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Page GOD BLESS THE ESTABLISHEDED The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL. 18. No 22 THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1929 PRICE CENTS RECENT COLOUR BAR UPHEAVAL West Indian and DOORS OF PANAMA PANAMA ANCIENT Liberian Legislature Tables West African Students Bill to Ban Slavery There TO CLOSE AGAINST CHINESE TO GO UNTIL IMMIGRATION FLAT ARCH SITE TO BE Wait on Member of Parliament at LAW IS CLEARED SOLD AND HISTORIC Measure Passed in Lower House STRUCTURE WILL UP BY LAW MAKERS House of Common BE DEMOLISHEED Newspaper Admits Afro American It was learned yesterday that no Barred From Mails people voicing action will be taken by the Panama yesterday, Panama is destined to LONDON, According to information gathered November hear coloured delegation of the West Indian similar sentiments. Is this a oreign office on the application of 200 fose one of its most ameient landMONROVIA, Liberia. Shipment of which laborers must be shipped as and West African Students As true statement of fact or merely Chinese shopkeepers and assistants marks by the demolition of the fam laborers out of this country against per contract.
who desire to sociation waited on Mr. James. empty boast?
enter the Republic ous Flat Arch which has been a great their consent would have stopped last We stand for right and if the Marley, at the House of Colour prejudice is a matter until the next session of the National attraction for visitors and tourist to year, says a current issue of the Ag. charge made by the foreign press is Assembly which it is stated will be this city for escores Commons and put their grievanc. of seriolls moment; perhaps of year. It ricultural World published here, bad true, we cannot blame any of our in September next.
has been stated that Mr. Eduardo es with regard to the colour more dangerous than the aver It was inted at the Foreign Office Navarro, the present owner of the the legislature acted upon a measure citizens who take the stand against bar in London before him. age Britisher thinks. In Great that the Assembly will be asked as site on which the arch stands, has introduced by Representative Twe at the practice of forcing boys to leave Mr. Marley, who has fully in Britain there are large numbers soon as the sessions open to amend an offer for the purchase of the its last session.
home against their will. We don vestigated the matter, promised of students of colour attending to obviaate the present complication obstacles and it is his intention to the World states, but was tabled in detectitves have been watching our the present immigration Laws 60 property if the site is cleared of all This measure passed the House, know if this is true, bu the European to interest other with a various universities. These men which arise through the various consell same. He has consequently the Senate.
view to raising the question at are being prepared to be lead Plinting clauses. New conditions forwarded a memorial to the Alealde shipping agents all the year and they an early date in the House of ers of thought in many parts of have developed which make modifie of the District requesting permission We expressed our regrets at the report these things at the home of Commons.
the Empire.
ation and further strengthening of for the demolition of the historie time, for it was our candid opinion fice as eye witness, the law imperative.
Another delegation represen We hear of some criticism belas These sons structure and it is understood thet that the laying of the shipping bill of the Empire tative of coloured students in have been true and loyal. proud veral Chinese have arrived here re basis exists for refusing the request ture criticism for Liberia.
It was admittteed that while se the Alcalde has replied that no legal on the table by the Senate spelt tu made on Mr. Thomas Pauliset London is to meet Dr. Morgan for a speech he made in America to call the British flag their own cently with their papers in proper as the arch stands on private pro The World reminds the Liberian against forced labor. We can comM. this week.
holding in their hearts a deep nder as required by the law some perty, legislature now in session, that there In the meantime, doubt is still felt as to the validity ment on that speech, as our copy of the West reverence for the It will be remembered that not so of the certificates as a consequence long ago it was winded that the Arch is serious danger in permitting the the AFRO AMERICAN was coneplo African and West Indian Unions regard and Mother Country, London to protest against the of the reported contraband activities was to be take down, and public shipment of labor from Liberia to any uous for its absence at the local post colour bar They have been imbued with and other trregularities which devel. indignation against same ran so high country except in Fernando Po, to office.
this loyal spirit for generations oped recently in the immigration that the idea was quickly abandoned correspondent writes to office. Reynolds. and it was hinted that the gov.
and willingly have rallied to the It was stated that the doors of ernment should acquire the site on It is the proud boast of En ide of white men whenever the Panama will be definitely closed which the arch stood and so preserve glishmen that in England the Empire has been menaced. against the admission of Chinese it as a lasting relic of old Spanish heart of the Empire all people, The question now amounts to immigrants until the present situa architecture. At the present time tion is cleared up by the legislators we understand that the same feeling regardless of colour, enjoy equal this: Are the people of England of the nation.
is afloat and it is holped that some Causes Draft of 600 Armed Police rights and privileges. Even in going to destroy this love for representation will be made in that the Colonies it is not unusual to (Continued on Page 8)
direction to save the destruction of Christmas Fair to Natal the ancient atructure.
LONDON, Nov. 14 The possibi 60 police officer who had 160.
United States. Battle VOTING CONTEST HIGH. Confirmation and lity of serious disturbances among tives in custody. Stones were throw and Cruiser Fleets LY SATISFACTORY the native population of Natal, South and 40 of the arrested men were able Harvestial Service Africa, is in dicated by the news that to escape.
The Voting Contest for the 600 armed police have been drafted The boycott of the Kaffir beer Soviet Agitation In South Africa To Carry Out Extensive Manoeuvres off position of paneen of the Colossal AT ST. SIMON MISSION, into the Province and that Mr. Bi hallo continues, native women par Panama and Manilla Bays the at Christmas to be given at the. Justice La Boca Clubhouse en the evening GAMBOA TOMORROW has rushed to the affected area by The Government takes such sepof the 26th inst. was highly satisfacaeroplane.
ious view of the situation wlebie WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. With arranged yet.
Commencing at 10. 30, a. to.
Severaal kraals the view of testing the national de were raided last believed to have been caused largoh Exercises that will indicate the morrow, the annual Harvest Festival The winner of the crown was fense projects and plans of the possibilities of whether New York Miss Sarah Ann Esther Mulare Services will be preceded by the night in a round up of natives who by Communist agitators instructed United States, five joint Army and City would succumb to the enemy Apostolic rite of the Laying on of had refused to pay the poll tax by Moscow, that Mr. Pirow, the MleNavy maneuvers will be held within in the event of naval warfare will tor of St. Peter Miss Ellen Inniss seven year old daughter of the RecHands. The Rt. Rev. Jas. Craik which is levied on Europeans and na ister of Justice, to day rusbed by the next few months, according to an be held at the harbor defenses of Morris, Bishop of the Canal tives alike.
aeroplane to Durban.
announcement made by the War De Long Island Scand by the Scouting candidate of Mrs. Mulare, was a The concentration of extra police Durban, the principal seaport of partment Fleet during May.
very close second. Miss Ethel Me Zone, will confirm a class of fifteen is believed to be due to deatre te The Battle Fleet, in conjunction candidates, celebrate of the fierce Holy Natal, was the scene with army forces, will hold its first San Prancisco Golden Gate during Benson, came third.
The Battle Fleet will sail through Barnett, candidate of Mrs. Alice Eucharist, and preach. The candi. rioting in une last following a de impress the natives, and so prevent serious trouble.
exercises at Panama from February 25 to March 10. This will provide July to hold maneuvers testting the Mrs. Palmer, booster of the dates will be presented by the Priest. cision by the authoritie to restrict the sale of native beer in the munici(Continued on Page an opportunity for testing the de harbor defense of that eity.
winner of the crown, is rejoicing over in Charge, the Rev. Mulcare.
tense of the Panama Canal, and Aireraft will participatte in all her competitors, and wearing a most At 3, there will be a grand pal beer balls. One European and PLANS tercises which were held there last five events, tetsting the anti aircraft radiant countenance.
Flower Service four natives were killed and 18 Eu. GOVERNMENT which Mr. TO OPEN POSTOFFICE year are expected to furnish a basis defense projects of the harbors inThe Coronation of the Queen will Osborne, Lay Reader of St. Alban ropeans and 60 natives injured.
AT BELLA VISTA for more extensive test at the forth. volved and providing ideas for th: take place at 8, Thursday, at Church, Paraiso, will deliver on ad It was suspected then that the defense of the various districts will the Clubhouse, and will serve as a coming joint meet.
dress. To the public a most cordial troubles were really due to CommuManila and other ports of the also take part. Continued on Page 8) invitation is extended.
nist agitatio and there is every reaThe maneuvers will continue day According to a Philippines Islands will be the scene son to believe that Moscow is behind ment, plans are under way to open recent announce of activities for the battles of the end night, actual war condition the new threatened rising.
Asiatic Fleet. The date has not yet being sttimulated so far as practica branch. Post Office in the vecinity of NATIVE UNREST.
been arranged, but it will probably ble. Posts will be darkened at night Bella Vista for the convenience of be shortly after the Battle Fleet gon en that they will not offer good JOHANNESBURG, Wednesday. residents there.
cludes its exercises.
targets for the atttacking naval SENATOR KING OF UTAH WANTS IT DONE AT ONCE The Union Government has concen Forces now in Chinese waters will forces, and night bombing of the This announcement was made imtrated 600 additional armed police mediately after the initiative taken gº to the Philippinese to augment cities and harbor defenses will alec forces already there, and will prob be tried out. Sttimulated air com Washington, Dec. 18. De.
at Durban andhundreds more at by the Municipal Council of Panama Senator William King, Demoably also be joined by some of the bats will take place both day and mand for the withdrawal of the crat, of Utah, will introduce his reso. Maritzburg and elsewher in Natal to on Tuesday last when a proposal was forces maintained at Hawaii.
military forces of the United States lution in this congress asking the deal with the native unrest. submitted that Bella Vista be provid.
Honolulu will be bombarded dur Problems of communication will from Haiti and the restoration of senate committee on foreign rela Thousands of natives are refusing or with a regular city ward.
ing the exercises of the forces sta be studied during the exercises and the governcient of that country to tions to report to the senate meas to pay the poll tax. They are in. It is also being contemplated opentioned at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in the Pacific maneuvers, especially the Haitian people is expected to be ures whieh shall permit the Haitian truculent mood and have challenged ing up enother branch post office in which will have separate maneuvers the radio stations (naval) at Sar renewed in the first regular session people to set up and establish a gov the authority of the police in various the vicinity of Street for the con aside from the Asiatic Fleet as meet Francisco, Honolulu, Guam Land enoice and ways.
in the Philippine waters. The date Cavite are expected to play an of the 71s: congress which opened ernment of their venience of persons residing in the for the Kawaii meet has not been important part in the defense tests. Monday. Continued on Page Recently 2, 000 of them attacked lower end of Central Ave.
De riands Take Marines Out Of Haiti own


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