
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1929 PAGE THREE ATLANTIC SIDE NEWS Heard Under the Almond Tree Pilot Saved in Airplane Crash by Quick Thinking LA MASCOTA FOR THE XMAS SEASON Just Received a Large Assortment of ENGLISH TWEEDS In the very Latest Designs Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels that.
Our Tailors Trimming Department Bense.
LA MASCOTA Musical Jottings UNITED STATES LARG We can do nothing that will so But, be reasonable B, you know reinforce our chances of happiness as well as do, that to supply the and success as to resolve vigorous material wants of woman is not ly that we are not going to allow all that she needs. It is only last our ambition to be thwarted, our week that you told me of the nice lives to be made miserable and girl you had living around oth An excellent tip for American ai discordant because we cannot have street, you admitted to me, how travellers as a possible means of Ideal conditions all the time. much you love the girl, and all the eserping serious consequences from Marden.
rest of it. Since you feel that the a crash was provided by the actior right is yours to love another woman of Lieut. Commander Glen Now; what is the laughing about with your wife, do nt you think the Kidston of the Royal Navy who war You fellows are perfect idiots. wife should feel the same waay?
the only survivor of the fl fated But, B, we are not laughing at What we dont like for ourselves we Jerkers passenger plane which reyou, we are laughing at the follow ought not to give others.
cently crashed and burst into flamat who attempted to beat his wife to But you fool! am a man, and near Godstone, England.
death last night, because she choose its alright for me to have all the ALSO to love another man with him.
Seeing a crash was inevitable con ander Glen Kidston hung on the Well you fellows know blame web girls want, But the woman is difluggage rack over heart and took that am the guy who was in the ferent, she must stay in the house the shock on his arms in tension mix up, that why you were laugh and look after the children and all When the machine struck the ground ing.
And of course, you mean, that she. the other passengers were ap.
Is it possible, that follow like parently shot forward from the you, who boast of so much intelH should go without the affections of a ents into huddled group in the gence would attempt to kill a wonnen husband, or, she should wait on his whtm.
LEST YOU FORGET front end of the cabin. Commander because you have failed to bold her Glen Kidston released his hold on the love, and as a consequence she seeks B, must admit, that you have luggage rack and crambled out the the affection of another man? Men deceived me. We are living in a door of a broken window, escaping we credited you with more common fifty fifty age, and if you feel cerfrom the machine in few seconds tain rights are yours, the wife alsc 18 UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL But even then he was not a moment Yes, it is all good and well to is going to feel that those rights are too soon for the machine was alrendy talk that way, when you have nt the hers also. Therefore leave the outbeing surrounded by burning fasexperience, but when you shall have side girls alone, and try to teach oline. Apparently before the othere taken woman, try your best to the wife to love you, and also try were able to recover from being supply her with all she needs, and to hold that love when she has learntemporarily stunned by the landing MULLER Prop in spite of that, she loves another ed it.
shock the machine was esveloped to man and you happen to meet them You fellows are fools man, can 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 flames and escape was imposible.
together, it is all a different thing. talk with you, ll see you again.
Commander Glen Kidston, who is a millionaire, an airplane plot and racing motorist, is generally cred The White House has just been completed.
ited with bearing a charmed lita, been involved The White House is the official custodian leads party through. The The length of the submarine is having repeatedly EST SUBMARINE in extremely dangerous aceidents residence of the President of the East Room is 80 feet long and 40 By NOW LAUNCHED 879 feet. It has been of 38tt 16 The fnet of the matter, however United States. It is two story feet wide, and 22 feet high, and has For the past few weeks, the initials inches and displacement of 760 seems to be that he has a mind that freestone edifice, with a concealed eight beautiful marble mantels, sur from these jottings have been ab. According to a recent announce tone.
works with extreme mpidity and third story, painted whitte, 170 by 86 mounted by mirrors. Full length sent, but, with today issue, they ment, the 5, which is the fifth of coolness in dangerous station feet, of dignified appearance, with paintings of Martha Washington, and make their reappearance, an Ironie portico. George Washing of George Washington (the one that nine undersen Vessels authorized by BUY FROM THE WORKMAN His escape from the Junken me The coming of the Xmas festival Congress in 1916 and the first of ADYBRTISERS AND GET chine is an alustration of thle. The ton was present at the laying of the Dollie Madison saved during the when our thoughts go in the direc its type built in the United State time that elapued between the sight corner stone tn 1792, in what was war of 1812) bang in this room VALUE FOR YOUR MONET ing of the hill into which the me then simply David Burns old fields which is used a State reception tion of the new born King, those of us who are musically inclined, aloc eltne crashed in the mist spd the stretching down to the Potomac. room. This room contains three This was the first public building to magnificent crystal chandeliers which this time of the year. The joy of feel a new musical aplrit about us actual crash was probably not more than three seconds boereeted in the Now National depend from each of the three great the festtival can be expressed in nc Comedor Glen Kidston in. Masb rosloed the Capital. John Adams was the first panels of the ceiling. Other famous better way than through music, this danger and instantaneously and the President to live there (1800) at a rooms are the Blue Room, so called PHYSICIAN one correct bing to bere doo time when it was so new and damp from the prevailing colors of the being so, the best that there to tr this fine art, should it possible, be grabbed the larrege rack, but ebbothat his wife was obliged to have decorations. The State Dining Room secured for the occasion.
ned bipselt sud took the shock of HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO Hteral house warming to dry the in eccommodates 54 persons.
We cannot very well think of Xmas the crash on his armas terior sufficiently for safety and Congress appropriates for all ex. without associating a musical thought No. K STREET bealth penses connected with the main at the same time, not that the un PANAMA CITY The Architect was James Hoben tenance and upkeep of the White musical is compelled to think in Wales and His who took his idea of the mansion House, the grounds and conservato terms of muele, but the part music from the house of the Irish Duke ries, and the only charge upon the plays, cannot be very well overlookof Leinster, Dublin, who bad in President to for food, personal ser ed.
turn copied the Italian style. The vice, and entertatiment.
For instance, when Christmas bouse stands aquare north and south.
entertainment is being thought of The cost to date has exceeded 1, TO TRAVEL WITH music is the first concideretlen 500, 000 AL BROWN whether it be the organ, the piano The Prince of Wales and his In 1814, the British invaders set the saxaphone or the entire orchester younger brother, Prince George, plan fire to the mansion, and after the In company with Al Brown, the or band.
to devote as much time as possible to completion of repain, the building Bantamweight champion of the Let us all keep our ears open dur Osing during the winter.
was painted white to conceal the world, Enrique Mendoza, local banThe heir to the British throne, mbo ravages of the fire. It was re open tem welght boxer, has returned from ing the coming season and listen for has qualified for his and ed for the New Year reception of a succesful trip in Colombia, and will the best that there to in this ennobling art. Listen to pipe organs GIVE US CALL AND President Monroe. In 1903, execu leave for the States on December 28.
pilot certificates, has spent more Pianos, and the best orchestras and The conditions under which he will bands which may it be possible to hear than 200 hours in the air. Prince tive offices, connected with the main BE CONVINCED THAT building were built.
fight, is not yet known, but it, is George who is learning to pilot a plame it may drive away some of the old with the intention of winning a pllot The President grounds contato understood that he will fight under Year troubles and perplexities, and license, bas more than 130 hours fly.
about 80 acres, aloping down to the Brown Manager David Lumiansky.
bring new thoughts and ideas to ing to bts credit Potomac Flats. The greater portion The young fighter is now only 21 help us fight life battles during the To łnsure comfort during the cold of the grounds are open to the puble years of age and has also the op coming year, if nothing is gained weather, the Prince of Wales has had at all times. With the exception of portunities of developing himself. by so doing, nothing will be lont. beating outfit installed to the ato the East Room, that is open to vislt He made his marksometime ago By listening from now on, wher one dally, the official apartment are when be knocked out Young Harry the poyful festival comes, you hent plane which be purchased last som mer for his private ure. The beater visible only Intervals when. Greb of Balboa in two matches. Christmas awake, salute the happy TRIAL ONCE WILL operates from the exhaust. The nown sung to musie, and also the fumes are colleeted in a series of message (of the angel which apBRING YOU ALWAYS tubes, pass through a filter and eitpeared to the shepherds at Xmas culate around the two coepita.
TRY time) sung to music.
The Prince has arranged to reThis will be; no doubt, a grand ceive weather forecasts from the time for one and all. Let us al look Air Ministry during the wintez forward with a musical and spiritaal months.
SALAD OIL hope to the coming season.
The Prince plane, which bears the registration marks, GET YOUR 72 Carlos Mendoza Street 72 carries perbape more gadgets than and kitchen any other plane in the world. There Job Printing (NEAR BALBOA BREWERY)
are specially construeted compartON SALE AT ALL FIRST CLASS GROCERS DONB AT THB ments for his luxgage and that of The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
his pilot, receptacle for his walking Workman Box 1102 Telephone 454 sticks and golf clubs and a specia)
Papama 65 PHONES. Colon 84 PAANMA ANCON hend roet behind which he can store Printery away his hats, gloves and overcoat.
Dr. Fairweather FOR NEAT and QUICK Young Brother Air Conscious JOB PRINTING we do only the best at Reasonable Prices MIRAMAR The Workman Printery Truly a Miracle oll, for table cumns worth a fortune, thinking with him.


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