
MAKING FACES MITTEE OF ST. PETER (By Betty Ashby. LA BOCA May Queen Popularity Contest se (By Viola Paris. The other day, met a young remover (equipment which should Starts.
friend at luncheon There is nothing dislike more permnently imprinted with an who came in be part of every well regulated dress. To Give Collossal Christlate and, as the said, absolutely all than set, studied expression or a desirable expression.
ing table. she could have provide is mas Fair at Clubhouse The popularity contest which smile that flashed on and off sc being sponsored by the Management in pieces. Her hair was escaping could keep her manicure appoint for her nails adequately until she Control Muscles.
Under the auspices of the Ladies of Chapter 14 of the mechanically that we know the owner All of us know when our faces under her hat. Her rouge was put ment. Even if she had not the time Social Committee of St.
Peter took a definite shape on Monday has cultivated that particular type really look their best, when they are an in the most hit or miss fashion to space for a shampoo and a water Night last when thirteen (13) of the of smile and won allow her muscles full of natural interest and pleasure Xmas Church, La Boca, a colossal Two of her finger nails were broken wave, she could have had her hail Fair will be given at the famous young folk of the community enrol. to work in any other fashion, and the more we can keep our exand the polish on a third was chip. trimmed and been in and out of the Clubhouse on Thursday night, Dec led and votes were pooled on their Yet, it is true that many of perssions so that they convey those ped. She is naturally such a very shop in fifteen minutesAnd, finally 26, 1929.
behalf amidst the strains of music do not habitually wear the expres feelings, the younger these faces will attractive girl that these discrepan. if she was so rushed when she left sion that most becomes us, or bring An outstanding feature of the from the Rochester Roy Orchestra sy. It is amazing, the way out the best in our features. The which cies did not ruin her appearance, but the house that she couldn apply Fair will be crowning of the sue The names of those who have we can control our facial they certainly succeeded in spoiling her rouge properly, she might better cessful winner in the Voting Contest entered the contest are as follows: best way to judge our expression muscles, keep them from being disa general effect of good grooming have omitted it entirely.
is, when we catch unexpected glimp torted by emotions or strain, if we now under way by thirteen little Josephine Bonnie, Winnifred Gittens which is usually here.
ses of ourselves, to stop and register make up our minds to do so. It And the moral of this little object girls for the enviable position Clarrissa Yard, Violet Leon, Gladys how the expression looks, and then My dear, am a mess! We have lesson is that if we regard the up Queen of the Fair.
Each of the Headley, Christina Butterfield, Olga if it is an unbecoming one, to conse.
also amazing the way that keeping been moving and settling in a brand keep of our appearance as something contestants is being boosted by a Me Phunn, Louise Dennis, Gwendo ously avoid it. calm and pleasant expression wºl!
new house, and have had to super. that has to be done for us, that member of the Committee. ne Blackett, Edna Baptiste, Adella ponte a definite aid in keeping om vise every single thing. couldn are powerless to do for ourselve Another colorful item of the pro Clarke, Petrona Patterson and Ivy feelings calmer and pleasanter go to the hair dressers you know when we miss a stated appointment gram will be a Smiling Contest for Dickson.
Tired Face.
don mean to beam and smile like how long it takes to have a shampoc we are sure to be caught in som a huge Xmas ham. It has leaked out There are a few rules which gov.
Cheshire eat; mean to Tool: Perhaps, you will know better and a setting couldn get to the circumstances when our appearance that scores of persons who intendern the contest and to which each penerally pleasnt as possible. Aside what mean when refer the manicurist I never had time to will suffer.
enering the contest are practicing candidate must strietly adhere. This habitually girl who has an from guaranteeing the youth of.
tired get myself together. m going to is before mirrors.
procedure is necessary face, this custom is a tremendous face, whether she is really tired or take a week off and make myse! German Friendship besides o her attractive di ensure order. At the last count of arret in general.
not. This is often the case with presentable!
pinions, there will be dancing. And votes on Monday night and instant Miss Edna Baptiste lead with 570 girls and women in business. Natur Time off.
Continued from Page 1)
ho orchestra, think you, will fur.
Why mich the enmvelling music? votes, while Mias Christine Butter ally they are tired some of the time While was laughing at my engag.
us to welcome your ship to our we but to permit a wornout expression in miscally and physically fit Isth. field took second place with 320.
Mrs. Ada Steve ing young friend, couldn help ters.
to linger on the face is more thar minn Svneonatore, of course. The realisting that too many of us re. The visit of the Emden to Trinidad nensus of opinion is that the BARBADOS SOCIETY TO MEET a mistake, it is a disaster, for it may gard beauty rites as things that we says the Guardian. has been not linger forever. Then, there is the wings of tickets are comparatively have to take time off for, whereas able because the ship was in por The next meeting of the Barbados person whose emotions show very Diessin ker 1, ernsidering the hue and magni Society of Panama will take place clearly in her face, and, let her be if we can devote a few moments re during the Armistice Day celebra time of the Fair. Imagine just what at the Panama Capital Hall on and Millindr gularly to this purpose, we will be tions, and on her behalf, a wreath kind of hum will be in evidence Wednesday next, 11th Instant, when that her face will remain lowe come very angry, and the chance much better off. For example, is was laid the War Memorial in the spacious auditorium that this young person had merely sup. Port of Sp. in by the German Conrul all members are requested to be ing or sulky long after the emotional Houseft e. 13. Street night! Can YOU afford to deny present to take part in the transacplied herself with a flexible mail file This is the first time such an event 23 que!
YOURSELF a share of it? Certainly tion of business. This is very es. ress has worn away. The girl who and a set of her polish, with its has taken place in Trinidad, feels sorry for herself, too, manager nnt. Then get your ticket at one sential at the closing of the year to convey this in her expression and keep physically fit for it. You ll 1929, so that the new year 1930 may ind, no matter how much sympathy read more about it in these columns be started with new ideas, new ideals she may think she is arousing, she BUY FROM THE WORKMAN ASK FOR and a fixed determination to pro never looks attractive while she is ADVERTISERS AND GET doing it, and her face is becoming VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY MIRAMAR Meat Packing Plant SALLAD Continued from Page 1)
OIL is modern in every way and will be under the strict control of the muni.
Sold at all First Class Grocers cipal authorities, which will be guarantee that all meat is packer The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co. from sound cattle. With the high prices ruling for Panama 65. PHONES. Colon 94 beef throughout the world, there should be an ample margin for Mr de Freitas to make his new venture a financial success. Sooner or later we hope to see the export of British Guiana beef to Trinidad, Barbados and the northern islands.
Surgeon Dentist Our contemporary also draws at tention to the imports of cattle inte 23 Central Avenue Panama City.
Trinidad from Venezuela during the CARDOZE Co.
past few years, and points out that Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, the meat supply of Port Spain ha: SANTA ANA PLAŽA NO. 32 Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works been in the hands of a Venezuelar syndicate for a number of years, and Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment as they enjoyed what amounted to BIG ASSORTMENT OF 900CCO DOO 0000 a monopoly, it is evident that the people of Trinidad paid high price for inferior meat. With a little cooperation, British Guiana should capture this trade. West India Committee Circular. ir معماری منه gress.
BIG CLEARANCE SALE FOR 10 DAYS ONLY UNTIL DECEMBER 10th AT Dr. Leo Pink Dr. Leo La Nueva Nueva Dalia. NEURALGINA MEN SUITS of every description at prices never heard of before from 00 and upward Publishers of Panama American Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
NEURALGINA Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children SHIRTS, TIES, SOCKS, UNDERWEAR, BELTS AND BUCKLES, WALLETS, ETC. ETC. ETC.
Hats! Hats! Hats!
FROM 50c. UP NEURALGINA Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart Continued from Page 1)
the following: District Alcalde: I, Henry Goldthwaite, of age and a citizen of the United States residing in the Canal Zone, and transitory in this city, a doctor and the ex officer of the Sanita ry department of the city of Panama, give special power to Dr. Guillermo Patterson to represent me before the tribunals of Panama to take all actione deemed necessary to protect my interest against the Panama American Publishing Company Incorporated, the daily the Pan ama American and against Nelson Rounsevell or the autor of the defamatory articles aga.
inst my honor published in the editions of September 14, 15, 16 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and For sale both Wholesale and Retail AT THE AMERICAN PHARMACY JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor FOR LADIES Hoisery From 25c. up Bloomers, Perfumes, Handerchiefs, Stockings, Etc, Etc, Etc.


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