
APPLIED EDUCATION EDITORIAL COMMENT UNITY OF PURPOSE You Can Keep a Good Man Down Or Out Cincinatti Judge Addresses THE WORKMAN THREE. 20 ri cull pea are an ot KOL exp bett Continued from Page 1)
surrounded with. would advise that proud. You should be proud of you stick, and give your undivided Garvey. He is a leader that has support to this program of the Uni never sold out his race. He does not verral Negro Improvement Associa compromise with any one. He could, tion, for in it is the solving of your get whatever he wanted; but nc vexed problem, which confronts the price can buy your leader. remem.
Negroes scattered the world over. ber visiting him in Atlanta jail, and For instance your Insurance policies asked him how he was feeling. are only paid up after death. You was greatly surprised when he told welfare and your posterity welfare me that he was feeling fine; and are wrapped up in this organization that the fight had just started. Yes therefore support it to the best of he is beyond any price that can be your ability offered him, for the great work of have said if the Russians, the trying to completely emancipate his Japanese, the Chinese have a homerace from economic and mental land, what is the matter with four slavery.
hundred million Negroes? Wher hate the Uncle Tom Negro, they put your leader in jail, and have no use for them. If God created when they robbed Liberty Hall from all men equal, then there must be you, they thought that the Associa something wrong somewhere. Do tion would go under. What fools not be divided against each other; are they. The masses are crying for for then you will spell your OW more leaders like Garvey. Traitors defeat. If were a Negro preacher should be kicked out whenever found would advocate the program of the in your ranks. They mean you nc A.
Africa has been stolen from the Mr. Garvey expects every man to do his duty. The wealth of the Negro He did not fight back world lies in Africa geld, silver Friends, you need not be ashamed of Garvey. The same cause that platinum, radium and ivory. It is sent Garvey to jail, sent Jesus to the yours to be gotten; and no one can cros. Look at the great movement contest it. Organize! organize! and he has started. This is not an easy stick together; for the time is not job, nor a Sunday School picnic. We far distant when you shall have want honest minded men and womer what is yours, if peace is wanted by to help carry on this work in behalf the world.
of the struggling Negroes of the Looking forward a century or two, world.
we can see on economic and political The convention that was held ir death struggle for the survival of Kingston, Jamaica, during August the different groups. The fight for was more talked and written ur bread and position will be keen and about in Paris, than in New York severe. In this Association we are It meant more to the Moroccans than fighting for the founding of Negro you can perceive. Just think that nation in Africa so that there will Chinese are not allowed to sit ir be no clash between black and white their own parks.
and that each race will have a There is a reckoning day coming separate and distinet existence.
and somebody will have to be reckon.
ed with. Two hundred We believe that the black people years of should have their own country, and slavery; stolen from Africa. Who does the dirty work but the Negro should not be encouraged to remair He is the lowest paid, and the first in the white man countries. for to be thrown out of jobs. It is time they are discriminated against, lynch.
to get together and help Garvey to ed and burned. This evidently shows put this program over for the salva. that we are not wanted. Having had tion of your race.
the wrong education as a start ir It were 17 Negro would be his racial career, the Negro has become his greatest enemy. We trust however that by the teachings of the Universal Negro Improvement AssoPhone 453 ciation, that our race will become a people second to none, in this twenPANAMA tieth century.
15 STREET Throw off the old Uncle Tom PANAMA spirit, and put on the spirit of Garveyism; and be a man that you are intended to be.
to Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 Writing editorially under the above caption, the Chicago De CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, fender of the 23rd ulto, says: Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon Marcus Garvey, serving a three months sentence in the RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Jamaica jail for contempt of the British court, has been elected ONE YEAR. 40 Cy to a seat in the Kingston city council and the Jamaican legislaSIX MONTHS. 20 ture. If that n a record for one sitting we like to know. 60 about one!
Truly, Marcus Garvey is a remarkable person. He has the happy faculty of making himself appear so much the martyr to The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS those who believe in him that no amount of painting him as a devil by those who fear him changes his character to his friends.
While he was imprisoned in the United States his adherents in THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1929: the Universal Negro Improvement association, the organization founded by him, met in New York and re elected him their chief Too Wise To Take Advice He edited his newspaper from his Atlanta cell, and directed the forces that were working for his release.
can As soon as he landed in Canada after having stirred up trouble in England, he ran afoul of the British law again and This rhymes nicely, doesn it? Yes, you say. Well, finally succeeded in getting transportation back to his native it does more than rhyming. It expresses an actual reality Jamaica at the expense of the Canadian government. His speech in that it is a citation of the fact that there is that state at Kingston last summer secured for him a three months sojourn in the island bastile. Now, with two elective positions awaiting be of being in which some persons actually exist, and which hint, he is trying to decide whether he will remain the martyr and existence is not affected by independent or individual serve his time out or use his official authority to get himself conception. It is somewhat of a realism.
100 Uni All observant men who have been permitted to ocOne thing about Marcus Garvey: You never can tell what cupy this planet until they reach the age of matured he ll do next. And it is this element that assures for him the understanding must agree that they have, not infre. respect of those who oppose him!
quently, come in contact with other men, women, and even children who are obsessed with the idea that they and desolate condition as a result of this unfortunate cannot be advised. There is within the memory of some, attitude? and how often have we not seen our boys the specific instances in which disaster came to those so af destroy their opportunities for success, and place themfected, and some are even now suffering a mental torture selves in the mire of misery and degredation for the into as they reflect on the occasion, in their own lives, when same reason?
MVE they had assumed the attitude of being immune from Men and women of experience and education have, larg advice. when they had violently rejected advice given unfortunately, not excepted themselves from this bane while them without money, without price. and when they accrued to them. Men have found themselves behind ful and deceptive attitude, and the same results have of foundered upon the rock of disaster as a result.
prison bars, and women have accepted domicile in reWe have seen this category of persons described in stricted areas with uneasiness of conscience and remorse to Review of Reviews as, the possessors of a fabulous all because of the benighted idea that they were too wise mini immunity. and we think the description substantially Industrialists have wrecked the ship of industry upon this rock of folly, and have destroyed themselves. Proratio correct, because we are convinced that no individual is, fessional men and Politicians have, by this same illusion.
in fact, possessed of thật degree of wisdom as would laid hold of the shadow, and not the substance. They make him immune from advice.
have sown to the wind and reaped to the whirlwind, slon.
But in spite of this irrefutable fact, mortals of all clinging desperately to the mythical idea that the time, and of all ages have been known to set themselves WERE TOO WISE TO TAKE ADVICE!
Th up as the compendium of universal knowledge. Literate Lastly, we desire to affirm that the attitude o er persons as well as illiterate have inclined themselves to Peasi which we have been speaking is incorrect, and we wish the belief that once they are impressed in a certain way to volunteer our services to the community, especially rom with regard to anything, the last word has been said 80. to our young friends, in saying that it is true, and ve about that thing. It is Amen, and Amen. The least that tabli true, that no person is immune from advice, and there can be said about an attitude like this is, that it is a is none TOO WISE TO TAKE ADVICE!
ural mistaken one. Insistence upon it is, in every case, disdvai astrous. Always it has been so, and always it will be.
fin The girl who becomes precocious and refuses to take her nain Fet mother advice in relation to things she knows not of, DRY CLEANING or on which she holds mistaken ideas, must fall over the precipice of ruin and discomfort. So will the boy who Bank becomes mannish before he is possessed of the attributes of manhood.
DYEING We Dye To Live is How often have we not seen our girls in a ruine: acili peas.
Teat heir anu here Hon of dieti any math be TROTT The Cleaner pede STEAM PRESSING or han houl ent edit Art cult armi 22 AT THE CECILIA THEATRE TOMORROW, SUNDAY SUNDAY DEC. 8th COME SEBEN WITH COLORED CAST One of the Most Stupendous and Attractive Pictures that has ever hit the Screen TOGETHER WITH GETLEMEN OF THE PRESS OAJAS Another Picture that grips the attention of fans.


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