
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOV. 23 1929 PAGE THREE YO ATLANTIC SIDE NEWS Interesting Jottings LA MASCOTA FOR THE XMAS SEASON Just Received a Large Assortment of ENGLISH TWEEDS In the very Latest Designs WAS Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels home as Our Tailors Trimming Department LA MASCOTA Graceful And Unusual Jewelry Pearls CANAL ZONE NOTES CANAL ZONE GATUN International Attempt (By ELIJAH HUNTER)
to provide for the Old People Friends Countrymen. The evening, the boy asked her permisthree girls whom fired last weeksion to go to a mered concert, and Legislation to provide for pensions have written me a letter signed by that he would be home again at nine for the aged of the different states all three asking me to take them clock by which time the concert is now being agitated and promoted.
back. They wrote in verse, as you would be over. Allright, said she The American Association for Old will see. They re smart like most but mind, don you fall from Age Security is leading the fight girls are, only they try to close grace. No mam, said the boy for justice for the aged. It works gate when horse is out, as usual. and he was off. Nine clock came, to keep the aged together, the state Hore what they wrote;and the boy. William by name rupplying pensions that will make did not arrive. It ten this possible. Tha Association holde Papa, we wish to expiate, and eleven, and twelve. William raphat two out of every five persons If you with us will conversate; ped on the door at this hour, and the reaching the age of sixty five find We ask that you will take us back, anxious mother enquired of him, themselves dependent: that there are Il even you give us a whack. William, what kept you till this ALSO about 2, 000, 000 old folks in the (sgd) Girlies hour. Mama, answered William United States of America to day replied as follows: after the concert was over, Grace facing poverty, and the possibility of Ann asked me to accompany her going to the poor houses and farms.
Dear girls, your missive came to her brother had not Laws for the providing of pensions hand, come to meet her as he promised, and to the aged are operative in the Just as came to understand she was not used to walking home greater part of Canada (except That three new ones were in the alone. thought would accompany Quebec and Labrador. Ten states land, her as an act of kindness, and also LEST YOU FORGET and territory of Alaska have the Who wished with me to file their to protect her, so, went along with pension laws on their statute books.
her. When we reached her home New York is now struggling to enact she asked me to sit on the door the law by which it will pensions its In view of this, defaulting three, steps and chat with her as she had old people. California passed the m sorry, but must be free fallen for me, and would like to have IS UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL Pension Law for the aged last To take a look, so can see, a long conversation with me. fell spring If in them any good there be! for her in return and chatted with Truth (Sgd) Papa)
her. That is why am so late, The mother was overcome with You see friends, have a very disappointment. She exclaimed to MULLER positive disposition, whatever that is her husband. Lord have mercy!
Prop. always remember the place was Clarence, William has fallen from 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 bitten, and he person who bit me. grace to Grace Ann. And while am not always revengeIt is understood that this Grace ful, yet, Papa never forgets. In Ann had a reputation for falling for the stale sandwich on railway fidence in any of the girls, he finds She was passionately fond of trousjourneys.
it almost impossible to place anyers with big foots. Even if they had more confidence in them. In this those pockets were pockets, and respect, think of the girls as do absolutely empty, she always consiThe following analysis showing the of mules. a mule kicks, or kicks dered that they were too big to be Gatun outstanding news this communion. Special sermon for the composition of the Apple, orange, We take a great deal of at me once, as long as live, enweek is SICK, Sick, sick from every preacher of the evening empty. So she fell, and fell, and was very and banana by Atwater, may interest pride in having our stock of tertain the belief that as soon as fell, until she established for herself quarter: night service.
the reader. Editor.
jewelry represent all that is get near enough to that mule, or SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST the name bigs. Whenever she ap.
not only newest and best, Water Prot. Pat Carb. Ash but that also is different Little Dacost Mc. Lean, ten yearpermit him or her to get near enough The service of last sunday night. 14. to me, that mule is going to kick peared anywhere, all who knew her old schoolboy while practicing the was largely attended Mr. Herring. Apple. 84. from the common run. Every would call out. bigs. art of skating last evening, slipped convincing and quoted freely pass Orange. 86. 11. jewel loving woman should The other night had an interest 6 22. 8 visit our store and revel in Now, it will soon be Christmas and broke his arm. Mack is now in ages and verses of the bible. He Banana. 75, 1. ing experience. heard two friends the Gorgas Hospital resting quietly.
occupy the pulpit this week.
the glorious display of Jew.
greet each other in a right cordial the corner. Everybody will soon be Some people say it is just around Messrs Millers and Bovell are deBUY FROM THE WORKMAN elry and Precious Stones.
manner. The thing was amusing husy preparing for it. have heard Mr. Charles Brawaithe, while on serving of much credit for the succese ADVERTISERS AND GET and laughed heartily. One of these it said that the puss that stole the Gatun Locks, earning his daily of last sunday Anniversay The church friends displayed rare wit in his VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY 122 Central Ave.
observation upon the statement which the butter from the Cold Storage bread, fell with tool box. He is of the Christian Mission was almost the other day had, by that act, com suffering from fractured arm as crammed; the execution of the pro was made by the other. It was like menced his preparation. Whether sc a result Braff, is lying in the gramme was masterly.
this, these two friends met, and one asked the other if he was going can say that want all my girls or no, am not able to say: but Gorgas Hospital. Samuel Panton)
to lodge that night. Well, said to prepare for Christmas in a respecThe following wives are inmates The followers and sympathizers of Workman. table and sensible way. And when of the Gorgas Hospital, while the the Universal Negro Improvement this other, am outside the pale Christmas comes, get into the spirit husbands are learning house keep. Association, will lend their presence now, so can go. What are you o2 the Season like civilized persons ing; Agnes Lynch, Beatrice Benkar, and moral support in making the thinking about said the first Division Harvest Festival a comfriend. You must be a darned fun. Let them understand that Christmas Ruth Clarke.
plete success does not mean glutenous eating ny fellow to be worried about your THE CHURCH The Juvenile department has prenot being inside a pail. Everybody drunken spree, nor vulgar indulgence.
Deacon Laurie made a wonderful pared an interesting programme. The else know, including myself desire Let them be as modern as their to remain on the outside of pail skirts which admire so much, that impression last sunday at the 11 entire procedure will work put the can have as much admiration for o clock service. He was at his best true meaning of HARVEST.
No wonder you can go to lodge. them as for their skirts. Surely the church was well stocked with Mr. Jones, the President of the There is in a certain village a wothe apparel is not superior to the food and fruits. The Harvest was a Division, will preside, assisted by man who has a grown up boy. She wearer. At any rate, hope this brilliant success from every angle. Mr. Butcher, ist. vice president had done her duty all his life to condition does not prevail among my The, Bishop. The Right Reverend Mrs, Caroline Butcher, Lady PresiJames Craik Morris terminated the dent, Mr. Robinson, and Mrs. Porter, Chivers Jams and bring him up in the way he should company of girls. Let none of them go, whether in later years he would when someone say to them, merry Harvest Services with a touching who is one of the ardent workers of reply by depart from those ways or not. She Christmas the Division. Several visitors will sayink. sermon at the night service.
BAPTITE contribute to it success instructed him to keep from fate Christsmas gift. That, my girls, The Reverend Heywood will con Service commences at p. Sun hours, bad words, bad things, and is not the Christmas idea. The especially from the girls. She told correct idea is to be merry by being duct the services tomorrow. Holy day 24th.
him that for the boys, girls make bad sober in every sense of the word company especially in that village and to make as many others as you where girls are all worldly wise at come in contact with soberly merry.
FOR SALE AT five. She had him go to church Providing too, that you bear in mind and Sunday school, and to all the that girls are also fired for doing Bananas Antonio Fong Co.
other good places tegularly and en other things besides wearing long Kito Chen Joined him to grow up in grace. One skirts!
Sir James Crichton, D, giving variety to the domestie diet a leading medical authority of and mingling well with other and George See England, in the course of a speech comestibles. am quite sure that said: the Jamaica banana, than which OPPOSITE PUBLIC MARKET TRY wish all of our school chil there is none finer or better flavdren could have bananas from ored when it is of the proper time to time. The Banana is not degree of ripeness, is, in the guise AND a flavored fruit, that is to say, a of a cheap luxury, a substantial little sugar and water some és. addition to our food supply, and ta sence throw in, but a fruit food one which is certain more and more containing, in an agreeable form to commend itself to the working all of the essential elements of classes of our Jarge towns. Its COLON The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co. nutrition. As an adjunct to our portability, palatability, and diother foods it is of great value gestibility are immense advan Panam: 65. PHONES. Colon 84 ESCOFFERY being at once acceptable to all.
Agent tages, and am gla to see tha for it is not an equired taste it is largely taking the place of me.
FULLER Have You Tried Chivers. Old English Marmalade are world famous English Medico Encourage the Eating of MIRAMAR SALAD OIL. want For Mayonaise or Dressing The Colon Products.


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