
INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS BRBADOS JAMAICA TRINIDAD Students Riot In Port au Prince People and Things Story Of Thrilling Frustration Of An Aiteit. pted Robbery ALL West Indian Governments PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti, No(BY CLENNELL WICKHAM)
vember. group of students and And West Indians Who Get Stranded (On The Weekly Herald)
of vagabonds numbering approximaIn Nearby Islands tely 400 last night started the first The House of Assembly justified the Labour Party will delve into the disorder in the seven day strike its existence last Tuesday when a question of living conditions and (From the Gleaner)
TRINIDAD NOT INTERESTED Parading through the residential disBill seeking to establish a cooperage wages. He is returning to Barbados Mr. Robin de Mercado of the John triet, they stoned the residence of monopoly was turned down. The Bill intransit on the 12th and has seized Crook Garage had a short and try the head of the agricultural service In its issue of October 18th the colony, a sufficient sum of money sought to give to one particular Comthe opportunity to invite representaPort of Spain Gazette publishes the to provide for the return passage ing time with two men along, the and one half hour later they dispers following editorial: for the recruit spany the right to import material tves of the agricultural labourers to should any thing Emerald Road at about 30 o clocked at the Champ de Mars square meet him.
It will be a very imfree of duty. The event of the deon Wednesday night.
During the Intercolonial Confer happen to render him uunable to reWith the exception of the stoning turn of his own accord. And then bate was a speech by Mr. Robinson portant meeting for several points Mr. de Mercado parked his Dodge ence held in Barbados, last January incident, no other serious incident the junior member for St. George.
need clearing up. We do want the it will be remembered there was dis arrangements could be made with the motor car in Emerald Road and went occurred. Fourteen students arrest.
Mr. Robinson is still in his twenties, whole truth exhibited. Already the whole island has been stirred as a into a home. While in the place he ed were released on parole on their cussed, we believe, on the initiative British consul of the country to which recruited to ad but he spoke vigourously and even heard some movements around his a vsurance that they would refrain of the representatives of thịt is the labourer was result of the investigation, and it is with heat, on the iniquity of the procar and he hurriedly to be hoped that employers will take came in the from disorder and conduct the strike land, the question of the steps which vance the amount of the return pasposed measure. remember the late it might be desirable to take in or sage and recover it without trouble within lawful methods.
He was in time to see two more interest than they have taker road, Mr. Stanley Robinson his father, as der to protect the interests of those or risk from the person or authori.
in the past of those people whom it men taking off a tyre from his car The students of the national mediwho, chiefly from the labouring ty with whom it had been deposited man with whom could seldom is the fashion to call the backbone of Mr. de Mercado went up to the cal college struck this morning with classes, are moved to leave their na by the recruiting agent. If this were agree, but no one could deny his the community, strangers, and the men ran a short out manifesting any grievances or tive lands in search of the more done, Mr. Johnston specifically pointwpirit. The son seems to have some distance away to a Wyllis Knight expressing sympathetic gesture.
highly paid employment offered in ed out, there would be no need for thing of the father in him. It is well car and started off. Mr. de Mercado The leaders of the strike are enthe suggested creation to be able to speak foreign colonies, and who, afterout strongly letter appears in another column with great pluck, jumped on the side deavouring to form a national studwhen occasion warrants.
from Mr. Douglas Pile. Many peowards, as the result of the termina OF THE NEW DEPARTMENT ent association to induce governIt is to be noticed that only one ple will be glad to hear Mr. Pile of the car and held on to one of the tion of that employment, or sick of a secretary of repatriation.
men; then seeing that the men were ment employees, to join the move.
disclaim the statements attributed to ness, or conflict with the authorities, newspaper had taken the trouble to We are reminded of this by the going to get the better of him the ment and to enlist the sympathy of find themselves in difficulties and curious message which the Governor inform the public as to the implicahim that the agricultural labourer gentleman took out the switch key students in Latin America. It is ex.
unable to get back home. When the of Barbados has transmitted to the tions of the Bill. The Weekly Illusworks for sixty cents a day. Sixty and the car stopped. The strangere pected that the Government will apcents a day is no fortune heaver trated paper had denounced the Bill forthwith jumped out and made their point a board of inquiry to probe lished, we expressed the opinion lining the reasons which he suggests agenda for the conference was pub Barbados House of Assembly, out.
two weeks before and pointed out knows yet the average yearly pay escape from the neighbourbood. the alleged grievances and effect the danger to the community if it of a hoe labourer is so far from that that it was a question which affect: justify the proposal for the establishMr. de Mercado reported the mat.
peaceable settlement.
that it would be a most unfair thing ed Trinidad, if at all, to a very small was passed. It is a distinction for a ment of a secretariat for the purpose ter at the Detective Office and Deextent, and that, so far as we could of assisting the repatriation of Bri.
newspaper to be the first to enlight to have it put in the official records tective Corporals Gordon and Camp en the public upon any matter.
DENTIST HOWELL see, all that could conceivably be re tish West Indian labourers from the The difficulty of reporting the sitting bell and Detective Morrison went to of a Commission is immense, and so quired might be easily effected for countries to which they may emi.
House No. 912 La Boca long as we have Mr. Pile correcting the scene and the car was taken to Trinidadians, though the mediation grate in search of work. It is true Another unfair Bill has been bar.
the Central Police Station.
the impression and taking steps to Canal Zone of the British consuls without im that the conference passed a resolu. red in its progress. fortnight ago have the official report made right The police made enquiries and yes. OPPOSITE RESTAURANT Posing too great a burden of ad tion in support of the establishMr. Clifford Thorne had a Bill paBarbados will be satisfied. The interday morning Mr. Forbes, an em.
ditional work upon them. That was ment of an organisation in which sed through the House raising the PHONE 1941. BALBOA cident is significant because of the ployee at the Jamaica Government also the considered opinion expressed all the West Indian colonies were duty on granulated sugar. As soon tremendous outory which was raised Railway, went to the Detective of Specialises in all Branches of by the Hon. Mr. Gaston Johnson. asked to consider the desirability of as it was passed the public discover all over the island. Several labourers fice and claimed the car as his pro Dentistry speaking in the capacity of a re sharing. But it rather takes one ed the extreme danger of it. For the have been into this office to protest perty, informing the police that he WORK GUARANTEED presentative of Trinidad at the con breath away to find that, without effect would be to raise not only the most vehemently and to give me lent the vehicle to a friend of his ference. He stated that if West In any discussion of any kind in RESIDENCE 538 the price of granulated sugar but the actual figures taken from a wide named Myers. Myers in turn came dians are recruited from British other legislatures, Barbados comer price of other locally made white to the Detective Office and told the colonies for work in foreign count forward with a scheme or rather sugars. Resides this it was shown area. for one am heartily glad that police that he left the car around ries or islands, the recruiting agent her Governor propounds a scheme that Mr. Thorne contention that Mr. Pile was misreported. The Planthe Race Course for a short tim moment.
should be bound by the law of the for the acceptance of her legislature locally made sugars could be substi tation proprietor that could name and on his return it was missing. Should the experiment prove sue colony whence the recruits are drawn. whereby the rest of the West Intuted for granulated in the manufac sixty cents a day as an average days The police are now on the hunt cessful after a fair trial it is expect to deposit with the authorities of dies will be asked to contribute by ture of aerated drinks was not pay would be guilty of almost un for the two men.
ed that other sets will be installed that colony, or with some responsible far the greater share of the cost of correct. Mr. Martinean exposed the believable wickedness.
in other parts of the island.
person within the jurisdiction of the (Continued on page Bill in a letter to the Press and got up a petition which was signed by Wireless Set from Buck up Barbados the great majority of traders. This Local Post Office petition was presented to the Legis.
lative Council on Tuesday and reThe principal pastime of the en: sulted in postponement of the Bill tire community at the present time The Gleaner says: it is expected What was better the Government af.
seems to be indulgence in the most that the two wireless sets for the ter making investigations came to gloomy prognostications. Barbados Jamaica Post Office will arrive nere the conclusion that the Bill was not it would would appear is on the in a short time and tha: they will one it could support and the Colonial brink of a financial crisis of unparal. Ons of the sets is to he erected in INCORPORATED 1869 te in operation before Christmas, Secretary told the Council he could leled magnitude. Everybody will be Kington and the other in Montego Head Office: Montreal, Canada not introduce it. The moral is clear.
If a people are to have their rights bºnkrupt before many days are over Bay and these will be in the nature safeguarded they must be on the The result is that most business peo of an experiment to ascertain whethalert. The Bill would undoubtedly ple are wearing extremely long faces, er it will be possible to relieve the PANAMA COLON have passed if public opinion had and helping to create an atmosphere telegraph lines of some of the heavy prejudicial to business.
Santa Ana Plana not taken practical shape. We have rush business.
Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets a form of Government which could Barbados is not going under, not Provision was made on the estibe made to serve the community far a bit of it. There is no doubt about mates of the Post Office which were more efficiently than it does. But a the weakened condition of the Sugar passed at the Spring Session of the duty rests upon the plain man to do Industry, but there is a certain reLegislative Council for the purchase his bit. believe that the House of siliency in our economic structure of the two sets, and they were orAssembly will realise that a mistake which gives us reason to believe that dered some time ago from America.
was made this time at least. the present bad times will not fulfil No advices have yet been received ali the expectations of our Jeremiahs by the Post Office as to when the With 900 Branches throughout the world, including It is clear that Lord Olivier wants In one or two directions business sets will arrive in Jamaica but it the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank to know as much about conditions ar has failed, and in others people have is learnt that they are ready for possible in the West Indies. He may been thrown out of employment. But shipment and should be here at any is in a position to render the best possible service.
not be able to use all his informa we think that at a time like this tion for his official report. But every effort should be made to avoid Antigua Dominica enn imagine the eagerness with which undue pressure. general reduction of staffs, or a too rigid calling in of Montserrat credit will do untold harm to the Bahamas community. Everything shoyld be Grenada St. Kitts done to keep things going.
Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia TRY The business man too who is British Honduras Trinidad (2)
afraid to open his hand is doing his Martinique best to make conditions worse. In Guadaloup. 2)
British Guiana (2)
spite of the depression. there is SALAD OIL money in Barbados which if circulated will keep things humming. Thie Truly a Miracle oil, for table Christmas Season can still be HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST and kitchen bright one. But the first duty rest upon big business. Let us all rePAID ON DEPOSITS ON SALE AT ALL FIRST CLASS GROCERS member like Mark Tapley that there is credit in being Jolly under un favourable conditions. Nothing is te Panama 65 PHONES. Colon 84 be gained by an attitude of despondeney.
The Royal Bank of Canada Total Assets in Excess of 950, 000, 000. 00 MIRAMAR a The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co. General Banking Business Transacted.


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