
PAGE FOUR CHRISTMAS NUMBER, DECEMBER 23, 1929 Classifying of Negro Collez.
We Wish Our Patrons WEST INDIAN NAVAL BASES OF NO VALUE As Jewels in Empire Crown They Have Worn Dull says Paper HAPPY CHRISTMAS fied.
PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR The Royal Bank of Canada tis Interesting Letter From China College, Spelman College, Straight Missionary Tells of His Work Among BY AMERICAN MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION The Daily News of New York pub Admiralty, stated in the House of WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. lishes the following editorial in its Commons on Monday in reply to (By According to the issue of Nov, 21. question as to whether the British rating of Negro colleges by the As the London naval conference Government intended to dismantle American Medical and Hospital Association, 25 institutions were placed nears, the several nations party the minor naval bases at Bermuda thereto are making themrelves clear and Jamaica that there is no inin class one, 15 in class two, 30 in on certain pet point which they tention to take such a position. This class three and eight were unclausidon want discussed.
seems to put an end to the speculaAND France hopes the word submarines tive discussion which has been car This classification is based on a won be spoken. The United States ried on for some time on both sides survey of all Negro colleges made has whispered the question of war of the Atlantic in 1927 by a special committee untime freedom of the seas into the Apart from former Senator Reed der the direction of Dr. Arthur wind of international debate, but has of Missouri there is not so far as Klein, chief of the Division of Highwithdrawn it from the programme we know, anybody in America whe er Education of the United States of discussions at the London meet takes seriously the British nava)
Bureau of Education. The publies ing bases at Bermuda and Jamaica, or tion of this classification is made Yesterday news from London was regards them as a threat actually of possible through the courteous en that Great Britain has not decided potentially against the security of operation of the special committee to abandon her Bermuda and Jamai. the United States. The proposal to consisting of Dr. Woods, dean ca naval bases and will probably re dismantle them has always been conAmerican University, Washington fuse to discuss the matter in Jan ceived by sober minded persons as chairman. Dr. Me tary.
an interesting and perhaps salutary Cracken, Ohio State University Unquestionably, the British West gesture which would not diminish Columbus and Dr. Louis Wilson Indian naval bases were set up in British sex power at all or increase University of North Carolina, Chapel the old days for possible use against the American defence. It might be Hm.
a gesture which would impress the CLASS Atlanta University Nowadays they are minor bases popular mind somewhat more effect.
Benedict College, Clark University Our Panama reserves and fortifica ively than anything else with the sin.
Fisk University, Howard University, Panama Colon tions are much superior.
cerity of the statement made by the Johnson Smith University, KnoxBASES WORN DULL. President and the Prime Minister ville College, Lincoln University, As jewels in the empire crown that the idea of war had been ruled Chester, Pa. Lincoln University of.
the West Indian naval bases have out of their considerations. But the Missouri; Livingstone College, Mor: worn pretty dun. We don want value of the geotare could never have chouse College, Negro Agricultural in joy of giving and who knows how to annex Jamaic or Bermuda. Con been more than sentimental, and the and Technical College of North Caro.
many little hearts will be opened to sidering prohibition, those pleasant British decision not to make the geslina, Rust College, St. Augustine God big Gift thro these little territories certainly can want to be ture has no bearing whatsoever op School, Samuel Houston College.
gifts. Enclosed for Xmas card god annexed. But since they are infe the realties of Anglo American rela.
Shaw University. Southern Univer.
dess of merey. rior naval bases in the first place, and tiom.
sity and Agricultural and Mechanical May you all have a Merry Christ since they could be used only against TEB BEST PROOF.
mas and a Happy New Yeor.
us in the second, and since our rels The best proof of this Hes in the College, Talindega College, Virginia Kiddy Chinks Yours in Christ glad service, tions with Britain are to be love facts themselves as to the character Normal and Industrial Institute and kisses henceforward and forever of the British bases in the Attlantic West Virginia Collegiate Institute. Box No. 1234, Shanghai Growds of little people came. How (Rev. Ballock.
more, why shouldn Britaim disarm According to information published Wilberforce University, Wiley Col.
China, Oct. 24th, 1929.
they did delight to sing, Ya su ai.
by the Foreign Polley Association Mege, Xavier University.
Dear Editor, ngo (Jesus Loves Me. Many of Seriously, the disarmament of and supported by documents, the CLASS II. Agricultural and InChitistmas is coming before long that cow shed Sunday School came GET YOUR Singapore, which MacDonald is again British base at Bermuda he dry dustrial College, Bishop College when people feel as much like chil to love Jesus and became useful undertaking, may prove to be 10, 000 dock equipped to handle small eraisClaflin University, Colored Agricul. dren they ever do, and think as members in the church.
Job Printing times as serious to the British emers, but is unable to accommodate tural and Normal University, Florida much about them, so let me tell you When came to Shanghai, and pire us anything he may do toward any of the larger ships. It has tankos Agricultural and Mechanical College a bit about my kiddy Chinks and went about preaching, children a DONE AT THB dismantling the old forts at Jamaica for storing fuel and is the headquarJoseph Brick Junior College, Lane my work antong thein.
plenty were on the streets. re.
and Bermuda.
ters of the Eighth Cruiser Squadron College, Morgan College, New OrlSoon after coming to China membered that Sunday School and Workman THE WORLD VIEWS composed of five small six inch gun cans. University, North Carolina Col.
went with a missionary to see an wanted these yaller people to have The World of the same date also cruisers with displacements of from lege for Negroes, Paine College idol temple. The missionary preach the same joys. rented a room Printery comments in the matter as follows: Prairie View State Normal and Infour thousand to forty eight hundred ed to the Buddhist priests. They and started a Sunday School with no Alexander, Pirst Lord of the (Continued me dustrial College, Prairie View, Texas; didn seem impressed with the pupils! stood inside and sang State Agricultural and Mechanical College, Taskegee Normal and Message. The missionary said to Jesus Loves Me. Children came to was glad and said Industrial Institute, Virginia, Union me. There is not much hope for the door. these old priests. They are confirm Come in. The kiddies ran for 100 OF0F0B0 10506 University, Richmond, Va.
ed idol. Worshippers. was sur. home as fast as their legs could CLASS IL Agricultural Mechani prised at his remark, feeling God carry them! They had heard that cal and Normal College, Arkansas; Holy Sptrit could convert even the foreigners use eyes and hearts of Alcorn Agricultural, and Mechanical hardened priests. Leaving the tem Chinese children to make medicine College, Allen University, Barber ple we had to pass thro a great gate. for Western children. sang again College for Women, Bennett College house. In it were four huge idol and big people came to listen. The for Women, Bethune Cookmaartól: gate keepers, terce, savage, ugly wee ones took courage and peeped lege, Cheyney Training School for with hands up raised ready to strike in. talked of Jesus and His love eachers, Carnegie Normal and any who might displease them. They for little and big people, and gave Agricultural College, Georgia state did strike terror into a little child the kiddies cards, asked them to come Industrial College, Jackson College whose mother was bringing it intc again and bring their friends and THROUGH THEIR AGENT Kittrell College, LeMoyne Junior the temple to worship. As we were would give them all cards. Next College, Lincoln Institute, Kentucky; passing by the little one was scream. Sunday ten came and the next 20 Miles Memorial College, Birming ing with bright; but the mother put then 40 and soon my small room ham, Ala. Morris College, Morris. the wee one bands up and made it town Normal and Industrial College was full of Brownies. They learngo thro the acts of worship in spite ed to sing and liked to sing and we Tennessee; North Carolina State of its terror Colored Normal School, Paul Quinn literally sang the Gospel into their College, Philander Smith College were confirmed idotators. They are friends in Shanghai. They do not Then realized why the Chinese hearts. Now Jesus has lots of little Roger Williams University, St. Paul Normal and Industrial School, Vir taught to worship idols even when run from me any more; but run to babies. And saw that our hope of pinia; Selma University, Shorter winning China was not in preaching and grasping my fingers, lead me to me shouting, Jesus man coming.
College, Simmons University, Southen Christian Institute, State College neglected; but, was in getting the to tho priests, tho that must not be the Sunday School.
for Colored Youth of Delaware children. So, as soon as could Brownies. am sure you would love wish you could know my wee Dover, Del. State Normal School for talk Chinese and missionary lady the Negro Race, North Carolina; suggested starting a Regged Sunday them as do. Every Christmas Texas College, Tougaloo College School for the street kiddies net far try to give them a jolly time, friends Tougaloo, Miss. Winston Salem from her homie, was ready to help. treat. Christmas is not far away at home sending me money for their Teachers College, North Carolina.
She asked the dairyman it we could UNCLASSIFIED: Coleman Colhave it in his shed. He consented and am already getting ready for lege, Edward Waters College, Hampthe plad day. No Chinese kiddies ton Normal and Industrial Institute 30 we began aur first Razred will hang úp their stockings and no Hervis Christian Institute, Hawkins home will have a Christmas tree. Tex. Morris Brown University scoring chart was prepared with a Christmas will be cold and bare for Princess Anne Academy, State Agri total evaluation of 1, 000 points, the millions of kiddies; but like to pultural and Mechanical School for data being sub divided under four bring brightness into the lives of Negroes, Forsyth, Ga. Tillotson Col main beads follovia (a) Faculty more than 800 of my Brownies. They lege, Austin, Texas.
evaluated at 800 points. b) Car. will delight as much in some foolish Basis of Classification: In class riculum evaluated at 800 points; little toy as grown ups at ifying the institutions the committee (c) Buildings and Equipment home do in a motor car. When they has been guided by the standard pre evaluated at 225 pointa. d) admin receive the gifts their eyes sparkle medical course published by the istration and Supervision evaluat and they saya sweet Zia zia American Medical Association. ed at 176 points.
Noong Thank, thank you. It pays OLOL 0 THE DUNLOP RUBBER Co. Ltd. ESCOFFERY WISH YOU ALL MERRY CHRISTMAS and Sincerely hope that 1930 will bring to West Indians on the Isthmus more prosperity and happiness some 20


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