
FOREIGN AND GENERAL Chapter 14 Interne Revives Newly Born Babe by Breathing into Lungs Babes Got Switched In Hospital IF YOU NEED CAR and haven the Money to Purchase a New one WHY NOT VISIT OUR WASHINGTON (Special. White War Veteran BLOOD TESTS WILL BE MADE TO Blowing his breath into the lung: DETERMINE PATERNITZ of a new born baby, apparently dead Weds Girl. lits and reviving it, was the unusual Havana, Cuba, Oct. 31. Blood BiL feat of young Dr. John West, an GREENVILLE, Charged tests will be made to determine the mor interne in the Fretedmen Hospital with marrying illegally, a white wat paternity of two babies, one white veteran and his colored bride were seu bere, Saturday evening November and the other black, whose mothers released under 500 bail last week.
par 9th.
It was the first legal icterracial claim they were switched in a hosfred The child, a premature birth, was marriage this city has known in pital here. Senora Caridad Perez bat born in the speeding car of Charles many years. Many colored and white complained to Judge Saladrigas that the Tynes, of 4904 Fitz Road, ne. whc people are living together illegally her husband had threatened to diMr was desperately hurrying his wife but to the Freedmen Hospital. Upon arThe couple was freed on bond. The vorce her because her child was Wit rival at the institution, the new born marriage license was issued to the growing darker every day. On the pos babe was taken from the car, after couple who gave their race as white same day her child was born, BerMr.
naddina Vega became a mother in having fallen on its head to the floor and their nationality as America AI the same hospital.
Under the South Carolina criminal of the car, apparently dead. With code, intermarrying is punishable by When a nurse handed a child to api no response to treatment with drugs a 500 fine or twelve months im Senora Perez, the latter complained thit simulants, or artificial respiration, prisonment or both. Conviction en of its dark color, but accepted the to young Dr. West tried blowing his tails the loss of the right to register tot when the nurse explained the wh breath through the nostrils. After and vote, cold weather made it that way.
persistent blowing for over a half an Senora Perez insists the ner hour, the baby began to kick and Dr. John Weat is the son of Dr. nurse put the two babies one dark ins cry. Both mother and child were Charles West, professor in the the other white in the same bathtio removed to a cot, where they are Howard University Medical School tub and gave them to the wrong tra resting quietly.
USED CAR DEPARTMENT and pick yourself an Unexpensive Serviceable Machine Woman night was ably celebrated on Sunday last 24th Instant, at Chapter No. 14 A. when the members and their friends turned out in large numbers to take part in and enjoy the proceedings of the evening.
The religious section of the pro gramme was conducted by Brother Greenidge and the chair was taken by Mrs. Thompson who also gave the opening address. The speak.
er subject was womanhood. She showed the necessity of woman work and the importance of getting together. if anything is to be accomplished. The choir, directed by brother Ford. Choirmaster)
rendered appropriate music for the occasion.
Recitations by the Misses Me Phun Johns and Bonnie, the reading of the weekly message by Miss Phil.
lips (assistant secretary. two Quar.
tettes by Miss Itill and others, ad.
dresses by the Messrs Roach and Duncan, made a good programme, The last speaker made reference to the necessity of sticking together for the benefit of the Society. The closing remarks were made by the chair.
man and the function was brought to a close with the singing of the National Anthem of the A.
IGNORANCE MAY BE BLISS STREET BRANCH PHONE 329 CHAPTER 14 TO CON DUCT POPULARITY CONTEST but it is expensive not to know that NESTLE MILK IS Sarah Samaniego, eighteen year old Panamanian was sentenced to one year in jail on Thursday last, by the Judge of the second Municipal court for slashing two men with a razor.
Acording to the information given, Sarah went out for a drive with her friend Julio Sanchez in a passenger bus, and, on nearing the Careel Modelo, something went wrong with the motor and the chauffuer, Antonio Gonzalez, with his friend Miguel a mechanic, stopped to make the necessary repairs.
While engaged in their work, Julio become impatient and kicked the mechanic: this aggression was the cause of retaliation, and a big fight ensued in which Sarah intervened and used her razor on both the chauffeur out the mechanic slashing their arms.
GEO. BISHOP MODERN TAILOR grand popularity contest will be conducted by the members of Chapter 14, when many of the younger folk of the community will be among the contestants, Voting will be done by ticket, and the names of those who will enter the competition, will appear in a later issue of this journal. The first count of votes will take place in the hall on Monday December 3rd when the opportunity will be given the publie to vote for their favorite candidate.
THE BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES House 40 3rd November Street Guachapali Panama City REASON DICTATES AND SCIENCE APPROVES THE USE OE Dr. Fairweather PHYSICIAN Garvey Day will be fittingly celebrated tomorrow at 30 in the evening. This is expected to be ar extraordinary meeting and all members and their friends are expected to be present. The weekly message from the President General will be read by the second Vice President Mr. Brathwaite.
NESTLE MILK HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO No. K STREET PANAMA CITY ANTIGUAN PROGRESSIVE SOCIETY HOLDS RALLY AND DANCE HAVE GAS INSTALLED NESTLE BEFORE CHRISTMAS THIS STOVE ONLY Panama Wesleyan Activities He spends foolishly who buys just The usual weekly meeting of the Panama Wesleyan Society tin of Milk took place on Wednesday night last in Geddes Hall, when The Story of INSIST ON HAVING San Michele by Dr. Axel Munthe (a Swiss) was read by the Rev E. Wade.
This story, which furnished much information for the members of the Endeavour, treated on monkies, men and women. It is hoped that another opportunity will be given those members of the Society who were un avoidably absent to hear this most interesting story.
TRY The consecration meeting of the MIRAMAR Society will take place on Wednesday next in the Hall when all me bers will be expected to answer to SALAD OIL the roll call.
FOR FRYING PROSPECTIVE DIVISION For sale at all leading Crocers OF THE Pa na ma Coca Cola ottling Co.
Garvey Day will be fittingly cePanama 65. PHONES. Colon 84 lebrated tomorrow by the members of the Prospective Division of the A. in their hall, 25th Street Calidonia, at 00 when all members and their friends are inJ. Small ARCON, 2. BOX 649 vited to enjoy the evening Pro DENTIST gramme.
Cirilo Sandford MASONIC TEMPLE Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm Attorney at Law. 30 to 30 pm Sundays, by Special Appoin ment BUY FROM THE WORKMAN Masonic Temple lith St, OFFICE: 153 CENTRAL AVE, PHONE 183 0, Box 787. CRISTOBAL ADVERTISERS AND GET PHONE: OPTION 1664 VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY The rally and dance held on Wed.
nesday night last, 27th Instant, at the Panama Capital Hall under the auspices of the Antiguan Progressive Society was in every way.
success; the niembers and their friends turned out in large numbers and enjoyed an evening of recreation that was all to be desired.
The support given in this direetion proves the recognition in which the organization is held and the good which can be accomplished by organizing 50 OTHER MODELS 00 00 11. 75 AND UP ASK FOR ESTIMATE On Insallation No Obligation COOK WITH GAS Cheap, Quick Clean CIA PANAMEÑA DE FUERZA LUZ Panama AT YOUR SERVICE Colon Mrs. Ada Stevens Fashionable Dressmaker and Milliner Housef Mo. 13 Stroot San Miguel BUY FROM THE WORKMAN ADVERTISERS AND GET VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY


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