
PAGE BOX THE WORKMAN, BATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1929 FOREIGN AND GENERAL of MIRAMAR Our Hardware Store Isthmian Hardware them to twenty eight per cent, in France by no eleemosynary Institutions are British Politics Haiti and the Haitians ninety two per cent and in the Unit for negroes, and this especialle er Stetes by one hundred and twen.
bad in that there is no home for the Speed up International Disarmament 19 six per cent, exclusivg of the cost (Cyril. Thomas)
many tubercular negroes, of civil aviation. In Great Britain (Continued from last lone)
Jia crow Laws in Although the commission continues Urges Mr. Lloyd George in Vigorous it had been lowered by ten per cent The first seed of dialike for the to work bravely for the correction Ho thought it might be possible to Speech Mexico of these and other injustice, there to agree on parity in air strength be Americans and their principles that another racial problem peculiar te tween Great Britain, France and was sowed into the souls of Haitians, Texas about which it does not direct LONDON, Dec. vigoroue Treaty. Without. disarmament war Italy, but the main thing in all disoccured when the new national The New York Times states that ly concern itself. It is a matter about speech on the need for accelerating in his judgment was inevitable.
convened and the laws in Texas require that which it is frequently hard to speak armament negotiations was to split sembly of 1916 was International Disarmament was He added. You are not going the problem up and secure redue. rejected certain proposals submitted aeparate but equal institutions be embarrasing and prognant with made in the Commons last night by to get peace with thirty million tions in the more immediately pre by the Americans, that, in the maintained for whites and blacks. This danger. It is the presence here, me Mr. Lloyd George, when the motion ermed men in the world laan tienble directions.
opinions of the Assemblymen were detrimental to the need of the financially impossible. Legislatore nowhere else in the South, of large favouring disarmament and co ordi tie armaments. The chariot GRAVE RIBE are afraid to ask for money for the groups of Mexican. They are looked nation of the British fighting ser perce cannot advance along road country.
rices in the Ministry of Defence was cluttered with cannon. You must Alexander, First Lord of the Ad represented the American Govern, quently means the setting up of simi responsible for many Replying for the Government, Mr The gentlemen, who at the time beproe. And. since asking for on by many white with the some money for white institutions fre. class as negroes, and this attitude to under discussion.
break up the machinery of hatred The Liberal ex Premier took as and convert it into a mechanism of miralty, agreed that the grave risk ment in Heitti, became so enraged ar provisions for negroes, the whitee against them. Yet, because they are intentione continued so long as nations retrain at the disappointment, that the mill. here suffer from that foar, too not negroes, really, and because they his text President Hoover recent peace and progreat.
ed from making mutual progress to tary forces of the United State White permit the negroen, a ver speech which pointed out that though BRITAIN LEADS wards disarmament. As long as disvolved the national Assembly are nationale of later republie, die there was peace in the world to day Intervening later speech by such reserve of possible and im. took possession of the legislative Yet they make no provision for the in Impossible.
vants, the closest personal contacta criminatory legislation againet them there were also powerful armies in Sir Samuel Hoare, Mr. Lloyd George mediato inflammable material exist chambers, locked the door against cluding reservists who were the real admitted that Britain had done more ed, so long would there be constant members of the assembly, and when diseases among the blacks, failing te Mexican and the negroen. Jim Crow ravages of tuberculosis and social Theret frietion between the mes who mattered.
than any other country for disarma danger of an outbreak of the con the houses of the assembly undertook see that public health work among care force the negro to ride to the BLOW PROGRESS ment and had aboliebed conserip. flugration to meet in other place they were the negroes is equaliy as important rear.
Mr. Lloyd George contended the tion, reduced the Army below preMr. Alexander said the present dispersed by American military The Mexican, selfconscious, world had 10, 000, 000 more men train. war level and had been first to reduce Government in the short period it power. not more so, as for themselves always stts as far to the front a be ed to arms than in 1914 and 75 times her Navy after the Washington Con had existed had devoted Jarge por Then a tool, and traitor to bis One case in point in Texas is this: can. The Mexican works for lower as many armaments they could useference.
tion of its time to this matter of country was found in the person of there is no detention home for negro wages than the negro, and so the He erlticised severely the slow proSir Samuel Hoare who was air disarmament and would continue to Dartiguenave who following the strls under 18. It is possible, there negro looks down on him. He is not press made by the Disarmament Minister in the last Government do absolutely everything in its pow. dictates of those who were in tem fore for them to become criminal a citizen, and the negro is. But the Commission of the League of Na compared the relative positions of er to that end.
porary power ventured to barter of Imown guilt and yet to remain at vast development of the Rio Grande tions and the delay among the Allied rir armaments of the leading powers Haiti and the Haitians. Satisfied larga. It is fact, too, according to Valley would never bave been possi Powers in carrying out disarmament He stated that expenditure on air with his treacherous lucro Dar. commission members, that these ble without the cheap Moxlean labour pledges made in the Versailles had risen since 1925 in Italy by tiguenave at the expiration of girls engage in domestic work as ac It is one wirtue of the Box Immigra.
farcial term of office retired. An complices of criminal rings because tion law, perhaps, that It keeps this Mrs. Ada Stevens TRY other tool was needed, and in defiance of the protection which the law from becoming too violent problem of Haiti Constitution that native negligently affords them. There are by keeping the Mexicans out Fashionable born Haitian only is eligible to the office of presideney. Louis Borno SALAD OIL Dressmaker took the chair.
and Williner These usurpations have galled, and FOR FRYING angered, and stabbed at the very House No. 13. Street souls of these Haitians, but they have For sale at all leading Grocers San Miguel been patiently bearing them. They are taned up, and anything added to Parama Coca Cola Bottling Co.
the list of usurpations will exette Panama 65. PHONES. Colon 84 Drink Salads Tea the best for rage and mutiny. Now, the Tropica Louis Borno, who is detestable to every educated and patriotie Raitian and who have been holding the (Formerly in front of asumed office of President of Haiti Freighthouse)
since 1922, and who, also should have vacated that office oven to compliance with the farcial counei)
of state since 1926, has recently HAS BEEN REMOVED TO announced that there win be no olee tion in 1980 according to his promise of 1928, when he made known that there would be an election in 1980.
This action of Borno, lo only add ing fire to tury, because there is where we are at your disposal limit to everything. The natives of Haiti have tolerated much, they seem willing to tolerate more; but KOHPCKE NEUMANN how much more is the question.
Vou want to give them Basically, The United States of America, is among the loftient de they were little mites in tions, but, in its representations, she your arms, when they ate has made several errors. Hed.
and slept as regularly clock work and drank all different attitude been adopted to the milk they needed, Haiti, by the Americans who landed whether you nursed them there, and the spirit of the Monroe yourself or raised them Doctrine carried out, we are sure BEFORE on Lactogen.
rather than an uprising a few weeks And now, at ten, and twelve, and thirteen ago it, would be homage paid to the years of age, they need milk to help them great Ameriean Government as Progrow, to replenish abundantly the energy tector and Benefactot. We trust burned up daily by their active bodies, and however, that with the great benovTHIS STOVE ONLY to prevent malnutrition. They need your elent soul of President Hoover, and wise direction especially.
with such men as may be appointed Do not force them to drink plain milk if members of the Investigating they do not like it. Instead. use rich, creamy committee, Haiti shall once more be St. Charles Evaporated Milk in cooking their We would like to send you a booklet calles free, left alone, and protected moral. Delicious Dishes Using Evaporated foods, and give them a St. Charles Milk Milk. Write in for one and, by the Shake (made with oranges) with their meals.
ly, so that she will be unbampered in working out her destiny.
labels for valuable premiums given out by To add variety, give them Peter CocorCyril. Thomas.
NESTLÉ S, Box 803 Panama made with St. Charles Evaporated Milk it City or Box 300 Colon is highly nourishing, BUY FROM THE WOBROLAN VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY ASK FOR ESTIMATE ADVERTISERS AND GET On Installation No Obligation COOK WITH GAS Kirton Cheap, Quick Clean Modern Tailor CIA PANAMEÑA DE FUERZA LUZ No 67 Panama AT YOUR SERVICB Colon Calldonia Road Thirteen year oldsNorth Ave. No. 54 HAVE GAS INSTALLED CHRISTMAS as 50 OTHER MODELS 00 11. 75 AND UP ST. CHARIE ST. CHARLES MILK There Cream in every Drop


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