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SARY (Continued from Page Continued from Page 1)
Cruickshank, Treasurer. fighting and beating a detective By the Pessimist Panama Canal West Indian Associa. Grant, See y; Cherry, Asst. On Sunday last 17th instant, The interested in the proposition.
and the charge of stealing the rehas concluded a contract with Capt. volver of a Government Secret Ser.
Word has been received from re tion. And while it is not the policy See y. Douglas, Cum. Working Womens Club of Laboca liable sources that the guilty ones of the writer of this column to mings, Alex Sanches, celebrated its 2nd anniversary. The Gully that two shipments of forty vice Agent, was turned over to the John Butcher, function began with divine service or fifty tons each should be made Second Circuit Court. The Judge of whom accused in my last column lavishly dish out praise to any single very profound discourse was de at 00 which was conducted to its works from Jamaica for fur. this court ruled that the charges did have raised vigorous protests with person or organization, the work of livered by the Rev. Nighten by Adjutant Norberg of the Salvainvestigation; and once a not warrant the attention of his regards to the un polished manner this organization must merit some gale. And Bro. Harris re tion Army (at their hall. after steady supply of the ore will be court, and therefore turned it over in which my accusations were placed just and deserved commendation. It viewed the history of the Corinthian which the members marched in pro available, the company will be pre to the 3rd. Municipal Court.
before the public is recalled that its president, Temple.
cession to the Laboca shed, headed pared to send to Jamaica machinery Whyte was commended by Secretary to the value of 30, 000 to carry on The case was called up for trial must say that of War Hurley for the excellent chair was turned over to Dr. After the dedication Ceremony the by the Band where the reIn explanation on the 18th. of this month. Because mainder of the program was sue ntining operations on a large scale after trying to mince words in an manner in which he presented the It is desirable that there should be of the poor financial status of these Johnson, who directed the second cessfully carried out effort to modify the strength of the of the West Indians. He men, they were not able to employ half of the program. This consisted Adjutant Norberg also had the thoughts write, have given up showed a thorough knowledge and of many speeches, diologues and pleasure of presiding as chairman the worth of copper mining in Ja ernment, therefore gave them Dr.
an assay of 40 per ton to prove a lawyer to defend them. The Govin despair. It must be a good thing understanding of the problems of his songs, delivered by prominent sing for the evening, and in that capacity, maica. This can be easily obtained.
for writters to be able to polish or race and people, also an earnest de Felipe Salabarria, who s, elocutionists and scholars. After the excelled himself. In opening up It is likely that the mining engineer defended them, and with the request mince words. But think it is much gre to help them.
this, the chair brought a truly rebetter for one to be able to come the program, he expressed himself will be at Middleton, on which copper markable meeting its close.
right out with the goods from the as being exceedingly pleased with deposits have been found, early next of the Prosecuting Attorney, Dr.
Espepcially for his EARNEST Forestry has certainly added another the progrees of the organization as week. The prospects before Capt Pedro Fernandez, that the men be shoulders in spite of the impression NESS do we commend him. This is page to the history of fraternity in outlined by the President and as Gully are bright. Rich pockets and acquqitted, resulted in the Judge it might make. The truth hurst a quality seldom shown by leaders the Republic of Panama.
like 1, but there are many people of his race in these parts.
sistant Secretary (Mrs. Ifill and veins of copper exist in the island. decision, that there is not sufficent Let who deserve to be hourt in ordet sel styled leaders take the examle Bowen respectively. adding that During the Spanish occupation large proof against the men, and therefore for them to realize that they are of Mr. Whyte and earnestly work for PLEASE TO GREET the society was worthy of its exis quanities of copper were won from they were acquitted.
tence, since such notable improve the bowels of the earth and sent to not the only occupants of this cor the good of the race, instead of serupted sphere. Therefore we adopt cretly cherishing the desire to get ments have been made( since its in. smelting works in Carthagena. The Secretary of War Good Continued from Page 1)
as our motto Be sure you are right them in a position where they, as cipiency.
Spaniards also found gold in pay. Buried in Home Town an extended vacation to Europe and then go ahead.
Mr. Neely Secretary of the ing quantities in this island. They leaders, can get all they want, then the continent. Friend Henry looks Laboca Clubhouse, gave an excellent however, took with them, when the sass out of the picture, thus leaving the picture of health and speaks in address in which he emphasized the island was captured by England, the The United States Secretary of shall now enter, friends, on their followers in greater darkness. glowing terms of the wonderful time motto che that giveth bountifully secret of just where they found gold War James Good, was buried in delicate question. One that misery and dissappointment than Mrs. Cambridge and himself spent shall his home town of Cedar Rapids reap bountifully. Messrs will probably arouse the ire of some before.
in the many places they visited Iowa, yesterday afternoon in the Johnson and Tuttle of Panama of our men held in high esteem by also addressed the members of the presence of his Wife, two son, Asat.
the West Indian community, but And another thing; Panama Canal organization and congratulated them GET YOUR Sect of War Patrick Hurley, more so by themselves.
Church Notices West Indian Employees Associafor their excellent work.
Certain cabinet members, and the inIt seems a crime that the majority tion has as its aim, better salaries, The Juvenile choir of the club, and of West Indians who reach a posi living condition, and other facilities Job Printing habitants of the town.
St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca the Band under the direction Following the death of Good, the tion of trust and esteem among their for Silver employees. They have Holy Commuunion, 6, a. The of the Adjutant, contributed many DONE AT THE flag at the White House in Washing.
people, should assume the role of a Rector.
made remarkable progress in spite valuable musical selections which Workman ton has been kept at half mast and saylour, and redeemer. Many of Matins, Holy Communoin and Ser enlivened the occasion. Miss Violet of difficulties experienced. Give will remain go for several days.
them merely THINK they have done mon, 10. 45, a. The Rector thom support, and they will do greatChurch School, 3, Agard was the accompanist of the Printery It will be recalled that Secretary the work of an emancipator, and beer things.
Church Evensong and Sermon, 30 evening and deserves a mede of Good died last Tuesday after a fivefore waiting for the people to Seeing that this is so, let not any TheRector.
plaise for her efforts.
bestow upon them ita gratitude and BUY FROM THE WORKMAN day struggle to live. On dying he THURSDAY (THANKS GIVING. Miss Iscilda Scarlett of the Padeclared have nver lost a battle appreciation, they proceed to honor would be saviour, or adventurer DAY. Holy Communion, 7, a. nama Wesleyan Choir, and a promisADVERTISERS AND GET favor of public The Rector.
and shall not lose this one. Apthemselves by personally taking seek to gain the ing solois contributed a vocal item. VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY parently he lost his greatest battle to the credit and esteem that they think opinion by interfering in the chan. SATURDAY (St. ANDREW DAY)
soloist, contributed a vocal item the monster death.
they deserve.
nel of the Panama Canal West In. Holy Communion, 7, a. The During the in termission, refreshdian Employees Association. Here Rector.
of late, many have tried to use this St. Barnabas Church, Las Cas ments were served and the pleasant Especially in Panama do these cadas.
function was brought to a close with hypocrites and draw backs to the Organization original ideas in an St. Simon Mission, Gamboa. the singing of the Doxology.
Matins, address, Church Sechool, race take pleasure in assuming titles effort to secure laurels. The com and honors. To my mind, this is munity is wise enough to see through Confirmation Class, at the usual hour this action, and no the sole reason for the many organizacompany will by the Catechists.
Panama Wesleyan BEFORE Mulcare, tions existing among West Indians get anywhere that tries to build itPriest in Charge.
Activities in Panama. Every man thinks he welf up, at the expense of the has done enough to merit the highest The usual weekly meeting of the Commits Foul Deed honor, and if he does not get it, he Panama Wesleyan Society took proceeds, at the expense of his race, am inviting who read these exTHIS STOVE ONLY aud Flees place in Geddes Hall on Wednesday to get his position by causing frie pressions to freely indicate by letter evening last 20th instant, when Mr tions among smoothwworking or just what they like or detest about Grant chapel Steward preganizations which would, if given them. Make this column your voice Daniel Contreras, was an unfortu. sided as chairman in the absence of proper cooperation, doubtless redound in which you express your griviances nate victim during this week, being the Rev. Wade.
to the benefit to its members. or estisfaction to the public. As attacked by one Zenon with an iron The evenin was made interesting 3397 dress all cummunication to The rod when he received painful injuries by an impromptu programme which This paper has been watching for Pessimist, The Workman Printery on his head (by the agressor for was contributed to by the members 00 11. 75 AND UP quite a while the activities of the Box 1102, Ancon Canal Zone. unknown reasons.
Among the items were :Juan Caballero, who was an eyeA reading by the Chairman. Mr. Grant USE witness, gave the following infor ASK FOR ESTIMATE mation in connection with the story: Vocal Solo. By Mrs. Stephens He (Juan) was Recitation. Miss Malvina Niles On Insallation No Obligation conversing with Miss Ivy Wright Contreras when Zenon approached Vocal Solo them and attacked Contreras. After Recitation SALAD OIL Miss Forthe Vocal Solo.
committing the act, he fled leaving Miss Molly Wade FOR BAKING his victim stretched out Reading. Mrs. Wade the Cheap, Quick Clean Recitation. Miss Myrtle Mc. Intosh Sold at your nearest Grocer ground.
Vocal Solo. Miss Anita Harewood The sympathy of Caballero was Reading.
Mr. Dottin The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
extended to the wounded man when Vocal Solo. Miss Iscilda Scarlett he took him up and carried him to Vocal. Mrs. Geo. Bishop PHONES. Colon 84 Panama 65 the Police Station where he received Panama AT YOUR SERVice, Colon The evening was brought to a first aid.


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