
West Indian Garvey In Again Governments DI Filipino Student Accuses Dean Of Waging Social Ban FOR NEAT and QUICK JOB PRINTING Can Journalism Be Taught?
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Valetor Presssing Machine Hard luek seems to stay upon the (Continued from page trail of Marcus Garvey. Ever since a scheme which surely concerns Bar that fiery, dreamy leader from Jabados alone. At present Jamaica maica, British West Indies, came to LINCOLN, Neb. Oct 31. maintains an organisation in Cuba America with his fantastic idea of Filipino student at the aversity of for this purpose; and it seems to be transporting all black men and womNebraska has appealed to Washing.
the idea to join hands with Jamaica en to Africa where they could set ton against what he said he conthus placing West Indian interests up their own government and be assidered a social ban placed upon in the hands of a colony which has sured of a place in the sun. he has his race by Thompson, dean of certainly shewn itself singularly out been running up against courts of student affairs at the university.
WITH BRAINS of touch and sympathy with the rest justice set up by white people. After The student is Carlos Cartaof the islands. The scheme is to cost serving four years of a five year gena and he written Camilo 2, 300 per annum, and of that sum tentence in this country for using controversy on this subject has Osias, Philippine Islands represenwas tative in Washington.
arisen among a few of dar readers Barbados, which probably does almost the mails to defraud, Garvey in Poona (India. says a recent issue the whole emigration business with deported.
Following disclosure of the mar.
Now, as a result of one of his of Jóhn London Weekly. and Cuba, is to contribute 150, as aga.
riage of a Lincoln girl graduate and ganist 250 by the Leeward Islande speeches in his home twon of Kingthe spokesman of the little group a Chinese student, Dean Thompson and 150 by the Windward Islands ston, Jamaica, he must serve three writes: Daily Nebraskan, and 50 by Trinidad. We do not months in prison for contempt of Amongst some collegians here has court, student paper, pointing out that propose to offer any comment upor He apologized to the judge arisen a controversy. Some of them the propriety of the shares to be paid who sentenced him, stating that he there had been several similar marare of the opinion that journalism did not intend to offend the jurist riages of Filipinos and American by either the Leeward or the Windlike other crafts, could be taught. girls at the university and declared happen to be a person who has enward Islands; that is a matter for and his apology got him off with three months and a 500 fine instead that the Filipinos are not held in as tered newspaper work without their own consideration, though we cannot believe the figures set down of a year at hard labor, the judge high regard since then as they were chance of college training. Some explained.
can possibly represent a fair prohow have always felt a desire to There is one explanation of GarCartagena, however, declared that portion to the figure for Barbados write. activity of Filipino students has ci when the extent of emigration in vey troubles with the courts. Under the circumstances have ench case is considered. We propose has demonstrated that black people been curtailed ever since the dean folks merely to protest against the inwill follow a black man, and in dotook office.
to face the attack of these and maintain that a journalist is clusion of Trinidad in any such ing so jeopardize the continued do believe, wrote the dean, that more or leas born, not made.
minance of white people. He has seheme except it be upon the avow.
the best purpose of the university proved that black men the world Will you therefore very hinly dnlea of a charitable contributior as well as the best interest of the over are dissatisfied with conditions Filipino group would be served by help me by expressing your very hy us towards a scheme for the sis.
much treasured opinion?
ter colonies which at present they imposed by white people, and that the Filipino boys confining their sothey will eventually throw off all Broadly speaking the journalist is are themselves unable to finance: as it is possible cial life, insofar shackles. He has proved that black to mingling with members of their born, not made. This is not to say end even then it is necessary to shew men can be organized. Naturally that journalism cannot be taught of the usefulness and reasonableness of he must suffer for his audacity.
own group and with the young men those who are antecedently of the university and the scheme. Only 50 a year is asked Garvey may have been wrong in evidently teachable. On Do not understand me to say from Trinidad, it is true. But that many of his ideas. He may have there should be no association bethe contrary it can be; hence Schools may be only a beginning and in been a bit hazy on the intricacies of tween Filipino students and Ameriof Journalism have their value. But time our share may be increased to law and the inexorable demand it the best and ultimate school is jour.
can girls but buch association MUCH HIGHER FIGURE makes upon those who offend it. He nalism itself and if newspaper jour.
should be entirely platonic and innalism be provincial newspaper, with We do not say Trinidad cannot af. may not have been up to date in his business methods, and for this he cidental and educational wherever it ford 50 towards an intercolonial a very small staff is almost certain ly the best starting point. But it scheme but we do say that even 50 has suffered, but he has inspired his year is too much to contribute as people to a greater race conscious.
all comes back to Reeburn reply to ness than they have ever felt before.
BUY FROM THE WORKMAN the young art student who asked him nancing of a scheme in which we can a fair assessment towards the fi.
Ne has stirred within them the hope ADVERTISERS AND GET how he mixed his paints: With deve no possible interest or concern.
for complete emancipation and world VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY brains Sir.
It is not, at present, the amount freedom. He has sown the seed that of the contribution sought from us: snobbishness before it is through will reap a whirlwind for racial it is the principle of the thing that And for these things we owe him a We oppore. Why should Trinidad debt of gratitude. As long as he is thus be dragged in to support scheme for which we have no earthly obnoxious to white pepole he should use, which our representative at the be, to us, a symbol of hope. The Chicago Defender.
conference proved to be entirely unnecessary even for those colonies which do hope to benefit by it, and Pope may Name Race which we fear is destined to prove futile? Such few emigrants as de Bishop in Africa In the World Pocket leave our shores in search of work and high in the World elsewhere, do not as a rule go to Vatican Said to Be Keenly Interested Cuba for the sugar crop seasonal Loteam.
In Future of Native Population employment; they proceed to the United States, and to Colon the ROME. It is said on good author latter in a smaller degree, and to ity that Pope Pius wlil name a black MISTELI. THE JEWELER pMaracaibo. which so far as we card bishop for the Dominion of South ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY see, is not included in the schem Africa shortly.
QUALITY GUARANTEED Is it not apparent that so far as Trin The Vatican is keenly interested idad is concerned, the needs of our in the evolution of the black race emigrants in other parts of the and the role it promises to play in West Indies and in Venezuela can the future in all branches of social easily be met, as Mr. Johnston sug activity, and thinks this the best gested by the simple and efficacious means of reaching the masses of the plan of a law requiring every recruit blacks, it is said.
ing agent to make a deposit, with At the present time there are sev.
some authority within the jurisdic. eral black priests in France, Italy tion of this colony, out of which exand Spain, ministering to white conpenses of repatriation, etc. could be gregations.
defrayed? It may be said that voluntary emigrants are not covered by that, Quite true. But the answer seems to be that hitherto there has arisen, so far as we are aware, no occassion for the creation of any fund to meet the needs of such as gc to Maracaibo of their own free will; Modern Tailor and that systematic emigration recruiting to Cuba and Colon is un No 57 known in Trinidad to day. And it seems to us that if any need whatso Calidonia Road Selection of ever exists for the making sure of the return to this island of labour.
ers who have emigrated to foreigr countries or islands in search of and that therefore it is merely a JUST RECEIVED work, it would be preferable to es question of its being passed, if need tablish our own system of meeting be on the official vote, supplement this charge, rather than to join with ed by the votes of those who, as the one suggested by the Governor some previous instances, have found of Barbados. We quite believe we the line of least resistance the may be fighting the air in opposing simplest to pursue when ultimate this proposal; for the simple reasor failure is assured. But even so we that it is quite on the cards that it feel that it would be a failure o has in reality received the approval duty on our part to refuse to offer already in secret of other govern. at least a word of protest to the 125 Central Avenue ments, perhaps even of our own, and scheme as an utterly useless waste possibly also of the Colonial Office; of public money.
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