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Condition Said to be Worse BANANA BANANA GROWING COLORED MEN MAY Sale of British West Indies Than Before The Civil War Folly Says Lord Oliver TO BE ESTABLISHED AT COIBA GO TO HAITI WITH COMISSION West Indians Lured from was Cuba to Morocco Jamaicans are Duped in Republic of Cuba Sad Experience related by Man Recently England a fortnight ago by one of EXPERTS HAVE SENT OSCAR DE PRIEST MOST Department of Justice to Investi. IMPORTANT INFORMA. LIKELY TO RECEIVE Addressing a Representative gate snd Proceed Against TION TO THE GOVERN. THE APPOINTMENT MENT Meeting of citizens at Violators very interesting cable was des Georgetown, British Guiana The Chicago Defender has part By Orlando Kay Armstrong Mr. Thomas Jacome, prominent patched from Washington youterPanamanian has directed note tc day, stating that the Republican re The Trinidad Guardian states that industrty in England that hall of bonded for yours that peonaco, rape Jacksonville, Fla. Nov. 28. aroon and lynching has gone on truekload of Negros bound from the Secretary of Agriculture and presentative from New York, Hamil. Lord Oliver who to head of a Com the present bounty, 8 per con anmolested in parts of the South Jacksonville to the headquarters of Public Works, pointing out to him ton Pish, who has been named men mission at present investigating the should be given to extend over Every time we have como forth with large turpentine camp in Taylor the wonderful opportunity for the ber of the Foreign Relations com great depression of sugar conditione period of years. As a means of dood in the West Indies, in addressing a ing with the situation, suboldy a thele tight, led by the fearles Robert county, Florida, pulled up at Live growing of bananas, that He in the mission, has communicated note te uncultivated island of Colba. President Hoover, asking that prom representative gathering of eltisons so much per ton should be given. Abbott, editor and publloher Oak, county seat of Sewannee county, It is stated that this information inent colored men be included in the At British Guiana made reference to That is suggestion we have bed.
others have sought to smooth over and parked near the court house has also been given to Mr. committee that will investigate the the belated ides of Great British We have had other suggestions and things by saying that we have abng County Judge Johnson looked Blair, Manager of the United recent Hatian crisis selling the British West Indies.
Mr. Semple and before we road rerated.
out of his window just in time to Fruit Company by Genult It was hinted that Oscar de Priest After having discussed various homo, have got to come down upon Orlando Kay Armstrong, professor see three Negro men make a dash a banana expert.
would come first in meriting the matters in regard to colony Lord one suggestion which will, is out of pournaliam at Drury college from the truck and scatter about (Continued on page 4)
Olivier went on to ay. Continued on page 4)
opinion, enable the British Gorora.
Springfield, Mo. white man, went the yard in three different directions.
At the West India Committee ment to maintatin the sugar industry to Plorida and has uncovered the The driver of the truck, a huge asked for suggestions and we had in these islands and colonies in a fact that to How white man, leaped from his seat and The story appeared in the St started in hot pursuit. All the Nethe immediate state of depression of administered industtry so that it can Louis Pout Dispateth and the New groes outdistanced him and disapthe sugar market should be dealt compete in the markets of the world York World on Sunday. Wr. Arm peared. In moment he burst inte with, Lord Passfield said it was 40 any rate the British market strong has granted The Chicago the county judge office.
not the policy of His Majesty Gov. provided it is given fair and squa Detender the special privilege to want warrant for three nig. And Forced to Join Spanish ernment to increase the present pre terms with other producers. That le print his full story and in his own gersl ho demanded of Judge JohnFighting Forces terence. We have had other sugges our problem and we shall be glad for words says, My only desire in the son between angry and heaving tions.
suggestions. It is a difficult and com story is for justice to the Colored putts of breath.
The story of ten British West representative yesterday.
We had suggestions made to at plicated problem and am not going men.
Continued on page Indians, who were it is alleged, lured The adventure began in Cuba, Barbados as to the result. believe to discuss it today.
from Cuba to Spain, under the pre vana, in 1926, when he and a numof a conference at Trinidad of per SALE FOLLY tence that they would be given civil ber of friends heard a rumour that sons interested in the West Indiar But wish a touch upon one sog.
work in Morocco, where Spain has men were wanted for building operasogar industry. That the sugar in. gestion have seen made. have et a never ending war on her hands) tions by the Spanish in Morocco.
dustry should be put on the same it made in the newspapers here and and they were then forced into the footing or should be dealt with or mention it because the suggestion BRITISH SUBJECTS Spanish fighting forces was told in the same principle as the Beet Sagar (Continued from Page Ten of us, he said, went to a tailor shop Returned From Republic the number. man named Richard an office next to Benn. Below we print it as recetved where we were interviewed by a in this island.
Spaniard who gave his name as Within the past four weeks, says Army Hotel at Santiago where he Francise Torres.
Months LURED TO WAR the Jamaica Mall of recent date, stayed for five days. He understood several Jamaicans who had been in that the cost per day to stay at the LONDON, November 17 (Sun He told us that the war with the tho Republic of Cubo, and have re hotel was eighty cente (3 4) an for day Chronicle. Officials at the Col Moors was over, and that we were For Causing Mother Death in Motor turned to the jaland, have been com the five laya, his bill amounted to onial Office were vesterday in pos required for civilian work. We were Car Collision plaining about the surcharges made twelve dollars (82 He did not session of the full details of the shipped to Spain, not suspecting any on them at certain hotels at San. pay anything at the hotel, as he unstrange case of Richard Benn, a trickery, and were treated very well thago.
From a recent issue of the Guardian, prosecuted on ehalt of the derstood that the Government was coloured British subject from the on the voyage.
we cull the following: Crown, and Mr. Thorp de West Indies, who claims that he was At Cadis, however, things began reporter of the Jamaica Mall standing all their expenses. He was In tense stillness crowded Court fended Hutchins who gave evidence happened to como aeroso Charles sivena tiekot at the Immigration trapued into the Spanish Foreign to change. The mena Britist watched the jurors this afternoon in last Priday.
Legion, and foreed to fight the Moors subjects were drafted to a military the Hall of Justice file slowly to their Melbourne of 84 Wellington Street, Office to travel on the boat also.
INEVITABLE Bmith Village, on Tuesday last, who After he had arrived in the island, in Morocco with the alternative of barracks, and were abruptly inform seats to decide the fate of the two Burnley decided to give evidence had a graphic story to to. he went to the Treasury to get his being sent to gaol.
ed that if they did not consent to young men who stood nervously in from the dock this morning and wald Melbourne stated that he had been deposit, and to his surprise, instead After three years of enforced ser join the Spanish Foreign Legion they the dock awaiting their verdict. that when he saw collision was lowould be imprisoned.
la Cueto, Oriente, Cuba, for five of retting his 44 1955, he was toldvice, in which he was wounded once One, John Burnley, was on the evitable he pulled his wheel sharply years with his wife and son. He to that he was indebted to the Gov. he managed to reach Eugland, where So we joined, added Benn. verge of tears. He was aceused of to the left. They met and the lorry turned to Jamalea on September 18 ernment for 84 1116, besides his de he has travelled from town to town The non commissioned officers, the slaying of his mother, Matilda ran off into a drain by the ide of this year. Before he came ont, he posit which had already been deduct penniles and friendlons, in a vald he added, were extremely brutal Mensano, who died on May 18 in the road.
stayed at Bilver Hotel, in Saned for his expenses at the hotel and quest for work.
They kicked us and beat us and consequence of collision that day MOTHER tingo one night, where he paid his passage to Benn untolded a dramatie story spat on us; we were treated like on the Eastern Main Road between Jamaica. He explained jumped out, he continued, and www expenses. While he had been the situation, and he willingly paid when seen by a Sunday Chronicle animals.
Sangre Grande and the Cumuto lifted up an Indian woman who had the hotel, he was told that the was correct. Therefore, his expenses Junetion, when the lorry her son been sitting near me on the truck Government of Jamaica had deposit. at the hotel and passage out to Jawas driving met with an omnibus Across the road saw my mother lyed money at the Immigration Office Continued on page driven by Lenny Hutehins who alscing on the ground, ran to her and ta repatriate Jamaicans to stood in the dock.
raised her. Both her hands were ES country. On the following morning PANAMA CANAL WEST BOTH GUILTY torn off and her legs were crusbed he went to the Immigration Office INDIAN EMPLOYEES ASThe foreman of the jury rose and called for help, for my mother but SOCIATION CRISTOBAL and asked to be permitted to see the announced that both prisoners had no one came. Mother asked for we Immigration Officer, but he was not DISTRICT BOSTON, Mass. Dec. The ley Methodist Episcopal Church here been found guilty of manslaughter ter and had to lay her down to get piven the opportunity, and so he had the regular monthly meeting will Paul Lawrence Dunbars, the Coun. Sunday in defending the Negro race. The jury recommended Burnley to some from the drain. Soon after she to make all his arrangements with a be held on Monday night 16th inst. tee Cullens and the Roland Hayes of He declared that the churches of the mercy of the Court as he had died.
Clork in the office. Before leaving at Court Atlantie Ledge Hall: American life are sufficient. proof America indulge in a good deal of suffered the loss of his mother in the DECISION Jamaica, he had to deposit 19. in commencing at 7:00p. All Mem that genius and talent and the Chria Nordic nonsense and racial provin. collision. The Chief Justice reserved The Jury retired at twenty minuten the Treasury, and he had to produce bers are requested to be present, as tian spirit are not a monopoly of the cialism.
sentence and the jury were allowed past twelve and five minutes after ble deposit receipt. He did so, and the Nomination and Election of Dis white race.
Church To Open Doors to go.
the Court resumed ita sitting at half the Clerk took it from him. He was triet Officers for the Coming year Thus spoke Rev. Dr. William The time has come, he said in Thus ended the trial of the third past one they returned with their given card to go to the Salvation will take place.
Stidger from his pulpit in the Cop. Continued on Page day of ite hearing. Mr. Child Continued on page Youth Sentenced to six theit Church is Scored For Drawing Color Line

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