
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1929 FOREIGN AND GENERAL Seek Means of Removing Color Panama Wesleyan Division 877 C, Activities Line Premonish Members MIRAMAR They en Orange Crush Co. to map. Machinery for this new plant will be supplied by a few of the Open New Piant leading firms of the and this arrangement is expected to be The Pan American Orange Crush completed within the next three The monthly consecration meeting (Continued from Page 1)
of the Panama Wesleyan Christiar MEETINGS INSPIRING Company which is at present estab months. The entire cost of the es Restaurants Bold one of the numerous restaurants Endeavour Society took place in Gedlished in the city of Panama, is tablishment is estimated at 55. 000 The restaurants are most daring They would have found out how this des Hall on Wednesday night last INSTRUCTIVE making arrangements to open up and with this added facility, the in their violations of the laws of condition affects our students by the when the President the Reverend new plant in Colon. The accomplish Company will be able to cater to this state. While these foreign treatment they would receive. Wade presided as chair.
Large Attendance.
ment of this project will undoubtedly neighboring Republics such as Coowners of restaurants and cafes Cites Precedents.
solve many problems which at pres lombia and other places, man know that they are violating laws ent confront the management.
Another member of the Chicago After the roll call by the Secretary On Sunday night last, the St It will also be possible to extend in refusing service to American committee declared that there is a Miss Alice King, the subject of the Gabriel Lodge Hall was crammed The new building will occupy lots trade to Venezuela, Peru and percitizens because of race or color precedent for the school taking a evening Why is Christianity a mis with members and friends of the 10 and 11 of the Panama Railroad haps other places from time to time they do it openly. Even a Filipino stand which would remove discrimi sionary Religion was fully explain Universal Negro Improvement As Chinaman or Japanese, people who nation in a twon. The late Dr. Marioned by the Rev. The emphasis placed sociation, the occassion being Gar.
are here merely as students and who LeRoy Burton, he said, during his on the subject was sufficient to con vey Day.
TRY have no desire to be American citi reign as president of the University vince anyone of its truthfulness The meeting commenced at zens, are service and treatment that is denied our people.
of Michigan at Ann Arbor had to the membership of the Society was o clock with the processional hymn issue just one statement to force greatly benefitted by such an inter. Shine on Eternal Light the regaled One speaker told of a trip made restaurants in that town to treat esting lecture.
officers marched in and took their SALAD OIL to the university campus by some all sutdents alike. He told them Arrangements with regard to the respective seats on the Rostrum dark members of the Illinois legis that if they did not serve all students FOR FRYING Xmas tree was then discussed, and while the Chaplain conducted the relature who are on the appropriations they would not be permitted to serve the date is now fixed for Wednes. ligious side of the meeting. The committee. These gehtlemen asked For sale at all leading Crocers any students. Since the town, like day December 18th instant when Sermon was preaced by Col. Gin. He questions of students about the Urbana, lives chiefly upon the sup. unlike previous years) a party by very ably, handled his subject, which Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
sehool. he said, and in most cases port it gets from students, it chang. the members will be held in addi proved that all things, organizations they found the students either un ed its attitude toward dark people. It tion. The paper dress costume will churches, or whatever man undertake Panama 65. PHONES. Colon 84 willing or afraid to talk.
could also be done in Champaign. be a novel attraction on this occasion to do, must past through a period of took this as evidence that every We pay too much taxes to the Santa Claus is expected to be pres hardships before it evolves to a per thing was all right and promptly University of Illinois. declared this ent with his gifts and will enjoy the fect state.
forgot the matter. Year in and year speaker, to have our students treat evening programme with the In the absence of the President out these men sit on committees in ed as outcasts. They go there for an deavourers.
the legislature and vote large ap. education which the state and its Mr. Cyril Thomas, Mr. St. Claire Gil presided. The Choir sang two propriations to the university and citizens provide, just the same as one is doing, and a full report on the anthems that eveked much praise overlook the fact that they have a white students. And they should be activities of each as regards this from the audience. Mr. Morrison MODERN TAILOR great opportunity for service to forced to undergo no greater hard particular subject. The members of and Mr. McDonald were exceptionally their state and the people by ships than are the general run for the Race who are in the state legis. brilliant.
House 40 least raising the question of discrim students.
lature are Harris Gaines, George The listeners were treated to ination and segregation at 3rd November Street the The meeting adjourned with a date Blackwell, George Kersey series of electrifying addresses, by university. They could have inves: set for a future session. The next William King and William several ladies and gentlemen, these Guachapali Panama City tigated the town of Champaign by meeting will devote itself to a dis. Warfield in the lower house, and addresses worked a deep imprestrying to get a square meal in any cussion of our legislators, what each Adalbert Roberts in the senate.
sion on members and friends alike The crowning address was delivered by Col. Gill, in which be outlined the world situation, the status of Negroes, the future change that is bound to come in world affairs, the PHYSICIAN ultimate and last struggle of the nations for supremacy, and then the ESTL HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO MIL Negro and his chance to reclaim much of what was robbed from him No. K STREET The Meeting was brought to a PANAMA CITY close by the reading of a special let.
The Best ter that was received from the Parent IN TIN OF Body, urging the officers and mem.
bers, to fight for the cause, and to uphold the hands of Marcus Gar.
Members and friends are asked to turn out on time this Sunday night the President Mr. Cyril Thomas BEFORE will deliver a special message to the members.
AND Garvey Day GEO. BISHOP at a Dr. Fairweather CONDENSEE There Is More Than Perfect Quality HAVE GAS INSTALLED NESTLE CONDENSED MILK CHRISTMAS THIS STOVE ONLY ST. CHARLES EVAPORATED MILK Each Label can be Redeemed 50 OTHER MODELS 00 11. 75 AND UP for useful premiums, Aluminum Ware, Toys Novelties, Etc. Etc.
No Obligation COOK WITH GAS Cheap, Quick Clean CIA PANAMEÑA DE FUERZA LUZ OUR BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY AWAITS YOUR VISIT AT AT PROSPECTIVE DIVISION 337 Garvey day was fittingly cele brated at the Private Academy, 25st Calidonia, on Sunday last by the Enthusiastic members and friends of the Prospective Division of the Universal Negro Improvement AsASK FOR ESTIMATE sociation.
The local Representative of the On Installation organization tell large gathering at Local Liberty Hall, that unless West Indian Negroes residing in the Re.
public of Panama, put away the question of insularity and unite togather for the betterment of them selves, a very serious economic problem, will eventually confront them The meeting was presided over by Panama AT YOUR SERVICE Colon the Secretary, Greely, who after welcoming the gathering in the name of their great leader, gave a very interesting address for the occasion received. The next was the singing which was received with great en of the hymn Father of all Creation thusiasm followed with an address by The religious part of the program Morgan. It was very interesting was performed by Jeffers The singing of the Hymn Africa and Campbell.
awaken, followed with another adModern Tailor Among some of the other items dress by Jeffers. After several other that were on the evenings program items were rendered the meeting was was a Solo by Mrs. Finn, which fol. brought to a close with the BenedieNo 57 lowed the reading of the President tion, and National Anthem.
Calidonia Road General message on the front page Gocer, of the Negro World. It was well SI CHA LAPORAT Richest In Cream NESTLES MILK Co. Kirton JAVILLO FILL PANAMA 057 BALBOA AVE.


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