17 of 1914 which Lay 44 estabTHREE.
others simply from lack of thought, from the lack of a is now that a new law has lishes in Article 78 states, that Por been made, Law 6th of 1928, which ONE MONTH.
desire to please and help others; and am afraid that igners who may desire to acquire incloses two provisions, those of very few of us are without this kind of selfishness.
domicile in the territory of the Articles and 10 which refer to reThe Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS On a very hot day in July, if some of my readers Republic may be able to do so. gistration bill, provisions that make had been in the great railroad depot of a certain large That Articles and of the Law it necessary for us to analyze it even THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOV. 23 1929 of 1919 state:when this law has not been mentioned city, they might have seen a thin and poorly clad little That a formal manifestation made in the new decree.
girl sitting alone on a small trunk that was secured by a by a foreigner before a public author Article states: THOU SHALT DO NO MURDER stout knotted rope.
ity of the Republic signifying his in Every foreigner who may arrive The little girl had at her side an old umbrella and a tention of residing in Panama, is in Panamanian territory with intenpaper parcel. She sat very still, but let her large dark considered that his stay will be per. tion of remaining, should, within 15 manent The killing of a person intentionally and from blue eyes wander about, watching curiously the long days of his arrival before the Mayor They signify a presumed intention of the districts where he is, make malice is murder. Any person or company of persons trains moving in and out of the depot, the hurrying offiof stay in the Republie, and are laration of which Article 79 of who destroys the physical life of another by any act of cials in blue coats with brass buttons, and the many therefore proof of domicile, of these the Civil Code speaks. The Mayor physical force or strength; or being moved by feeling, people of all ages and sizes, all intent on the business of circumstances: shall issue to the party an identifl.
passion, or vehemence contributes in whatsover degree the hour. a) The voluntary and continual cation form in which will be stated Among the passengers that alighted from an incom revidence in the territory of the his name, nationality, place of birth, to the premature stoppage of the flow of that vital fluid which circulates through the arteries and veins of an ing train was a merry group of young people, evidently Republic for more than years. age, civil states, prafession or office, returning from a day in the country. The girls hats (b) Residence together with the date of arrival to the country and other, has committed murder.
were trimmed with leafy trophies, and in their hands possession of an estate.
any other particular that may be The act of killing is not justified in any circummany of them bore pond lilies. bright eyed, chatter(c. Residence together with the necessary for the possesser of the stance, according to Divine Command which says, doing of business with an establish bill.
ing Miss, in the midst of her chatter and laughter. THOU SHALT NOT KILL. The creature, however, caught sight of the little figure and wistful look. Wili ed house, or any other industry Said bill shall carry attached the which cannot be classified as transi photograph of the individual and a being always ambitious to improve upon wisdom of the you have one, little girl? she said; and, suiting the national seal valued at 00.
action to the word, she placed in her hand a long stem. d) Having contracted Creator, has taken it upon himself to justify murder matri.
This article refers to foreigners med lily culled from her bunch of beautiful blossoms: mony with a Panamanian, and lived who enter the country after the enunder those circurmstances which are convenient to in the country more than years. forcement of the law, that is to say him, and he (the creature. throughout the ages, and then, without waiting for thanks. she ran to join her companions. That was thoughtful kindness.
e. Having occupied any office at. it has a provision applicable to im.
down to the present day, not only holds this crime to be the Government service.
migrants, a matter what can be obQur little girl eye spoke volumes of eloquent justified under prescribed conditions; but has practiced That the provisions of the Colom fect of legislation; but in no way.
thanks, and her delight at her unexpected gift brought bian Civil Code which was then in ean the written provision include outright murder in a great variety of ways.
a faint pink colour to the pale cheeks.
force did not refer to the registra foreigners resident in the country Some have resorted to the wholesale killing of Alas! hers was a short lived joy. Two merry, tion of aliens in particular, in its when the law came into force.
thousands and tens of thousands of human beings with thoughtless youngsters were racing about the denot: provisions. The only one which Article 10 states: the sword, and gun, and poisonous implements, on the often in people way, and indifferent to everything but refers to declaring one domicile is Every foreigner who have acquired Article 82 which states: pretext that someone related to them has invaded their their own play, as they beguiled the weary minutes pendlegal domieile should obtain a regis Should a foreignes decide to re tration bill which should be issued territory, or in some other way has sinned against Na.
ed the departure of their train. Both boys were arm side in a definite district of the by the Mayor of the District in which tional Sovereignty. Others, in order to secure to themed with switches, with which, as theyy ran by, they cut Republic, he should declare so before he resides according to what the selves what they regard as prosperity have enslaved at every object within reach; and, as ill luck would the Magistrate of that district. preceding article prescribes.
fellow human beings, sapped their vitality, and by this have it their path lay straight by trunk and its little It is evident, then, that the Decree Article 16 of the Constitution says process have brought them to a premature grave. Still guardian, and in one brief moment the beautiful lily lay No. 141 of 1929 proposes, as is clear that all Panamanians and foreigners on the floor severed from its stem! cry, not angry ly seen, that Decree 122 of 1919 be others, by claiming for themselves fabulous rights and are equal before the law, therefore complied with, and as the latter has there cannot be a law which compels political privileges Setting up, unholy alliances with but plaintive, denoting too truly in its pitifulness as its object the fulfilment of the foreigners to fultil certain formal.
mythical powers which establish adversity among the that it came from one to whom disappointments were laws which it cites and none of these ities which does not compe! Papeople have indulged in wholesale murders of those that familiar and expected, and then the little girl picked up laws demand that registration of namanians 80, are, and those that are to come.
her blossoms; too late, alas! for a hurrying foot had foreigners be compulsory it is im when such obligations demand the Thus, the human family is divided into two groups. already crushed it and marred its beauty. But she sat possible that Decree 141 be consider use of money, for with this the ed as legal.
constitutional precept is reduced The Oppressors and the Oppressed. The oppressors with it in her hand, and once in a while a quiet little sob If to all of this it is to be added Article 42 of the Constitution states: glory in their establishment of perplexity, unrest and showed how bitter was the disappointment to one who that the laws to which we made No one can be deprived of his dissatisfaction amongst the oppressed while they. the regarded the sample flower as a great treasure.
mention on which Decree 122 resta property The cry, low as it was, had reached the ear of a part nor in full, in virtue oppressed) are devitalized by the cruel, harsh, and unwe declare that Decree 141 of 1929 Of fine or general contribution ac.
righteous treatment they receive at the hands of unholy hurrying, inquiring woman, wan and pale herself, who is being revived they are not in forcecording to the law, in all her wanderings never lost sight of the little figure and so is not the Decree 122 nor the In this case the Constitution would alliances.
on the trunk for more than a minute; and soon the sorother decree which governs them.
This state of affairs reveal a sorry condition. rowful little heart has unburdened itself to mother, and be grievous to Panamanians, and These laws were annulled for hav. therefore, would not be general, great portion of the world population are being murthe remnants of the beautiful flower have been shown ing been regulated wholly the sub If the thesis was aecepted to the dered by a slow process which is more cruel than outand examined.
ject matter to which they apply; contrary, the upkeep of the state right killing. But the murderer is not with his retherefore, also those of Law 44 of would fall only on foreigners ward. Sooner or later he will pay with his own vitality tired head on the mother breast, as the poor travellers As we stepped on our train, we caught sight of the 1912 and those of the Colombian Would the law, for instance, esCivil Code, by the Panamanian Civil tablish that foreigners, owners of for having destroyed that of his brother. The Scriptures resumed their waiting for two hours more.
Code which came in force the 1st of (Continued on page 5)
must be fulfilled, and the creature will be made to realize It was thoughtless selfishness that robbed a sad, wee the truthfulness and justice of the things said by his heart of the bright ray that illumined it for one short Creator.
TRY We do not profess to be preachers; we only claim the right to fall back upon the Scriptures which is the Heard Under the Almond Tree MIRAMAR only syre foundation on which all living mortals can securely stand, notwithstanding vicious arguments to Battling my way homeward one Workman. SALAD OIL the contrary. We accept this as a fact, and we are proud to so declare. Therefore, when we behold the dark night against the wind and Sam; What was all the excitement Truly a Miracle oil, for table wholesale murders that are perpetrated upon a certain rain, sudden gust, stronger than about last monday evening around section of humanity, we find some solace in the words the others, drove me back into the nine street and kitchen tree. But soon the Al Brown, a world champion, reof the Scripptures. Go now, ye rich men, weep and shelter of ON SALE AT ALL FIRST CLASS GROCERS howl for your miseries that shall come uport you. Your Western sky broke open; the illu turned to his home town. Official riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. mination of the Stars poured down Panama heralded the black boy as The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
Your gold and silver are cankered; and the rust of them from behind the dispersing clouds. the PANAMANIAN WORLD CHAMI was astonished at their bright PION.
Panama 65. PHONES shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh. Colon 84 as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for ness, to see how they filled the night And Sam; In your opinion, do you the last days. Behold, the hire of the laborers who with their soft lustre. So went think that his mother will be comhave reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back my way accompanied by them; Arc pelled to register and pay the 00 of white people, all that would make Panama is in bad need of TRADE by fraud, crieth. And the cries of them which have turus followed me, and becoming en. as is required by the law? any man look the perfection of SCHOOL for the young West Indiana reaped have entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. tangled in a leafy tree, shone by Certainly, Al Brown is a World health, and again the rest, that in who are yearly leaving school, and Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton. elimpses, and then emerged trium. Champion, and any country would itself is a great contributor towards have nothing to sharpen their ambiYe have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. phant, Lord of the Western sky. like to have world champions, but the gentleman appearance tion, and as a consequence resort to Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not Moving along the road in the silence his mother still remains and un You see, Mike; like Mr. Cam distraction any how and any where resist you. Be patient, therefore, brethren, unto the of my own footsteps, my thoughts desirable, unless she is able to get bridge very much, any man who loves Yes. An imposing edifice with coming of the Lord.
were among the Constellations. into the class of world champion, or and serves his race, shall always sign something like this; THE Hear now, all ye that are oppressed. And hear ye was one of the Princes of the starry something of high standing. respect CAMBRIDGE INSTITUTE OF DO.
also who oppress. Oppressors have their reward. It Universe; in me also there was some great pity, It is true that he has served his MESTIC SCIENCE AND TRADE is up to the oppressed to make genuine efforts to shake thing that was not insignificant and race in many ways, and most people SCHOOLS. Would fling us, way up off oppression, knowing full well that oppression is not mean and of no account. Hello, Mike, ve just met Mr. does not know the facts; and it is for and not only that; it Dr. Barton be a dessert, but an unlawful affliction. If you (the opH. Cambridge on his way from this one reason, that, if should ever named as CHANCELLOR that would pressed) fail in this, you are contributing to your own You are not a poor worm of the the Ddeks, he looks the perfection of own as much money as Mr. Cam just give the finishing touch of Love, murder. This is suicide. It is equally incumbent both dust, You are not a miserable sinner health.
bridge would build an Institute for Honesty, and intelligence.
upon the oppressor and the oppressed to abstain from but a Child of God, and heir of Yes, why should nt he look the per my race that would be a lasting Quarter to three, ll have to go on killing. The command is to all and sundry. THOU heaven. Trust your God and yourself ſection of health, England is a good monument to myself and to them. the doeke to see if anything is out SHALT DO NO MURDER. and leave the CAN DO GOOD place, the distraction, the abundant That is very true Mike, because there for me. Pick you up lattor.
to, and more in a


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