
CHRISTMAS NUMBER, DECEMBER 23, 1929 PAGE NINE Xias Message The Panama Hardware Bego to anno Begs to announce that their Branch store, formerly at 135 Central Avenue, has been closed on acc. unt of inconveniences with premises, and Stock transferred to the MAIN STORE at where they continue to rve their numerous.
customers with the same courtesy as heretofore.
The Season Greetings for Merry Christmas is extended to one and all Panama Hardware hey will Cathedral Plaza man erros Are Joseph and The Workman wishes its Read VETERANS. ARRANGE maica, but that there are no defona ers and Patrons MERRY CHRISTMAS never that experience teaches that the whole, and in the great majority West Indian Naval of cases, success in life depends more on character than on either intelleci (Continued from page 1)
or fortune. Many brilliant excep tons; there are also two sloops. The tions, no doubt, tend to obscure the harbour at Hamilton is a safe anchor rule, Temperance, industry, inteage for smaller vessels but is toc grity, frugality, self reliance, and shallow for the larger battleships selt restraint are the means by which The fortifications at Bermuda consist the great masses of men rise from of two old forts which would be quite penury to comfort and it is the useless against the guns of modern nations in which these qualities are battleship, and there is one ba talo most diffused that in the long run of regular troops on the island, nu: are the most prosperous.
bering about four hundred men.
The Greeks had an idea that no The second British base in these real progress could be made until waters is on the Island of Jamaica man learned something about him.
It has no dry dock and cannot be self, not from any one point of view used for the extensive overhauling such as the physical, intellectual or and repair even of smaller cruisers spiritual, but from the point of view The fortifications at Kingston consist of all combined 80 that ench would of one heavy battery manned by be seen in its true relation to the.
battalion of some 700 men of the others and work in harmony with regular British Army. There is, be the others, for then, and not until sides, Port Castries, which is also R: Thompson.
then, would function as the listed as a base but has not a fuel gods intended him to function. It is ing station, a dry doek or defen e Dear Sir: when we put first things first that of any kind.
You have asked me for a Christwe arrive at successful conclusions NOT SERIOUS.
mas message. At the outset let especially if we put spirit before It is impossible to take these bases me say that for inexphicable reasons mind, or intellect. Reasoning from seriously from the point of view of do not intend to say much at this causation to consequence Anglo American relations. But ever time, neither is it my purpose, as quickly detected and corrected.
if they were more adequately equip.
have said else where last December Particularly at this season of the ped and defended, it would be im.
on similar occasion, to follow in year, the Winter Solstice, through possible to take them seriously in the traditiona the old outgrown, meaningless and out Christendom, any military or diplomatie calculasterotyped manner of writing Christ belief is that the Infinitte Intelligence tion. For the striking thing about mas messages.
about two thousand years ago in the British military position in this As a people so journing in this carnated Himself in but one only hemisphere is not that there are cosmopolitan Republie of Panama human being, namely, Jesus of trifling defenses at Bermuda and JeNazereth, the son there are certainly some serious problems with which the vast major Mary. This concocted idea or theory BOUT es at all on most of the British that the Absolutel Reality which ity of us are confronted. They have possessions. British possession in the is immananent throughout Nature challenge to box any man at sprung from the negative aspect of in incarnated in one person only, is Windward and Leeward Islands, ir or near his age issued by Tommy the social, educational, moral, and Barbados, Trinidad and the Bahamas Williams, 62, physical instructor at economic status of the race and the too irrational and absurd to be en: in British Honduras and in British tertained by any thinking unbiased French Lick Springs, world. When we diligently scruhas been Guiana, are entirely undefended. No tinize these abnormal conditions we and progressive investigator.
TODO. ODOCOLO answered by James Stockly 54, 100 better evidence could be adduced on invariably find that their chief and That one human individual alone Salerno, Fla.
the completeness with which succesprimary sources are, ignorance, and has been the incarnation of Deity Salerno has been negotiating with sive British Governments have ignor At Daisy Lamb the brutal propensity of selfishness while all the rest of the human race bexing promoters at Miami to put ed the possibility of war with the the bout on as a winter season preli United States in arranging their miland jealousy. We will be have been unaffected by this inWe are Showing a Beautiful Selection of able to accomplish much until we dwelling power, is incredible. If one Ladies and Misses Dresses of Exceellent minary to a bigger fight.
itary and naval policy in this hemissball. have fully recognized their human being is incarnated, allace Williams formerly was lightweight Materials phere.
baneful effects and thus learn to incarnate. It incarnation be a fact champion of England and Australia But, of course, in any larger contransmute or overcome them through in nature, then it must be universal and fought Mysterious Billy. Smith ception of the problem all of these the unfoldment and cultivation of Does the experience suggest this Our Sport and Dress Hats of Felt and Straw are the for the welterweight championship facts sink into insignificance in com our higher faculties and forces. universal fact? How then, shall we Latest Models in a Variety of pleasing Shades He lost by a knockout. Salernoo is a parison with the testimony offered We have a goodly number of conceive of incarnation? It is the Novelties. Novelties! Novelties!
retired boxing instructor from the by the undefended frontier of Capflamboyant intellectualists in our bodying forth in physical manifestar British Army. He claims to have ada. That frontier is at once the midst who, are perpetually advocat tion of the invisible Spirit of the ALL REASONABLY PRICED been heavyweight champion of the completest evidence that war between ing different schemes for the ameli universe. If this Spirit be inter Your Patronage Solicited Allied armies until deposed by Soldier the British Empire and the United oration of these undesirable condi preted as individual, it is conceivable Jones at Toronto, Canada, when States is unthinkable and the alt tions. It can not be honestly and that much limited spirit might be 0, BOX 428 Le Printemps PHONE 1198 Jones was 22 and weighed 197 pounds mate guarantee that the unthinkable intelligently denied, that although contained within a limited physica) ANCON, Panama and Salerno was 45 and weighed 166 war will not occur. As long as that our carnings are comparatively organism.
ODO 000 OPOL pounds.
OD101 IOOD frontier remains. it is to day no small, still, there is enough money But this construction of the dogma American naaval strategist in hie in our possession that could be utiliz would at once reduce the supreme senses will have the slightest concern ed to enhance the various activities physical limitations and convert Him about Bermuda and Jamaica, in our physical, intellectual, and and Infinite Spirit to the confines of spiritual life. But the fact that into a personal quantity, subject to these schemes have been so learnedly all variableness and shadow of tur.
KID MENDOZA AND KID HERRERA TO MEET and elaborately propagated for many nirig. there be any incarnation years without any appreciable and of the Spirit, it must be enjoyed by No. 13 Central Avenue Corner 9th Street Before leaving for the United tangible results, it is prima facia the whole human race nay, not only States witth Al Brown as already evidence that something is funda. by the race, but by the manifest mentioned in this issue, Kid Mendore, mentally and radically wrong some uniyerse, which is itself, bất the gut.
Panama feather weight champion, where, and the sooner we carnestly. ward body tunctioning the activities who has just returned from Colombia, endeavour to discover the real cause which are energised by the universal will enter in a fistie 10 round boat of such deplorable lethargy and Spirit within.
with Kid Herrers at the municipal declensions, the better it shall be We are all incarnate children of Gymnasium Colon, on December 28.
for all concerned.
Deity. Deity is the all pervasive It is my sanguine conviction that presence of Being the principle of According to recent reports, Med doza has developed into an able fight although we have made very loud Life and Growth which sustains the er, and is capable of using, both profession of the Christian religion visible and invisible universes. Fach hands freely and with dynamite and we have a multiplicity of church atom to an incarnate spirit. Each power. Quite recently, the Wild, met es, secret orders, and Lodges, yet globule of water and the Titanian Dimas Lombardo in Colombia and the vast majority of the so called motes that dance in the sunbeam registered a In the early part Leaders, and Pastors have but are incarnation of the all diffusive of the bout which broke the latter very vague apprehension of genuine Spirit which inhabateth eternity, and.
jaw, thus necessitating his being religion or Christianity. The dry in whom we all live and move and taken to the hospital. His recent bones of dogmatism, creedalism have our being. And who worketh.
victory over Kid Alfaro is another ceremonialism etc. have been fed to in us to will and to do of His good proof of his cleverness, is for so long that most of us have plengure.
In addition to this bout, Promoter become mere automatons and bigots Yours for Right Conception and Guardia has also arranged round Instead of devout Truth seekers general Progress Semi final between Hook Dawson of In order to re establish a better Colon and Young Uzeudun of Pa.
state of affairs, we need to unlearn nama City. This will be an added great many things which were attraction of the evening, these two taught to us as truth, relative to ORDER BOOKS boys having given a good account of humankind, to Jesus, to god, and the themselves at the Bull Ring on the worla in which we find ourselves 15th inst.
Aftet iliminating these falsities and SECRETARY Others appearing on the program tallacies from our minds we shall AND will be Battling Gorillo versus Dybe better able to thoroughly re edu.
namite Yanes in a six rounder and ente bourselves and thus build, instead TREASURER four rounder between young Shadow and Kid Moros. An extra sions of and spiritual ON SALE four rounds between Ben Leonard prosperity on the impregnable rock and Battling Mufioz will complete the programme.
Truth which will stand the flery More will be said later in this contest Téction.
One of the most important lesson THE PALAIS ROYAL THE STORE OF QUALITY Completely Renovated and re stocked MUS THE PIONEERS IN CLOTHING ON THE ISTHMUS Ready made and Tailor Made from best ENGLISH MATERIAL DOS Tailor Shop on premises with 15 competent Tailors to locate us look for the big Arrow Sign a se castles in the air, conuing on FOR FRIENDLY SOCIETY JAKE PERKEIRA ŽDAVE CARDOZE. Managers of uinselfishness, Love, Equity, and At the Workmanné extend the compliments of the Season to ope and All Printrey


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