
PAGE SEVEN The Race Problem In The IF YOU NEED West Indian News Broadcasting Coy Seat of Councillor JAMAICA CAR and haven the Money to furchase USED USED CAR DEPARTMENT an pick yourself an Unexpensive Serviceable Machine DONT LOSE TIME, COME TODAY Ontario Health Officer Panazone Garage Co.
can MUSICAL JOTTINGS NAVE YOU THE IT OF SIRGING FLYNCH English and American Styles (BY CORRESPONDENT) company has been formed ir New problems, it is true have tion has been steadily decreasing (Continued from page this island for broadcasting purpose been created in the United States by from 32, per cent in the decade Wolmer Trust, is eligible to hold a It is known as the Jamaica Broad the migration of Negroes from ending with the year 1800, to 11, seat at the Council of the Corpora casting Co. Ltd. Mr. Myers south to north.
At the same time per cent in the decade 1900 1910, and tion. The law says a person who is Secretary, and temporary office it looks as if the great problem of in receipt of public funds shall not have been located at 155 Church the Southern States as to whether 1920. The rate of increase of white to per cent in the decade ending.
be eligible to be a member of the Street, Kingston.
a new one the black population would sub population also has declined in this Council of the Corporation, and the There will be five directors in the merge the white is steadily solving period, but not nearly 50 rapidly question to be decided is what are company. Two have already beer itself.
having been 35. per cent in the ten public funds.
appointed, viz. Mr. Perey Mac.
WHY NOT VISIT OUR The points raised are somewhat daniel, of Bog Walk, and Dr. An important inquiry has just years ending 1800, and 16 per cent intricate, and it is expected that at Logan, of Knigston. The company been completed by the Commission in the decade ending 1920. It will on Inter Racial Cooperation, which be seen therefore, that of late the the next meeting of the Corpora propores to apply to the Government be for a license to establish tion Council, the Mayor will has done so much during the past white population has been increae.
a broaddecade to bring about better un asked to obtain the opinion of the casting station in the island. It ing twice as fast as the coloured.
derstanding between the two sec.
Solicitor to the Corporation as to proposes to receive and relay pro It will be of special interest to tions of the American nation.
whether the Rev. Gordon Hay car grammes, As soon as the license is the South, and to many people continue to hold his seat on the obtained, the company will make An examination of the centus surprise, to learn that the propor Council.
final arrangements to obtain the returns for the past hundred years, tion of coloured population has de services of a broadcasting expert it states, reveals the fact that there lined more rapidly in this section for the furtherance of its plans.
are to day but half as many Negroes than in any other. In the earlier in the United States in proportior days practically all the Negroes ir and would be returning home on the to the total population as there were America lived in the South; but ir At Jamaica same vessel. He hoped, at the same in 1790, and that, with but two ex 1920, chiefly as a result of repeated time, to have a good look around be.
ceptious, every decade in the mean migrations, there were 1, 550. 900 fore he left.
time has shown a lower percentage members of the race living in other Emphatically in favour of The of Negro population than the prevOntario has given Dr. Godfrey sections of the country, out of Canada West Indies Treaty, many things to do. He is in charge ious one.
total coloured population of 10, 463.
He States the Workmen In 1790 the percentage of NeCompensatior 131. For the last three of censur Board, the Mothers Allowance ani prons was 19, while in 1920 it had periods, 1900, 1910, and 1920, the AM AN ENTHUSIAST Old Age Pension. The Workmen. declined to 99. Decade by decade percentage of Negroes to the tota Apprentice Committee which has been beginning in 1790, the figures were pdpulation of the South has been am emphatically in favour of appointed jointly with the Canadiar 19, 18, 19 18, 18, 16, 15, respectively 32, per cent 29. per STREET RANCH the Canada West Indies Treaty. You Manufacturers Association and the 14, 12, 13, 11, 11, 10. and cent. This trend has been true, not count me among the most Labour Unions, also comes under his only of the region as a whole, but PHONE 329 enthusiastic of the enthusiasts. direction.
The census returns show also that also of every Southern State except have had no actual eonnection with This Treaty. were Dr. Godfrey the rate of spain in Negro popula one.
the Treaty.
final words as he parted with the These were the words, spoken with Mail reporter is the opening of the conviction to Jamaica Mail represen way to a larger development between tative amid the hustle and bustle the Dominion and Jamaica.
of disembarking, by the Honourable Dr. Forbes Godfrey, Minister of BUY FROM THE WORKMAN By Helen Walters Health and Labour for the Province ADVERTISERS AND GET Custom Tailor of Ontario, who arrived at Jamaica Singers with lovely and well. thing conveying hope, comfort, or VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY on the 20th ulto, on the trained voices often drop into obliv peace. Marion Talley, at one of her Lady Rodney from Montreal, ion, while others with perhaps less big recitals, gave as a final number Dr. Godfrey stated that he was in Drink Salada Ten the best for natural talent walk to the front. No Night There, Every soul left Jamaica purely on a pleasure trip the Tropica Why? Because they have it mag. the building loving her more. Apnetism. Some do and some don peal to the tender emotions of pa NO: CALIDONIA PHONE 569 But all can have it to a certain de renthood, or the love of a man for a gree. Everyone who sings has, or maid. Relieve the tenseness by an aspires to have, a little bag of tricks encore with a laugh or an old refrain to get the audience. Here is which all know and love. If you mine. Try it, take it, or leave it. can touch their heartstrings, they ll First, know your audience and sing love you, they ll encourage you to go what you think they would like to on to bigger things, they ll have con.
hear. Let geniuses educate the pub fidence in you, and welcome you back lic into liking to hear what they with eager eyes.
should hear. If a program of songs Second, know your songs. Of and In the World Pocket is arranged just to show off your course, that does not mean just the voice, you have lost before you start. notes and corresponding words. Too Of course, a few songs must be in many singers grow discouraged beLatoom.
serted to appease the crities. They cause that all music is to them.
must not be ignored altogether, see There are two types of songs. One though at times we all may wish this appeals to everybody in general, as MISTELI. THE JEWELER were possible.
for example, The Brown Bird SingReaching the Audience ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY ing. The same type in sacred music QUALITY QUARANTEED Ask this question concerning each has the emotion directed toward a piece: Will this appeal to the supernal being, as in Oh, Divine hearts of my audience, tickle their Redeemer. Then there is the inti.
funny bones, or just give them a mate type, as Comin Thro the lilting melody? program of only Rye, in secular, or m Pilgrim pretty tunes by approved composers in the sacred.
will fall flat. Most audiences have a larger measure of feelings than of detached from your listeners, while In singing this first type you are musical training. Most listeners have in the second you sing directly to sorrow and trouble. Slip in some them, you lean toward them, you BOX640 ARCON, Small DENTIST snap your words off a little plainer cr you may even look at them. HowCirilo Sandford MASONIC TEMPLE Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm ever, there is danger in looking di Attorney at LAW. 30 to 30 pm CATHEDRAL PLAZA rectly into their faces, lest one face Sundays, by Special Appoinment Masonic Temple lith St, will remind you of a friend and off If we sit down at set of sun, OFFICE: 153 CENTRAL AVE. PRONE 100 Box 787 CRISTOBAL And count the things that we have your mind flits from your song PHONE: OFFICE 1664 and see the finest Assortment of done Then just that quick have you snapAnd counting fluid ped that subtle magnetic affinity One self denying act, one werd which spells success.
That eased the heart of him who Personality Preeminent USE of heard; Third, show your own personality.
One glance most kind, Don let anybody make you so corSelection of That fell like sunshine where it rect in every way that you are afraid went, to be yourself. If you are like every.
Then we may count the day well body else, you are nobody. If you spent.
FOR BAKING can feel your songs, show it in your face and manner. heard Madsmar Sold at your nearest Grocer But if through all the lifelong day We ve eased no heart by yes or nay; Schumann Heink sing an aria from If though it all an oratorio, in English; and every We ve nothing done that we can time she sponke the Name Jesus she bowed her head as though in reverPanama 65. PHONES. Co o. 84 trace, That brought the sunshine to a face; ence. It seemed sincere, too, and not No act most wall a studied act.
BRANCH STORE That helped some soul and nothing Be gracious and smile. Your cost, mouth may be large, your teeth may succeeds in showing his personality you. Then, before you realize what 125 Central Avenue Then count that day as worse than not be of your own choosing, but is he who gets the applause. Love has happened, you will be aceredited lost.
spontaneous warm wins He who your audience, and they will love with having the It of singing, 210 OMEGA OMEGA WATCHES FOR Making Good Clothes and high in the World Cleaning Clothes Good REID No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
Panama, OALL AT THE Panama Hardware The Well Spent Day LOCKS description also the Finest every as MIRAMAR SALAD OIL ARTIZAN TOOLS ved JUST RECEIVED The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere


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