
PAGE EIGHT CHRISTMAS NUMBER, DECEMBER 23, 1929 Dont waste your money on glasses unless they are correctly tested WE KNOW HOW SAVE YOUR EYES!
Glasses fitted to suit your needs and within your ability to pay (By ratii Ame socia in class fied.
REGISTERED OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS ESTABLISHED IN PANAMA OVER 14 YEARS surve OVER 10 YEARS in 16 der Klein er Bures tion possil opera ronale Amet PANAMA 23 Central Avenue Near Cathedral Plaza Merry Christmas TO ONE AND ALL COLON 034 Front Street Near 9th Street Crack Greetings From an un Elm Tree La Exposición Musical 71 Central Avenue FOR THE THE CHRISTMAS Large Assotrment Columbia Records of best colored singers Columbian Phonographs Colum Unive HM.
CL An Hour With Lodge Excelsior Bened Fisk Johns La Boca, Canal Zone: To AB ville (By Friendly Societies. Cheste was sitting not long ago on the who knew Connecticut like a wellDecember 1929 Mimor Common at Wethersfield. Connecti. thumbed book stood under its boughs Brethren: house cut, under that noble elm of their long ago. It is not even the tree and TV which is the largest and perhaps the phenomenal magnitude exact measThe exchange of greeting ina, most ancient of all New England urement finds that it is twenty eight In connection with its Branch Store at Calidonia cards by individuals and groups Schoot vegetables. That morning had feet in girth at six feet from the greatest spread at this season of the year, hag walked far, and so was glad to ground and that next door the Half Cent Store become so progressively popular reach the sunny seat of drifted of boughs is one hundred and forty.
ity a convention in our civilization leaves in a cleft between two of the seven feet that wins and holds my College tree great roots, where its gigantie affection, for have seen trees nearly HAS JUST RECEIVED that it must be a very bold per Collegt toes spread out and took their tena. three times as large as this and have son or group indeed that would Torma cious age long grip on the planet. Te not loved them at all. Rather it is consistently disregard the cus Vest those who passed by while sat that find the Wethersfield elm tom from year to year. And Wilber there must have looked of about friendly and wise. Never do sit here yet, such is the risk that this te, the same relative size as a small for an hour without mingling with its lodge has elected to run. We CLA gray squirrel at the foot of some mighty mood and falling into some slow rhythm of peaceful treelike have gummoned the courage to ordinary tree and however looked strin felt, at any rate, very small and thought. In the way of an deeply dare to be ourselves not be laflin trail and transitory. felt negligible; wise men and women, this tree is quiet and quieting. It looks down cause we essentially disagree aral and this, find, is always the effect upon our lower region of turmoil with the custom, nor do we con gricul upon me of prolonged associatior with a great benignancy, but un template or hope to change it: seph with large and solemn trees, so that moved. The noise of traffic that hums but simply because wo do not ollege if am ever asked to advise on whc and hurtles by just beneath is made think it possible for anyone else ng, is given to thinking of himself more Sung exclusively by the very to sound far oft; it is hushed to a ge highly than he ought to think shall little murmur under those ancient to say for us just the things that we should like to say on the ocairie suggest that he pay a visit to the boughs, so that when sit there. Wethersfield Elm.
seem to gather about me stillness casion, even though that some strial Vast boughs shot forth and arched and retirement of a forest. For the ate Through the courtesy of the dealers these Records have been one would use language infiniand writhe above me as lay there tree is sure and unperturbed, intense tely more elegant and expressive llege, and each bough was like a separate but not eager, solemnly earnest but specially obtained so that everyone in Panama (can pass a merry than we are capable of employ, ustri well grown tree, though rooted not never anxious, and this is why it has Christmas listening to the beautiful music.
ing. This Christmas we desire ivers in earth but in wood. saw little birds power to make our noisy year seem CLAS twinkling high up among the branch moments in being of the eternal We also carry in stock a large selection of to send a message on Improved es as they fluttered from shade te silence.
and shine, and it seemed to me that if sat there in the drowsy October The care of the sick member orn were a bird might spend a whole sunshine for almost an hour before lege, summer season there with great con either of us said a word, so contented and the orderly and imposing tent, never venturing beyond the one we were simply to be togetther again The Best Known in the World lege burial of the dead one do no Wo huge dome of leaves but making my aftter three years of separation. For longer constitute the full mea.
excursions only from bough to bough my own part, was glad to see the Brand New Pianos and Second Hand sure of the service of a Friendly For under that dome there was am eautiful than remen chert ple space for flying; there was a lit bered it and, if that were possible Electric Pianolas Society. Up to now, we have icult tle leafy world to explore, sufflieient even more sage and revered and all attempted nothing more hereastelt for bird or man.
experienced. And it seemed, although all Suitable for Christmas Presents with possibly a few modest ex rell The tree of which speak has a may have been mistaken, that the ceptions. We need to do more ege, certain celebrity, as any creature tree was not wholly dissatisfied with than talk of the care of the that has stood in one spot for two me. For elm trees, taken as a race When in need of good music pay us a visit and widow and the education of the le centuries and a half, minding are seldom fretful or hypercritical affairs and keeping its own counse!
and the older they grow the more be satisfied.
orphan. Our personal relationall the while, is bound to have charitable they become the mom ships have not commended us as Oliver Wendell Holmes does not disposed to look on the brighter side they ought to the serious and mention it, to be sure, in his list of of human nature and to take man respectful consideration of a supreme elms, but that is only be kind as they find it. Have not said discriminating public, nor even cause it stands in Connecticut rather that they are restful trees! This is ta that of our unworthy selves than Massachusetts. Undoubtedly he one of the reasons.
knew its fame, and will do him the Those who are more unfortunate At last, however, the elm and fell No. Calidonia. justice to assert that if he had ever into that slow kind of talk that than ourselves in our community ego, seen it he would have swept local man and a tree may have when they have a just claim on our charity Chet patriotism aside and acknowledged think alike about, most of the im and are expecting it. To sum Col its supremacy, for Holmes rocok portaint things. It was a talk with up, we ought to contribute our nized a good elm when he saw one long intervals of silence during on horseback, the farm wagon, the The Elm Different, perhaps in the meadows. Ah, dear brother, let us fair share to Here, for example, is what he saye which the breeze Nes went and cameragecoach, the mail coach, the cat our community of some Massachusetts tree: All at leaver twirled, through the sunny ringe, the buggy, the bicycle, the unimportant ways, but surely the not be too much impressed or at all welfarte. To this end it is im.
once saw a great green cloud swell. air, and the nuthatah tapped at a dry automobile and at last the great stee hearts of men are what they were bewildered by what the world calls perative that we adopt the aloo ing on the horizon, vast so sym branch far above me. Which of us bird with the mighty voice that two centuries and half ago. Surely change. Let us accept it, as indeed proper attitude by intelligently thers metrical, of such Olympian majesty was that spoke first have forgotten wheels above my head but never now, they still love elm trees, even we must, with confident hope that it organizing and will bring better things, but with head, heart, and means. May coordinating FOL and imperial supremacy among the but the first remark of the elm Edlesser forest growths, that. felt recall was its observation that had perches. In all this there has beer as elm trees still love them. In some great change on the surface; but ways too have changed, for there the few things of everlasting worth.
assurance, too, that it cannot alter we rise to the occasion.
Wory all through me, without need of ut been long away.
none in the deeps, none tering the words. This is it! Those Myæll Yes, as we on th: was a time when the butterfly was a men count heights.
is Myself These words are good for words have the right accent, and one time. Three harvests of the leaf have burden to me and when the humble can imagine what they might have passed since last sat here.
Myself Men move me to hear, and could wish that more swiftly bee alighting on my topmost leaf many more of my kind might hear ORDER BOOKS 288 been if he had encountered the now than in the days of the Indiar could shake and bend me to the root them. How have you learned this The Elm And do you see any trail Wethersfield Elm itself, if he had change?
as no tempest in all the sky could do wisdom?
The Elm But do they increase es, seen not merely it but IT.
Mysell Below here on the earth this day. And yet if you had seen me SECRETARY The Elm have known many more rapidly in wisdom?
Aus And yet would not have it sup.
where most men ride and a few ge then, a full century before our counposed that honor this arboreal walking, many changes; but above Myself. There is far more noise try was dreamed of, you would have seasons, and have looked long AND friend of mine because it is famous there in your branchy crown, none on the road today than when it was time at the stars seen the same shape and number of TREASURER th trodden by moccasins alone.
or for the fact that one of the finest whatever.
boughs that you now know so well.
Myself Do the stars help you een brother?
regiments in the Continental Array The Elm Ah, changes how many The Elm Then let us send our When stood no higher than your FOR FRIENDLY SOCIETY was recruited under its already gi they are and how little they amount roots deeper down into silence and head, even then reached a long arm The Elm They say many comfortcan ON SALE gantic boughs. am not greatly im. to! remember when the smooth raise our boughs higher into the toward the Long River as do today: ing things to me in the night watches pressed by the certainty that George dark road beside you was an Indiar stillness of the stars.
my leaves were not so many, but from them and from u tebe patient At the Workman Washington and Rochambeau ad. trail traveled by moecasined feet Mlself Men seem to think differ they were the same in shape and earth gather all my quietnes.
mired it in their day, or even by and by the red deer of the forest ent thoughts because of this greater they ripened to the same dim gold Myself And shower it down upor the probabilty that Israel Putnam Then came the ox eart, the courier noise and the greater speed. that you love when October walked us men, who need it most.
more own The Musical Exposition Printery


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