
PAGE SIX CHRISTMAS NUMBER, DECEMBER 28, 1929 THE WORKMAN Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR. 40 Oy SIX MONTHS.
THREE. 60 ONE MONTH. 20 the Christmas spirit and be assisted to rejoice with Twenty Years Expe. ignorance thereof.
or their some contentment. In the poor house, in the prison, in inability to use it intelligently the yarious asylumns, we visit them and speak to them (Comthed from pego. and advantageously, much mis.
of the good things of Christmas and console them with understanding, in questions of the hope of which we ourselves partake, but do we admental to the West Indian, and supreme moment, has ensued minister to their physical longings? Should we not sometimes engender displeasure They have lost invaluable oppor help them to share with us the material rejoicings and between them and the satives, tunities to derive common bless.
or the National Government, enjoyments of the Season?
ing offered by the Republican The West Indians have neg. Government.
It should be a duty and obligation self imposed on each and everyone of us who are fortunate with a suplected great opportunities of as. Let us hope, that at this time similating with natives, and when the universal spirit of ply of the things that tend to make a joyous and merry collaborating on vital matters PEACE ON EARTH AND Christmas to share it with the less fortunates who by affliction of poverty or otherwise are deprived of these of economic, social and poli GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN things, and so help them too to be able to imbibe the tical interests, wherein citizen is being cordially exchanged on joyous spirit of Merry Christmas.
and foreigner would naturally all sides, our community shall participate. The To our advertisers, subscribers and the public genforeigners and commingle in the common erally, the WORKMAN extends hearty wishes for have also noglected, or refuse love song of the ages; and that acquire, the National the year which shall soon break Happy AND MERRY CHRISTMAS.
language, and owing to their a new era of happy understanding and co operation among our people and West Indians resident in our midst.
Rodolfo Ayern. 20 The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1929 to Merry Christmas. SALAS Co. Panama Ltd. GIVE HIM THANKS Wish their West Indian Friends and Patrons Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
By BENNETT Because know the joy of life, bless the Lord and give Him thanks; Because live in peace not strife, bless the Lord and give him thanks; Because strive and gain reward, bless the Lord and give Him thanks; Because ease the lot that band, bless the Lord and give Him thanks; LA OFICINA MODERNA 111 CENTRAL AVENUE These two words have now become familiar to everybody in Christendom. They are no less familiar to us. We have used them in this column for the past Seventeen years, and we use them to day with the same fervor and significance as has been our custom heretofore.
WA MERRY CHRISTMAS is a salutation which is used as a seasonal greeting in accordance with ancient custom by all civilised and christian people. These words have been found appropriate for use at Christmastide, which is the festival of Christ Nativity, and which is celebrated on December 25th. every year. MERRY CHRISTMAS then, is our greeting which we extend to all men. In keeping with the spirit of the season, we wish the Isthmian public an overflow of good humor, and good spirits. We wish them cheerfulness, pleasantry, joviality, and mirthfulness. These we wish because unto mankind was born, more than nineteen hundred years ago a Saviour named CHRIST.
And we are to be merry because his advent has ensured the deliverance of all men from destruction. Their preservation from spiritual injury and eternal death has been accomplished. They have been rescued from final condemnation, and from perdition; and they have been o delivered from the dominion, power, and pollution of sin!
When we realise the transcendence of mans re(demption, and when we comprehend the tragedy from which mankind has been reprieved by Him whose Nativity we celebrate at this time, we must burst forth with lexultation, merriment, and joy, and we must pick up the strains of the Angelic thoir as they reverberate upon the plains of man habitation. PEACE UPON EARTH AMONG MEN OF GOOD WILL. TECTETTGOLChrifin men rejoice, CORO com With heart and soul, and voice; Give ye heed to what we gay: Jesus Christ is born to day; Two 20 diddox and Ass before him bow, de gwa sasd: geoma olt. Arid he is in the manger now Spaw si sail au tol Christ is born to day. band 16 abrdodd ROVAW Smit sa Good Christian men, rejoice, 150 bayt o: YOA With heart, and soul, and voice; 99999 to Now yè need not fear the grave: en god od Jesus Christ was born to save!
Calls you one and calls you all, To gain his everlasting hall: Christ was born to save. bless the Lord and give Him thanks, For health of body enjoy: bless the Lord and give Him thanks For gift and talents employ; bless the Lord and give him thanks For granting to me all need, blessthe Lord and give Him trunks For giving answer as plead. 000. 00 REWARD Because live in land of peace, bless the Lord and give Him thanks; Because He maketh wars to ceste, bless the Lord and rive Him thanks; Because no famine smites us sore, bless the Lord and give Him thanks; Because of plenty harvest store, bless the Lord and give Him thanks; We will pay 1, 000. 00 reward to any one who can prove that our new Golden Orange Crush does not contain natural orange juice and real orange pulp See the pulp in the bottle. Is there anyone, anywhere to prove the contrary and win the reward. We should say NOT anybody.
Don let them deceive you. Ask for bless the Lord and give Him thanks, For faith and courage to endure; bless the Lord and give Him thanks, Por brotherhood the wide world o er bless the Lord and give Him thanks For causing me to think and see, bless the Lord and give Him thanks, For all His blessings cast o er me.
The Greatest Thrill in the World we dare Happy Merry Christmas the new PATOS JULY 10 19. 30 ORANGE CRUSH BOTTLE Golden Orange Crush Made from fresh oranges. New. Different from any other drink.
more than juice. Bottled fresh daily.
Sold everywhere, icę cold.
Dont let them deceive you, ask for the original ORANGE CRUSH Bottle Once again the revolving wheels of time have brought us to the festive season Christmas, and with joyous hearts and veins pulsating with jubilance, we welcome the season as it radiates a feeling that is pecuIliarly different at this time than at any other season of the year. It pregnates us with joyous greetings of Yuletide which is reciprocated the world over.
And so, we are again today sending out the old soul stirring felicitations and receiving the same from relatives and friends whose hearts are filled with the greatest affection and who inbreathe freely, and no doubt deeply, of the joyous Christmas spirit.
ert But here we are reminded that Christmas tells of forthe greatest story ever recorded in human history. It Poportrays the birth of the Child Jesus, the Savior of thmankind who was born in a lowly manger; ushered into Tethis world having no where to lay his head, as is reTecorded in holy writ when the man Jesus stated the foxes rehave holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of man hath not where to lav his head.
Many of us are glad for the return of the Festive Day and we join with our friends and neighbours in celebrating the birth of the King of Kings. But there are many others whose lives are shrouded with sadness at the recent loss of loved and dear ones, for whom Christmas will have no cheer. To these should be exended, as far as possible, that sympathy and encouragement which may shed a ray of gladness and joy in their homes and help to lift, if for no longer than a moment, he sad shadows which envelop them.
There are also the poor and unfortunate, the destiArute and orphans. They too are a part of our comnunity and must be remembered. They too should feel PAN AMERICAN ORANGE CRUSH Co. Inc.
Stop and analyze it. there nothing in life that rives more pure happiness than making someone else happy.
Is there?
When we present gift, we want it to be packed with all the rentiment, affection and food whises that it will hold There a multitude of things that will serve, but they lack in Homo respect. They wear out quickly; outlive their usefulness; or have no wetulness at. is there ANY THING that will quicken the recipient heart beat. that will tell her more eloquently than you could that you wish her well. that speab its quality every time it is soco.
that never wears out. that to tains its value. that are the admiration of all who see it?
Yes it fine jewelry soch we will be glad to show you if you will pay us visit Boon.
PULLER 122 Central Avenue.
AVENUE PERU Exposition Grounds Panama 2060 TELEPHONES Colon 480 Happy and Merry Christmas to One and Ali


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