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a an CHAPTER 14 Demands Take Soviet Agitation West Indian and The Heart Glee Co. will stage a grand Cantata at the Hall of Chap(Contiued from Page 1)
Continued from Page Continued from Page 1)
ter 14 of the on Wednes assume control of their own govern ROUND UP BEGUN England and her traditions and ment and their own civil and political day next Christmas night, when all affairs; and which shall provide for The time is approaching, says putation that has preceded him is not CAPETOWN, Wednesday. The engender in the breasts of ber the Trinidad Sports Weekly, for the to his advantage. Let us be quite lovers of good music and singing are the withdawral from Haiti of all police drafted into Natal have raid coloured Colonials aversion and selection of the West Indies team, but fair. Of the man himself as captain invited to take advantage of this op military forces of the United States ed a number of native kraals and animosity?
far more pressing than that is the and player we have had no personal portunity by attending the function and all officermilitary, naval and are now rounding up poll tax defaultFAVOURS BAR.
otherwise except only regularly acselection of a captain for the team at experience and can give no definite to enjoy a really good musical eveers. They are meeting with strenucredited diplomatic representatives The following letter to the the earliest opportunity. There are opinion. But that he is mistrusted ning oue opposition.
or consular agents as may be agreed Editor of the Streathan Newe The poll tax arrears are said to many reasons why a captain should as a leader in out cricketing commuupon by the government of the appears in the issue of that paper be selected at once. It will give the nity is very clear to us, and if Pelham charge we would advocate the new United States and the government exceed 120, 000.
oi Novamber 8:I understand that the Union Gov.
man selected an opportunity to get Warner or Maclaren or Australian system of selecting the of the Haitian republic.
The point raised by the mar Noble himself was a candidate for the team first and then choosing the cap.
The declaration of President Borno ernment has definite evidence that ready for the position, to make his tain. But with our numerous selec. of Haiti that there would be no les Moscow is explaining unrest among Hall is hardly novel or likely to agement of the Locarno Dance leadership and we felt that the men plans, to prepare himself for the trying ordeal of leading a team selected he was likely to play with did not tion committees that is impossible islattive elections in 1980, which the natives, and is implicated in receive a unanimous verdict revolutionary conspiracy aiming at from fields so out of touch with each want him, we would be against his So that Tarilton captain in Barbados means that the council of state in selection as captain. captain must and a failure would cause nothine April will select the next president the establishment of a black republie especially in these Socialistic for a term of six years, are the imother. He will have to make en days.
lead, but must also co operate with else but confusion in the next test causes which will move in South Africa.
quiries. How did so and so bowl Of Hoad and Wight, there is Senator King to reintroduce hin reso document has been found that The opinion of three score after thirty overs? Is such and nothing to be said, nothing at least lution and press its passage. Under leave no room to doubt Moscow as and ten will, fear, in these such a player good anywhere in the TARILTON that we can say. Green is not good lying these causes is the belief of sociation with Bolshevik agitators in advanced times, carry little field or only good near the wicket? Tarilton at one time was a favour.
enough as cricketer and Mau. Senator King that there was no justi. the Union.
weight, but will you let me Bay captain who does not do these ite of ours for the post. He had a rice Fernandes fication for the American government Was things is not worthy of his position. wide experience, he could command captain the Demerara side, which against the Haitian people and comFortunately the agitation is main just a few words.
not chosen to landing military forces, waging war ly confined to natives employed in have knocked about in In addition to which he will have to the confidence of his men, he knew though not a mountain is nevertheless telling them to accept a treaty which the towns.
Europe Asia, Africa, find out by hook or by crook as much the players, they knew him, he knew not a mole hill. There remains but robbed Haiti of its independence and AIR FORCE MOVEMENT West Indies, South and Central as possible about the opposing play. the grounds. He was a fine batsman.
one man in our opinion.
reduced it to a condition of vassalage CAPETOWN, Wednesday. The America, in the days when the ers.
But though our confidence has been GEORGE DEWHURST under Americaan military rule. Chief Commissioner of Police, Colon word Englishman carried Then there are the men who must shaken by his failure in Demerara No one who looks at Dewhurst, Senator King is of the opinion that el de Villiers, left Pretoria on Mon weight in Britain Colonies, and if the executive department of the get accustomed to the idea of so and yet it is his performance in the field who a year ago saw him keeping goal American government refuses to dc day and is reported to have assumed a Salisbury Passport opened all so as captain. It breads confidence that has made us decide against him can think that he is likely to have its duty and to withdraw American command at Durban.
foreign doors a coloured man when the captain is announced early We gather that he was giving away lost his form. He is a first class miitary forces from Haiti, congress An unconfirmed report states that then respected white, and did player can make the mental adjust80 many runs that he had to go be wicket keeper, as we have all seen should enact such legislation as will fight of South Africa Air Force not demand, and be given, equal ments necessary. And the public, hind the wicket. Now that puts him and has been said bring about that result.
machines has also left for Durban. social rank.
over and over body with negligible opinions, but a out of consideration at once. He again by people who ought to know He holds that Haiti belong to the CAPETOWN, Wednesday. The You head your article Ban on great amount of positive influence if can gain his selection as a bastman He is a free and Haitians, not to the United States or Durban Mercury states that com. West Indians, this naturally only on the temperament of players and if he fits into the side, can keep who enjoying his fair share of good American capitalists.
fearless batsman the banks of Way st. or exploitine munist agitators from overseas have means niggers (not East le THE POSITION TODAY it or lose it. But the captain should luck makes many useful scores. He His solution of the Haitian situa.
been at work, and that the town and ans. the original product of The first thing to be clearly stated and must play in all three matches is not in our opinion, of high rank tion would be to permit the Haitian distric of Durban are regarded as West frica, and all can say is is that there are very few candidates The West Indies team will be selected as a captain, but he is certainly not people to hold a constitutional con the strom centre of native unrest. that had still a dancing for the position today. Nunes may do in too haphazard a manner to suffer a bad captain. Then, as vention and form wicketorganic act daughter, should energetically which meets their desires. He be.
in Jamaica. We can state it with the the added disadvantage of a con keeper he is in the best possible lieves they should be permitted to Christmas Fair object to her being paraded utmost confidence that he is not stantly changing captaincy. There position for judging whether a bowler return to their old constitution or tr round a public ball room in the wanted in these islands as captain must be a permanent member in should be taken oft or not. Best adopt one which meets their views tight embrace of any nigger.
The players have no confidence in charge and in this case it is the cap of all, and his most powerful claim instead of keeping in force the con(Continued from Page 1)
We accept and educate all na him, he knows few of them, he knows tain. Were it not for the necessity he will be heartitly acclaimed. The forced upon them. When an elee is hardly necessary to say that the the object of their visit has been stituttion which this government fitting introduction to the Fair. It tions and all colours, and when nothing about the grounds. The re of having some like that in players would like to haye him. We tion shall have been held under such ladies of the Social Workers Com. atta do not think that there are two play.
suggest the benefit constitution, and officials are mittee, of St. Peter s, under whose of such education should be 100 100 ers in Trinidad, Barbados and Deme chosen to take over the government 10PO 001 rara who will not be glad to see in Senator King believer, the Uniter auspices the entertainment will be transferred to the country or his morning papers Dewhurst will states should immediately withdraw given, have been working hard to colony from which they came.
captain West Indies. The Barbados its military forces and surrender con make the whole thing a huge sue. Readers who uphold the indisand Demerara grounds are famailiar representatives of the people.
trol of the government to the chosen criminate mixing of colour should cess.
to him, his place on the XI will be American marines took possessior Music will be furnished by the spend a few months in the secure whether he makes runs of of Port au Prince July 24, 1915 Isthmian Syncopators. Doors open Windward of Leeward Islands not. Indeed, from every point of Snoradic military outbreaks hy at 30, promptly. Be prepared for and keep their eyes open, and view that we look at it Dewhurst is Haitians after the seizure of the the exacting Ham Smile.
then possibly they would undercountry resulted in between 2, 500 and stand the feelings of the best man. 500 Haitians being killed, Is truly giving satisfaction. won AN OLD TRAVELLER Against him there is nothing but woman BUY FROM THE WORKMAN the unfortunate episode of 1928. But United States Battle ADVERTISERS AND GRT South Norwood.
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