
PAC APPLIED EDUCATION EDITORIAL COMMENT UNITY OF PURPOSE His Seat May Be Vacant 20. 60 Bill new BA The Lure of Pleasure THE WORKMAN Continued from Page 1)
It is quite evident from the beauty of surrounding nature in The Town Clerk: Mr. Dunn say: him, but that motion was not put every part of the globe, that God never intended to lay any emPublished on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 that it is within the power of the by the then Mayor. By making that bargo on pleasure. The glory of the stars, the rapture of the CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, Council to grant the leave, it they request it did not mean that he was breeze, the fragrance of the flowers, the music of the birds, the Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon see fit to do so.
a Garveyite. He was then considermystery of the woods and the ceaseless murmur of the ocean, all RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION point to the divine wish that man sojourn in this life should be MR. DILLON VIEWS ing that the people would be disenONE YEAR. 40 Cy.
franchised by the ward being unpleasant. But it is eqaully obvious that pleasure, however Mr. Dillon said he did not think it Th represented SIX MONTHS abundant in nature, could not be and was not the intended objec was in the power of the Council to itse THREE.
tive of man creation. Yet, looking at the strenous and absorb grant Mr. Garvey leave of absence MOTION TO GRANT BIGHT ONE MONTH. 20 ing efforts which men and women make with one idea of ultiand if the Councillors would listen WEEKS LEAVE mono mately taking an imagined rest, like the fool in the Scripture to him it would shorten matters, Mr Mr. Beecher moved that Mr. Gar sougl narrative, it is unquestionable that man conception of life is Dunn had stated that there was ne vey be granted eight weeks leave of pany The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS that pleasure, and pleasure alone, is the end life. That this time fixed for Mr. Garvey, or any the absence as from yesterday.
free is a fatal error is, unfortunately, discovered when much too late; Councillor elected by the people The Deputy Mayor (Alderman bate for in the majority of cases, when the period is reached for the within which to make and sign the Penso) seconded the resolution. He the enjoyment of the desired leisure, the spent energies, the jaded declaration, and the first thing he said he did not agree with the views Mr.
nerves fail to be responsive to the most ardent desire. Then it is would point out was that the law put forth by Councillor Dillon. The but that the vanity of human projects wounds us with the mockery was very faulty, because a Council law had been faulty, and a comwith of our disappointed hopes: for pleasure is but nature decora lor who was elected could abstair mittee of the Council which met reMARKING TIME tion to the substance of things and the pledge and figure of that poser from making the declaration, and cently had taken steps to amend the bliss that is the promised crown of the Christian life.
remain away for the whole term of law in that respect. Mr. Garvey had mi This is what is done by soldiers on parade. All peoTo make life purpose the pursuit of pleasure, as so many the Council and yet his seat would been elected by the people, and the unthinkingly do, is to run after the shadow to the neglect of the agre ple who know about soldiering all men who have been not be vacant. The next part of Mr.
Council must respect the voice of substance. The pursuit of pleasure, as such, atrophies the brain, spirl soldiers know that marking time is only one of the many Dunn opinion was that the Council the people. He did not think they thing weakens the mind, debilitates the body in so much that often could grant Mr. Garvey leave if it should act in any way, but graciousexercises they go through when on parade. There is to when the buoyant phase of youth is worn into premature decrecared to do so, but grant him leave ly and give Mr. Garvey the leave of when plenty of work in it, but not all the work required of pitude of age, vanity resorts to hollow and obvious subterfuges from what? If Mr. Garvey was ir absence as from yesterday.
11 soldiers on parade. If marking time were the only re to bolster up a tottering existence. There is, perhaps, nothing active service in the Corporation, Rev. Gordon Hay supported the new quirement, the thing would become monotonous, dis on earth that calls so much for human pitty, as the hysterical efthen the Council could grant him motion of Mr. Beecher.
forts of the prematurely old to masquerade in the colours of info gusting, and tiresome. Besides, if the soldiers of one leave from something that be was Mr. Dillon: What are we going to youth; and even the fact that they are but paying the penalty oi tion army use all their time in marking time, those of another their mistaken aims, cannot diminish the sorrow their condition doing, but at present he was doing gain by granting Mr. Garvey leave nothing and could do nothing, be. He is on perpetual leave at present trat army who include in their drill all the other movements evokes. Life is real life is earnest, and the grave is not its two cause he had not taken and signed Alderman Drew said when Mr on parade, will outclass them in knowledge of military goal, Wordsworth sings in accents of real inspiration; but the the the declaration. At present Mr. Gar.
tactics and every other thing that is taught by the average human being seems to be consumed by a feverish belief Garvey signed his nomination paper vey ward was unrepresented, and and was elected as a member of the various movements. In other words, the army of time that he must squeeze out in the smallest compass of time all he could not bring forward anything Council, he was not a free citizen markers will be unfit to take their place on the battle that there is of life, lest the grave rob him of his opportunity.
for the benefit of his ward. He (Mr and he could not now be treated in field, for if they do, being ignorant of the things other Our lives are given us to develop, to their fullest possibility, all than marking time, they will be unable to defend them the faculties with which heaven has blessed us, not only for our Dillon) could not vote for granting the same category as any other free Mr. Garvey leave when he was not in candidate. He was sentenced to imA selves against enemy attack, and they will be quite ex. individual selves, but for the general good, because by so doing active service. He (Mr. Dillon) was prisonment by the Supreme Court red posed to wholesale decimation.
we fill our beings as God intended we should, and thus become not a Garveyite, but he was for jus the island and it was a punish Mr.
As it is with armies, so it is with peoples. The popcomplementary to the great and high purpose of creation of tice, and at the last meeting of the ment that was well deserved. He which we are such valuable units. When we neglect this, as so ulation of the Universe is divided into Races, and the Council be moved that the Town (Alderman Drew) could not grant dut races into classes. We can call these various divisions many do, we miss our destiny, our lives become wasted and hol.
Clerk should go to Mr. Garvey leave to Mr. Garvey in the same way low, and, in a vain attempt to fill their emptiness, we clutch a: and sub divisions armies, for they are alle engaged in present place of residence (laugter) that any other member of the Counthe fight for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
the elusive vapours of promises that are utterly incapable oi and administer the declaration tc (Continued on Page 8)
eft It is a never ending struggle in which is involved the fulfilment. It is only, alas, when the tide of life is at its lowest pril ebb, that lucid moments seem to come to men minds, and their survival of the fittest. In this struggle, none can afford latest breath is filled with regrets, which torture all the more, to be always marking time. This marking time is only because of the woeful absence of any tinge of relief or consolasue done to facilitate a change of direction, or to bring up ths tion, save in the mercy of an ever loving God. And the misthe rear. This movement is only indulged in when it is NEURALGINA loc fortune of it is that this condition is reached by steps of such necessary, and by no means is this necessity ever interslow approach, that the danger is not sensed until it is beyond minable.
all remedy. While we are not expected or required to parade tur Now, we have used this corollary to prove an argu life with long faces or to greet our friends in doleful tones, yet Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any Bil ment. We have in mind the various Nationals resident it is incumbent on us to be always on the alert to the gravity of neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
up upon this Isthmus, and we will call each of them an life obligations so vital to our best interests, and with a cheer the army, an industrial army. We want to say that of all ful countenance, a bright smile and a cheery word, take our place NEURALGINA these armies there is one among them that for tha manfully and intelligently in life drama.
lat most part, has been marking time for all the time. We To the benighted pleasure seeker, the Christian ideals are Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches sul refer to the West Indian army. If a comparison is made thought to be femasculating. Such a conclusion is the most between this and the Chinese army, the Japanese army striking evidence of the ignorance and folly that gave it birth, and reduce the fever of children the Greek army, the Italian army, and the Hindoo army and proof incontestable of the havoc already wrought by the it will be found that the statement made is incontrover thi NEURALGINA corroding vehom of pleasure for its own sake; for, certainly.
ible. Marking time on the battle field of Industry is what we have been doing here all these years. We have there is not on earth any system of philosophy or ethics so proIs completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart rigidly abstained from marching off to the beat of the lofic of the hibhest ideals of the noblest manhood as the Christian hope. Catholic News.
Commercial drum, and all the music of Industry that have risen up to high Heaven have been like sounding brass upon our ears, and have died from memory as SEVENTH DAY ADVENT Society encouraging them to keep For sale both Wholesale and Retail doth the ascending spark upon the midnight air. Yes, IST LITERARY the Literary Fires burning for in sc we have been marking time while we beheld the other SOCIETY doing they are bound to meet sucAT THB armies form up, and re form, march off, and pass out cess.
of sight. We have not been lead into temptation by Celebrates First Special mention must be made of AMERICAN PHARMACY these scenes, neither have we been delivered from evil. Anniversary Miss Lillias Cragwell, representatiWe have merely supplied them with victuals and raiment ve from the Red Tank Literary SoJAVIER MORAN, Proprietor, which has fortified them and enabled them to blot us Tuesday night the 26th November ciety; Mr. Thompson the Metrofrom view by enveloping us in an industrial smoke will long be remembered by the politan; Mr. Lung, and Mr.
screen, in which condition we have become notorious members and friends of the Panama Morle and many others too numerfor opulence in Industrial apathy. Verily, twenty five Seventh Day Adventist Literary So ous to mention. On a whole all the re years is too long a period to be consumed in markin ciety the occasion being the celebra presentatives did their best to make time. That is the approximate period of our tenurr tion of their First Anniversary: the First Anniversary of the Pana Talk Ambition Miss Blackhere. All other armies have marched off. Why have Representative Red Tank Literary From an early hour Friends and ma Literary a Success wood.
not we? Is it because we are wedded to the complex of members Society.
could be seen Insularism whose talons cling to, and hold us in leash their way to the Spacious school wending which terminated at 45 Representative Addresa Mr. Lang.
as doth the hounds man his hounds? Is it because we room where the club meets which The program is as follows: Recitation Work Away Miss Address Mr. Morle.
suffer from the anaesthesia of some frighful appari was tastily decorated for the oePrayer Mr. Maynard. Archer.
Address tion? Whate er it be, we have made this one pronounce casion, at o clock sharp President President.
Elocutionary Item Miss MayRepresentative Metropolitan Liter nard.
ment. We are not INSULAR, we are only COLON Fred Murray called the meeting to Talk Success Mr. Geo. Fisher.
ary Society.
Male Quartet Messrs. Molyneaux IAL.
とあ Order. The President in his usual Discourse History of the Society Talk Building. Vocabulary Mr.
Miss Maynard. Maynard.
Bailey, Loxlex and Small.
But weeping will not save us. The panacea is not style showed the benefits derived in Solo Where the Flowers Bloom Duet Deyond the bar Misses Closing remarks President.
to be found in elegies nor mournful ballads. The lamina being in a literary society the ImForever Miss Davis.
must be removed from our eyes, so we can see the portance of getting better acquaint. Davis and Franklin. march oft of the other armies, and the progress they ed with books and their authors are making, with our support, on the battle fields of public speaking etc. he also pointed RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Commerce and Industry. We submit that it is not out that is was not an easy time reasonable to mark time any longer. Imagine the de that be had never the less he was DRY CLEANING PHONE 250 COLON bacle when posterity grows up to find us still marking not diecouraged.
time, only to fall in with us and continue the motion!
STEAM PRESSING PHONE453 PANAMA Representatives from the Various The command is audible. Let them hear who have ears. Literary societies were present and 18 STREET DYEING It is. CHANGE DIRECTION! BY THE RIGHT! FOR all spoke in glowing terms We Dye To Live on bePANAMA WARD MARCHI hall of the Panama literary tut cor pel tet on TROTT The Cleaner


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