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ESTABLISHED DE 1912 The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATUR DAY THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1929 OWIR SPORTING PAGE La Exposición Musical Kennelworth to Open VIBRATIONS FOR THE CHRISTMAS Large Assotrment of Columbia Records Sung exclusively by the very best colored singers Columbian Phonographs (BY THE PESSIMIST)
Only 11 days more, and Christmas it be but a few cents daily, you wil TED TO BE BETTER will again be here. Usually at this be surprised how fast it accumulates THAN LAST time of the year everyone is looking When the hand of fate falls over de 71 Central Avenue SEASON about for some suitable present on in the form of sickness, or emer.
pift, to give to some friend in token gency expenses, we will be able to the esteem and Interest in Greyhound racing for friendship binding at least defray part of our expenses In conection with its Branch Store at Calidonia the coming year Bow fever them together.
with the little we have saved. Ben next door the Half Cent Store heat with the arrival yesterday of jamin Franklin wid An enpty bag Wally Garverick, onwer of the fast To speal practically, there are cannot stand up right, penny many West Indians in Panama today saved is a penny earned.
HAS JUST RECEIVED Blitz dors. Pixkey, Shnidy, Separ and Terrifie.
who when the subject of Christmas Wally also brought many new and gifts are mentioned, cannot af.
Probably the most bitter question dogs, that he claims are so fast.
ford to be optimistic over the mat existing today among West Indians the Bliss.
ter. They have not been able to in Panama, is the wage question save anything to give their friends Many other owners have brought Way down deep in their hearts they Bomo of them are even wondering dogs here that are reported to be of resent the unmerciful and heartless just what they can afford to give salaries given to them, which ever a very rood calibre, and thus it be themselves.
expected that this souson will find tho stretched to the last penny, can the raons more closely contested and There are not pay more than the food they two reasons for the interesting eat. It is quite certain that if they above situation. First, salaries giver Manager Hart has announced that to some of the are not enough to were paid a living wage, they the mees will begin Saturday night provide all the ordinary comforts of would be contented. This a charac.
Jan. and continue for ninety Wo. 11 men and women are not teristic of the Colored race. But as night.
Blven a living wage, how can we the case now stands, they are not expect them to live in a decent and getting. square deal. When the respectable manner.
colored man gets a chance to right Through the courtesy of the dealers these Records have been his evil, you can depend on speedy specially obtained so that everyone in Panama can pau a merry HABEAS CORPUS AGAINST Secondly, some could really afford remedy, with grave consequences to Christmas listening to the beautiful music.
GOV. BOYD INSTITUTED BY to be in a better condition financially all concerned. It man merito a We also carry in stock a large selection of but due to carelessnes in the handling certain amount of money, by the JAPANESE of funds they find themselves in produce of his hands, there is no woefully poverty stricken condition logical reason in the wide world Wo should learn to save. Even the why he should not get it.
TAKES ACTION TO The Best Known in the World SECURE LIBERTY Dr. Paul Treble Church is Scored Brand New Pianos and Second Hand Electric Pianolas The watt of Taseko Signamatan IS PANAMA NEW Continued from Page 1)
took a bep turn when proceedings of HEALTH OFFICER his all Suitable for Christmas Presents sermon, for the 80 called Habeas Corpus was yesterday tnotl.
According announcement Christian church to open its doors to tuted against Governor Boyd of made during this week, Dr. Paul all races, colors, kinds and stations Panama city for alleged illegal de Treble of the United States Health of humanity if it intends to express tention.
Servlee, has been ordered to report the spirit of Christ.
be satisfied.
Tezeko was arrested and thrown to to the Governor of the Panama Canal There should be no prohibition of jail over a year ago for having tried for duty. He will sail from New color in our churches, any more than to take the life of his countrymas York on December 24th and assume thore is in our Christian universiShakishi Hashiyama near the water the responsibility of Chief of the ties, he asserted. If a colored man front in the Javillo. Ho has beu Panama Health Office from the first of culture and education can sit belodged in the Career Modelo oro of the year.
side white man in my theologica No. Calidonia since.
Dr. Treble is native of the state classes, then he ought not to be osHe was arrested and carried be of Maine and has given 21 years tracized in our churches.
fore the judge of the superior court service in the Public Health Depart Dr. Stiger cited several ansee who delivered. verdict of culty.
mont. His many years of experience where Negroes had been barrec The Subject of the evening was a on both sides must also be com motor car was the comment of Mr. He appealed the came to the Supreme to the work will undoubteely equip from church services in this and very attractive one. Resolved that mended, having assisted their leadere Child, Counsel of the Court and the declslon of the super.
him to meet the many problems with other cities, modern civilization detracts rather ia a most capable manner.
Crown, when John Burnley and Len for court was revoked on the ground Whleb he will be confronted in his.
than enhances the higher principles After the leaders had spoken the wow appointment and to which he Teachers Hold ny Hutehine, chauffeurs, were ench that there was not enough evidence must necessarily sive his attention Interesting Debate of womanhood. The chair was oc second time, the judges (Messrs sentenced by the Chief Justice of against the Jap.
upon his arrival. The position of cupied by Mr. Walters Prin Mc Carthy, Mc Kenzie, and Trinidad at the Port of Spain Arsites Charges were ther placed before Bealth Officer to Panama for the cipal of the Laboca colored school Dr. Anderson) vacated their seate AT PANAMA BAPTIST who in opening the past few weeks was filled by Dr programme to make decision, during which today to sx months imprisonment the Poralga office against him, and finally he was ordered deported back SCHOOLROOM THURS.
Haroloon, Chlef Quarantine Officer stated that he would refrain from time, Mr. Daniels entertained with with hard labour on charge of to his foreign land as an under DAY NIGHT manslaughter.
since the removal of Dr. Honry making any comment until after the song.
able. Tazeko appealed last NoventGoldthwaite.
One of thhe most interesting de closed the items SO AS to save Upon the return of the judges The Chief Justice in addition dis ber, and has now instituted welt In the meantime, Col. Joseph Siler, bates for over a decade, took place at time. The affirmative of the debate who decided in favor of the affirma qualified both acetired us motor driv. of Habeas Corpun against the Gov.
Chief Health Officer, is not in a the Baptist Schoolroom 23rd Stroet was sponsored by Messrs tive Mr. Mc Kenzie announced ers for ten years.
who signed the deportation position to my what changes will Guachapali, on Thursday night last tung, Myers and Miss Margar. the decision which was very popular.
order, take place until the arrival of Dr under the auspices of the Private ette McKenzie, while the negative In concluding the evening programtreble who will make investigations.
School Tenchers Association when was championed by Messrs Geo. Nme, Mr. Philips, Teacher of the many of our local debaters took part Roberts, Thomas and Miss Ivy school and President of the Associa.
and championed their sospective part Myers.
TRY ORDER BOOKS In a mort fearless mamor.
tion, gave a vote of thanks and apTHE DEBATE preciation and assured the audience SECRETARY In connection with the debate. that he would be able to entertain AND short programme of solos and reci Mr. Lung leader of the af.
them similarly at no distant date.
tations which was very much enfirmative opened the argument and SALAD OIL TREASURER poyed and to which the contributors, brought out many interesting and FOR FRIENDLY SOCIETY among whom were Messrs Fred convincing points for which he was Youth Sentence to ON SALE Paynter, Dottin Doniels Mrs well applauded by the audience. Mr.
At the Workman The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
Parker, the Misses Young, Roberts, leader of the affirma verdict.
Blackwood and Myefs did justice tive followed, and in his usual style THE COURTS BENTENCE Panama 65. PHONES. Colon 84 was well rendered.
made a brilliant defense. The others Temperamentally Unfit to drive a to an When in need of good music pay us a visit and The Musical Exposition ernor MIRAMAR For Mayonaise or Dressing o Printery


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