
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1929 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS TRINIDAD British Guiana JAMAICA Local Paper Laments Poor Showing of Elected Members Walk Copper Mining at Jamaica Cricket Team Out of Coudcil Rich Samples of Ore Discovered by In Recent Intercolonial Tournament at Prospector As Protest Against GovernBritish Guiana Libel Suit Settled twe Dr. Leo Pink ment Action on a Special JAMAICA, December. Captain Company of New York of the value Vote Daniel Gully, who has been in the of the ore; but Captain Gully, after The Sports Weekly of recent babble about youth. What we want PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, Nov.
island for a few weeks prospecting talking the matter over with the date says:is the best players, the best player ember 19. libel action brought Demerara exchange says:for copper, went up to Cedar Hurst mining engineer, who went with him Well by now we have had enough on form. It is bard enough to find by Mr. Ambard, Editor of Apart from creating great deal in the Butt Bay river valley, a few to Cedar Hurst, decided that he would of the last tournanment. If our team even when the objective is so a daily newspaper, against Mr. Lloyd of serious discussion during last days ago and searched for the place return at once to arrange for the readers have not, we have had, and clearly stated. But the moment a Smith, Editor of a weekly sport Friday session of where copper was discovered twenty bringing down of more machinery the Legislative we certainly are not going to have about with younger men and the publication, has been settled out of Council, an item on the draft first years ago. Naturally, the bush had wore to say about it. Our business team of the future ete. it is look. Court according to an announcement Supplementary Estimates for 1929 covered everything up, but as The two gentlemen here feel, that now is not with the past but with ing for trouble.
made to day in the Supreme Court led to the unusual and far reaching decades previously, be had no difj. disposal, any attempt to sort the bare tain Gully had seen the spot two with the unskilled labour et their the future. It being established that here.
What is our batting like to day?
decision on the part of the elected weak team Well, we have our team to day is calty in putting men to work to so that only the richer parts would Mr. Ambard claimed damages for Roach and Birkett members present (with the exception weaker than that be shipped, might miocatty. with of Demerara al Roach we can depend on. He has libel which he alleged was contain of Mr. Wong) to walk out of the clear away the profuse tropical ve least, what shall we do to patch it never failed us. It might seem dan ed in the Sporting Chronicle of Council Chamber when it was about rotation. On the rocks being uncov. the only available labour, barre up!
gerous to express any doubt about February 7, 1926. He complained to be to the vote and thus allow ered, one or two charges of dynamite rock might be set aside for shipnet Well there is this to be remem Birkett, after his 263, and we shall of an article which he said convey official and nominated members only were shot, disclosing some rich and the rich ore discarded.
ed bered. One team has got to be weak that his newspaper not, except to say, that as a matter habitually to carry it, their protest based on samples of copper ore, The samples he is taking with him er than another, and in all conof of reliability, we have more confi. pursued a policy of unfairness and the fact that Government bad comYesterday, Captain Gully sailed contain about twenty per cent science, we have been stronger than dence in Roach than in him. The cowardice; that it produced pervert mitted the colony to the expenditure for New York on the Carri. copper. Until these am assayed, it Demerara for a long time. So it is writer of this article has confidence ed accounts of the news, distorting for five years without first obtaining to taking with him a few samples cannot be definitely stated it there nothing if we are weaker to day and in Wiles as a batsman also, but Wiles it and suppressing the truth; and the sanction of the Council. of the ore. He came down here with is either gold or silver in the samples.
it having tried our very best, we still failed badly in Demerara. For this that it had degenerated since Mr the idea of making one or two ship. But it would not be surprising if The item in question came under remain weaker. still we think that he could probably make a very good Ambard became its Editor.
ments of fifty tons of ore assam. there were enough to those the heading of Subventions, other ple, to convince the Nichols Copper rarer metals to pay expenses.
something can be done. Let us take defence. We heard that it would PRIVILEGE PLEADED.
than municipal, and represented the THE BATTING have needed an iron will to overcome In his defence Mr. Smith denied sum of 96 to be voted as ContribuOur batsmen failed terribly but the atmosphere which surrounded that the words appearing in the arti tion towards maintenance of Imperta!
that, as we insist, is nothing strange him. Be that as it may, we can have cle were capable of the construction Bureau of Agriculture.
Trinidad sides have always been our opinion and yet see the point of placed upon them, and added that they were used on a privileged oc.
Hable to crumble for few runs. Two view of those who disagree with us.
cricketen of repute have told us that So that apart from Roach and Bir casion.
At the same meeting of the LeSurgeon Dentist Ono reason is because we play on kett, to day Trinidad has no bataman The action arose out of articles gislative Coouncil Hon. Crane whom she can feel certain about printed when Marylebone Cricket matting wicket. The batsman on a gave notice moving the following 23 Central Avenue Panama City.
Club team visited Trinidad.
good turf wicketwatches the ball There is Christian, good bat and notitce at the next meeting of the Mr. Wells, Counsel for Mr Council:Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, plays an essentially defensive stroke coming bat, there is this and that and and gets two runs. On the matting the other. But in our opinion there Ambard instructed by Mr. That this Council deplores the ab.
Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works the Court ho has got to hit it hard to get the is nobody. We must start from Boucaud, announced sence of any Government policy for same. This encourages the tendency basis, and our basis is Roach and that the action had been settled and Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment to hit out which has proved so fatal Birkett. For the rest we would begin the parties required no order of the agricultural development by small farmers, and being of opinion that SOOOOO0000114 SA OCCAGO There is something in that no doubt from the position that Trinidad hae Court.
the only means of averting the im.
Yet that is not wholly explanatory no other batsmen. Everyone of the Mr. C. Hannays appeared as pending peril of this colony to the sider and report upon what immedi. GET YOUR of the frequent failures. There is others is figuting for his place. Form Counsel for the defendant instructed immediate organisation of peasant something in the temperament of the is the test. Young Merry? Very great by Mr. Prescott.
ate and emergency steps ought be farmers for production of exportJob Printing creole against steady play, and a promise, but let us see him as it. The parties electled, not to com. able crops, respectfully requests Hie taken to increase the production of DONB AT THB long as the larger number of his Ben Sealey? Failure? Possibly, but municate the terms of the settlement Excelleney the Officer Administering exportable crope by farmers and to tellows play the same way, and all let us see him at it this time. St. to the Judge.
the Government to appoint a Com submit to Government complete Workman his country men applaud him for a Hill and Small as batamen?
mittee of this Council and other suit. scheme for carrying its recommendadashing twenty, and abuse batsmen Failures! We agree, we agree. But able persons in the colony to con tions into effect.
Printery Hike Tarilton and Fernandes, so long let us see them at it.
will Trinidad batsmen continue to So apparently simple and yet so The Finance Committee has. says fath in the aggregate. That, in our really, difficult to carry out is this the Port of Spain Gazette. recomview being an inherent failing, there simple plan that we shall reserve ite mended to the Government that the te Httle use in worrying about it. turther consideration for a conclud rumber of Colonial Scholarships be Something can be done by the selecting article.
increased to three.
ors leaning more and more to solid At the present moment ity instead of brilliancy but that is scholarships of 800 each are award. policy simply on the prompting but ed It has been found that in recent traught with danger. Our business DENTIST HOWELL years, owing to the extension of the INCORPORATE 1869 for the time being is to get the best years of study for the medical proout of the material at our disposal.
House No. 912 La Boca fession while a scholarship wirner is Head Office: Montreal, Canada Now, as usual we have to dig at able to qualify as a lawyer; the 800 those who begin the old preaching Canal Zone did not permit of his qualifying as a of woeding out and giving youth OPPOSITE RESTAURANT medical practitioner.
PANAMA COLON try; and a young team etc. Take this laat tournament. Who was the PHONE 1941. BALBOA In the circumstances, the Finance Committee has recommended that a Santa Ana Plana Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets tout successful batsman and bowler? Specialises in all Branches of scholarship winner be allowed to com. Browne without a shadow of a Dentistry plete whatever profession he under doubt. And he must be pretty near ALL WORK GUARANTEED takes, the Government paying the forty. Yet no one in his senses ever total cost.
RESIDENC8538 thought of dropping him. Why? Be.
cause he maintains his form. And Graceful And the only possible reason for includ.
ing a young player over an older one BUY FROM THE WORKMAN With 900 Branches throughout the world, including in that the younger player is a better ADVERTISERS AND GET man. That is the only valid reason VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank But one has not got to say that.
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