
GE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1929 FOREIGN AND. GENERAL Haiti and the Haitians Haitian Case Goes to President Hoover It was in 1915, when the ther expires in 1886.
PANO MIRAMAR SALAD OIL Here a Good Recipe Book THE BRITISH GUIANESE The French Legation suffered ASSOCIATION damages after the mob had got theke mAh. French warship landed The very inclement weather of (Cyril. Thomoss)
sailon to protect its Legation. UnTuesday, 3rd inst prevented the Think not dread to my spirit next Cristopher, and a series of others cle Sam, did not like the idea of.
Washington, Nov. 29. new national assembly of Haiti meeting of the above mentioned As fly the history of these Presidents to one French battle ship landing allom Inquiries regarding the probability was elected in 1916. Upon its consociation Through the dark gates of tell mor of treachery, political upheval to protect, even though it was the that President Hoover would appoint vening the United States presented This unavoidably deferred meeting tality: to it a proposed new constitution for commission to study conditions in Haiti, whereby the provisions of the will be held on Saturday night 14th Death hath no terrors when the life is the faith of all new countries; protence, the American Battleship Jealotuy and errors, of course, this protection of the French Logation; 80 using the Monroe Doctrine.
Haiti were referred to the White then Haitian constitution which for December 1929; at St. Charles Lodge is true; but if left alone to work out their landed marines in Haiti, and here House by Secretary of State Henry bade foreigners and foreign corpore Hall, Colon, irrespective of ill. Tis living ill that makes us fear to own destiny, will evolve triumphant kept them there ever since. Of Stimson last Monday. Mr. Stim tions from owning Haitian lands were weather, at 7:80 As hittherto die. Omar Khayyam.
son added that if President Hoover as do all other baby countries.
course there is treaty between the substituted by provisions which announced, the convened meeting of Man has but once to face death. It does anything it is likely he will an.
Haitians and the Americans which authorized the holding of Haitian members, is to decide the contest will come to every one of us. The nounce it himself.
lands by foreigners and foreign coring seats, of the Officers nominated Ample precedent for the appoint porations, and made other changes in and to be elected for the ensuing years that we spend in this fleshy President of Haiti, Monsieur Guil.
house the body, are what counts Now the present uprising in the laume Sam, provoked and cornered Black Republie should not be con ment of such a commission exists year, the conatitution which were not ac.
We should make every moment of by his political enemies, lost his sidered as not being serious. The Secretary Stimson said. He pointed ceptable to the national assembly.
Pres: Rollocks, who was conta lite useful.
hend, and executed over 100 political educated Haitians have resented this out that several commissions of in lescing, has again become a patient The national assembly refused to This question of Haiti and the prisoners. Hell was let loose in occupation by the Americans. Halt!
vestigation had been sent to the accept the new constitution, and the at the Gorgas Hospital, but promises Haitiens is of great interest to the Port au Prince and public feelings is not free country in the broad Philippines ineluding the Schurman military forces of the United States conclave will determine the Associa.
to be present att the election. This Negroes of the world is reneral and were set afire. Friends and supsence of the word, American repreTaft and Wood Forbes commssions dissolved the national assembly, took tion future, expansive, and indusNegroes in the New world in par.
ticular. The history of the black porters of the executed politica supervise the expenditures, and ir sentatives collect the customs and National elections have not been possession of the legislative cham trial status, held in Haiti since August, 1915 bers, locked the doors against memRepublic of Haiti teems with ro. prisoners formed themselves into an matter of fact, The American High mance, bravery, and bloodsbed. It ungovernable mob, and invaded the Commissioner is the ruler of the After the military seizure and occu bers of the assembly, and when the that the United Statets selected Louis was on the nothern coast of this Is palace of Monsieur Sam; the already country.
pation of Haiti by the United States houses of the assembly andertook to successor. According land, near what is now known excited and nerve strained President on July 28, 1916, the admiral in meet in other places they were dis. Borno as his to a resolution introduced in the Cape Haitien, that Columbus landed Sam, flee from the Palace through (To be continued. charge of the American forces of persed by American military power.
oceupation, declared martial law and Upon the dissolution of the na.
senate by Senator William King during his first voyage of 1492 to the streets and rushed into the took control of the Haitian govern tional assembly Dartiguenave set up Democrat, of Utah, April 16, 1926 repair the Santa Maria Prom that French Legation for protection. But BUY FROM THE WORKMAN ment, interfering in the election of a council of state, appointing all of the council of states had no power or date up to the present Hatti his even the unpassable portals of a its members, and this council of state authority to elect a president, but tory is the most colortul in the French Legation did not prevent the VALUB FOR YOUR MONEY the president of Haiti in August, 1915 and exerting military pressure and usurped the legislative powers of the the members of that body, with the Western World.
wild mob from getting Monsieur Sam ADVERTISERS AND GET support and under the direction of other influence, which resulted in the national assembly.
The Dons of Spain were the first for they entered and took out Mr the American military occupation, election of Dartiguenave as president The term of office of Dartiguenave to start a wholesalo extermination Sam and minced him in the streets Drink Salada Tea the best for of Haiti.
expired Aug. 12, 1922. It is chaimed pretended to elect Borno, although he of the aborigines, being the first to Again the Scene changed.
was not eligible because he is not a the Troplos occupy the island. Things changed son of Haitian citizen as prescribed and the French was the next to con in the constitution of Haiti.
trol the Island. It were these to Under the tterms of the new consti terprising Frenchmen who purchastution president of Haiti was to ed Africans and obtained them TRY have been chosen on April 12, 1926 through other means when the price but the assembly having been abol went up, that Haiti today to called ished, Borno had himself re elected the Blue Republic.
by the council of state, which he had himself appointed.
The courity under the control of these Frenchment made mueh proIn 1928 President Borno assured FOR FRYING gress the Haitian people that national elections would be held in 1980 and he bridges and had large and numerous They constructed fine roads and For sale at all leading Crocers would then retire. He has just an plantations. To be honest, these Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
nounced, however, that no elections Frenchmen were more lenient toward will be held in that year either, which the Negro slaves then were Panama 65. PHONES. Colon 84 the seems to indicate that he will con Delicious Dishes Using tinue as president until the United through which Vincent Oge, the son Spanish. This wils thib loophole States treaty with Haiti ends in of a slave got his opportunity to 1936.
learn that Anmen were created VOU LL need less butter if you use St. Charles YO Haiti attained its independence in equal; regardless of birth, creed, or Evaporated Milk for cooking and at the 1804, following the revolution headed color the same time delight your family and friends with because ocessionally dishes having a new smooth, cooked with butter, by Toussaint Ouverture in 1791. It Frenchmen treeded their mulatto creamy flavor.
had been a French colony from 1677 PHYSICIAN sons, and in addition educated them.
Revolutions and bloodshed character. Vincent Oge was among one of the NESTLÉS, Box 803 Panama City or Box 300 Colon will gladly send you this booklet ized its early political history. From fortunate ones to be freeded and oduHAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO on request. Write now for it.
1910 to 1915 there were seven presi cated but was the unlucky, and first denta. The last of them, General No. K STREET son of a slave to suffer as martyr Sam, assumed office March 4, 1916 for the cause of his race in Haiti PANAMA CITY took refuge in the French legation Vincent being political aspirant July 26, 1915, after 200 political prisEVAPORATED oners had been massacred in jail, and Negroes should be eligible for public voiced his sentiment that Free at the funeral of the victims he was office and for this boldness, acdragged out and killed. Two hours There Cream in every Drop later United States cruiser landed cording to the French sentiment marines at Port au Prince and the then, he was laid eross wheel and American occupation began.
broken in two halved in Cuple Haitien.
This unhuman set did not terrify the African slaves tuto rabjection, or BEFORE rather the effect We Dot fasting for, in 1758 one Knekandal, an esGraceful And caped slave, planned revolution he, however id not successful ir Unusual Jewelry this venture, and was caught and burned at the stake. Stm these in.
human acts only served to exette the slaves recently from Afrien while the number of escaped slaves increased with frightful rapidity NI (Formerly in front of The wheels of faith again turned and France became involved in wars be Freighthouse)
with England and Spain; to save 00 11. 75 AND UP hersell, she was forced to enlist and HAS BEEN REMOVED TO We take a great deal of arm hundreds of the Africains. Here ASK FOR ESTIMATE pride in having our stock of is where the immortal Toussaint jewelry represent all that is Ouverture, a slaves fugitive. not only newest and best, soldier, commander of the Black Army but that also is different of France, Governor General of the from the common run. Every Island, and Liberator of the Black jewel loving woman should from the motip of the Buropean visit our store and revel in rot his chance. The story of the Cheap, Quick Clean the glorious display of Jew. Here is too well wird, therefore his withdrew FULLER from the Island to 1808. Then the scene changed, Monsieur Dessalles Panama AT YOUR SERVICE Colon 122 Central Ave. became the first ruler of Hafts, and Evaporated Milk Dr.
Fairweather ST.
MILK HAVE GAS INSTALLED Our Hardware Store CHRISTMAS THIS STOVE ONLY Isthmian Hardware Pearls 50 OTHER MODELS North Ave. No. 54 On Installation No Obligation COOK WITH GAS where we are at your disposal KOHPCKE NEUMANN elry and Precious stones.
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