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PRICE CENTS CORPORATION Council Refuse GARVEY Leave REGISTRATION OF Celebration of His Seat May ALIENS TIME LIMIT 3rd Anniversary Become Vacani Minister South Makes Requast Bocas Frequently for Extension of Closing Date Without Light BY ST. LUCIAN BENEV. Decision Given at Meeting of Councilors on Receiving Solicitor Opinion OLENT FRIENDLY SOCIETY Terethe Panama Govt. to Purchase Plane for Native Aviator MARCUS GELABERT FINISHES AVIATION BUY PRO page 5) most pleasant afternoon was spent at the Panama Capital Hall At the meeting of the Council of request for leave is an act in such on Sunday last when the St. Lucian The United States Minister to Pa. when the law was first ordered in PLANT FUNCTIONS the Kingston and St. Andrew Corpo office and should not be made until Benevolent Friendly Society celebratnama, the Hon. John Glover South to effect, the period was extended VERY IRREGULAR ration yesterday the question wheth. after the administration of the de ed its Third Anniversary, amidst a possessing accredited credentials be four months, in view of the fact that glow of enthusiasm and jollity rarely granted leave of absence from the the Council to er Mr. Marcus Garvey should be claration, it is within the power of fore the government of Panama the time was considered too short.
grant the leave The inhabitants of Bocas del Torc experienced at functions of a similar Corporation while he is incarcerated should it see fit so to do, the ques.
yesterday morning forwarded a MANY STILL UN REGISTERED have experienced during the past nature, quest to the local Government that in the St. Catherine District Prison Up to this time many who should days, a very poor electric lighting tion of leave being one entirely ir The hall was tastily decorated to the period designated for the was discussed, and the Council deregister have refrained from doing service.
the discretion of the Council.
suit the occasion, the program ap.
gistration of all foreigners in cided by a majority of one vote that 30, hoping that something would Mr. Dillon rose to speak on the Since the inauguration of the light propriately selected, the lavish reRepublic of Panama, be extended the leave should be refused.
come up, that wauld hamper th: plant it has failed to function prop.
freshments and the excellent bematter, approxim 60 days from Jan It will be remembered that at the enforcing of the law. It might be erly time causing a very irregular haviour of the large gathering pres meeting of the Council held on Nov.
The Mayor (Mr. Va: said 12th. at present considered the that the present extension if grant and defective service.
ent, all combined to make the fune ember 4th, a letter was read from that the letter called for no arguclosing date.
ed, may see changes in the decree On nights when the ment. It simply gave the opinion theatre is tion a most enjoyable one.
The communication was despatch Mr. Garvey, applying for two and a of the solicitor, which the Counal)
in favor of operating one third of the light The program which consisted of half months leave of absence, and ed yesterday morning to the Sec. that would be more bulbs are turned off. This occurs asked for. If a member wanted to over 40 items was fittingly expedit on the motion of Alderman Penso retary of Government and Justice, those affected.
move that Mr. Garvey be grantet three times a week. On last Tuesed by Mr. Walrond, Editor it was decided to refer the whole and included not only Americans GOVERNMENT SILENT leave of absence then that could be but foreigners of all nationalities The office of the Secretary of Gov.
day the city remained in complete proprietor of the Workman Printery matter, in regard to the declaration darkness throughout the entire night who acted as Chairman for the oc.
affected by the present immigration ernment and Justice has been silent to be taken by Mr. Garvey and his Mr. Charles Yan, the Chief of the casion.
Mr. Dillon: Then move that Mr.
on the matter, and even dopester Plant declared, when questioned, that application for leave of absence, to It is well known that the law has are not able to make a guess as to The many messages of fraternal Mr. Dunn (the solicitor to the Dunn letter be not accepted, and the machine were in very poor conbeen exceedingly unpopular with the what action the Panama will speak on the motion.
Govern greetings and good will sent from Corporation) for his opinion.
ones affected. Several months agement may take.
dition, and as a result did not work the Societies of the other West In THE SOLICITOR OPINION The Town Clerk explained that satisfactorily. On the other hand dian islands, were ably expressed At yesterday meeting of the this matter arose out of an applicarumors indicate that a feeling of through the representatives, whc Council the following letter was read tion from Mr. Garvey for leave of discontent among employees of the also took the opportunity of congra from Mr. Dunn: absence, and the Council decided that plant, coupled with a spirit of negli tulating the St. Lucian Society on return herewith your minute of the application should be referred to gence, has brought about the present the big success in membership and the 5th inst. with two letters from the solicitor of the Corporation for lamentable situation, finance, as disclosed by the Sec. Mr. Marcus Garvey.
his opinion, and that it be got to retary report, it had achieved dur. The law as amended does not fix time for the meeting that day.
BUY FROM THE WORKMAN ing the three years of its life. any time within which the declara Mr. Dillon (to the Mayor. Are COURSE TO MAKE FLIGHT FROM ADVERTISERS AND GET The program which was made of tion accepting office is required to you ruling now that it is competent TO PANAMA VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY (Continued on be made. The law only provides for me to speak on the matter! that a person elected to a Corporate has been referred to the solicitor ed here yesterday, proposal that power and is type similar until the declaration has been ad to give my as lay.
the Panaman Government buy a Spirit of St. Louis. the plane in ministered man.
plane for its first Native Good will which Colonel Lindbergh made his am of opinion that while (Continued on page 4)
Flier, Marcos Gelabert, has been re epochal flight to Paris, ceived most favorably in local of Flying from the United States to NEGOTIATIONS CONTINUE BETWEEN CHINESE ficial circles. The matter is now in Panama, Gelabert, riding in a Gov.
LEGATION AND PANAMA FOREIGN OFFICE the hands of the Cabinet Council ernment bought plane, would not be The Chinese question with regards ernor will take place shortly. No and is at present being discussed in entitled to official honors in the to immigration has become extremely date has been announced.
a very favorable manner.
countries which he will visit on the complicated during the past week Negotiations are still gonig ROAD FROM JUAN DIAZ TO PORTO BELLO If plans should go through, the trip here.
So much so, that officials are ex between the Chinese Legation and FAVOURED TO COST 2, 000, 000 Government will purchase an ade. It is reported that the young tremely careful as to what they say the Foreign office of Panama, but quate machine, the make of which to aviator is all through with his up to this time the results have Secretary of Public works, Filipe would cross the Isthmus in Zone be approved by Gelabert, Wright studies, having graduated with or do in any matter regarding the been kept a secret. It might be that Clement announced yesterday morn territory and would be under the model costing 9, 875 question.
and another honors, and is only at present waiting matters will stand as they are, until ing that a carefull study of the jurisdiction of the Panama Canal costing 11, 000 are being favored the decision of his government, The five Chinese arrested some the arrival of the New Chinese mi trans isthmian highway as proposed The plans for this latter high way time ago for illegally entering the nister, Dr. Lee, who is now on his by Major John Parker, is being has already been sent to Washingtor ported that a new trial by the Gov by his son and daughter.
Panama and Washington officials. The Canal Zone highway would cost CORPORATION BETWEEN It is not known how soon the approximately 6, 000, 000.
DEBATE highway.
HOT SPRINGS, Ark. Nothing JAMAICA, Nov. 23. In It will cost approximately 2, 000. 00 could have been more embarrassing connecNot being able to obtain a satis. Was hunting with friend at tion with the situation which has It was announced here yesterday and would be financed independently to Gene Tunney, brand new heavy.
the singing now arisen by the refusal of the factory house to stage time of accident contest which was scheduled to take that The Private School Teachers road tax would be collected from weight champion, back in 1927 thap all vehicles using the road for? Mrs. Katherine King Fogarty threat Council of the Kingston a Association will be sponsors of place between Samual Collymore Andrew Corporation to grant leave Invnted on a hunting trio by his and Mocho Hunte at Liberty Hall friend Joseph Smith, last Thursday debate to be held at the Baptist period of years. This tax would be ned breach of promise suit.
of absence to Mr. Marcus Garvey Street Panama, on Thursday last morning, John Bedford, 45 year old He was making a great hit as er School room in San Miguel on the determined by the government and would go into the country treasury Horato Alger hero then, lesturing we understand that it his seat 28th ult, under the auspices of the Jamacian resident of Panama left Night of December 12th.
The road would be partly concrete at high schools on clean living and declared vacant by reason of his Colon Entertainment Association his home for a trip in the mountain Officers of the Society have de and would probably begin at Juarrocular habita.
non attendance at three consecutive the management found it necessary Alittle later on the road towards clared that un doubtedly the best Diaz and end at Porto Bello on the The situation grew So awkware meetings of the Council of the Cor. to cancel the funetion and gave ir La Loceria, his countryman John talents have been curèd for the Atlantic coast.
Tunney said he wouldn meet Demp.
poration, the law provides that he its place a minor entertainment by Grand, foreman of a farm owned by contest, and although the subject This highway would be distinct spy in Chicago unless something shall thereupon immediately become members of the troupe (including Charles Martin, discovered Bedford has not been disclosed, nor the names and apart from the one projected could be done about the Fogar (Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 8)
by Canal Zone authorities which (Continued on Page 8)
a neording to an intern oftomo diselend most het beste pe of whom to rent The Chinese Question Grows office shall not det inte ocho con tice provin het buiten van topkapinion. There More Intricate Cabinet Discuss TransIsthmian Road Project or MR. GARVEY AND THE THE SINGING CONTEST Republic are still in jail. It is te way here from France, accompanied most favorably considered, both by and both plans are being studied.
and St je


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