
PAGE SEVEN THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOV. 23 1929 Garvey Election to Confesses to Crime Private Aerodrome for the Prince of Corporation Council Three Brothers Tell Autho rities Of Parent Cruelties; Wales STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923. AND Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Summary of Contents: History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Toui, Photographs of the Teans and 16 Indiviqua Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
Secure yours now there will be a great rush for them, Copies may be bad from the office of the WORKMAN Panana (Continued from last issue)
Refused to Give them Food Mr. Dillon remarked that section he was not member, then Mr.
After Day Work, Landing Cround in Windsor of the law wid nothing about the Garvey would take his seat as soon Park oath being taken in the Council as he could. He hoped that the BRANCHVILLE, S, Nov. Chamber, and that being so, he did opinion of the solicitor would be got (A. Be his father was LONDON, Nov. The keerness at the earliest possible moment, so not see why the Town Clerk should eruel and beat him, James Jennings with which the Prince of Wales has that the position would not prejudice not journey to Mr. Garvey tem Mr. Garvey.
a 12 year old boy, shot and killed taken up flying is evidenced says porary residence (laughter) and adhim and along with his three brothers Reynold by his having a special Mr. Dillon said there still remained is now being held in the local jail landing ground prepared for him minister the oath to him. If he in the law a provision that if a John Jennings, the dead man, was within a mile of Fort Belvedere, the (Mr. Diilon) were sick, and had just Councillor was absent for three con found by officers lying in front of residence on the fringe of. Windsor heen elected a member of the Coun. secutive meetings of the Council, his an open fireplace with a wound in Park, into which he will move within cil, and could not attend at the seat automatically became vacant. his breast, by officers who were the next few weeks.
Council Chamber, he did not see why He was therefore moving that the summoned by the three sons.
No in It was at first suggested that the the Town Clerk should not attend Town Clerk be asked to go to Mr. formation whatever could be gotten Prince intended having an aerodrome at his residence and swear him in Garvey at the St. Catherine District from the boys, the oldest of them of his own built at Canadian Camp.
so that he could send in his resolu. Prison ands, wear him in.
being 16, and the officers decided to Windsor Park but for the time being tions and have them dealt with for WILL NOT PUT THE MOTION place all of them in jail.
at any rate, this scheme will not be the benefit of his ward (hear, hear)
The Mayor: will not put Coun.
Late Wednesday night the police proceeded with Mr. Gordon Hay said, knowing that ciilor Dillon motion to the meeting stated that James, the youngest boy For the past few weeks workmen the present situation would have had confessed that he was the mur.
have been engaged in tevelling and even if it is seconded. think the arisen, he felt that steps would have best thing is to adopt Alderman derer. His version of the killing was rolling a wide stretch of the park at been taken to get all the a tale of cruelty and reyenge. He Canadian Camp, in order to make Penso resolution to refer the mal.
CLAUSES OF THE LAW stated that his father ofttime, beat perfect landing and starting ground ter our solicitor, and he will give on the subject ready for the meeting all the necessary information.
all of them brutally and they seldom for the Prince planes.
had enough to eat.
that day. But that not having been This portion of Windsor Great Mr. Beecher: agree with that.
done, he supported the resolution of Monday when they returned from Park was formerly known as Smith Alderman Penso resolution was. Alderman Penso to serid the matter the cottonfield, the father came in lawn, but during the war thousands put to the meeting in this form: to the solicitor of the Council for his from a fishing trip, ate his supper of Canadian soldiers were camped Resolved that the application of and went to sleep in front of the opinion.
within its boumdaries, and since that Mr. Carvey for two and a ha fireplace, without even offering the date it has gone by the name of The Mayor: What is to be sent to months leave of absence be referred bowe anything to eat. Incensed by Canndian Camp.
the solicitor?
to the Councillor solicitor for his this treatment, James went to his Alderman Penso said the Solicitot opinion, and that it be got in time grandmother home, a short disA Reynolds representative who should be asked whether or not Mr recently visited the site was informfor the next meeting.
tance away, stole a ghotgun and reGarvey could get leave of absence in ea than the Prince had been down This was agreed to turned and killed his father while several times to inspect the progress the circumstances. The original law he was sleeping said that a new member must take of the work of levelling.
The following morning the three the oath within five days, but that On such occasions he laughed and Inds went back to work without re. chatted with the workmen about law had been repealed, and under porting the killing, but when they the difficulty of their task, owimg to the present law there was no time returned, Tuesday evening, decided the parched state of the ground. To limit for a member to take his seat.
that the matter should be reported a squad of men using picks he Therefore, they had to abide by the and called the police. They were law as it stood, but he thought it Modern Tailor remarked, It wants some beef to do placed in the Orangeburg jail, where that job in this weather.
should be amended to specify a time they are now held on a murder limit. They wanted to find out Planes have landed and taken off No 57 charge from their solicitor if Mr. Garvey on the site to make certain that the was now a member of the Council Calidonia Road ground is perfectly safe for the pur and if he was a member, then the pose. The site is very handy for Council would grant him leave. If GET YOUR Fort Belvedere, for a car will be able to convey the Prince from his Job Printing country residence to the landingground in five minutes.
DONE AT THE It is also only a few minutes moWorkman tor ride from Windsor Castle.
It is understood that he will use Printery the new landing stage from the time he makes Fort Belvedere his country BUY FROM THE WORKMAN residence.
ADVERTISERS AND GET Another landing ground is being VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY prepared at Sandringham. In the World Pocket and high in the World Latoom. FLYNCH Custom Tailor HAVE YOUR CLOTHES PRESSED BY M. Kirton Valetor Presssing Machine JUST ARRIVED NO CALIDONIA PHONE 569 MYOMEGA 10 OMEGA WATCHES FOR Making Good Clothes and Cleaning Clothes Good see REID MISTELI. THE JEWELER ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY GRENADA Colour Predudice Is Reduced Christianity SAYS BISHOP JACKSON OF GRENADA It is a Battle Which the Church Must Fight Over Again QUALITY QUARANTEED No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
Panama, CALL AT THE Panama Hardware Benjamin Barnett Son CATHEDRAL PLAZA POPULAR CIVILIAN AND UNIFORM TAILORS House 77 Room 23rd Street Chorrillo and see the finest Assortment of LOCKS of every description also the finest Selection of ARTIZAN TOOLS JUST RECEIVED Before he began his sermon on and we must not forget that this Sunday last at the St. George teaching was given before any of Anglican Church, says the West the Gospels were written down.
Indian His Lordship Bishop Vibert It is important for those who unJackson said: dertake such a study to approach the am glad to see attention drawn Gospel teaching through the gate of in an article in THE WEST INDIAN the Epistles of the New Testament.
of to day with regard to the ques His Lordship hoped to take an tion of Colour prejudice in the early opportunity of speaking about Church. It is rightly described as this from the pulpit.
reduced Christianity. This was a question which had to be faced at Grenada Student the beginning of the Church history and the battle was fought and won.
Abroad It is a battle which has to be fought over again, as Colour prejudice is Successes of Mr. Alfred one of the greatest obstacles to the Jones spread of Christ Kingdom today.
Interviewed by a representative of It is with pleasure we note that THE WEST INDIAN yesterday, Mr. Alfred Jones of St. David. Bishop Jackson said that the Church a son of the late Jonathan Jones, is in Grenada was not altogether free taking care of himself in the educafrom this prejudice and he felt very tional world. He left here some strongly how necessary it was to years ago to pursue his studies in draw public attention to the failure America and the latest news to hand to grasp the fundamental principles is that Mr. Jones, besides being a of Christianity on the part of so Sc. has just successfully passed many who valued the services of the his LLB. His younger brother, Mr.
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