
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1929 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS ST: LUCIA JAMAICA TRINIDAD British Guiana The Medical Service of the Explosion in fireworks Cinema Shows Colony factory Airways a Great Boon TreaFer Prison 17, 000 in. December made the Aerial Passenger GRENADA the member of the medical profemton Inauguration of Workingmen Ass not Printery Competition is To Manufacture as ON SUNDAYS FOR BRITISH Writing editorially, under the ing a subsidy of 30, 000, to which GUIANA above caption, the Voice of the 6th amount it came down from 90, 000 ulto Says: before starting service.
Filling of Five Medical Destroys Building, Kills One Injures Four Vacancies Next Being Progressive minds in the com The world to day is in quest of GEORGETOWN, Dec. Seriously considered Sunday cinema shows are to be per. munity will hail with pleasure the speed speed in travel, speed in Staff The Guardian of recent date pub mitted in this colony.
news, which we publish to day, that business, The businessman wants lishes the following from its CorreYesterday session of the Legisla Pan American Airways intends to to get through his work with all According to the Mail the head of spondent at Caracas:the Medical Department of this colony The MAIL of the 30th ulto states tive Council passed a motion based run a tri weekly airmail service from possible speed. He uses the air mail is giving serious consideration to the that on tthe evening of the 13th An explosion has occurred in a on a petition by over Now we have just begun to use scatter as to what steps should be prox social will be given on the fireworks factory outside of Caracas habitants recommending that the Coming so soon after the inaugutaken to appoint District Medical premises set apart as the residence which one person has been killed and these parts to to the north of Sabana Grande, in Cinematograph ordinance be amended ation of the service to these islands the airplane in Officers to fill the vacancies that of the Director of Prisons, Rae Town, four persons severely burnt.
to permit cinematograph entertain by Colonel Lindbergh less than two small extent for our mails. As will be created early next year when as a treat to staff of the General ments being held on Sunday. The months ago this projected enlarge time goes on this use will increase Ef veral Medical Officers who have renitentiary.
The factory is owned by the Col. President gave an undertaking that ment seems to show that the prin We want to move about quicker onels Bros. and fortunately it is reached the age limit will be retired It is understood that the social has situnted in an isolated spot.
a Bill would be introduced during cipals of the company see good pros and it is possible to isualise the time when, with an airplane pas on their pension been decided upon through the agenthe present session of the Council. peets ahead.
at work at the The motion was carried on open vote, Employees were This is more senger service, people in these is The District Medical Officers incy of the head of the prison service.
obvious when it is lands will be able to spend week ends time of the explosion. The building, the President declaring that each remembered that these principals are question are Dr. Lawson Gifford There is a fairly large sum in the (Kingston. Dr. Edwards public Treasury. It has been built machinery and materials were redue member should vote according to his American, and consequently keen with friends or fly for business in other islands. Lower St. Andrew. Dr. up from fines imposed upon warders ed in a few moments to a heap of convictions. He stated before hand businessmen, and would never, on that in case of an equality of votes any account, carry on a business if Airways will kill insularity. We Moseley (Port Antonio. Dr. and assistant warders for breaches ashes.
Calder (Santa Cruz. Dr. SI of discipline. It is understood that Between the flames and in the he would, because of his convictions, there were no chance of benefit, it will be no more St. Lucians, Grenadians, Barbadians all will be West clair (Little London. an applicattion was to the greatest confusion rescue work was give the casting vote against the mo. not immediate, but, potential.
Besides, the company is one of the ation reality. This is to come.
Indian Airways will make FederFollowing recommendation Government for contribution from effected by willing hands and the tion. certain amount of opposition was raised on behalf of various largest air transport companies in made by the Medical Committee the special fund to provide a treat injured persons were removed.
churches but the majority of speak the United States and certainly the Developments in aviation are of which sat some months ago and en during the approaching Xmas season ers strongly supported the resolu: largest of those with connexions outgreat importance to these islands quired into the whole medical system to the prison staff. The application tion. On division the motion was side the United States.
and should be closely watched of the island, it is said that the was favourably considered by the carried by 17 votes to It operates in Central and South of the sirmail service will Meantime, the tri weekly extension Government are quite prepared to Chlef Executive Service America and recently extended place St. Lucia better on the map appoint wholetime Medical Officers A3 District Medical Officers in future line from Miami, Florida, to South For our own good all facilities should at salary commencing at 600 per Trinidad November 6th. Major ORDER BOOKS America linking to air services in be given the company.
the Americns. It seems to us that annum rising to 700 by yearly in. Hulse, Special Representative executives of the company erements of 425, and thus an opporof Pan American Airways Incor.
SECRETARY realising that the Caribbean offers Tri Weekly Air Mail tunity will afforded younger porated of New York, definitely anAND the best seaplane field in the world nounced today in an interview with TREASURER are keen on getting experience in Probable to dovote all their service to the the Trinidad Guardian, that his Com.
Government if they so desire.
FOR FRIENDLY SOCIETY They seem to be keen on taking pany intended to put large passenger time by the forecloek before the ON SALE PROM DECEMBER The five vacancies mentioned airplanes on the route New York to English company, above will be created in April next The Labour Leader, of Trinidad the Guianas by way of the West with which Sir states that highly successful mass Indies within the next month.
At the Workman Algernon Aspinall is associated year.
In connection with the above, the comes into the field.
same paper says: meeting assembled at the Gouyave Major Hulse returned to his head Covered Market on Sunday the 3rd quarters in Port of Spain on Sunday likely. The It the plans of the Pan American instant to celebrate the Inauguration afternoon from flying visit to British company, Atlantic Airways Airways work satisfactorily it is of the parent body first Branch of Georgetown, Demerara, and Castries will not cover quite the same route probabale that from next month there Pimento Oil the Grenada Workingmon Associa in St. Lucia. where he was investien BUY FROM THE WORKMAN must observe that here we have an northward bound and three southPan American Airways. We will be three planes calling here tion.
ting the possibilities of securing suitADVERTISERS AND GET American company on the one hand bound every week instead of one each The principal address of the eve.
The Journal of the Jamaica able landing facilities for his Comrunning a service for nothing and on way as at present, Agricultural Society states that dur. ning was delivered by the Hon. pany airplanes, with special referVALUE FOR YOUR MONEY the other an Hnglish company ask. Continued on page ing the past month another enthus Marryshow. who, in a speech preg. enee to the new type of 82 passenger tast has imported still for the nant with local colour, pointed out Sikorsky Mail Passenger airplanes manufacture of pimento leaf oil by to his audience comprised mainly of soon to be put on this route.
destructive distillation. We have agricultural labourers some 400 written short notes on this subject strong the difficulties of the bad Labor Mayor and various articles and the prospects economie system under which they of an auxiliary income on pimento existed.
properties appear to be very favour Mr. Grant one of the speak His Worship the Mayor, the Hon.
able. Every property has male trees ers; announced that 142 names had Capt. Cipriani, who is INCORPORATED 1869 which are and have been unprodue been registered during the previous also President to the Trinidad Worktive for decades and the leaves of week. These comprised the nucleus ingmen Association and Chairman Head Office: Montreal, Canada these generally are the best yielders of the St. John St. Mark Branch of the Trinidad Ex Service Relief in leaf oil. Pimento properties this of the Grenada Workingmen Asso Committee the newly elected year for the most part have made ciation.
Mayor of Port of Spain, says the good money out of the berry, but Labour Leader. He is a son of the PANAMA COLON this is not always true and any soil and his past and present public Santa Ana Plana Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets avenue for adding to the income and private activities, together with which also will materially assist in DENTIST HOWELL the several distinguished and enviable maintaining suitable property diseipositions which he today enjoys pline amongst the labourers is in it.
House No. 912 La Boca have all earned for him such apself an asset that should not be propriate appellations as Magis.
Canal Zone trate, Councillor, Soldier, Sportsman Apparently enquiries for this oil OPPOSITE RESTAURANT and Friend.
are now coming from merchants as PHONE 1941. BALBOA The hon. gentleman was just a few With 900 Branches throughout the world, including We have had several requests for Specialises in all Branches of days ago, made an Alderman. He the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank sources of supply is the nephew of the late Jos.
Dentistry Emanuel Cipriani (of revered is in a position to render the best possible service.
ALL WORK GUARANTEED memory. and who, exactly fifty (50)
Drink Salada Ten the best for the Troplan RESIDENC8588 years past, occupied the City Mayoral Chair for the fifth time.
Antigua Dominica Montornet Bahamas Grande St. Kitts Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia TRY British Honduras Kirton Trinidad (2)
Martini Guadeloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
SALAD OIL Modern Tailor Truly a Miracle oil, for table No 57 HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST and kitchen Calidonia Road PAID ON DEPOSITS ON SALE AT ALL FIRST CLASS GROCERS.
The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
BUY FROM THE WORKMAN General Banking Business Transacted.
Panama 65. PHONES. Colon 84 ADVERTISERS AND GET VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY The Royal Bank of Canada is Total Assets in Excess of 950, 000, 000. 00 MIRAMAR


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